예제 #1
        // Draw_CachePic
        public static glpic_t CachePic(string path)
            for (int i = 0; i < _MenuNumCachePics; i++)
                cachepic_t p = _MenuCachePics[i];
                if (p.name == path)// !strcmp(path, pic->name))

            if (_MenuNumCachePics == MAX_CACHED_PICS)
                Sys.Error("menu_numcachepics == MAX_CACHED_PICS");

            cachepic_t pic = _MenuCachePics[_MenuNumCachePics];

            pic.name = path;

            // load the pic from disk
            byte[] data = Common.LoadFile(path);
            if (data == null)
                Sys.Error("Draw_CachePic: failed to load {0}", path);

            dqpicheader_t header = Sys.BytesToStructure <dqpicheader_t>(data, 0);


            int headerSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(dqpicheader_t));

            // HACK HACK HACK --- we need to keep the bytes for
            // the translatable player picture just for the menu
            // configuration dialog
            if (path == "gfx/menuplyr.lmp")
                Buffer.BlockCopy(data, headerSize, _MenuPlayerPixels, 0, header.width * header.height);
                //memcpy (menuplyr_pixels, dat->data, dat->width*dat->height);

            glpic_t gl = new glpic_t();

            gl.width  = header.width;
            gl.height = header.height;

            //gl = (glpic_t *)pic->pic.data;
            gl.texnum = LoadTexture(gl, new ByteArraySegment(data, headerSize));
            gl.sl     = 0;
            gl.sh     = 1;
            gl.tl     = 0;
            gl.th     = 1;
            pic.pic   = gl;

예제 #2
        // Draw_AlphaPic
        public static void DrawAlphaPic(int x, int y, glpic_t pic, float alpha)
            if (_ScrapDirty)

            GL.Color4(1f, 1f, 1f, alpha);
            GL.TexCoord2(pic.sl, pic.tl);
            GL.Vertex2(x, y);
            GL.TexCoord2(pic.sh, pic.tl);
            GL.Vertex2(x + pic.width, y);
            GL.TexCoord2(pic.sh, pic.th);
            GL.Vertex2(x + pic.width, y + pic.height);
            GL.TexCoord2(pic.sl, pic.th);
            GL.Vertex2(x, y + pic.height);
            GL.Color4(1f, 1f, 1f, 1f);
예제 #3
        private static bool _IsMouseWindowed; // windowed_mouse (don't confuse with _windowed_mouse cvar)
                                              // scr_fullupdate    set to 0 to force full redraw

        // SCR_Init
        public static void Init()
            if (_ViewSize == null)
                _ViewSize       = new Cvar("viewsize", "100", true);
                _Fov            = new Cvar("fov", "90"); // 10 - 170
                _ConSpeed       = new Cvar("scr_conspeed", "3000");
                _CenterTime     = new Cvar("scr_centertime", "2");
                _ShowRam        = new Cvar("showram", "1");
                _ShowTurtle     = new Cvar("showturtle", "0");
                _ShowPause      = new Cvar("showpause", "1");
                _PrintSpeed     = new Cvar("scr_printspeed", "8");
                _glTripleBuffer = new Cvar("gl_triplebuffer", "1", true);

            // register our commands
            Cmd.Add("screenshot", ScreenShot_f);
            Cmd.Add("sizeup", SizeUp_f);
            Cmd.Add("sizedown", SizeDown_f);

            _Ram    = Drawer.PicFromWad("ram");
            _Net    = Drawer.PicFromWad("net");
            _Turtle = Drawer.PicFromWad("turtle");

            if (Common.HasParam("-fullsbar"))
                FullSbarDraw = true;

            _IsInitialized = true;
예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Sbar_FinaleOverlay
        /// </summary>
        public static void FinaleOverlay()
            Scr.CopyEverithing = true;

            glpic_t pic = Drawer.CachePic("gfx/finale.lmp");

            Drawer.DrawTransPic((Scr.vid.width - pic.width) / 2, 16, pic);
예제 #5
        // Draw_TransPic
        public static void DrawTransPic(int x, int y, glpic_t pic)
            if (x < 0 || (uint)(x + pic.width) > Scr.vid.width ||
                y < 0 || (uint)(y + pic.height) > Scr.vid.height)
                Sys.Error("Draw_TransPic: bad coordinates");

            DrawPic(x, y, pic);
예제 #6
 // Sbar_DrawPic
 static void DrawPic(int x, int y, glpic_t pic)
     if (Client.Cl.gametype == Protocol.GAME_DEATHMATCH)
         Drawer.DrawPic(x, y + (Scr.vid.height - SBAR_HEIGHT), pic);
         Drawer.DrawPic(x + ((Scr.vid.width - 320) >> 1), y + (Scr.vid.height - SBAR_HEIGHT), pic);
예제 #7
        // Sbar_DeathmatchOverlay
        static void DeathmatchOverlay()
            Scr.CopyEverithing = true;
            Scr.FullUpdate     = 0;

            glpic_t pic = Drawer.CachePic("gfx/ranking.lmp");

            Menu.DrawPic((320 - pic.width) / 2, 8, pic);

            // scores

            // draw the text
            int l = _ScoreBoardLines;

            int x = 80 + ((Scr.vid.width - 320) >> 1);
            int y = 40;

            for (int i = 0; i < l; i++)
                int        k = _FragSort[i];
                Scoreboard s = Client.Cl.scores[k];
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(s.name))

