protected void developing(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Get the query string parameters. string projectTitle = Session["ProjectTitle"].ToString(); int projectCode = Int32.Parse(Session["ProjectCode"].ToString()); //Create a project and look for the one we are being asked. ProjectBE project = new ProjectBE(); project.Code = projectCode; project = project.getByCode(); //We get the user who wants to develop. UserBE user = new UserBE(); user.Email = Session["UserEmail"].ToString(); user = user.getUserByEmail(); DateTime date = DateTime.Now; String gitUrl = "none"; int votes = 0; DevelopmentBE develop = new DevelopmentBE(project, user, date, gitUrl, votes); develop.create(); developFeedback.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red; developFeedback.Text = "Accepted"; }
//Getter for all the users. public List<UserBE> getAllUsers() { List<UserBE> users = new List<UserBE>(); SqlConnection c = new SqlConnection(connection); c.Open(); SqlCommand com = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM Users", c); SqlDataReader dr = com.ExecuteReader(); while (dr.Read()) { UserBE user = new UserBE(); user.Name = dr["name"].ToString(); user.LastName = dr["last_name"].ToString(); user.Email = dr["email"].ToString(); user.Nickname = dr["nickname"].ToString(); user.Password = dr["password"].ToString(); user.Credit = Int32.Parse(dr["credits"].ToString()); users.Add(user); } c.Close(); return users; }
// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Constructors //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// <summary> /// Default Constructor. /// Creates a new comment business entity with "empty" values. /// </summary> public CommentBE() { writer = new UserBE(); project = new ProjectBE(); date = DateTime.Now; content = ""; }
/// <summary> /// Copy Constructor. /// Creates a new contribution business entity by copying the fields /// of another contribution BE. /// </summary> /// <param name="contribution">The source contribution.</param> public ContributionBE(ContributionBE contribution) { this.contributor = contribution.contributor; this.project = contribution.project; this.amount = contribution.amount; =; }
/* ****************************************************************** */ /* Constructors */ /* ****************************************************************** */ public ContributionBE() { contributor = null; project = null; amount = 0.0f; date = new DateTime(); }
// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Constructors //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// <summary> /// Default Constructor. /// Creates a new contribution business entity with "empty" values. /// </summary> public ContributionBE() { contributor = new UserBE(); project = new ProjectBE(); amount = 0; date = DateTime.Now; }
/// <summary> /// Auxiliary Constructor. /// Creates a new contribution business entity filling the fields /// with the provided ones. /// </summary> /// <param name="contributor">The user that performed the contribution.</param> /// <param name="project">The destination project of the contribution</param> /// <param name="amount">The amount of credits contributed.</param> /// <param name="date">The date when the contribution was made.</param> public ContributionBE(UserBE contributor, ProjectBE project, int amount, DateTime date) { this.contributor = contributor; this.project = project; this.amount = amount; = date; }
/* Deletes the message for the specified user. If both users have * deleted it, it is removed from database. */ public bool deleteMessage(MessageBE m, UserBE u = null) { bool deleted = false; bool delSend = false, delAddr = false; String sender = "", addressee = ""; SqlConnection c = new SqlConnection(connection); c.Open(); SqlCommand com = new SqlCommand("SELECT sender, addressee, " + "deleted_sender, deleted_reader FROM Messages WHERE code = " + m.code.ToString() + "', 0)", c); SqlDataReader dr = com.ExecuteReader(); while (dr.Read()) { sender = dr["sender"].ToString(); addressee = dr["addressee"].ToString(); delSend = bool.Parse(dr["deleted_sender"].ToString()); delAddr = bool.Parse(dr["deleted_reader"].ToString()); } if (u.Email == sender) { m.DelSender = true; deleted = true; if (delAddr == true) { com = new SqlCommand("DELETE FROM Messages WHERE code = " + m.code.ToString() + "', 0)", c); com.ExecuteNonQuery(); } else { com = new SqlCommand("UPDATE Messages SET deleted_sender = TRUE WHERE code = " + m.code.ToString() + "', 0)", c); com.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } else if (u.Email == addressee) { m.DelAddressee = true; deleted = true; if (delSend == true) { com = new SqlCommand("DELETE FROM Messages WHERE code = " + m.code.ToString() + "', 0)", c); com.ExecuteNonQuery(); } else { com = new SqlCommand("UPDATE Messages SET deleted_reader = TRUE WHERE code = " + m.code.ToString() + "', 0)", c); com.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } c.Close(); return deleted; }
