public clsResult Read_FMap_Gateways(StreamReader File) { clsResult ReturnResult = new clsResult("Reading gateways"); IniReader GatewaysINI = new IniReader(); ReturnResult.Take(GatewaysINI.ReadFile(File)); FMapIniGateways INIGateways = new FMapIniGateways(GatewaysINI.Sections.Count); ReturnResult.Take(GatewaysINI.Translate(INIGateways)); int A = 0; int InvalidGatewayCount = 0; for ( A = 0; A <= INIGateways.GatewayCount - 1; A++ ) { if ( GatewayCreate(INIGateways.Gateways[A].PosA, INIGateways.Gateways[A].PosB) == null ) { InvalidGatewayCount++; } } if ( InvalidGatewayCount > 0 ) { ReturnResult.WarningAdd(InvalidGatewayCount + " gateways were invalid."); } return ReturnResult; }
public clsResult Load_FMap(string Path) { clsResult ReturnResult = new clsResult("Loading FMap from " + Convert.ToString(ControlChars.Quote) + Path + Convert.ToString(ControlChars.Quote)); ZipStreamEntry ZipSearchResult = default(ZipStreamEntry); string FindPath = ""; FMapInfo ResultInfo = null; FindPath = "info.ini"; ZipSearchResult = IOUtil.FindZipEntryFromPath(Path, FindPath); if ( ZipSearchResult == null ) { ReturnResult.ProblemAdd("Unable to find file " + Convert.ToString(ControlChars.Quote) + FindPath + Convert.ToString(ControlChars.Quote) + "."); return ReturnResult; } else { StreamReader Info_StreamReader = new StreamReader(ZipSearchResult.Stream); ReturnResult.Add(Read_FMap_Info(Info_StreamReader, ref ResultInfo)); Info_StreamReader.Close(); if ( ReturnResult.HasProblems ) { return ReturnResult; } } sXY_int NewTerrainSize = ResultInfo.TerrainSize; Tileset = ResultInfo.Tileset; if ( NewTerrainSize.X <= 0 | NewTerrainSize.X > Constants.MapMaxSize ) { ReturnResult.ProblemAdd("Map width of " + Convert.ToString(NewTerrainSize.X) + " is not valid."); } if ( NewTerrainSize.Y <= 0 | NewTerrainSize.Y > Constants.MapMaxSize ) { ReturnResult.ProblemAdd("Map height of " + Convert.ToString(NewTerrainSize.Y) + " is not valid."); } if ( ReturnResult.HasProblems ) { return ReturnResult; } SetPainterToDefaults(); //depends on tileset. must be called before loading the terrains. TerrainBlank(NewTerrainSize); TileType_Reset(); FindPath = "vertexheight.dat"; ZipSearchResult = IOUtil.FindZipEntryFromPath(Path, FindPath); if ( ZipSearchResult == null ) { ReturnResult.WarningAdd("Unable to find file " + Convert.ToString(ControlChars.Quote) + FindPath + Convert.ToString(ControlChars.Quote) + "."); } else { BinaryReader VertexHeight_Reader = new BinaryReader(ZipSearchResult.Stream); ReturnResult.Add(Read_FMap_VertexHeight(VertexHeight_Reader)); VertexHeight_Reader.Close(); } FindPath = "vertexterrain.dat"; ZipSearchResult = IOUtil.FindZipEntryFromPath(Path, FindPath); if ( ZipSearchResult == null ) { ReturnResult.WarningAdd("Unable to find file " + Convert.ToString(ControlChars.Quote) + FindPath + Convert.ToString(ControlChars.Quote) + "."); } else { BinaryReader VertexTerrain_Reader = new BinaryReader(ZipSearchResult.Stream); ReturnResult.Add(Read_FMap_VertexTerrain(VertexTerrain_Reader)); VertexTerrain_Reader.Close(); } FindPath = "tiletexture.dat"; ZipSearchResult = IOUtil.FindZipEntryFromPath(Path, FindPath); if ( ZipSearchResult == null ) { ReturnResult.WarningAdd("Unable to find file " + Convert.ToString(ControlChars.Quote) + FindPath + Convert.ToString(ControlChars.Quote) + "."); } else { BinaryReader TileTexture_Reader = new