                // draw background
                int top    = s.colors & 0xf0;
                int bottom = (s.colors & 15) << 4;
                top    = ColorForMap(top);
                bottom = ColorForMap(bottom);

                Drawer.Fill(x, y, 40, 4, top);
                Drawer.Fill(x, y + 4, 40, 4, bottom);

                // draw number
                string num = s.frags.ToString().PadLeft(3);

                Drawer.DrawCharacter(x + 8, y, num[0]);
                Drawer.DrawCharacter(x + 16, y, num[1]);
                Drawer.DrawCharacter(x + 24, y, num[2]);

                if (k == Client.Cl.viewentity - 1)
                    Drawer.DrawCharacter(x - 8, y, 12);

                // draw name
                Drawer.DrawString(x + 64, y, s.name);

                y += 10;
예제 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// SCR_DrawLoading
        /// </summary>
        private static void DrawLoading()
            if (!_DrawLoading)

            glpic_t pic = Drawer.CachePic("gfx/loading.lmp");

            Drawer.DrawPic((vid.width - pic.width) / 2, (vid.height - 48 - pic.height) / 2, pic);
예제 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Draw_TransPicTranslate
        /// Only used for the player color selection menu
        /// </summary>
        public static void TransPicTranslate(int x, int y, glpic_t pic, byte[] translation)

            int c          = pic.width * pic.height;
            int destOffset = 0;

            uint[] trans = new uint[64 * 64];

            for (int v = 0; v < 64; v++, destOffset += 64)
                int srcOffset = ((v * pic.height) >> 6) * pic.width;
                for (int u = 0; u < 64; u++)
                    uint p = _MenuPlayerPixels[srcOffset + ((u * pic.width) >> 6)];
                    if (p == 255)
                        trans[destOffset + u] = p;
                        trans[destOffset + u] = Vid.Table8to24[translation[p]];

            GCHandle handle = GCHandle.Alloc(trans, GCHandleType.Pinned);

                GL.TexImage2D(TextureTarget.Texture2D, 0, Drawer.AlphaFormat, 64, 64, 0,
                              PixelFormat.Rgba, PixelType.UnsignedByte, handle.AddrOfPinnedObject());

            SetTextureFilters(TextureMinFilter.Linear, TextureMagFilter.Linear);

            GL.Color3(1f, 1, 1);
            GL.TexCoord2(0f, 0);
            GL.Vertex2((float)x, y);
            GL.TexCoord2(1f, 0);
            GL.Vertex2((float)x + pic.width, y);
            GL.TexCoord2(1f, 1);
            GL.Vertex2((float)x + pic.width, y + pic.height);
            GL.TexCoord2(0f, 1);
            GL.Vertex2((float)x, y + pic.height);
예제 #10
        // DrawPause
        private static void DrawPause()
            if (_ShowPause.Value == 0)  // turn off for screenshots

            if (!Client.cl.paused)

            glpic_t pic = Drawer.CachePic("gfx/pause.lmp");

            Drawer.DrawPic((vid.width - pic.width) / 2, (vid.height - 48 - pic.height) / 2, pic);
예제 #11
        //qpic_t *Draw_PicFromWad (char *name);
        public static glpic_t PicFromWad(string name)
            int           offset = Wad.GetLumpNameOffset(name);
            IntPtr        ptr    = new IntPtr(Wad.DataPointer.ToInt64() + offset);
            dqpicheader_t header = (dqpicheader_t)Marshal.PtrToStructure(ptr, typeof(dqpicheader_t));
            glpic_t       gl     = new glpic_t(); // (glpic_t)Marshal.PtrToStructure(ptr, typeof(glpic_t));

            gl.width  = header.width;
            gl.height = header.height;
            offset   += Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(dqpicheader_t));

            // load little ones into the scrap
            if (gl.width < 64 && gl.height < 64)
                int x, y;
                int texnum = AllocScrapBlock(gl.width, gl.height, out x, out y);
                _ScrapDirty = true;
                int k = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < gl.height; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < gl.width; j++, k++)
                        _ScrapTexels[texnum][(y + i) * BLOCK_WIDTH + x + j] = Wad.Data[offset + k];// p->data[k];

                texnum   += _ScrapTexNum;
                gl.texnum = texnum;
                gl.sl     = (float)((x + 0.01) / (float)BLOCK_WIDTH);
                gl.sh     = (float)((x + gl.width - 0.01) / (float)BLOCK_WIDTH);
                gl.tl     = (float)((y + 0.01) / (float)BLOCK_WIDTH);
                gl.th     = (float)((y + gl.height - 0.01) / (float)BLOCK_WIDTH);

                _PicTexels += gl.width * gl.height;
                gl.texnum = LoadTexture(gl, new ByteArraySegment(Wad.Data, offset));
예제 #12
        // Draw_Pic(int x, int y, qpic_t* pic)
        public static void DrawPic(int x, int y, glpic_t pic)
            if (_ScrapDirty)

            GL.Color4(1f, 1f, 1f, 1f);
            GL.TexCoord2(pic.sl, pic.tl);
            GL.Vertex2(x, y);
            GL.TexCoord2(pic.sh, pic.tl);
            GL.Vertex2(x + pic.width, y);
            GL.TexCoord2(pic.sh, pic.th);
            GL.Vertex2(x + pic.width, y + pic.height);
            GL.TexCoord2(pic.sl, pic.th);
            GL.Vertex2(x, y + pic.height);
예제 #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Sbar_IntermissionOverlay
        /// called each frame after the level has been completed
        /// </summary>
        public static void IntermissionOverlay()
            Scr.CopyEverithing = true;
            Scr.FullUpdate     = 0;

            if (Client.Cl.gametype == Protocol.GAME_DEATHMATCH)

            glpic_t pic = Drawer.CachePic("gfx/complete.lmp");

