public static bool BuyUpgrade(Dictionary <string, object> userArgs) { try { string upgrade = ""; if (userArgs.ContainsKey("upgrade")) { upgrade = (string)userArgs["upgrade"]; } else { throw new Exception("You must specify a valid 'upgrade' value."); } foreach (var upg in Shiftorium.GetAvailable()) { if (upg.ID == upgrade) { Shiftorium.Buy(upgrade, upg.Cost); return(true); } } throw new Exception($"Couldn't find upgrade with ID: {upgrade}"); } catch { return(false); } }
public static bool BuyUpgrade(Dictionary <string, object> userArgs) { try { string upgrade = ""; upgrade = (string)userArgs["upgrade"]; var upg = Shiftorium.GetAvailable().FirstOrDefault(x => x.ID == upgrade); if (upg != null) { if (!Shiftorium.Buy(upg.ID, upg.Cost) == true) { Console.WriteLine("{ERR_NOTENOUGHCODEPOINTS}"); } } else { Console.WriteLine("{ERR_NOUPGRADE}"); } } catch { Console.WriteLine("{ERR_GENERAL}"); } return(true); }
public static bool ViewInfo(Dictionary <string, object> userArgs) { try { string upgrade = ""; upgrade = (string)userArgs["upgrade"]; foreach (var upg in Shiftorium.GetDefaults()) { if (upg.ID == upgrade) { Console.WriteLine(Localization.Parse("{COM_UPGRADEINFO}", new Dictionary <string, string> { ["%id"] = upg.ID, ["%category"] = upg.Category, ["%name"] = upg.Name, ["%cost"] = upg.Cost.ToString(), ["%description"] = upg.Description })); return(true); } } throw new Exception("{ERR_NOUPGRADE}"); } catch { return(false); } }
public static bool Commands() { var sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine("{GEN_COMMANDS}"); sb.AppendLine("================="); sb.AppendLine(); //print all unique namespaces. foreach (var n in TerminalBackend.Commands.Where(x => !(x is TerminalBackend.WinOpenCommand) && Shiftorium.UpgradeInstalled(x.Dependencies) && x.CommandInfo.hide == false).OrderBy(x => { sb.Append(" - " +; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(n.CommandInfo.description)) { if (Shiftorium.UpgradeInstalled("help_description")) { sb.Append(" - " + n.CommandInfo.description); } } sb.AppendLine(); } Console.WriteLine(sb.ToString()); return(true); }
public static bool ListAll() { try { Dictionary <string, int> upgrades = new Dictionary <string, int>(); int maxLength = 5; foreach (var upg in Shiftorium.GetAvailable()) { if (upg.ID.Length > maxLength) { maxLength = upg.ID.Length; } upgrades.Add(upg.ID, upg.Cost); } Console.WriteLine("ID".PadRight((maxLength + 5) - 2) + "Cost (Codepoints)"); foreach (var upg in upgrades) { Console.WriteLine(upg.Key.PadRight((maxLength + 5) - upg.Key.Length) + " " + upg.Value.ToString()); } return(true); } catch (Exception e) { CrashHandler.Start(e); return(false); } }
public static bool GetAllUpgrades() { foreach (var upg in Shiftorium.GetDefaults()) { Shiftorium.Buy(upg.ID, 0); } return(true); }
public static bool Status() { Console.WriteLine($@"ShiftOS version {Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString()} Codepoints: {SaveSystem.CurrentSave.Codepoints} Upgrades: {SaveSystem.CurrentSave.CountUpgrades()} installed, {Shiftorium.GetAvailable().Length} available"); return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new save, starting the Out Of Box Experience (OOBE). /// </summary> public static void NewSave() { AppearanceManager.Invoke(new Action(() => { CurrentSave = new Save(); CurrentSave.Codepoints = 0; CurrentSave.Upgrades = new Dictionary <string, bool>(); Shiftorium.Init(); oobe.Start(CurrentSave); })); }
public static bool ListCategories() { foreach (var cat in Shiftorium.GetCategories()) { Console.WriteLine(Localization.Parse("{SHFM_CATEGORY}", new Dictionary <string, string> { ["%name"] = cat, ["%available"] = Shiftorium.GetAvailable().Where(x => x.Category == cat).Count().ToString() })); } return(true); }