BinaryReader(ZipSearchResult.Stream); ReturnResult.Add(Read_FMap_TileTexture(TileTexture_Reader)); TileTexture_Reader.Close(); } FindPath = "tileorientation.dat"; ZipSearchResult = IOUtil.FindZipEntryFromPath(Path, FindPath); if ( ZipSearchResult == null ) { ReturnResult.WarningAdd("Unable to find file " + Convert.ToString(ControlChars.Quote) + FindPath + Convert.ToString(ControlChars.Quote) + "."); } else { BinaryReader TileOrientation_Reader = new BinaryReader(ZipSearchResult.Stream); ReturnResult.Add(Read_FMap_TileOrientation(TileOrientation_Reader)); TileOrientation_Reader.Close(); } FindPath = "tilecliff.dat"; ZipSearchResult = IOUtil.FindZipEntryFromPath(Path, FindPath); if ( ZipSearchResult == null ) { ReturnResult.WarningAdd("Unable to find file " + Convert.ToString(ControlChars.Quote) + FindPath + Convert.ToString(ControlChars.Quote) + "."); } else { BinaryReader TileCliff_Reader = new BinaryReader(ZipSearchResult.Stream); ReturnResult.Add(Read_FMap_TileCliff(TileCliff_Reader)); TileCliff_Reader.Close(); } FindPath = "roads.dat"; ZipSearchResult = IOUtil.FindZipEntryFromPath(Path, FindPath); if ( ZipSearchResult == null ) { ReturnResult.WarningAdd("Unable to find file " + Convert.ToString(ControlChars.Quote) + FindPath + Convert.ToString(ControlChars.Quote) + "."); } else { BinaryReader Roads_Reader = new BinaryReader(ZipSearchResult.Stream); ReturnResult.Add(Read_FMap_Roads(Roads_Reader)); Roads_Reader.Close(); } FindPath = "objects.ini"; ZipSearchResult = IOUtil.FindZipEntryFromPath(Path, FindPath); if ( ZipSearchResult == null ) { ReturnResult.WarningAdd("Unable to find file " + Convert.ToString(ControlChars.Quote) + FindPath + Convert.ToString(ControlChars.Quote) + "."); } else { StreamReader Objects_Reader = new StreamReader(ZipSearchResult.Stream); ReturnResult.Add(Read_FMap_Objects(Objects_Reader)); Objects_Reader.Close(); } FindPath = "gateways.ini"; ZipSearchResult = IOUtil.FindZipEntryFromPath(Path, FindPath); if ( ZipSearchResult == null ) { ReturnResult.WarningAdd("Unable to find file " + Convert.ToString(ControlChars.Quote) + FindPath + Convert.ToString(ControlChars.Quote) + "."); } else { StreamReader Gateway_Reader = new StreamReader(ZipSearchResult.Stream); ReturnResult.Add(Read_FMap_Gateways(Gateway_Reader)); Gateway_Reader.Close(); } FindPath = "tiletypes.dat"; ZipSearchResult = IOUtil.FindZipEntryFromPath(Path, FindPath); if ( ZipSearchResult == null ) { ReturnResult.WarningAdd("Unable to find file " + Convert.ToString(ControlChars.Quote) + FindPath + Convert.ToString(ControlChars.Quote) + "."); } else { BinaryReader TileTypes_Reader = new BinaryReader(ZipSearchResult.Stream); ReturnResult.Add(Read_FMap_TileTypes(TileTypes_Reader)); TileTypes_Reader.Close(); } FindPath = "scriptlabels.ini"; ZipSearchResult = IOUtil.FindZipEntryFromPath(Path, FindPath); if ( ZipSearchResult == null ) { } else { clsResult Result = new clsResult("Reading labels"); IniReader LabelsINI = new IniReader(); StreamReader LabelsINI_Reader = new StreamReader(ZipSearchResult.Stream); Result.Take(LabelsINI.ReadFile(LabelsINI_Reader)); LabelsINI_Reader.Close(); Result.Take(Read_WZ_Labels(LabelsINI, true)); ReturnResult.Add(Result); } InterfaceOptions = ResultInfo.InterfaceOptions; return ReturnResult; }