            Drawer.DrawPic(64, 24, pic);

            pic = Drawer.CachePic("gfx/inter.lmp");
            Drawer.DrawTransPic(0, 56, pic);

            // time
            int dig = Client.Cl.completed_time / 60;

            IntermissionNumber(160, 64, dig, 3, 0);
            int num = Client.Cl.completed_time - dig * 60;

            Drawer.DrawTransPic(234, 64, _Colon);
            Drawer.DrawTransPic(246, 64, _Nums[0, num / 10]);
            Drawer.DrawTransPic(266, 64, _Nums[0, num % 10]);

            IntermissionNumber(160, 104, Client.Cl.stats[QStats.STAT_SECRETS], 3, 0);
            Drawer.DrawTransPic(232, 104, _Slash);
            IntermissionNumber(240, 104, Client.Cl.stats[QStats.STAT_TOTALSECRETS], 3, 0);

            IntermissionNumber(160, 144, Client.Cl.stats[QStats.STAT_MONSTERS], 3, 0);
            Drawer.DrawTransPic(232, 144, _Slash);
            IntermissionNumber(240, 144, Client.Cl.stats[QStats.STAT_TOTALMONSTERS], 3, 0);
예제 #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Draw_TransPicTranslate
        /// Only used for the player color selection menu
        /// </summary>
        public static void TransPicTranslate(int x, int y, glpic_t pic, byte[] translation)

            int c = pic.width * pic.height;
            int destOffset = 0;
            uint[] trans = new uint[64 * 64];

            for (int v = 0; v < 64; v++, destOffset += 64)
                int srcOffset = ((v * pic.height) >> 6) * pic.width;
                for (int u = 0; u < 64; u++)
                    uint p = _MenuPlayerPixels[srcOffset + ((u * pic.width) >> 6)];
                    if (p == 255)
                        trans[destOffset + u] = p;
                        trans[destOffset + u] = Vid.Table8to24[translation[p]];

            GCHandle handle = GCHandle.Alloc(trans, GCHandleType.Pinned);
                GL.TexImage2D(TextureTarget.Texture2D, 0, Drawer.AlphaFormat, 64, 64, 0,
                    PixelFormat.Rgba, PixelType.UnsignedByte, handle.AddrOfPinnedObject());

            SetTextureFilters(TextureMinFilter.Linear, TextureMagFilter.Linear);

            GL.Color3(1f, 1, 1);
            GL.TexCoord2(0f, 0);
            GL.Vertex2((float)x, y);
            GL.TexCoord2(1f, 0);
            GL.Vertex2((float)x + pic.width, y);
            GL.TexCoord2(1f, 1);
            GL.Vertex2((float)x + pic.width, y + pic.height);
            GL.TexCoord2(0f, 1);
            GL.Vertex2((float)x, y + pic.height);
예제 #15
        //qpic_t *Draw_PicFromWad (char *name);
        public static glpic_t PicFromWad(string name)
            int offset = Wad.GetLumpNameOffset(name);
            IntPtr ptr = new IntPtr(Wad.DataPointer.ToInt64() + offset);
            dqpicheader_t header = (dqpicheader_t)Marshal.PtrToStructure(ptr, typeof(dqpicheader_t));
            glpic_t gl = new glpic_t(); // (glpic_t)Marshal.PtrToStructure(ptr, typeof(glpic_t));
            gl.width = header.width;
            gl.height = header.height;
            offset += Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(dqpicheader_t));

            // load little ones into the scrap
            if (gl.width < 64 && gl.height < 64)
                int x, y;
                int texnum = AllocScrapBlock(gl.width, gl.height, out x, out y);
                _ScrapDirty = true;
                int k = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < gl.height; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < gl.width; j++, k++)
                        _ScrapTexels[texnum][(y + i) * BLOCK_WIDTH + x + j] = Wad.Data[offset + k];// p->data[k];
                texnum += _ScrapTexNum;
                gl.texnum = texnum;
                gl.sl = (float)((x + 0.01) / (float)BLOCK_WIDTH);
                gl.sh = (float)((x + gl.width - 0.01) / (float)BLOCK_WIDTH);
                gl.tl = (float)((y + 0.01) / (float)BLOCK_WIDTH);
                gl.th = (float)((y + gl.height - 0.01) / (float)BLOCK_WIDTH);

                _PicTexels += gl.width * gl.height;
                gl.texnum = LoadTexture(gl, new ByteArraySegment(Wad.Data, offset));
            return gl;
예제 #16
        // Draw_Init
        public static void Init()
            for (int i = 0; i < _MenuCachePics.Length; i++)
                _MenuCachePics[i] = new cachepic_t();

            if (_glNoBind == null)
                _glNoBind = new Cvar("gl_nobind", "0");
                _glMaxSize = new Cvar("gl_max_size", "1024");
                _glPicMip = new Cvar("gl_picmip", "0");

            // 3dfx can only handle 256 wide textures
            string renderer = GL.GetString(StringName.Renderer);
            if (renderer.Contains("3dfx") || renderer.Contains("Glide"))
                Cvar.Set("gl_max_size", "256");