public static bool Programs() { Console.WriteLine("{GEN_PROGRAMS}"); Console.WriteLine("==============="); Console.WriteLine(); foreach (var cmd in TerminalBackend.Commands.Where(x => x is TerminalBackend.WinOpenCommand && Shiftorium.UpgradeInstalled(x.Dependencies)).OrderBy(x => { Console.Write(" - " +; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(cmd.CommandInfo.description)) { if (Shiftorium.UpgradeInstalled("help_description")) { Console.Write(": " + cmd.CommandInfo.description); } } Console.WriteLine(); } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Runs a command on the client. /// </summary> /// <param name="text">The command text.</param> /// <param name="args">The command arguments.</param> /// <param name="isRemote">Whether the command should be run in RTS.</param> /// <returns>Whether the command ran successfully.</returns> public static bool RunClient(string text, Dictionary <string, object> args, bool isRemote = false) { latestCommmand = text; //Console.WriteLine(text + " " + "{" + string.Join(",", args.Select(kv => kv.Key + "=" + kv.Value).ToArray()) + "}" + " " + isRemote); var cmd = Commands.FirstOrDefault(x => Localization.Parse( == text); if (cmd == null) { return(false); } if (!Shiftorium.UpgradeInstalled(cmd.Dependencies)) { return(false); } bool res = false; foreach (var arg in cmd.RequiredArguments) { if (!args.ContainsKey(arg)) { res = true; Console.WriteLine("You are missing an argument with the key \"" + arg + "\"."); } } if (res == true) { return(true); } try { cmd.Invoke(args); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Command error: " + ex.Message); } return(true); }
public static bool Status() { string version = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString(); string cp = SaveSystem.CurrentSave.Codepoints.ToString(); string installed = SaveSystem.CurrentSave.CountUpgrades().ToString(); string available = Shiftorium.GetAvailable().Length.ToString(); Console.WriteLine(Localization.Parse("{COM_STATUS}", new Dictionary <string, string> { ["%cp"] = cp, ["%version"] = version, ["%installed"] = installed, ["%available"] = available })); Console.WriteLine("{GEN_OBJECTIVES}"); try { if (Story.CurrentObjectives.Count > 0) { foreach (var obj in Story.CurrentObjectives) { Console.WriteLine(obj.Name); Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(obj.Description); } } else { Console.WriteLine("{RES_NOOBJECTIVES}"); } } catch { Console.WriteLine("{RES_NOOBJECTIVES}"); } return(true); }
public static bool ViewInfo(Dictionary <string, object> userArgs) { try { string upgrade = ""; if (userArgs.ContainsKey("upgrade")) { upgrade = (string)userArgs["upgrade"]; } else { throw new Exception("You must specify a valid 'upgrade' value."); } foreach (var upg in Shiftorium.GetDefaults()) { if (upg.ID == upgrade) { Console.WriteLine($@"Information for {upgrade}: {upg.Name} - {upg.Cost} Codepoints ------------------------------------------------------ {upg.Description} To buy this upgrade, run:{{upgrade:""{upg.ID}""}}"); return(true); } } throw new Exception($"Couldn't find upgrade with ID: {upgrade}"); } catch { return(false); } }
internal static IVirus CreateVirus(string id, int threatlevel) { if (threatlevel < 1) { throw new Exception("Threat level can't be below 1."); } if (threatlevel > 4) { throw new Exception("Threat level can't be above 4."); } foreach (var type in ReflectMan.Types.Where(x => x.GetInterfaces().Contains(typeof(IVirus)) && Shiftorium.UpgradeAttributesUnlocked(x))) { var attrib = type.GetCustomAttributes(false).FirstOrDefault(x => x is VirusAttribute) as VirusAttribute; if (attrib != null) { if (attrib.ID == id) { IVirus virus = (IVirus)Activator.CreateInstance(type); virus.Infect(threatlevel); return(virus); } } } throw new Exception("Cannot create virus."); }