private clsResult Read_FMap_Objects(StreamReader File) { clsResult ReturnResult = new clsResult("Reading objects"); int A = 0; IniReader ObjectsINI = new IniReader(); ReturnResult.Take(ObjectsINI.ReadFile(File)); FMapIniObjects INIObjects = new FMapIniObjects(ObjectsINI.Sections.Count); ReturnResult.Take(ObjectsINI.Translate(INIObjects)); int DroidComponentUnknownCount = 0; int ObjectTypeMissingCount = 0; int ObjectPlayerNumInvalidCount = 0; int ObjectPosInvalidCount = 0; int DesignTypeUnspecifiedCount = 0; int UnknownUnitTypeCount = 0; int MaxUnknownUnitTypeWarningCount = 16; clsDroidDesign DroidDesign = default(clsDroidDesign); clsUnit NewObject = default(clsUnit); clsUnitAdd UnitAdd = new clsUnitAdd(); clsUnitType UnitType = default(clsUnitType); bool IsDesign = default(bool); clsUnitGroup UnitGroup = default(clsUnitGroup); sXY_int ZeroPos = new sXY_int(0, 0); UInt32 AvailableID = 0; UnitAdd.Map = this; AvailableID = 1U; for ( A = 0; A <= INIObjects.ObjectCount - 1; A++ ) { if ( INIObjects.Objects[A].ID >= AvailableID ) { AvailableID = INIObjects.Objects[A].ID + 1U; } } for ( A = 0; A <= INIObjects.ObjectCount - 1; A++ ) { if ( INIObjects.Objects[A].Pos == null ) { ObjectPosInvalidCount++; } else if ( !App.PosIsWithinTileArea(INIObjects.Objects[A].Pos.XY, ZeroPos, Terrain.TileSize) ) { ObjectPosInvalidCount++; } else { UnitType = null; if ( INIObjects.Objects[A].Type != clsUnitType.enumType.Unspecified ) { IsDesign = false; if ( INIObjects.Objects[A].Type == clsUnitType.enumType.PlayerDroid ) { if ( !INIObjects.Objects[A].IsTemplate ) { IsDesign = true; } } if ( IsDesign ) { DroidDesign = new clsDroidDesign(); DroidDesign.TemplateDroidType = INIObjects.Objects[A].TemplateDroidType; if ( DroidDesign.TemplateDroidType == null ) { DroidDesign.TemplateDroidType = App.TemplateDroidType_Droid; DesignTypeUnspecifiedCount++; } if ( INIObjects.Objects[A].BodyCode != "" ) { DroidDesign.Body = App.ObjectData.FindOrCreateBody(Convert.ToString(INIObjects.Objects[A].BodyCode)); if ( DroidDesign.Body.IsUnknown ) { DroidComponentUnknownCount++; } } if ( INIObjects.Objects[A].PropulsionCode != "" ) { DroidDesign.Propulsion = App.ObjectData.FindOrCreatePropulsion(INIObjects.Objects[A].PropulsionCode); if ( DroidDesign.Propulsion.IsUnknown ) { DroidComponentUnknownCount++; } } DroidDesign.TurretCount = (byte)(INIObjects.Objects[A].TurretCount); if ( INIObjects.Objects[A].TurretCodes[0] != "" ) { DroidDesign.Turret1 = App.ObjectData.FindOrCreateTurret(INIObjects.Objects[A].TurretTypes[0], Convert.ToString(INIObjects.Objects[A].TurretCodes[0])); if ( DroidDesign.Turret1.IsUnknown ) { DroidComponentUnknownCount++; } } if ( INIObjects.Objects[A].TurretCodes[1] != "" ) { DroidDesign.Turret2 = App.ObjectData.FindOrCreateTurret(INIObjects.Objects[A].TurretTypes[1], Convert.ToString(INIObjects.Objects[A].TurretCodes[1])); if ( DroidDesign.Turret2.IsUnknown ) { DroidComponentUnknownCount++; } } if ( INIObjects.Objects[A].TurretCodes[2] != "" ) { DroidDesign.Turret3 = App.ObjectData.FindOrCreateTurret(INIObjects.Objects[A].TurretTypes[2], Convert.ToString(INIObjects.Objects[A].TurretCodes[2])); if ( DroidDesign.Turret3.IsUnknown ) { DroidComponentUnknownCount++; } } DroidDesign.UpdateAttachments(); UnitType = DroidDesign; } else { UnitType = App.ObjectData.FindOrCreateUnitType(INIObjects.Objects[A].Code, INIObjects.Objects[A].Type, INIObjects.Objects[A].WallType); if ( UnitType.IsUnknown ) { if ( UnknownUnitTypeCount < MaxUnknownUnitTypeWarningCount ) { ReturnResult.WarningAdd(ControlChars.Quote + INIObjects.Objects[A].Code + Convert.ToString(ControlChars.Quote) + " is not a loaded object."); } UnknownUnitTypeCount++; } } } if ( UnitType == null ) { ObjectTypeMissingCount++; } else { NewObject = new clsUnit(); NewObject.Type = UnitType; NewObject.Pos.Horizontal.X = INIObjects.Objects[A].Pos.X; NewObject.Pos.Horizontal.Y = INIObjects.Objects[A].Pos.Y; NewObject.Health = INIObjects.Objects[A].Health; NewObject.SavePriority = INIObjects.Objects[A].Priority; NewObject.Rotation = (int)(INIObjects.Objects[A].Heading); if ( NewObject.Rotation >= 360 ) { NewObject.Rotation -= 360; } if ( INIObjects.Objects[A].UnitGroup == null || INIObjects.Objects[A].UnitGroup == "" ) { if ( INIObjects.Objects[A].Type != clsUnitType.enumType.Feature ) { ObjectPlayerNumInvalidCount++; } NewObject.UnitGroup = ScavengerUnitGroup; } else { if ( INIObjects.Objects[A].UnitGroup.ToLower() == "scavenger" ) { NewObject.UnitGroup = ScavengerUnitGroup; } else { UInt32 PlayerNum = 0; try { if ( !IOUtil.InvariantParse(INIObjects.Objects[A].UnitGroup, PlayerNum) ) { throw (new Exception()); } if ( PlayerNum < Constants.PlayerCountMax ) { UnitGroup = UnitGroups[Convert.ToInt32(PlayerNum)]; } else { UnitGroup = ScavengerUnitGroup; ObjectPlayerNumInvalidCount++; } } catch ( Exception ) { ObjectPlayerNumInvalidCount++; UnitGroup = ScavengerUnitGroup; } NewObject.UnitGroup = UnitGroup; } } if ( INIObjects.Objects[A].ID == 0U ) { INIObjects.Objects[A].ID = AvailableID; App.ZeroIDWarning(NewObject, INIObjects.Objects[A].ID, ReturnResult); } UnitAdd.NewUnit = NewObject; UnitAdd.ID = INIObjects.Objects[A].ID; UnitAdd.Label = INIObjects.Objects[A].Label; UnitAdd.Perform(); App.ErrorIDChange(INIObjects.Objects[A].ID, NewObject, "Read_FMap_Objects"); if ( AvailableID == INIObjects.Objects[A].ID ) { AvailableID = NewObject.ID + 1U; } } } } if ( UnknownUnitTypeCount > MaxUnknownUnitTypeWarningCount ) { ReturnResult.WarningAdd(UnknownUnitTypeCount + " objects were not in the loaded object data."); } if ( ObjectTypeMissingCount > 0 ) { ReturnResult.WarningAdd(ObjectTypeMissingCount + " objects did not specify a type and were ignored."); } if ( DroidComponentUnknownCount > 0 ) { ReturnResult.WarningAdd(DroidComponentUnknownCount + " components used by droids were loaded as unknowns."); } if ( ObjectPlayerNumInvalidCount > 0 ) { ReturnResult.WarningAdd(ObjectPlayerNumInvalidCount + " objects had an invalid player number and were set to player 0."); } if ( ObjectPosInvalidCount > 0 ) { ReturnResult.WarningAdd(ObjectPosInvalidCount + " objects had a position that was off-map and were ignored."); } if ( DesignTypeUnspecifiedCount > 0 ) { ReturnResult.WarningAdd(DesignTypeUnspecifiedCount + " designed droids did not specify a template droid type and were set to droid."); } return ReturnResult; }