            Cmd.Add("gl_texturemode", TextureMode_f);

            // load the console background and the charset
            // by hand, because we need to write the version
            // string into the background before turning
            // it into a texture
            int offset = Wad.GetLumpNameOffset("conchars");
            byte[] draw_chars = Wad.Data; // draw_chars
            for (int i = 0; i < 256 * 64; i++)
                if (draw_chars[offset + i] == 0)
                    draw_chars[offset + i] = 255;	// proper transparent color

            // now turn them into textures
            _CharTexture = LoadTexture("charset", 128, 128, new ByteArraySegment(draw_chars, offset), false, true);

            byte[] buf = Common.LoadFile("gfx/conback.lmp");
            if (buf == null)
                Sys.Error("Couldn't load gfx/conback.lmp");

            dqpicheader_t cbHeader = Sys.BytesToStructure<dqpicheader_t>(buf, 0);

            // hack the version number directly into the pic
            string ver = String.Format("(c# {0,7:F2}) {1,7:F2}", (float)QDef.CSQUAKE_VERSION, (float)QDef.VERSION);
            int offset2 = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(dqpicheader_t)) + 320 * 186 + 320 - 11 - 8 * ver.Length;
            int y = ver.Length;
            for (int x = 0; x < y; x++)
                CharToConback(ver[x], new ByteArraySegment(buf, offset2 + (x << 3)), new ByteArraySegment(draw_chars, offset));

            _ConBack = new glpic_t();
            _ConBack.width = cbHeader.width;
            _ConBack.height = cbHeader.height;
            int ncdataIndex = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(dqpicheader_t)); // cb->data;

            SetTextureFilters(TextureMinFilter.Nearest, TextureMagFilter.Nearest);

            _ConBack.texnum = LoadTexture("conback", _ConBack.width, _ConBack.height, new ByteArraySegment(buf, ncdataIndex), false, false);
            _ConBack.width = Scr.vid.width;
            _ConBack.height = Scr.vid.height;

            // save a texture slot for translated picture
            _TranslateTexture = _TextureExtensionNumber++;

            // save slots for scraps
            _ScrapTexNum = _TextureExtensionNumber;
            _TextureExtensionNumber += MAX_SCRAPS;

            // get the other pics we need
            _Disc = PicFromWad ("disc");
            _BackTile = PicFromWad ("backtile");
예제 #17
        // Draw_TransPic
        public static void DrawTransPic(int x, int y, glpic_t pic)
            if (x < 0 || (uint)(x + pic.width) > Scr.vid.width ||
                y < 0 || (uint)(y + pic.height) > Scr.vid.height)
                Sys.Error("Draw_TransPic: bad coordinates");

            DrawPic(x, y, pic);
예제 #18
        // Draw_Pic(int x, int y, qpic_t* pic)
        public static void DrawPic(int x, int y, glpic_t pic)
            if (_ScrapDirty)

            GL.Color4(1f, 1f, 1f, 1f);
            GL.TexCoord2(pic.sl, pic.tl);
            GL.Vertex2(x, y);
            GL.TexCoord2(pic.sh, pic.tl);
            GL.Vertex2(x + pic.width, y);
            GL.TexCoord2(pic.sh, pic.th);
            GL.Vertex2(x + pic.width, y + pic.height);
            GL.TexCoord2(pic.sl, pic.th);
            GL.Vertex2(x, y + pic.height);
예제 #19
 /// <summary>
 /// M_DrawTransPicTranslate
 /// </summary>
 public static void DrawTransPicTranslate(int x, int y, glpic_t pic)
     Drawer.TransPicTranslate(x + ((Scr.vid.width - 320) >> 1), y, pic, _TranslationTable);
예제 #20
        // Sbar_Init
        public static void Init()
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                string str = i.ToString();
                _Nums[0, i] = Drawer.PicFromWad("num_" + str);
                _Nums[1, i] = Drawer.PicFromWad("anum_" + str);

            _Nums[0, 10] = Drawer.PicFromWad("num_minus");
            _Nums[1, 10] = Drawer.PicFromWad("anum_minus");

            _Colon = Drawer.PicFromWad("num_colon");
            _Slash = Drawer.PicFromWad("num_slash");

            _Weapons[0, 0] = Drawer.PicFromWad("inv_shotgun");
            _Weapons[0, 1] = Drawer.PicFromWad("inv_sshotgun");
            _Weapons[0, 2] = Drawer.PicFromWad("inv_nailgun");
            _Weapons[0, 3] = Drawer.PicFromWad("inv_snailgun");
            _Weapons[0, 4] = Drawer.PicFromWad("inv_rlaunch");
            _Weapons[0, 5] = Drawer.PicFromWad("inv_srlaunch");
            _Weapons[0, 6] = Drawer.PicFromWad("inv_lightng");

            _Weapons[1, 0] = Drawer.PicFromWad("inv2_shotgun");
            _Weapons[1, 1] = Drawer.PicFromWad("inv2_sshotgun");
            _Weapons[1, 2] = Drawer.PicFromWad("inv2_nailgun");
            _Weapons[1, 3] = Drawer.PicFromWad("inv2_snailgun");
            _Weapons[1, 4] = Drawer.PicFromWad("inv2_rlaunch");
            _Weapons[1, 5] = Drawer.PicFromWad("inv2_srlaunch");
            _Weapons[1, 6] = Drawer.PicFromWad("inv2_lightng");