protected void createUserClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { Button clickedButton = (Button)sender; String name = "", lastName = "", userName = "", password = "", email = "", gender = ""; name = Name.Text; lastName = LastName.Text; userName = UserNameBox.Text; password = Password.Text; email = Email.Text; gender = MaleFemale.SelectedValue.ToString(); UserBE usuario = new UserBE(name, 0, lastName, email, userName, password); resultLabel.Text = usuario.create(); /* If the user is created successfully, the DB returns this string. Only in this condition we are going to upload the file. */ if (resultLabel.Text == "The user has been succesfully created!" && AsyncFileUpload1.FileName!="") { string filename = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(AsyncFileUpload1.FileName); AsyncFileUpload1.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("Uploads/") + usuario.Nickname + "_pict.jpg"); lblMesg.Text = "File Uploaded successfully"; lblMesg.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Green; } }
/// <summary> /// Auxiliary Constructor. /// Creates a new comment business entity initializing its fields with /// the provided ones. /// </summary> /// <param name="writer">The writer of the comment.</param> /// <param name="project">The project which is being commented.</param> /// <param name="creation_date">The date when the comment was submitted.</param> /// <param name="content">The comment body.</param> public CommentBE(UserBE writer, ProjectBE project, DateTime creation_date, string content) { this.writer = writer; this.project = project; = creation_date; this.content = content; }
/// <summary> /// Copy Constructor. /// Creates a new development business entity by copying the fields /// of another development BE. /// </summary> /// <param name="development"></param> public DevelopmentBE(DevelopmentBE development) { this.project = development.project; this.user = development.user; =; this.gitBranch = development.gitBranch; =; }
/// <summary> /// Auxiliary Constructor. /// Creates a new development business entity initializing its fields with /// the provided ones. /// </summary> /// <param name="project">The project of the development.</param> /// <param name="user">The user that makes the development.</param> /// <param name="date">The date when the development was submitted.</param> /// <param name="gitBranch">The git branch URL of the development.</param> /// <param name="ups">The number of upvotes (positive reviews).</param> public DevelopmentBE(ProjectBE project, UserBE user, DateTime date, string gitBranch, int ups) { this.project = project; this.user = user; = date; this.gitBranch = gitBranch; = ups; }
public CommentBE() { code = ""; writer = new UserBE(); project = new ProjectBE(); title = ""; content = ""; projectAssessment = -1; }
protected void send_Message(object sender, EventArgs e) { bool correct = true; if (textuserdest.Text.Length == 0) { userFeedback.Visible = true; correct = false; } else { UserBE user1 = new UserBE("", 0, "", "", textuserdest.Text, ""); UserBE dest = new UserBE(user1.getUserByNick()); if (dest.Email == "") { correct = false; existsFeedback.Visible = true; } } if (textsubject.Text.Length == 0) { subjectFeedback.Visible = true; correct = false; } if (textmessage.Text.Length == 0) { messageFeedback.Visible = true; correct = false; } else if (textmessage.Text.Length > 1000) { lengthFeedback.Visible = true; lengthFeedback.Text = "The message is too long! Delete " + (textmessage.Text.Length - 1000).ToString() + " characters."; correct = false; } if (correct) { String subject = textsubject.Text; String message = textmessage.Text; DateTime date = DateTime.Now; UserBE user1 = new UserBE("", 0, "", "", Session["UserNickname"].ToString(), ""); UserBE sender1 = new UserBE(user1.getUserByNick()); user1 = new UserBE("", 0, "", "", textuserdest.Text, ""); UserBE addressee = new UserBE(user1.getUserByNick()); MessageBE sndMessage = new MessageBE(sender1, addressee, date, subject, message); sndMessage.sendMessage(); Response.Redirect("ProfileMessages.aspx?Box=Out"); } }
/* ****************************************************************** */ /* Constructors */ /* ****************************************************************** */ public NewsBE() { title = ""; content = ""; author = new UserBE(); code = -1; publicationDate = new DateTime(); topic = new DevelopmentBE(); project = new ProjectBE(); }
protected void gridResults_RowCommand(Object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e) { // Convert the row index stored in the CommandArgument // property to an Integer. int index = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument); // Get the last name of the selected author from the appropriate // cell in the GridView control. GridViewRow selectedRow = gridResults.Rows[index]; TableCell codeCell = selectedRow.Cells[6]; int code = int.Parse(codeCell.Text); MessageBE message = MessageDAC.getMessage(code); if (e.CommandName == "View") { Cabecera.Visible = true; Cabecera.Text = "Selected Message Preview:"; Emisor.Visible = true; if (Request.QueryString["Box"] == "Out") Emisor.Text = "To: " + message.Addressee.Nickname; else Emisor.Text = "From: " + message.Sender.Nickname; Fecha.Visible = true; Fecha.Text = "Date: " + message.Date.ToString(); Asunto.Visible = true; Asunto.Text = message.Subject; Texto.Visible = true; Texto.Text = message.Message; if (!message.Read && Request.QueryString["Box"] == "In") { message.openMessage(); Load_Grid(); } } if (e.CommandName == "Delete") { UserBE user1 = new UserBE("", 0, "", "", Session["UserNickname"].ToString(), ""); UserBE currentUser = new UserBE(user1.getUserByNick()); message.removeMessage(currentUser); if (Request.QueryString["Box"] == "Out") { Response.Redirect("ProfileMessages.aspx?Box=Out"); } else { Response.Redirect("ProfileMessages.aspx?Box=In"); } } }
