// Parses the xml formatted verbose owned game info to an object. private static VerboseOwnedGameInfo Parse(XElement xml) { if (xml == null) { return(null); } ElementParser parser = new ElementParser(xml); VerboseOwnedGameInfo result = new VerboseOwnedGameInfo { AppId = parser.GetAttributeInteger("appid"), TotalPlayTime = parser.GetAttributeInteger("playtime_forever"), RecentPlayTime = parser.GetAttributeInteger("playtime_2weeks"), Title = parser.GetAttributeString("name"), Icon = parser.GetAttributeString("img_icon_url"), Logo = parser.GetAttributeString("img_logo_url"), HasGameStats = parser.GetAttributeBoolean("has_community_visible_stats") }; if (result.RecentPlayTime == -1) { result.RecentPlayTime = 0; } return(result); }
// Parses player summaries. private static PlayerSummary Parse(XElement xml) { if (xml == null) { return(null); } ElementParser parser = new ElementParser(xml); PlayerSummary result = new PlayerSummary { Id = parser.GetAttributeLong("steamid"), DisplayName = parser.GetAttributeString("personaname"), Url = parser.GetAttributeString("profileurl"), AvatarSmall = parser.GetAttributeString("avatar"), AvatarMedium = parser.GetAttributeString("avatarmedium"), AvatarLarge = parser.GetAttributeString("avatarfull"), Status = parser.GetAttributeInteger("personastate"), Visibility = parser.GetAttributeInteger("communityvisibilitystate"), Configured = parser.GetAttributeBoolean("profilestate"), LastSeen = parser.GetAttributeDate("lastlogoff"), AllowsComments = parser.GetAttributeBoolean("commentpermission"), Name = parser.GetAttributeString("realname"), PrimaryClan = parser.GetAttributeLong("primaryclanid"), CreationDate = parser.GetAttributeDate("timecreated"), AppId = parser.GetAttributeInteger("gameid"), AppInfo = parser.GetAttributeString("gameextrainfo"), ServerIp = parser.GetAttributeIpAdress("gameserverip"), ServerPort = parser.GetAttributePort("gameserverip"), CityId = parser.GetAttributeInteger("loccityid"), Country = parser.GetAttributeString("loccountrycode"), State = parser.GetAttributeString("locstatecode") }; return(result); }
// Parse xml formatted statistic to an object. public static Statistic Parse(XElement xml) { if (xml == null) { return(null); } ElementParser parser = new ElementParser(xml); Statistic result = new Statistic { Name = parser.GetAttributeString("name"), DisplayName = parser.GetAttributeString("displayName"), DefaultValue = parser.GetAttributeInteger("defaultvalue") }; return(result); }
// Parse xml formatted news article to an object. private static NewsArticle Parse(XElement xml) { if (xml == null) { return(null); } ElementParser parser = new ElementParser(xml); NewsArticle result = new NewsArticle { Gid = parser.GetAttributeLong("gid"), AppId = parser.GetAttributeInteger("appid"), Title = parser.GetAttributeString("title"), Url = parser.GetAttributeString("url"), Content = parser.GetAttributeString("contents"), Author = parser.GetAttributeString("author"), FeedLabel = parser.GetAttributeString("feedlabel"), FeedType = parser.GetAttributeString("feed_type"), FeedName = parser.GetAttributeString("feedname"), Date = parser.GetAttributeDate("date"), IsExternal = parser.GetAttributeBoolean("is_external_url") }; return(result); }
// Parse xml formatted achievement to an object. public static Achievement Parse(XElement xml) { if (xml == null) { return(null); } ElementParser parser = new ElementParser(xml); Achievement result = new Achievement { Name = parser.GetAttributeString("name"), DisplayName = parser.GetAttributeString("displayName"), DefaultValue = parser.GetAttributeInteger("defaultvalue"), Hidden = parser.GetAttributeBoolean("hidden"), Description = parser.GetAttributeString("description"), Icon = parser.GetAttributeString("icon"), LockedIcon = parser.GetAttributeString("icongray") }; return(result); }
// Parses xml formatted achievement percentages to an object. public static Tuple <string, double> ParseAchievementPercentage(XElement xml) { if (xml == null) { return(null); } ElementParser parser = new ElementParser(xml); Tuple <string, double> result = new Tuple <string, double>(parser.GetAttributeString("name"), parser.GetAttributeDouble("percent")); return(result); }
// Parse xml formatted statistic to an object. private static PlayerStatistic Parse(XElement xml) { if (xml == null) { return(null); } ElementParser parser = new ElementParser(xml); PlayerStatistic result = new PlayerStatistic { Name = parser.GetAttributeString("name"), Value = parser.GetAttributeInteger("value") }; return(result); }
// Parses the xml formatted verbose owned game info to an object. private static Friend Parse(XElement xml) { if (xml == null) { return(null); } ElementParser parser = new ElementParser(xml); Friend result = new Friend { Id = parser.GetAttributeLong("steamid"), Date = parser.GetAttributeDate("friend_since"), Relationship = GetRelationshipInt(parser.GetAttributeString("relationship")) }; return(result); }
// Parse xml formatted game to an object. private static Game Parse(XElement xml) { if (xml == null) { return(null); } ElementParser parser = new ElementParser(xml); Game result = new Game { Title = parser.GetAttributeString("gameName"), Version = parser.GetAttributeInteger("gameVersion"), Achievements = ParseAchievements(xml), Statistics = ParseStatistics(xml) }; return(result); }
// Parses the xml formatted verbose owned game info to an object. private static PlayerAchievement Parse(XElement xml) { if (xml == null) { return(null); } ElementParser parser = new ElementParser(xml); if (!parser.GetAttributeBoolean("achieved")) { return(null); } PlayerAchievement result = new PlayerAchievement { Name = parser.GetAttributeString("apiname"), Date = parser.GetAttributeDate("unlocktime") }; return(result); }