            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                string s = "inva" + (i + 1).ToString();
                _Weapons[2 + i, 0] = Drawer.PicFromWad(s + "_shotgun");
                _Weapons[2 + i, 1] = Drawer.PicFromWad(s + "_sshotgun");
                _Weapons[2 + i, 2] = Drawer.PicFromWad(s + "_nailgun");
                _Weapons[2 + i, 3] = Drawer.PicFromWad(s + "_snailgun");
                _Weapons[2 + i, 4] = Drawer.PicFromWad(s + "_rlaunch");
                _Weapons[2 + i, 5] = Drawer.PicFromWad(s + "_srlaunch");
                _Weapons[2 + i, 6] = Drawer.PicFromWad(s + "_lightng");

            _Ammo[0] = Drawer.PicFromWad("sb_shells");
            _Ammo[1] = Drawer.PicFromWad("sb_nails");
            _Ammo[2] = Drawer.PicFromWad("sb_rocket");
            _Ammo[3] = Drawer.PicFromWad("sb_cells");

            _Armor[0] = Drawer.PicFromWad("sb_armor1");
            _Armor[1] = Drawer.PicFromWad("sb_armor2");
            _Armor[2] = Drawer.PicFromWad("sb_armor3");

            _Items[0] = Drawer.PicFromWad("sb_key1");
            _Items[1] = Drawer.PicFromWad("sb_key2");
            _Items[2] = Drawer.PicFromWad("sb_invis");
            _Items[3] = Drawer.PicFromWad("sb_invuln");
            _Items[4] = Drawer.PicFromWad("sb_suit");
            _Items[5] = Drawer.PicFromWad("sb_quad");

            _Sigil[0] = Drawer.PicFromWad("sb_sigil1");
            _Sigil[1] = Drawer.PicFromWad("sb_sigil2");
            _Sigil[2] = Drawer.PicFromWad("sb_sigil3");
            _Sigil[3] = Drawer.PicFromWad("sb_sigil4");

            _Faces[4, 0] = Drawer.PicFromWad("face1");
            _Faces[4, 1] = Drawer.PicFromWad("face_p1");
            _Faces[3, 0] = Drawer.PicFromWad("face2");
            _Faces[3, 1] = Drawer.PicFromWad("face_p2");
            _Faces[2, 0] = Drawer.PicFromWad("face3");
            _Faces[2, 1] = Drawer.PicFromWad("face_p3");
            _Faces[1, 0] = Drawer.PicFromWad("face4");
            _Faces[1, 1] = Drawer.PicFromWad("face_p4");
            _Faces[0, 0] = Drawer.PicFromWad("face5");
            _Faces[0, 1] = Drawer.PicFromWad("face_p5");

            _FaceInvis = Drawer.PicFromWad("face_invis");
            _FaceInvuln = Drawer.PicFromWad("face_invul2");
            _FaceInvisInvuln = Drawer.PicFromWad("face_inv2");
            _FaceQuad = Drawer.PicFromWad("face_quad");

            Cmd.Add("+showscores", ShowScores);
            Cmd.Add("-showscores", DontShowScores);

            _SBar = Drawer.PicFromWad("sbar");
            _IBar = Drawer.PicFromWad("ibar");
            _ScoreBar = Drawer.PicFromWad("scorebar");

            //MED 01/04/97 added new hipnotic weapons
            if (Common.GameKind == GameKind.Hipnotic)
                _HWeapons[0, 0] = Drawer.PicFromWad("inv_laser");
                _HWeapons[0, 1] = Drawer.PicFromWad("inv_mjolnir");
                _HWeapons[0, 2] = Drawer.PicFromWad("inv_gren_prox");
                _HWeapons[0, 3] = Drawer.PicFromWad("inv_prox_gren");
                _HWeapons[0, 4] = Drawer.PicFromWad("inv_prox");

                _HWeapons[1, 0] = Drawer.PicFromWad("inv2_laser");
                _HWeapons[1, 1] = Drawer.PicFromWad("inv2_mjolnir");
                _HWeapons[1, 2] = Drawer.PicFromWad("inv2_gren_prox");
                _HWeapons[1, 3] = Drawer.PicFromWad("inv2_prox_gren");
                _HWeapons[1, 4] = Drawer.PicFromWad("inv2_prox");

                for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                    string s = "inva" + (i + 1).ToString();
                    _HWeapons[2 + i, 0] = Drawer.PicFromWad(s + "_laser");
                    _HWeapons[2 + i, 1] = Drawer.PicFromWad(s + "_mjolnir");
                    _HWeapons[2 + i, 2] = Drawer.PicFromWad(s + "_gren_prox");
                    _HWeapons[2 + i, 3] = Drawer.PicFromWad(s + "_prox_gren");
                    _HWeapons[2 + i, 4] = Drawer.PicFromWad(s + "_prox");

                _HItems[0] = Drawer.PicFromWad("sb_wsuit");
                _HItems[1] = Drawer.PicFromWad("sb_eshld");

            if (Common.GameKind == GameKind.Rogue)
                _RInvBar[0] = Drawer.PicFromWad("r_invbar1");
                _RInvBar[1] = Drawer.PicFromWad("r_invbar2");

