Represents test cases for the Boxes visual discrimination task. The test case field is fixed at a resolution of 11x11 the visual field of the agents being evaluated on the task can have a variable visual field resolution - the visual field pixels sample the 11x11 pixels in the test field.
        /// <summary>
        /// Run a single trial
        /// 1) Generate random test case with the box orientation specified by largeBoxRelativePos.
        /// 2) Apply test case visual field to black box inputs.
        /// 3) Activate black box.
        /// 4) Determine black box output with highest output, this is the selected pixel.
        /// Returns square of distance between target pixel (center of large box) and pixel selected by the black box.
        /// </summary>
        private double RunTrial(IBlackBox box, TestCaseField testCaseField, int largeBoxRelativePos, out double activationRange)
            // Generate random test case. Also gets the center position of the large box.
            IntPoint targetPos = testCaseField.InitTestCase(0);

            // Apply test case visual field to black box inputs.
            ApplyVisualFieldToBlackBox(testCaseField, box, _visualFieldResolution, _visualOriginPixelXY, _visualPixelSize);

            // Clear any pre-existign state and activate.
            if (!box.IsStateValid)
            {   // Any black box that gets itself into an invalid state is unlikely to be
                // any good, so lets just bail out here.
                activationRange = 0.0;

            // Find output pixel with highest activation.
            double   minActivation, maxActivation;
            IntPoint highestActivationPoint = FindMaxActivationOutput(box, _visualFieldResolution, out minActivation, out maxActivation);

            activationRange = Math.Max(0.0, maxActivation - minActivation);

            // Get the distance between the target and activated pixels, in the real coordinate space.
            // We actually want squared distance (not distance) thus we can skip taking the square root (expensive CPU operation).
            return(CalcRealDistanceSquared(targetPos, highestActivationPoint));
        /// <summary>
        /// Apply the provided test case to the provided black box's inputs (visual input field).
        /// </summary>
        public static void ApplyVisualFieldToBlackBox(TestCaseField testCaseField, IBlackBox box, int visualFieldResolution, double visualOriginPixelXY, double visualPixelSize)
            int    inputIdx = 0;
            double yReal    = visualOriginPixelXY;

            for (int y = 0; y < visualFieldResolution; y++, yReal += visualPixelSize)
                double xReal = visualOriginPixelXY;
                for (int x = 0; x < visualFieldResolution; x++, xReal += visualPixelSize, inputIdx++)
                    box.InputSignalArray[inputIdx] = testCaseField.GetPixel(xReal, yReal);
        /// <summary>
        /// Evaluate the provided IBlackBox against the XOR problem domain and return its fitness score.
        /// Fitness value explanation.
        /// 1) Max distance from target position in each trial is sqrt(2)*VisualFieldEdgeLength (target in one corner and selected target in
        /// opposite corner).
        /// 2) An agents is scored by squaring the distance of its selected target from the actual target, squaring the value,
        /// taking the average over all test cases and then taking the square root. This is referred to as the root mean squared distance (RMSD)
        /// and is effectively an  implementation of least squares (least squared error). The square root term converts values back into units
        /// of distance (rather than squared distance)
        /// 3) An agent selecting points at random will score VisualFieldEdgeLength * MeanLineInSquareRootMeanSquareLength. Any agent scoring
        /// this amount or less is assigned a fitness of zero. All other scores are scaled and translated into the range 0-100 where 0 is no better
        /// or worse than a random agent, and 100 is perfectly selecting the correct target for all test cases (distance of zero between target and
        /// selected target).
        /// 4)  In addition to this the range of output values is scaled to 0-10 and added to the final score, this encourages solutions with a wide
        /// output range between the highest activation (the selected pixel) and the lowest activation (this encourages prominent/clear selection).
        /// An alternative scheme is fitness = 1/RMSD  (separately handling the special case where RMSD==0).
        /// However, this gives a non-linear increase in fitness as RMSD decreases linearly, which in turns produces a 'spikier' fitness landscape
        /// which is more likely to cause genomes and species to get caught in a local maximum.
        /// </summary>
        public FitnessInfo Evaluate(IBlackBox box)

            // Accumulate square distance from each test case.
            double        acc = 0.0;
            double        activationRangeAcc = 0.0;
            TestCaseField testCaseField      = new TestCaseField();

            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < 25; j++)
                    double activationRange;
                    acc += RunTrial(box, testCaseField, i, out activationRange);
                    activationRangeAcc += activationRange;

            // Calc root mean squared distance (RMSD) and calculate fitness based comparison to the random agent.
            const double threshold = VisualFieldEdgeLength * 0.5772;
            double       rmsd      = Math.Sqrt(acc / 75.0);
            double       fitness;

            if (rmsd > threshold)
                fitness = 0.0;
                fitness = (((threshold - rmsd) * 100.0) / threshold) + (activationRangeAcc / 7.5);

            // Set stop flag when max fitness is attained.
            if (!_stopConditionSatisfied && fitness == MaxFitness)
                _stopConditionSatisfied = true;
            return(new FitnessInfo(fitness, rmsd));
        /// <summary>
        /// Construct with an INeatExperiment. This provides config data parsed from the experiment config XML and a method for
        /// creating genome decoders for different visual resolutions.
        /// </summary>
        public BoxesVisualDiscriminationView(BoxesVisualDiscriminationExperiment experiment)
                cbxResolution.SelectedIndex = 0;

                _experiment = experiment;
                _testCaseField = new TestCaseField();  
                // Create a bitmap for the picturebox.
                int width = Width;
                int height = Height;
                _image = new Bitmap(width, height, ViewportPixelFormat);           
                pbx.Image = _image;
                _initializing = false;