예제 #1
        public static void FetchPermissionLevels()
            var permissionLevels = DbCtx.UserPermissionLevel.ToList();

            permissionLevels.ForEach(g => {
                UserLevels uLevel = new UserLevels(g.Id, g.GuildId, g.Level);

                if (UserLevelList.ContainsKey(g.UserId))
                    if (g.GuildId == 0)
                        UserLevelList[g.UserId].levelList.Insert(0, uLevel);
                    UserLevelList.Add(g.UserId, new LevelListContainer(g.IsRole, new List <UserLevels>()
        public async Task SetMemberLevel(CommandContext ctx, [RemainingText] string text)
            int requesterLevel = UserLevels.GetLevel(ctx.User.Id, ctx.Guild.Id);

            var textArray = text.Split(" ");
            int level;

            if (!int.TryParse(textArray[0], out level))
                await CTX.RespondSanitizedAsync(ctx, $"{textArray[0]} is not a valid level.");


            if (level >= requesterLevel)
                await CTX.RespondSanitizedAsync(ctx, "You cannot assign a level higher than your own");


            Dictionary <ulong, bool> idList = PrepareUserIdList(ctx.Message.MentionedUsers, textArray);

            ctx.Message.MentionedRoles.ToList().ForEach(role =>
                if (!idList.ContainsKey(role.Id))
                    idList.Add(role.Id, true);

            await SetLevelsFromList(ctx, idList, level, requesterLevel);
        private async Task SetLevelsFromList(CommandContext ctx, Dictionary <ulong, bool> idList, int level,
                                             int requesterLevel)
            List <ulong> failedIDs = new List <ulong>();
            bool         isGlobal  = requesterLevel == (int)ShimaConsts.UserPermissionLevel.SHIMA_TEAM;

            foreach (var item in idList)
                if (isGlobal || UserLevels.GetLevel(item.Key, ctx.Guild.Id) < requesterLevel)
                    if (!await UserLevels.SetLevel(item.Key, ctx.Guild.Id, item.Value, level))

            string response = $"Successfully assigned level to {idList.Count() - failedIDs.Count()} IDs";

            if (failedIDs.Count() > 0)
                response += $"\nFailed to assign level to: {string.Join(", ", failedIDs)}";

            await CTX.RespondSanitizedAsync(ctx, response);
예제 #4
        public async Task DisplayUserInfo(CommandContext ctx, [RemainingText] string commandPayload)
            var members = new List <DiscordMember>();
            var uidList = Utils.GetIdListFromMessage(ctx.Message.MentionedUsers, commandPayload);

            foreach (var id in uidList)
                if (ctx.Guild.Members.ContainsKey(id))
                    await CTX.RespondSanitizedAsync(ctx, $"Unable to find user with ID {id} on the server");


            if (members.Count == 0)
            foreach (var member in members)
                var userLevel       = UserLevels.GetLevel(member.Id, ctx.Guild.Id);
                var globalUserLevel = UserLevels.GetMemberLevel(member);
                var roles           = string.Join(", ",
                                                  from role in member.Roles
                                                  select role.Mention);
                var customStatus = string.Concat(
                    member.Presence.Activity.CustomStatus?.Emoji ?? "",
                    member.Presence.Activity.CustomStatus?.Name ?? "");
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(customStatus))
                    customStatus = null;
                // Header
                var userInfo = new DiscordEmbedBuilder()
                               .WithAuthor($"{member.Username}#{member.Discriminator} ({member.Id})",
                                           "", member.AvatarUrl)
                               .WithColor(new DiscordColor("#3498db"))
                               .AddField($"Status", $"```\n{member.Presence.Status}```", true);
                // Activities
                string streams = null;
                string games   = null;
                foreach (var act in member.Presence.Activities)
                    if (act.ActivityType is ActivityType.Custom)
                    // So basically, am very tiny. In case you really need to know i just need a matching type lol.
                    // It's discarded anyway and a .ToString() still executes.
                    // Should a C style switch not have this problem it could be more elegant, if verbose af.
                    _ = act.ActivityType switch
                        ActivityType.Watching => userInfo
                        .AddField($"Watching", $"```{act.Name}```").ToString(),
                        ActivityType.ListeningTo => userInfo
                        .AddField($"Listening to", $"```{act.Name}```").ToString(),
                        ActivityType.Playing => games     += $"```{act.Name}```",
                        ActivityType.Streaming => streams += $"```{act.RichPresence.Details}```\n{act.StreamUrl}",
                        _ => throw new NotImplementedException()

                if (games?.Length > 0)
                    userInfo.AddField($"Playing", $"{games} ");

                if (streams?.Length > 0)
                    userInfo.AddField($"Streaming", $"{streams} ");
                // Account info
                .AddField($"Custom status", $"\n{customStatus ?? "No custom status set"}")
                .AddField($"Account Creation",
                          $"```\n{member.CreationTimestamp.UtcDateTime} UTC```", false)
                .AddField($"Joined on", $"```\n{member.JoinedAt.UtcDateTime} UTC```")
                .AddField($"Server access level",
                                userLevel switch
                                    (int) ShimaConsts.UserPermissionLevel.DEFAULT =>
                                        $"Default ({(int) ShimaConsts.UserPermissionLevel.DEFAULT})",
                                    (int) ShimaConsts.UserPermissionLevel.DEFAULT_SERVER_OWNER =>
                                        $"Server owner ({(int) ShimaConsts.UserPermissionLevel.DEFAULT_SERVER_OWNER})",
                                    (int) ShimaConsts.UserPermissionLevel.SHIMA_TEAM => "Bot owner",
                                    _ => userLevel.ToString()