public static bool ListAll(Dictionary <string, object> args) { try { bool showOnlyInCategory = false; string cat = "Other"; if (args.ContainsKey("cat")) { showOnlyInCategory = true; cat = args["cat"].ToString(); } Dictionary <string, ulong> upgrades = new Dictionary <string, ulong>(); int maxLength = 5; IEnumerable <ShiftoriumUpgrade> upglist = Shiftorium.GetAvailable(); if (showOnlyInCategory) { if (Shiftorium.IsCategoryEmptied(cat)) { ConsoleEx.Bold = true; ConsoleEx.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("{SHFM_QUERYERROR}"); Console.WriteLine(); ConsoleEx.Bold = false; ConsoleEx.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray; Console.WriteLine("{ERR_EMPTYCATEGORY}"); return(true); } upglist = Shiftorium.GetAvailable().Where(x => x.Category == cat); } if (upglist.Count() == 0) { ConsoleEx.Bold = true; ConsoleEx.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("{SHFM_NOUPGRADES}"); Console.WriteLine(); ConsoleEx.Bold = false; ConsoleEx.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray; Console.WriteLine("{ERR_NOMOREUPGRADES}"); return(true); } foreach (var upg in upglist) { if (upg.ID.Length > maxLength) { maxLength = upg.ID.Length; } upgrades.Add(upg.ID, upg.Cost); } foreach (var upg in upgrades) { Console.WriteLine(Localization.Parse("{SHFM_UPGRADE}", new Dictionary <string, string> { ["%id"] = upg.Key, ["%cost"] = upg.Value.ToString() })); } return(true); } catch (Exception e) { CrashHandler.Start(e); return(false); } }
/// <summary> /// Start the entire ShiftOS engine. /// </summary> /// <param name="useDefaultUI">Whether ShiftOS should initiate it's Windows Forms front-end.</param> public static void Begin(bool useDefaultUI = true) { if (!System.IO.File.Exists(Paths.SaveFile)) { var root = new ShiftOS.Objects.ShiftFS.Directory(); root.Name = "System"; root.permissions = Permissions.All; System.IO.File.WriteAllText(Paths.SaveFile, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(root)); } if (Utils.Mounts.Count == 0) { Utils.Mount(System.IO.File.ReadAllText(Paths.SaveFile)); } Paths.Init(); Localization.SetupTHETRUEDefaultLocals(); SkinEngine.Init(); TerminalBackend.OpenTerminal(); TerminalBackend.InStory = true; var thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(() => { //Do not uncomment until I sort out the copyright stuff... - Michael //AudioManager.Init(); var defaultConf = new EngineConfig(); if (System.IO.File.Exists("engineconfig.json")) { defaultConf = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <EngineConfig>(System.IO.File.ReadAllText("engineconfig.json")); } else { System.IO.File.WriteAllText("engineconfig.json", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(defaultConf, Formatting.Indented)); } Thread.Sleep(350); Console.WriteLine("Initiating kernel..."); Thread.Sleep(250); Console.WriteLine("Reading filesystem..."); Thread.Sleep(100); Console.WriteLine("Reading configuration..."); Console.WriteLine("{CONNECTING_TO_MUD}"); if (defaultConf.ConnectToMud == true) { try { bool guidReceived = false; ServerManager.GUIDReceived += (str) => { guidReceived = true; Console.WriteLine("{CONNECTION_SUCCESSFUL}"); }; ServerManager.Initiate("", 13370); while (guidReceived == false) { } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("{ERROR}: " + ex.Message); Thread.Sleep(3000); ServerManager.StartLANServer(); } } else { ServerManager.StartLANServer(); } ServerManager.MessageReceived += (msg) => { if (msg.Name == "mud_savefile") { CurrentSave = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Save>(msg.Contents); } else if (msg.Name == "mud_login_denied") { oobe.PromptForLogin(); } }; ReadSave(); while (CurrentSave == null) { } Shiftorium.Init(); while (CurrentSave.StoryPosition < 5) { } Thread.Sleep(75); if (Shiftorium.UpgradeInstalled("desktop")) { Console.Write("{START_DESKTOP}"); Thread.Sleep(50); Console.WriteLine(" ...{DONE}."); } Story.Start(); Thread.Sleep(50); Console.WriteLine("{SYSTEM_INITIATED}"); TerminalBackend.InStory = false; Shiftorium.LogOrphanedUpgrades = true; Desktop.InvokeOnWorkerThread(new Action(() => Desktop.PopulateAppLauncher())); GameReady?.Invoke(); })); thread.IsBackground = true; thread.Start(); }