                _RWeapons[0] = Drawer.PicFromWad("r_lava");
                _RWeapons[1] = Drawer.PicFromWad("r_superlava");
                _RWeapons[2] = Drawer.PicFromWad("r_gren");
                _RWeapons[3] = Drawer.PicFromWad("r_multirock");
                _RWeapons[4] = Drawer.PicFromWad("r_plasma");

                _RItems[0] = Drawer.PicFromWad("r_shield1");
                _RItems[1] = Drawer.PicFromWad("r_agrav1");

                // PGM 01/19/97 - team color border
                _RTeamBord = Drawer.PicFromWad("r_teambord");
                // PGM 01/19/97 - team color border

                _RAmmo[0] = Drawer.PicFromWad("r_ammolava");
                _RAmmo[1] = Drawer.PicFromWad("r_ammomulti");
                _RAmmo[2] = Drawer.PicFromWad("r_ammoplasma");
예제 #21
 /// <summary>
 /// GL_LoadPicTexture
 /// </summary>
 static int LoadTexture(glpic_t pic, ByteArraySegment data)
     return LoadTexture(String.Empty, pic.width, pic.height, data, false, true);
예제 #22
 public static void DrawTransPic(int x, int y, glpic_t pic)
     Drawer.DrawTransPic(x + ((Scr.vid.width - 320) >> 1), y, pic);
예제 #23
        // Draw_Init
        public static void Init()
            for (int i = 0; i < _MenuCachePics.Length; i++)
                _MenuCachePics[i] = new cachepic_t();

            if (_glNoBind == null)
                _glNoBind  = new Cvar("gl_nobind", "0");
                _glMaxSize = new Cvar("gl_max_size", "1024");
                _glPicMip  = new Cvar("gl_picmip", "0");

            // 3dfx can only handle 256 wide textures
            string renderer = GL.GetString(StringName.Renderer);

            if (renderer.Contains("3dfx") || renderer.Contains("Glide"))
                Cvar.Set("gl_max_size", "256");

            Cmd.Add("gl_texturemode", TextureMode_f);

            // load the console background and the charset
            // by hand, because we need to write the version
            // string into the background before turning
            // it into a texture
            int offset = Wad.GetLumpNameOffset("conchars");

            byte[] draw_chars = Wad.Data; // draw_chars
            for (int i = 0; i < 256 * 64; i++)
                if (draw_chars[offset + i] == 0)
                    draw_chars[offset + i] = 255;   // proper transparent color

            // now turn them into textures
            _CharTexture = LoadTexture("charset", 128, 128, new ByteArraySegment(draw_chars, offset), false, true);

            byte[] buf = Common.LoadFile("gfx/conback.lmp");
            if (buf == null)
                Sys.Error("Couldn't load gfx/conback.lmp");

            dqpicheader_t cbHeader = Sys.BytesToStructure <dqpicheader_t>(buf, 0);


            // hack the version number directly into the pic
            string ver     = String.Format("(c# {0,7:F2}) {1,7:F2}", (float)QDef.CSQUAKE_VERSION, (float)QDef.VERSION);
            int    offset2 = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(dqpicheader_t)) + 320 * 186 + 320 - 11 - 8 * ver.Length;
            int    y       = ver.Length;

            for (int x = 0; x < y; x++)
                CharToConback(ver[x], new ByteArraySegment(buf, offset2 + (x << 3)), new ByteArraySegment(draw_chars, offset));

            _ConBack        = new glpic_t();
            _ConBack.width  = cbHeader.width;
            _ConBack.height = cbHeader.height;
            int ncdataIndex = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(dqpicheader_t)); // cb->data;

            SetTextureFilters(TextureMinFilter.Nearest, TextureMagFilter.Nearest);

            _ConBack.texnum = LoadTexture("conback", _ConBack.width, _ConBack.height, new ByteArraySegment(buf, ncdataIndex), false, false);
            _ConBack.width  = Scr.vid.width;
            _ConBack.height = Scr.vid.height;

            // save a texture slot for translated picture
            _TranslateTexture = _TextureExtensionNumber++;

            // save slots for scraps
            _ScrapTexNum             = _TextureExtensionNumber;
            _TextureExtensionNumber += MAX_SCRAPS;

            // get the other pics we need
            _Disc     = PicFromWad("disc");
            _BackTile = PicFromWad("backtile");
예제 #24
        // Draw_AlphaPic
        public static void DrawAlphaPic(int x, int y, glpic_t pic, float alpha)
            if (_ScrapDirty)

            GL.Color4(1f, 1f, 1f, alpha);
            GL.TexCoord2(pic.sl, pic.tl);
            GL.Vertex2(x, y);
            GL.TexCoord2(pic.sh, pic.tl);
            GL.Vertex2(x + pic.width, y);
            GL.TexCoord2(pic.sh, pic.th);
            GL.Vertex2(x + pic.width, y + pic.height);
            GL.TexCoord2(pic.sl, pic.th);
            GL.Vertex2(x, y + pic.height);
            GL.Color4(1f, 1f, 1f, 1f);
예제 #25
 /// <summary>
 /// GL_LoadPicTexture
 /// </summary>
 static int LoadTexture(glpic_t pic, ByteArraySegment data)
     return(LoadTexture(String.Empty, pic.width, pic.height, data, false, true));
예제 #26
        }                                     // sb_lines scan lines to draw

        // Sbar_Init
        public static void Init()
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                string str = i.ToString();
                _Nums[0, i] = Drawer.PicFromWad("num_" + str);
                _Nums[1, i] = Drawer.PicFromWad("anum_" + str);