/* * Default constructor. We do not receive a commentAssesment because * it is a new comment so it can not have assessments before being created. * The date is also not necesary. We will assign it. */ public CommentBE(UserBE writer, ProjectBE project, string title, string content, int projectAssessment) { code = generateCode(); this.writer = writer; this.project = project; this.title = title; this.content = content; this.projectAssessment = projectAssessment; }
public static void loadCookie(HttpCookie userCookie) { UserBE user1 = new UserBE("", 0, "", "", userCookie.Value, ""); UserBE user = new UserBE(user1.getUserByNick()); HttpContext.Current.Session["UserNickname"] = user.Nickname; HttpContext.Current.Session["UserName"] = user.Name; HttpContext.Current.Session["UserLastname"] = user.LastName; HttpContext.Current.Session["UserEmail"] = user.Email; HttpContext.Current.Session["UserCredit"] = user.Credit; HttpContext.Current.Session["UserProfpict"] = user.ProfilePicture; }
public NewsBE(string title, string content, int code, UserBE author, DateTime publicationDate, DevelopmentBE topic, ProjectBE project) { this.code = code; this.title = title; this.content = content; = author; this.publicationDate = publicationDate; this.topic = topic; this.project = project; }
/* ****************************************************************** */ /* Constructors */ /* ****************************************************************** */ public ProjectBE() { title = ""; description = ""; creator = null; code = ""; creationDate = new DateTime(); expirationDate = new DateTime(); state = ProjectState.Closed; credit = 0.0f; lastVersion = new DateTime(); gitDir = ""; }
protected void create_News(object sender, EventArgs e) { NewsBE news = new NewsBE(); news.Title = TitleTB.Text; if (Request.QueryString["code"]!=null) news.Code = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["code"]); news.Content = ContentTB.Text; news.PublicationDate = DateTime.Now; UserBE user1 = new UserBE("", 0, "", "", Session["UserNickname"].ToString(), ""); UserBE author = new UserBE(user1.getUserByNick()); news.Author = author; news.create(); Response.Redirect("NewsAdmin.aspx"); }
/// <summary> /// Auxiliary Constructor. /// Creates a new commet filling all the fields with the specified values. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender">The user who sends the message.</param> /// <param name="addressee">The user who will receive the message.</param> /// <param name="date">The date when the message is sent.</param> /// <param name="subject">The message subject.</param> /// <param name="message">The message body.</param> public MessageBE(UserBE sender, UserBE addressee, DateTime date, string subject, string message) { this.messageDAC = new MessageDAC(); = false; this.delAddressee = false; this.delSender = false; this.Sender = sender; this.Addressee = addressee; this.Date = date; this.Subject = subject; this.Message = message; }
protected void addCredits(object sender, EventArgs e) { Button b = sender as Button; int credits = Int32.Parse(b.CommandArgument.ToString()); UserBE user = new UserBE(); user.Nickname = Session["UserNickname"].ToString(); user = user.getUserByNick(); user.Credit += credits; user.update(); Session["UserCredit"] = user.Credit; user = user.getUserByNick(); labelCredits.Text = credits.ToString() + " Credits Added! Now you have " + user.Credit.ToString() + " credits!"; }
protected void create_Project(object sender, EventArgs e) { bool correct = true; if (creditsTextboxProject.Text.Length == 0 || Int32.Parse(creditsTextboxProject.Text) > Int32.Parse(Session["UserCredit"].ToString())) { creditsFeedback.Visible = true; correct = false; } else creditsFeedback.Text = ""; if (correct) { //Project information. String tittle = tittleProjectTextbox.Text; String description = descriptionTextbox.Text; UserBE user1 = new UserBE("", 0, "", "", Session["UserNickname"].ToString(), ""); UserBE creator = new UserBE(user1.getUserByNick()); int code = -1; DateTime creation = DateTime.Now; DateTime expires = DateTime.MinValue; int credit = Int32.Parse(creditsTextboxProject.Text); DateTime version = DateTime.Now; String gitDir = "There"; //Update the UserBE credits and also the Sessión value. String currentCredits = Session["UserCredit"].ToString(); Session["UserCredit"] = Int32.Parse(currentCredits) - credit; creator.Credit = Int32.Parse(currentCredits) - credit; creator.update(); //Project creation. ProjectBE crProject = new ProjectBE(tittle, description, creator, code, creation, expires, credit, credit, version, gitDir); crProject.create(); crProject.Code = crProject.getLastCode(); //When you create a project, you are contributing to it. ContributionBE contribution = new ContributionBE(creator, crProject, credit, DateTime.Now); contribution.create(); creationFeedback.Text = "Project created successfully!"; creationFeedback.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Green; } }
