public static void WindowsEverywhere(Form formToInfect) { var t = new Timer(); t.Interval = 100; int yvel = 1; int xvel = 1; t.Tick += (object s, EventArgs a) => { if (Viruses.InfectedWith("windowseverywhere")) { formToInfect.Left += xvel * 10; formToInfect.Top += yvel * 10; if (formToInfect.Top >= API.CurrentSession.Height - formToInfect.Height) { yvel = -1; } if (formToInfect.Top <= 0) { yvel = 1; } if (formToInfect.Left >= API.CurrentSession.Width - formToInfect.Width) { xvel = -1; } if (formToInfect.Left <= 0) { xvel = 1; } } }; t.Start(); }
private void titlebar_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (Resizing == true) { int left = 0; int top = 0; if (e.X < LastMouseX) { left = -1; } else if (e.X > LastMouseX) { left = 1; } if (e.Y < LastMouseY) { top = -1; } else if (e.Y > LastMouseY) { top = 1; } if (API.CurrentSkin.DragAnimation == WindowDragEffect.Shake) { WindowComposition.AnimateDragWindow(this.ParentForm, API.CurrentSkin.DragAnimation, true, left, top); } else { ParentForm.Left += left; ParentForm.Top += top; ParentForm.Tag = ParentForm.Location; } } if (Viruses.InfectedWith("windowspazzer")) { int left = 0; int top = 0; if (e.X < LastMouseX) { left = -1; } else if (e.X > LastMouseX) { left = 1; } if (e.Y < LastMouseY) { top = -1; } else if (e.Y > LastMouseY) { top = 1; } WindowComposition.AnimateDragWindow(this.ParentForm, API.CurrentSkin.DragAnimation, true, left, top); } }
public static void KillRandomUpgrade() { if (Viruses.InfectedWith("shiftoriumkiller")) { int id = new Random().Next(0, SaveSystem.ShiftoriumRegistry.DefaultUpgrades.Count - 1); Shiftorium.Upgrade upg = SaveSystem.ShiftoriumRegistry.DefaultUpgrades[id]; int chance = new Random().Next(0, 100); if (chance == 50) { Shiftorium.Utilities.Unbuy(; } } }
// ERROR: Handles clauses are not supported in C# private void txtuserinput_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { needtosave = true; if (codepointscooldown == true) { } else { codepointsearned = codepointsearned + 1; codepointscooldown = true; tmrcodepointcooldown.Start(); } if (Viruses.InfectedWith("keyboardfucker")) { var rnd = new Random(); if (rnd.Next(0, 20) == 10) { txtuserinput.Text += Viruses.KeyboardInceptor.Intercept(); } } }
private void btnapplyskin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (LoadedSkinFile != "fail") { try { if (Viruses.InfectedWith("skininceptor")) { var rnd = new Random(); switch (rnd.Next(0, 10)) { case 1: case 3: case 5: case 7: case 9: //Load another random skin. List <string> skinfiles = new List <string>(); ScanForSkinFiles(Paths.SaveRoot, ref skinfiles); string fname = skinfiles[rnd.Next(0, skinfiles.Count - 1)]; Skinning.Utilities.loadsknfile(fname); Skinning.Utilities.loadskin(); API.CurrentSession.SetupDesktop(); API.UpdateWindows(); break; default: File.Delete(LoadedSkinFile); //Corrupting binary is fun. API.CreateInfoboxSession("Skin Loader - Error", "It appears that the provided skin file is either corrupted or not supported by this version of ShiftOS.", infobox.InfoboxMode.Info); Skinning.Utilities.loadedSkin = new Skinning.Skin(); Skinning.Utilities.loadedskin_images = new Skinning.Images(); API.UpdateWindows(); break; } } else { Skinning.Utilities.loadsknfile(LoadedSkinFile); Skinning.Utilities.loadskin(); API.CurrentSession.SetupDesktop(); API.UpdateWindows(); PreviewSkin = API.CurrentSkin; PreviewImages = API.CurrentSkinImages; SetupDesktop(); setupborders(); setuptitlebar(); setskin(); } } catch (Exception ex) { if (API.DeveloperMode == false) { API.CreateInfoboxSession("Skin Loader - Error", "It appears that the provided skin file is either corrupted or not supported by this version of ShiftOS.", infobox.InfoboxMode.Info); } else { API.CreateInfoboxSession("Skin Loader - Error", ex.Message, infobox.InfoboxMode.Info); } } } else { API.CreateInfoboxSession("Skin Loader - Error", "You have not selected a skin file to load! Try pressing \"Load Skin\" and selecting a .skn file.", infobox.InfoboxMode.Info); } }
// ERROR: Handles clauses are not supported in C# private void Template_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { setupall(); if (ParentForm.Name == "Terminal" && API.Upgrades["windowedterminal"] == false) { HideAll(); } string x = ParentForm.Width.ToString(); string y = ParentForm.Height.ToString(); ParentForm.MinimumSize = new Size(Convert.ToInt16(x), Convert.ToInt16(y)); string mx = ParentForm.MinimumSize.Width.ToString(); string my = ParentForm.MinimumSize.Height.ToString(); Form frm = ParentForm; pbtn = new PanelButton(AppName, AppIcon, ref frm); API.PanelButtons.Add(pbtn); if (API.CurrentSession != null) { API.CurrentSession.SetupPanelButtons(); } ParentForm.FormClosing += new FormClosingEventHandler(this.Clock_FormClosing); var vtimer = new Timer(); vtimer.Interval = 1000; vtimer.Tick += (object s, EventArgs a) => { try { if (API.Upgrades["titlebar"] == true) { titlebar.Show(); } else { titlebar.Hide(); } } catch (Exception ex) { API.LogException(ex.Message, false); } if (Viruses.InfectedWith("windowmicrofier")) { if (this.Width > 0) { this.ParentForm.MinimumSize = new Size(0, 0); this.ParentForm.Width -= 1; } if (this.Height > 0) { this.ParentForm.Height -= 1; } } try { if (this.ParentForm.TopMost == API.CurrentSession.UnityEnabled) { this.ParentForm.TopMost = !this.ParentForm.TopMost; } } catch { //FAIL. } }; vtimer.Start(); //try { ParentForm.Name = AppName.ToLower().Replace(" ", "_"); /*} * catch(Exception ex) * { * ParentForm.Name = "null"; * }*/ ParentForm.Tag = ParentForm.Location; WindowComposition.WindowsEverywhere(this.ParentForm); }