            _Nums[0, 10] = Drawer.PicFromWad("num_minus");
            _Nums[1, 10] = Drawer.PicFromWad("anum_minus");

            _Colon = Drawer.PicFromWad("num_colon");
            _Slash = Drawer.PicFromWad("num_slash");

            _Weapons[0, 0] = Drawer.PicFromWad("inv_shotgun");
            _Weapons[0, 1] = Drawer.PicFromWad("inv_sshotgun");
            _Weapons[0, 2] = Drawer.PicFromWad("inv_nailgun");
            _Weapons[0, 3] = Drawer.PicFromWad("inv_snailgun");
            _Weapons[0, 4] = Drawer.PicFromWad("inv_rlaunch");
            _Weapons[0, 5] = Drawer.PicFromWad("inv_srlaunch");
            _Weapons[0, 6] = Drawer.PicFromWad("inv_lightng");

            _Weapons[1, 0] = Drawer.PicFromWad("inv2_shotgun");
            _Weapons[1, 1] = Drawer.PicFromWad("inv2_sshotgun");
            _Weapons[1, 2] = Drawer.PicFromWad("inv2_nailgun");
            _Weapons[1, 3] = Drawer.PicFromWad("inv2_snailgun");
            _Weapons[1, 4] = Drawer.PicFromWad("inv2_rlaunch");
            _Weapons[1, 5] = Drawer.PicFromWad("inv2_srlaunch");
            _Weapons[1, 6] = Drawer.PicFromWad("inv2_lightng");

            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                string s = "inva" + (i + 1).ToString();
                _Weapons[2 + i, 0] = Drawer.PicFromWad(s + "_shotgun");
                _Weapons[2 + i, 1] = Drawer.PicFromWad(s + "_sshotgun");
                _Weapons[2 + i, 2] = Drawer.PicFromWad(s + "_nailgun");
                _Weapons[2 + i, 3] = Drawer.PicFromWad(s + "_snailgun");
                _Weapons[2 + i, 4] = Drawer.PicFromWad(s + "_rlaunch");
                _Weapons[2 + i, 5] = Drawer.PicFromWad(s + "_srlaunch");
                _Weapons[2 + i, 6] = Drawer.PicFromWad(s + "_lightng");

            _Ammo[0] = Drawer.PicFromWad("sb_shells");
            _Ammo[1] = Drawer.PicFromWad("sb_nails");
            _Ammo[2] = Drawer.PicFromWad("sb_rocket");
            _Ammo[3] = Drawer.PicFromWad("sb_cells");

            _Armor[0] = Drawer.PicFromWad("sb_armor1");
            _Armor[1] = Drawer.PicFromWad("sb_armor2");
            _Armor[2] = Drawer.PicFromWad("sb_armor3");

            _Items[0] = Drawer.PicFromWad("sb_key1");
            _Items[1] = Drawer.PicFromWad("sb_key2");
            _Items[2] = Drawer.PicFromWad("sb_invis");
            _Items[3] = Drawer.PicFromWad("sb_invuln");
            _Items[4] = Drawer.PicFromWad("sb_suit");
            _Items[5] = Drawer.PicFromWad("sb_quad");

            _Sigil[0] = Drawer.PicFromWad("sb_sigil1");
            _Sigil[1] = Drawer.PicFromWad("sb_sigil2");
            _Sigil[2] = Drawer.PicFromWad("sb_sigil3");
            _Sigil[3] = Drawer.PicFromWad("sb_sigil4");

            _Faces[4, 0] = Drawer.PicFromWad("face1");
            _Faces[4, 1] = Drawer.PicFromWad("face_p1");
            _Faces[3, 0] = Drawer.PicFromWad("face2");
            _Faces[3, 1] = Drawer.PicFromWad("face_p2");
            _Faces[2, 0] = Drawer.PicFromWad("face3");
            _Faces[2, 1] = Drawer.PicFromWad("face_p3");
            _Faces[1, 0] = Drawer.PicFromWad("face4");
            _Faces[1, 1] = Drawer.PicFromWad("face_p4");
            _Faces[0, 0] = Drawer.PicFromWad("face5");
            _Faces[0, 1] = Drawer.PicFromWad("face_p5");

            _FaceInvis       = Drawer.PicFromWad("face_invis");
            _FaceInvuln      = Drawer.PicFromWad("face_invul2");
            _FaceInvisInvuln = Drawer.PicFromWad("face_inv2");
            _FaceQuad        = Drawer.PicFromWad("face_quad");

            Cmd.Add("+showscores", ShowScores);
            Cmd.Add("-showscores", DontShowScores);

            _SBar     = Drawer.PicFromWad("sbar");
            _IBar     = Drawer.PicFromWad("ibar");
            _ScoreBar = Drawer.PicFromWad("scorebar");

            //MED 01/04/97 added new hipnotic weapons
            if (Common.GameKind == GameKind.Hipnotic)
                _HWeapons[0, 0] = Drawer.PicFromWad("inv_laser");
                _HWeapons[0, 1] = Drawer.PicFromWad("inv_mjolnir");
                _HWeapons[0, 2] = Drawer.PicFromWad("inv_gren_prox");
                _HWeapons[0, 3] = Drawer.PicFromWad("inv_prox_gren");
                _HWeapons[0, 4] = Drawer.PicFromWad("inv_prox");