protected void grid_RowCommand(int code) { MessageBE message = MessageDAC.getMessage(code); UserBE user1 = new UserBE("", 0, "", "", Session["UserNickname"].ToString(), ""); UserBE currentUser = new UserBE(user1.getUserByNick()); message.removeMessage(currentUser); if (Request.QueryString["Box"] == "Out") { Response.Redirect("ProfileMessages.aspx?Box=Out"); } else { Response.Redirect("ProfileMessages.aspx?Box=In"); } }
public ProjectBE(string title, string description, UserBE creator, string code, DateTime creationDate, DateTime expirationDate, float credit, DateTime lastVersion, string gitDir) { this.code = generateCode(); this.state = ProjectState.Active; this.title = title; this.description = description; this.creator = creator; = credit; this.creationDate = creationDate; this.expirationDate = expirationDate; this.lastVersion = lastVersion; this.gitDir = gitDir; }
protected void contribute(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (creditsBox.Text.Length > 2) { if (Int32.Parse(creditsBox.Text) <= Int32.Parse(Session["UserCredit"].ToString())) { //Get the query string parameters. string projectTitle = Session["ProjectTitle"].ToString(); int projectCode = Int32.Parse(Session["ProjectCode"].ToString()); int credits = Int32.Parse(creditsBox.Text); //Create a project and look for the one we are being asked. ProjectBE project = new ProjectBE(); project.Code = projectCode; project = project.getByCode(); project.Credit = project.Credit + credits; project.PartitionCredit = project.PartitionCredit + credits; project.update(); //We need the user, so we update its credits. UserBE usuario = new UserBE(); usuario.Email = Session["UserEmail"].ToString(); usuario = usuario.getUserByEmail(); usuario.Credit = usuario.Credit - credits; usuario.update(); Session["UserCredit"] = usuario.Credit; //And we must also create the contribution entry. ContributionBE contr = new ContributionBE(usuario, project, Int32.Parse(creditsBox.Text), DateTime.Now); contr.create(); FeedbackCredit.Text = "Done!"; projectProfileLabelCredits.Text = project.Credit.ToString(); FeedbackCredit.Visible = true; } else { FeedbackCredit.Text = "Wrong quantity."; FeedbackCredit.Visible = true; } } }
/// <summary> /// Auxiliary Constructor. /// Creates a new project business entity filling the fields /// with the provided ones. /// </summary> /// <param name="title">The title of the project.</param> /// <param name="description">The description of the project.</param> /// <param name="creator">The user which created the project.</param> /// <param name="code">The code of the project.</param> /// <param name="creationDate">The creation date.</param> /// <param name="expirationDate">The deadline of the project.</param> /// <param name="credit">The amount of credits the project has.</param> /// <param name="partitionCredit">The amount of credits in the current partition.</param> /// <param name="lastVersion">The date of the last partition.</param> /// <param name="gitDir">The git directory of the project.</param> public ProjectBE(string title, string description, UserBE creator, int code, DateTime creationDate, DateTime expirationDate, int credit, int partitionCredit, DateTime lastVersion, string gitDir) { this.code = code; this.state = ProjectState.Active; this.title = title; this.description = description; this.creator = creator; = credit; this.partitionCredit = partitionCredit; this.creationDate = creationDate; this.expirationDate = expirationDate; this.lastVersion = lastVersion; this.gitDir = gitDir; }
//Method that returns an user of type UserBE public UserBE getUser(String email) { UserBE user = new UserBE(); SqlConnection c = new SqlConnection(connection); c.Open(); SqlCommand com = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM Users WHERE email='" + email + "'", c); SqlDataReader dr = com.ExecuteReader(); while(dr.Read()) { user.Name = dr["name"].ToString(); user.LastName = dr["last_name"].ToString(); user.Email = dr["email"].ToString(); user.Nickname = dr["nickname"].ToString(); user.Password = dr["password"].ToString(); user.Credit = Int32.Parse(dr["credits"].ToString()); } c.Close(); return user; }
protected void logIn(object sender, EventArgs e) { string nick = Login1.UserName; string password = Login1.Password; bool exists = false; UserBE user = new UserBE(); user.Nickname = nick; user.Password = password; exists = user.verifyUser(); if (exists) { HttpCookie userCookie = new HttpCookie("UserNickname", user.Nickname); userCookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(2); Response.Cookies.Add(userCookie); Response.Redirect("Default.aspx"); } else { Login1.FailureText = "The user or the password do not match"; } }