/// <summary> /// Opens a file from the specified ShiftFS path. /// </summary> /// <param name="path">The path to open.</param> public static void OpenFile(string path) { if (!Objects.ShiftFS.Utils.FileExists(path)) { throw new System.IO.FileNotFoundException("ShiftFS could not find the file specified.", path); } foreach (var type in ReflectMan.Types.Where(x => x.GetInterfaces().Contains(typeof(IFileHandler)) && Shiftorium.UpgradeAttributesUnlocked(x))) { foreach (FileHandlerAttribute attrib in type.GetCustomAttributes(false).Where(x => x is FileHandlerAttribute)) { if (path.ToLower().EndsWith(attrib.Extension)) { var obj = (IFileHandler)Activator.CreateInstance(type); obj.OpenFile(path); } } } }
/// <summary> /// Pulls a list of all available App Launcher items. /// </summary> /// <returns>A <see cref="List{LauncherItem}"/> containing all available App Launcher items.</returns> public static List <LauncherItem> Available() { List <LauncherItem> win = new List <LauncherItem>(); foreach (var type in Array.FindAll(ReflectMan.Types, t => t.GetInterfaces().Contains(typeof(IShiftOSWindow)) && Shiftorium.UpgradeAttributesUnlocked(t))) { foreach (var attr in type.GetCustomAttributes(false)) { if (!(attr is MultiplayerOnlyAttribute && !KernelWatchdog.MudConnected)) { if (attr is LauncherAttribute) { var launch = attr as LauncherAttribute; if (launch.UpgradeInstalled) { var data = new LauncherItem { DisplayData = launch, LaunchType = type }; data.DisplayData.Category = Localization.Parse(data.DisplayData.Category); data.DisplayData.Name = Localization.Parse(data.DisplayData.Name); win.Add(data); } } } } } foreach (var file in Utils.GetFiles(Paths.GetPath("applauncher"))) { if (file.EndsWith(".al")) { var item = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <LuaLauncherItem>(Utils.ReadAllText(file)); win.Add(item); } } return(win); }
public static bool Help() { var asm = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); var types = asm.GetTypes(); foreach (var type in types) { if (Shiftorium.UpgradeAttributesUnlocked(type)) { foreach (var a in type.GetCustomAttributes(false)) { if (a is Namespace) { var ns = a as Namespace; if (!ns.hide) { string descp = "{NAMESPACE_" + + "_DESCRIPTION}"; if (descp == Localization.Parse(descp)) { descp = ""; } else { descp = Shiftorium.UpgradeInstalled("help_description") ? Localization.Parse("{SEPERATOR}" + descp) : ""; } Console.WriteLine($"{{NAMESPACE}}{}" + descp); foreach (var method in type.GetMethods(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static)) { if (Shiftorium.UpgradeAttributesUnlocked(method)) { foreach (var ma in method.GetCustomAttributes(false)) { if (ma is Command) { var cmd = ma as Command; if (!cmd.hide) { string descriptionparse = "{COMMAND_" + + "_" + + "_DESCRIPTION}"; string usageparse = "{COMMAND_" + + "_" + + "_USAGE}"; if (descriptionparse == Localization.Parse(descriptionparse)) { descriptionparse = ""; } else { descriptionparse = Shiftorium.UpgradeInstalled("help_description") ? Localization.Parse("{SEPERATOR}" + descriptionparse) : ""; } if (usageparse == Localization.Parse(usageparse)) { usageparse = ""; } else { usageparse = Shiftorium.UpgradeInstalled("help_usage") ? Localization.Parse("{SEPERATOR}" + usageparse, new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "%ns", }, { "%cmd", } }) : ""; } Console.WriteLine($"{{COMMAND}}{}.{}" + usageparse + descriptionparse); } } } } } } } } } } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Gets a list of all <see cref="IStatusIcon"/> objects that meet their Shiftorium dependencies. /// </summary> /// <returns>An array of <see cref="Type"/>s containing the found objects.</returns> public static Type[] GetAllStatusIcons() { return(Array.FindAll(ReflectMan.Types, x => x.GetInterfaces().Contains(typeof(IStatusIcon)) && Shiftorium.UpgradeAttributesUnlocked(x))); }