                _HWeapons[1, 0] = Drawer.PicFromWad("inv2_laser");
                _HWeapons[1, 1] = Drawer.PicFromWad("inv2_mjolnir");
                _HWeapons[1, 2] = Drawer.PicFromWad("inv2_gren_prox");
                _HWeapons[1, 3] = Drawer.PicFromWad("inv2_prox_gren");
                _HWeapons[1, 4] = Drawer.PicFromWad("inv2_prox");

                for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                    string s = "inva" + (i + 1).ToString();
                    _HWeapons[2 + i, 0] = Drawer.PicFromWad(s + "_laser");
                    _HWeapons[2 + i, 1] = Drawer.PicFromWad(s + "_mjolnir");
                    _HWeapons[2 + i, 2] = Drawer.PicFromWad(s + "_gren_prox");
                    _HWeapons[2 + i, 3] = Drawer.PicFromWad(s + "_prox_gren");
                    _HWeapons[2 + i, 4] = Drawer.PicFromWad(s + "_prox");

                _HItems[0] = Drawer.PicFromWad("sb_wsuit");
                _HItems[1] = Drawer.PicFromWad("sb_eshld");

            if (Common.GameKind == GameKind.Rogue)
                _RInvBar[0] = Drawer.PicFromWad("r_invbar1");
                _RInvBar[1] = Drawer.PicFromWad("r_invbar2");

                _RWeapons[0] = Drawer.PicFromWad("r_lava");
                _RWeapons[1] = Drawer.PicFromWad("r_superlava");
                _RWeapons[2] = Drawer.PicFromWad("r_gren");
                _RWeapons[3] = Drawer.PicFromWad("r_multirock");
                _RWeapons[4] = Drawer.PicFromWad("r_plasma");

                _RItems[0] = Drawer.PicFromWad("r_shield1");
                _RItems[1] = Drawer.PicFromWad("r_agrav1");

                // PGM 01/19/97 - team color border
                _RTeamBord = Drawer.PicFromWad("r_teambord");
                // PGM 01/19/97 - team color border

                _RAmmo[0] = Drawer.PicFromWad("r_ammolava");
                _RAmmo[1] = Drawer.PicFromWad("r_ammomulti");
                _RAmmo[2] = Drawer.PicFromWad("r_ammoplasma");
예제 #27
        // Draw_CachePic
        public static glpic_t CachePic(string path)
            for (int i = 0; i < _MenuNumCachePics; i++)
                cachepic_t p = _MenuCachePics[i];
                if (p.name == path)// !strcmp(path, pic->name))
                    return p.pic;

            if (_MenuNumCachePics == MAX_CACHED_PICS)
                Sys.Error("menu_numcachepics == MAX_CACHED_PICS");

            cachepic_t pic = _MenuCachePics[_MenuNumCachePics];
            pic.name = path;

            // load the pic from disk
            byte[] data = Common.LoadFile(path);
            if (data == null)
                Sys.Error ("Draw_CachePic: failed to load {0}", path);
            dqpicheader_t header = Sys.BytesToStructure<dqpicheader_t>(data, 0);

            int headerSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(dqpicheader_t));

            // HACK HACK HACK --- we need to keep the bytes for
            // the translatable player picture just for the menu
            // configuration dialog
            if (path == "gfx/menuplyr.lmp")
                Buffer.BlockCopy(data, headerSize, _MenuPlayerPixels, 0, header.width * header.height);
                //memcpy (menuplyr_pixels, dat->data, dat->width*dat->height);

            glpic_t gl = new glpic_t();
            gl.width = header.width;
            gl.height = header.height;

            //gl = (glpic_t *)pic->pic.data;
            gl.texnum = LoadTexture(gl, new ByteArraySegment(data, headerSize));
            gl.sl = 0;
            gl.sh = 1;
            gl.tl = 0;
            gl.th = 1;
            pic.pic = gl;

            return gl;
예제 #28
 // Sbar_DrawTransPic
 static void DrawTransPic(int x, int y, glpic_t pic)
     if (Client.cl.gametype == Protocol.GAME_DEATHMATCH)
         Drawer.DrawTransPic(x, y + (Scr.vid.height - SBAR_HEIGHT), pic);
         Drawer.DrawTransPic(x + ((Scr.vid.width - 320) >> 1), y + (Scr.vid.height - SBAR_HEIGHT), pic);
예제 #29
        // SCR_Init
        public static void Init()
            if (_ViewSize == null)
                _ViewSize = new Cvar("viewsize", "100", true);
                _Fov = new Cvar("fov", "90");	// 10 - 170
                _ConSpeed = new Cvar("scr_conspeed", "3000");
                _CenterTime = new Cvar("scr_centertime", "2");
                _ShowRam = new Cvar("showram", "1");
                _ShowTurtle = new Cvar("showturtle", "0");
                _ShowPause = new Cvar("showpause", "1");
                _PrintSpeed = new Cvar("scr_printspeed", "8");
                _glTripleBuffer = new Cvar("gl_triplebuffer", "1", true);

            // register our commands
            Cmd.Add("screenshot", ScreenShot_f);
            Cmd.Add("sizeup", SizeUp_f);
            Cmd.Add("sizedown", SizeDown_f);

            _Ram = Drawer.PicFromWad("ram");
            _Net = Drawer.PicFromWad("net");
            _Turtle = Drawer.PicFromWad("turtle");

            if (Common.HasParam("-fullsbar"))
                FullSbarDraw = true;

            _IsInitialized = true;