private static void delegateToServer(ServerMessage msg) { string[] split = msg.GUID.Split('|'); bool finished = false; if (split[0] == SaveSystem.CurrentSave.SystemName) { foreach (var type in Array.FindAll(ReflectMan.Types, x => x.GetInterfaces().Contains(typeof(Server)) && Shiftorium.UpgradeAttributesUnlocked(x))) { var attrib = type.GetCustomAttributes().FirstOrDefault(x => x is ServerAttribute) as ServerAttribute; if (attrib != null) { if (split[1] == attrib.Port.ToString()) { type.GetMethods(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance).FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "MessageReceived")?.Invoke(Activator.CreateInstance(type), null); finished = true; } } } } if (finished == false) { Forward(split[2], "Error", $"{split[0]}:{split[1]}: connection refused"); } }
/// <summary> /// Finish bootstrapping the engine. /// </summary> private static void FinishBootstrap() { ServerMessageReceived savehandshake = null; savehandshake = (msg) => { if (msg.Name == "mud_savefile") { ServerManager.MessageReceived -= savehandshake; try { CurrentSave = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Save>(msg.Contents); } catch { Console.WriteLine("{ENGINE_CANNOTLOADSAVE}"); oobe.PromptForLogin(); } } else if (msg.Name == "mud_login_denied") { ServerManager.MessageReceived -= savehandshake; oobe.PromptForLogin(); } }; ServerManager.MessageReceived += savehandshake; ReadSave(); while (CurrentSave == null) { Thread.Sleep(10); } Shiftorium.Init(); while (CurrentSave.StoryPosition < 1) { Thread.Sleep(10); } Thread.Sleep(75); Thread.Sleep(50); Console.WriteLine("{MISC_ACCEPTINGLOGINS}"); Sysname: bool waitingForNewSysName = false; bool gobacktosysname = false; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(CurrentSave.SystemName)) { Infobox.PromptText("{TITLE_ENTERSYSNAME}", "{PROMPT_ENTERSYSNAME}", (name) => { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name)) { Infobox.Show("{TITLE_INVALIDNAME}", "{PROMPT_INVALIDNAME}.", () => { gobacktosysname = true; waitingForNewSysName = false; }); } else if (name.Length < 5) { Infobox.Show("{TITLE_VALUESMALL}", "{PROMPT_SMALLSYSNAME}", () => { gobacktosysname = true; waitingForNewSysName = false; }); } else { CurrentSave.SystemName = name; SaveSystem.SaveGame(); gobacktosysname = false; waitingForNewSysName = false; } }); } while (waitingForNewSysName) { Thread.Sleep(10); } if (gobacktosysname) { goto Sysname; } if (CurrentSave.Users == null) { CurrentSave.Users = new List <ClientSave>(); } Console.WriteLine($@" `-:/++++::.` .+ydNMMMMMNNMMMMMNhs/. /yNMMmy+:-` `````.-/ohNMMms- `oNMMh/.`:oydmNMMMMNmhs+- .+dMMm+` {{GEN_WELCOME}} `oMMmo``+dMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNh/`.sNMN+ :NMN+ -yMMMMMMMNdhyssyyhdmNMMMMNs``sMMd. {{GEN_SYSTEMSTATUS}} oMMd.`sMMMMMMd+. `/MMMMN+ -mMN: ---------------------- oMMh .mMMMMMM/ `-::::-.` :MMMMMMh`.mMM: :MMd .NMMMMMMs .dMMMMMMMMMNddMMMMMMMd`.NMN. {{GEN_CODEPOINTS}}: {SaveSystem.CurrentSave.Codepoints} mMM. dMMMMMMMo -mMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMs /MMy :MMh :MMMMMMMMm` .+shmMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMN` NMN` oMM+ sMMMMMMMMMN+` `-/smMMMMMMMMMMM: hMM: sMM+ sMMMMMMMMMMMMds/-` .sMMMMMMMMM/ yMM/ +MMs +MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMmhs:` +MMMMMMMM- dMM- {{GEN_SYSTEMNAME}}: {CurrentSave.SystemName.ToUpper()} .MMm `NMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMo `NMMMMMMd .MMN {{GEN_USERS}}: {Users.Count()}. hMM+ +MMMMMMmsdNMMMMMMMMMMN/ -MMMMMMN- yMM+ `NMN- oMMMMMd `-/+osso+- .mMMMMMN: +MMd -NMN: /NMMMm` :yMMMMMMm- oMMd` -mMMs``sMMMMNdhso++///+oydNMMMMMMNo .hMMh` `yMMm/ .omMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMd+``oNMNo -hMMNo. -ohNMMMMMMMMMMMMmy+. -yNMNy` .sNMMms/. `-/+++++/:-` ./yNMMmo` :sdMMMNdyso+++ooshdNMMMdo- `:+yhmNNMMMMNNdhs+- ```` "); if (CurrentSave.Users.Count == 0) { CurrentSave.Users.Add(new ClientSave { Username = "******", Password = "", Permissions = UserPermissions.Root }); Console.WriteLine("{MISC_NOUSERS}"); } TerminalBackend.InStory = false; TerminalBackend.PrefixEnabled = false; if (LoginManager.ShouldUseGUILogin) { Action <ClientSave> Completed = null; Completed += (user) => { CurrentUser = user; LoginManager.LoginComplete -= Completed; }; LoginManager.LoginComplete += Completed; Desktop.InvokeOnWorkerThread(() => { LoginManager.PromptForLogin(); }); while (CurrentUser == null) { Thread.Sleep(10); } } else { Login: string username = ""; int progress = 0; bool goback = false; TextSentEventHandler ev = null; string loginstr = Localization.Parse("{GEN_LPROMPT}", new Dictionary <string, string> { ["%sysname"] = CurrentSave.SystemName }); ev = (text) => { if (progress == 0) { string getuser = text.Remove(0, loginstr.Length); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(getuser)) { if (CurrentSave.Users.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Username == getuser) == null) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("{ERR_NOUSER}"); goback = true; progress++; TerminalBackend.TextSent -= ev; return; } username = getuser; progress++; } else { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("{ERR_NOUSER}"); TerminalBackend.TextSent -= ev; goback = true; progress++; } } else if (progress == 1) { string passwordstr = Localization.Parse("{GEN_PASSWORD}: "); string getpass = text.Remove(0, passwordstr.Length); var user = CurrentSave.Users.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Username == username); if (user.Password == getpass) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("{GEN_WELCOME}"); CurrentUser = user; progress++; } else { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("{RES_DENIED}"); goback = true; progress++; } TerminalBackend.TextSent -= ev; } }; TerminalBackend.TextSent += ev; Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write(loginstr); ConsoleEx.Flush(); while (progress == 0) { Thread.Sleep(10); } if (goback) { goto Login; } Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write("{GEN_PASSWORD}: "); ConsoleEx.Flush(); while (progress == 1) { Thread.Sleep(10); } if (goback) { goto Login; } } TerminalBackend.PrefixEnabled = true; Shiftorium.LogOrphanedUpgrades = true; Desktop.InvokeOnWorkerThread(new Action(() => { ShiftOS.Engine.Scripting.LuaInterpreter.RunSft(Paths.GetPath("kernel.sft")); })); Desktop.InvokeOnWorkerThread(new Action(() => Desktop.PopulateAppLauncher())); GameReady?.Invoke(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(CurrentSave.PickupPoint)) { try { if (Story.Context == null) { Story.Start(CurrentSave.PickupPoint); } } catch { } } }
public static bool Open(Dictionary <string, object> args) { try { if (args.ContainsKey("app")) { var app = args["app"] as string; //ANNND now we start reflecting... foreach (var asmExec in System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(Environment.CurrentDirectory)) { if (asmExec.EndsWith(".exe") || asmExec.EndsWith(".dll")) { var asm = Assembly.LoadFile(asmExec); foreach (var type in asm.GetTypes()) { if (type.BaseType == typeof(UserControl)) { foreach (var attr in type.GetCustomAttributes(false)) { if (attr is WinOpenAttribute) { if (app == (attr as WinOpenAttribute).ID) { if (SaveSystem.CurrentSave.Upgrades.ContainsKey(app)) { if (Shiftorium.UpgradeInstalled(app)) { IShiftOSWindow frm = Activator.CreateInstance(type) as IShiftOSWindow; AppearanceManager.SetupWindow(frm); return(true); } else { throw new Exception($"{app} was not found on your system! Try looking in the shiftorium..."); } } else { IShiftOSWindow frm = Activator.CreateInstance(type) as IShiftOSWindow; AppearanceManager.SetupWindow(frm); return(true); } } } } } } } } } else { Console.WriteLine("Please specify a valid 'app' param."); return(true); } Console.WriteLine("Couldn't find the specified app on your system."); return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Error running script:" + ex); return(false); } }
/// <summary> /// Start the entire ShiftOS engine. /// </summary> /// <param name="useDefaultUI">Whether ShiftOS should initiate it's Windows Forms front-end.</param> public static void Begin(bool useDefaultUI = true) { AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += (o, a) => { CrashHandler.Start((Exception)a.ExceptionObject); }; if (!System.IO.File.Exists(Paths.SaveFile)) { var root = new ShiftOS.Objects.ShiftFS.Directory(); root.Name = "System"; root.permissions = UserPermissions.Guest; System.IO.File.WriteAllText(Paths.SaveFile, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(root)); } if (Utils.Mounts.Count == 0) { Utils.Mount(System.IO.File.ReadAllText(Paths.SaveFile)); } Paths.Init(); Localization.SetupTHETRUEDefaultLocals(); SkinEngine.Init(); Random rnd = new Random(); int loadingJoke1 = rnd.Next(10); int loadingJoke2 = rnd.Next(11); TerminalBackend.OpenTerminal(); TerminalBackend.InStory = true; var thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(() => { //Do not uncomment until I sort out the copyright stuff... - Michael //AudioManager.Init(); var defaultConf = new EngineConfig(); if (System.IO.File.Exists("engineconfig.json")) { defaultConf = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <EngineConfig>(System.IO.File.ReadAllText("engineconfig.json")); } else { System.IO.File.WriteAllText("engineconfig.json", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(defaultConf, Formatting.Indented)); } Thread.Sleep(350); Console.WriteLine("{MISC_KERNELVERSION}"); Thread.Sleep(50); Console.WriteLine("Copyright (c) 2018 DevX. Licensed under MIT."); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR"); Console.WriteLine("IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,"); Console.WriteLine("FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE"); Console.WriteLine("AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER"); Console.WriteLine("LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM,"); Console.WriteLine("OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE"); Console.WriteLine("SOFTWARE."); Console.WriteLine(""); Thread.Sleep(250); Console.WriteLine("{MISC_KERNELBOOTED}"); Console.WriteLine("{MISC_SHIFTFSDRV}"); Thread.Sleep(350); Console.WriteLine("{MISC_SHIFTFSBLOCKSREAD}"); Console.WriteLine("{LOADINGMSG1_" + loadingJoke1 + "}"); Thread.Sleep(500); Console.WriteLine("{MISC_LOADINGCONFIG}"); Thread.Sleep(30); Console.WriteLine("{MISC_BUILDINGCMDS}"); TerminalBackend.PopulateTerminalCommands(); if (IsSandbox == false) { Console.WriteLine("{MISC_CONNECTINGTONETWORK}"); Ready.Reset(); if (PreDigitalSocietyConnection != null) { PreDigitalSocietyConnection?.Invoke(); Ready.WaitOne(); } ServerManager.GUIDReceived += (str) => { //Connection successful! Stop waiting! Console.WriteLine("{MISC_CONNECTIONSUCCESSFUL}"); Thread.Sleep(100); Console.WriteLine("{LOADINGMSG2_" + loadingJoke2 + "}"); Thread.Sleep(500); }; try { if (ServerManager.ServerOnline) { ServerManager.Initiate(UserConfig.Get().DigitalSocietyAddress, UserConfig.Get().DigitalSocietyPort); // This halts the client until the connection is successful. ServerManager.guidReceiveARE.WaitOne(); Console.WriteLine("{MISC_DHCPHANDSHAKEFINISHED}"); } else { Console.WriteLine("{MISC_NONETWORK}"); Console.WriteLine("{LOADINGMSG2_" + loadingJoke2 + "}"); } FinishBootstrap(); } catch (Exception ex) { // "No errors, this never gets called." Console.WriteLine("[inetd] SEVERE: " + ex.Message); string dest = "Startup Exception " + DateTime.Now.ToString().Replace("/", "-").Replace(":", "-") + ".txt"; System.IO.File.WriteAllText(dest, ex.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("[inetd] Full exception details have been saved to: " + dest); Thread.Sleep(3000); System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().Kill(); } //Nothing happens past this point - but the client IS connected! It shouldn't be stuck in that while loop above. } else { Console.WriteLine("{MISC_SANDBOXMODE}"); CurrentSave = new Save { IsSandbox = true, Username = "******", Password = "******", SystemName = "shiftos", Users = new List <ClientSave> { new ClientSave { Username = "******", Password = "", Permissions = 0 } }, Class = 0, ID = new Guid(), Upgrades = new Dictionary <string, bool>(), CurrentLegions = null, IsMUDAdmin = false, IsPatreon = false, Language = "english", LastMonthPaid = 0, MajorVersion = 1, MinorVersion = 0, MusicEnabled = false, MusicVolume = 100, MyShop = "", PasswordHashed = false, PickupPoint = "", RawReputation = 0.0f, Revision = 0, ShiftnetSubscription = 0, SoundEnabled = true, StoriesExperienced = null, StoryPosition = 0, UniteAuthToken = "", }; CurrentUser = CurrentSave.Users.First(); Localization.SetupTHETRUEDefaultLocals(); Shiftorium.Init(); TerminalBackend.InStory = false; TerminalBackend.PrefixEnabled = true; Desktop.InvokeOnWorkerThread(new Action(() => { ShiftOS.Engine.Scripting.LuaInterpreter.RunSft(Paths.GetPath("kernel.sft")); })); Desktop.InvokeOnWorkerThread(new Action(() => Desktop.PopulateAppLauncher())); GameReady?.Invoke(); } })); thread.IsBackground = true; thread.Start(); }
public static bool RunClient(string text, Dictionary <string, object> args) { latestCommmand = text; foreach (var asmExec in System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(Environment.CurrentDirectory)) { try { var asm = Assembly.LoadFile(asmExec); var types = asm.GetTypes(); foreach (var type in types) { if (Shiftorium.UpgradeAttributesUnlocked(type)) { foreach (var a in type.GetCustomAttributes(false)) { if (a is Namespace) { var ns = a as Namespace; if (text.Split('.')[0] == { foreach (var method in type.GetMethods(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static)) { if (Shiftorium.UpgradeAttributesUnlocked(method)) { foreach (var ma in method.GetCustomAttributes(false)) { if (ma is Command) { var cmd = ma as Command; if (text.Split('.')[1] == { var attr = method.GetCustomAttribute <CommandObsolete>(); if (attr != null) { string newcommand = attr.newcommand; if (attr.warn) { Console.WriteLine(Localization.Parse((newcommand == "" ? "{ERROR}" : "{WARN}") + attr.reason, new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "%newcommand", newcommand } })); } if (newcommand != "") { // redo the entire process running newcommand return(RunClient(newcommand, args)); } } var requiresArgs = method.GetCustomAttributes <RequiresArgument>(); bool error = false; bool providedusage = false; foreach (RequiresArgument argument in requiresArgs) { if (!args.ContainsKey(argument.argument)) { if (!providedusage) { string usageparse = "{COMMAND_" + + "_" + + "_USAGE}"; if (usageparse == Localization.Parse(usageparse)) { usageparse = ""; } else { usageparse = Shiftorium.UpgradeInstalled("help_usage") ? Localization.Parse("{ERROR}{USAGE}" + usageparse, new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "%ns", }, { "%cmd", } }) : ""; } Console.WriteLine(usageparse); providedusage = true; } if (Shiftorium.UpgradeInstalled("help_usage")) { Console.WriteLine(Localization.Parse("{ERROR_ARGUMENT_REQUIRED}", new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "%argument", argument.argument } })); } else { Console.WriteLine(Localization.Parse("{ERROR_ARGUMENT_REQUIRED_NO_USAGE}")); } error = true; } } if (error) { throw new Exception("{ERROR_COMMAND_WRONG}"); } try { return((bool)method.Invoke(null, new[] { args })); } catch { return((bool)method.Invoke(null, new object[] { })); } } } } } } } } } } } } catch { } } return(false); }