public clsResult Load_WZ(string Path) { clsResult ReturnResult = new clsResult("Loading WZ from " + Convert.ToString(ControlChars.Quote) + Path + Convert.ToString(ControlChars.Quote)); App.sResult SubResult = new App.sResult(); string Quote = ControlChars.Quote.ToString(); ZipEntry ZipEntry = default(ZipEntry); bool GameFound = default(bool); bool DatasetFound = default(bool); SimpleList<clsWZMapEntry> Maps = new SimpleList<clsWZMapEntry>(); clsTileset GameTileset = null; string GameName = ""; string strTemp = ""; ZipSplitPath SplitPath; int A = 0; int B = 0; int C = 0; int D = 0; FileStream File = default(FileStream); try { File = System.IO.File.OpenRead(Path); } catch ( Exception ex ) { ReturnResult.ProblemAdd(ex.Message); return ReturnResult; } ZipInputStream ZipStream = new ZipInputStream(File); //get all usable lev entries do { ZipEntry = ZipStream.GetNextEntry(); if ( ZipEntry == null ) { break; } SplitPath = new ZipSplitPath(ZipEntry.Name); if ( SplitPath.FileExtension == "lev" && SplitPath.PartCount == 1 ) { if ( ZipEntry.Size > 10 * 1024 * 1024 ) { ReturnResult.ProblemAdd("lev file is too large."); ZipStream.Close(); return ReturnResult; } BinaryReader Reader = new BinaryReader(ZipStream); SimpleList<string> LineData = IOUtil.BytesToLinesRemoveComments(Reader); //find each level block for ( A = 0; A <= LineData.Count - 1; A++ ) { if ( Strings.LCase(Strings.Left(LineData[A], 5)) == "level" ) { //find each levels game file GameFound = false; B = 1; while ( A + B < LineData.Count ) { if ( Strings.LCase(Strings.Left(Convert.ToString(LineData[A + B]), 4)) == "game" ) { C = Strings.InStr(Convert.ToString(LineData[A + B]), Quote, (CompareMethod)0); D = Strings.InStrRev(Convert.ToString(LineData[A + B]), Quote, -1, (CompareMethod)0); if ( C > 0 & D > 0 & D - C > 1 ) { GameName = Strings.LCase(Strings.Mid(Convert.ToString(LineData[A + B]), C + 1, D - C - 1)); //see if map is already counted for ( C = 0; C <= Maps.Count - 1; C++ ) { if ( GameName == Maps[C].Name ) { break; } } if ( C == Maps.Count ) { GameFound = true; } } break; } else if ( Strings.LCase(Strings.Left(Convert.ToString(LineData[A + B]), 5)) == "level" ) { break; } B++; } if ( GameFound ) { //find the dataset (determines tileset) DatasetFound = false; B = 1; while ( A + B < LineData.Count ) { if ( Strings.LCase(Strings.Left(Convert.ToString(LineData[A + B]), 7)) == "dataset" ) { strTemp = Strings.LCase(Strings.Right(Convert.ToString(LineData[A + B]), 1)); if ( strTemp == "1" ) { GameTileset = App.Tileset_Arizona; DatasetFound = true; } else if ( strTemp == "2" ) { GameTileset = App.Tileset_Urban; DatasetFound = true; } else if ( strTemp == "3" ) { GameTileset = App.Tileset_Rockies; DatasetFound = true; } break; } else if ( Strings.LCase(Strings.Left(Convert.ToString(LineData[A + B]), 5)) == "level" ) { break; } B++; } if ( DatasetFound ) { clsWZMapEntry NewMap = new clsWZMapEntry(); NewMap.Name = GameName; NewMap.Tileset = GameTileset; Maps.Add(NewMap); } } } } } } while ( true ); ZipStream.Close(); string MapLoadName = ""; //prompt user for which of the entries to load if ( Maps.Count < 1 ) { ReturnResult.ProblemAdd("No maps found in file."); return ReturnResult; } else if ( Maps.Count == 1 ) { MapLoadName = Convert.ToString(Maps[0].Name); Tileset = Maps[0].Tileset; } else { frmWZLoad.clsOutput SelectToLoadResult = new frmWZLoad.clsOutput(); string[] Names = new string[Maps.Count]; for ( A = 0; A <= Maps.Count - 1; A++ ) { Names[A] = Convert.ToString(Maps[A].Name); } frmWZLoad SelectToLoadForm = new frmWZLoad(Names, SelectToLoadResult, "Select a map from " + Convert.ToString(new App.sSplitPath(Path).FileTitle)); SelectToLoadForm.ShowDialog(); if ( SelectToLoadResult.Result < 0 ) { ReturnResult.ProblemAdd("No map selected."); return ReturnResult; } MapLoadName = Convert.ToString(Maps[SelectToLoadResult.Result].Name); Tileset = Maps[SelectToLoadResult.Result].Tileset; } TileType_Reset(); SetPainterToDefaults(); ZipSplitPath GameSplitPath = new ZipSplitPath(MapLoadName); string GameFilesPath = GameSplitPath.FilePath + GameSplitPath.FileTitleWithoutExtension + "/"; ZipStreamEntry ZipSearchResult = default(ZipStreamEntry); ZipSearchResult = IOUtil.FindZipEntryFromPath(Path, MapLoadName); if ( ZipSearchResult == null ) { ReturnResult.ProblemAdd("Game file not found."); return ReturnResult; } else { BinaryReader Map_Reader = new BinaryReader(ZipSearchResult.Stream); SubResult = Read_WZ_gam(Map_Reader); Map_Reader.Close(); if ( !SubResult.Success ) { ReturnResult.ProblemAdd(SubResult.Problem); return ReturnResult; } } ZipSearchResult = IOUtil.FindZipEntryFromPath(Path, GameFilesPath + ""); if ( ZipSearchResult == null ) { ReturnResult.ProblemAdd(" file not found"); return ReturnResult; } else { BinaryReader Map_Reader = new BinaryReader(ZipSearchResult.Stream); SubResult = Read_WZ_map(Map_Reader); Map_Reader.Close(); if ( !SubResult.Success ) { ReturnResult.ProblemAdd(SubResult.Problem); return ReturnResult; } } SimpleClassList<clsWZBJOUnit> BJOUnits = new SimpleClassList<clsWZBJOUnit>(); IniFeatures INIFeatures = null; ZipSearchResult = IOUtil.FindZipEntryFromPath(Path, GameFilesPath + "feature.ini"); if ( ZipSearchResult == null ) { } else { clsResult Result = new clsResult("feature.ini"); IniReader FeaturesINI = new IniReader(); StreamReader FeaturesINI_Reader = new StreamReader(ZipSearchResult.Stream); Result.Take(FeaturesINI.ReadFile(FeaturesINI_Reader)); FeaturesINI_Reader.Close(); INIFeatures = new IniFeatures(FeaturesINI.Sections.Count); Result.Take(FeaturesINI.Translate(INIFeatures)); ReturnResult.Add(Result); } if ( INIFeatures == null ) { clsResult Result = new clsResult("feat.bjo"); ZipSearchResult = IOUtil.FindZipEntryFromPath(Path, GameFilesPath + "feat.bjo"); if ( ZipSearchResult == null ) { Result.WarningAdd("file not found"); } else { BinaryReader Features_Reader = new BinaryReader(ZipSearchResult.Stream); SubResult = Read_WZ_Features(Features_Reader, BJOUnits); Features_Reader.Close(); if ( !SubResult.Success ) { Result.WarningAdd(SubResult.Problem); } } ReturnResult.Add(Result); } if ( true ) { clsResult Result = new clsResult("ttypes.ttp"); ZipSearchResult = IOUtil.FindZipEntryFromPath(Path, GameFilesPath + "ttypes.ttp"); if ( ZipSearchResult == null ) { Result.WarningAdd("file not found"); } else { BinaryReader TileTypes_Reader = new BinaryReader(ZipSearchResult.Stream); SubResult = Read_WZ_TileTypes(TileTypes_Reader); TileTypes_Reader.Close(); if ( !SubResult.Success ) { Result.WarningAdd(SubResult.Problem); } } ReturnResult.Add(Result); } IniStructures INIStructures = null; ZipSearchResult = IOUtil.FindZipEntryFromPath(Path, GameFilesPath + "struct.ini"); if ( ZipSearchResult == null ) { } else { clsResult Result = new clsResult("struct.ini"); IniReader StructuresINI = new IniReader(); StreamReader StructuresINI_Reader = new StreamReader(ZipSearchResult.Stream); Result.Take(StructuresINI.ReadFile(StructuresINI_Reader)); StructuresINI_Reader.Close(); INIStructures = new IniStructures(StructuresINI.Sections.Count, this); Result.Take(StructuresINI.Translate(INIStructures)); ReturnResult.Add(Result); } if ( INIStructures == null ) { clsResult Result = new clsResult("struct.bjo"); ZipSearchResult = IOUtil.FindZipEntryFromPath(Path, GameFilesPath + "struct.bjo"); if ( ZipSearchResult == null ) { Result.WarningAdd("file not found"); } else { BinaryReader Structures_Reader = new BinaryReader(ZipSearchResult.Stream); SubResult = Read_WZ_Structures(Structures_Reader, BJOUnits); Structures_Reader.Close(); if ( !SubResult.Success ) { Result.WarningAdd(SubResult.Problem); } } ReturnResult.Add(Result); } IniDroids INIDroids = null; ZipSearchResult = IOUtil.FindZipEntryFromPath(Path, GameFilesPath + "droid.ini"); if ( ZipSearchResult == null ) { } else { clsResult Result = new clsResult("droid.ini"); IniReader DroidsINI = new IniReader(); StreamReader DroidsINI_Reader = new StreamReader(ZipSearchResult.Stream); Result.Take(DroidsINI.ReadFile(DroidsINI_Reader)); DroidsINI_Reader.Close(); INIDroids = new IniDroids(DroidsINI.Sections.Count, this); Result.Take(DroidsINI.Translate(INIDroids)); ReturnResult.Add(Result); } if ( INIDroids == null ) { clsResult Result = new clsResult("dinit.bjo"); ZipSearchResult = IOUtil.FindZipEntryFromPath(Path, GameFilesPath + "dinit.bjo"); if ( ZipSearchResult == null ) { Result.WarningAdd("file not found"); } else { BinaryReader Droids_Reader = new BinaryReader(ZipSearchResult.Stream); SubResult = Read_WZ_Droids(Droids_Reader, BJOUnits); Droids_Reader.Close(); if ( !SubResult.Success ) { Result.WarningAdd(SubResult.Problem); } } ReturnResult.Add(Result); } sCreateWZObjectsArgs CreateObjectsArgs = new sCreateWZObjectsArgs(); CreateObjectsArgs.BJOUnits = BJOUnits; CreateObjectsArgs.INIStructures = INIStructures; CreateObjectsArgs.INIDroids = INIDroids; CreateObjectsArgs.INIFeatures = INIFeatures; ReturnResult.Add(CreateWZObjects(CreateObjectsArgs)); //objects are modified by this and must already exist ZipSearchResult = IOUtil.FindZipEntryFromPath(Path, GameFilesPath + "labels.ini"); if ( ZipSearchResult == null ) { } else { clsResult Result = new clsResult("labels.ini"); IniReader LabelsINI = new IniReader(); StreamReader LabelsINI_Reader = new StreamReader(ZipSearchResult.Stream); Result.Take(LabelsINI.ReadFile(LabelsINI_Reader)); LabelsINI_Reader.Close(); Result.Take(Read_WZ_Labels(LabelsINI, false)); ReturnResult.Add(Result); } return ReturnResult; }
public clsResult Load_Game(string Path) { clsResult ReturnResult = new clsResult("Loading game file from " + Convert.ToString(ControlChars.Quote) + Path + Convert.ToString(ControlChars.Quote)); App.sResult SubResult = new App.sResult(); string Quote = ControlChars.Quote.ToString(); Tileset = null; TileType_Reset(); SetPainterToDefaults(); App.sSplitPath GameSplitPath = new App.sSplitPath(Path); string GameFilesPath = GameSplitPath.FilePath + GameSplitPath.FileTitleWithoutExtension + Convert.ToString(App.PlatformPathSeparator); string MapDirectory = ""; FileStream File = null; SubResult = IOUtil.TryOpenFileStream(Path, ref File); if ( !SubResult.Success ) { ReturnResult.ProblemAdd("Game file not found: " + SubResult.Problem); return ReturnResult; } else { BinaryReader Map_Reader = new BinaryReader(File); SubResult = Read_WZ_gam(Map_Reader); Map_Reader.Close(); if ( !SubResult.Success ) { ReturnResult.ProblemAdd(SubResult.Problem); return ReturnResult; } } SubResult = IOUtil.TryOpenFileStream(GameFilesPath + "", ref File); if ( !SubResult.Success ) { MsgBoxResult PromptResult = Interaction.MsgBox( " file not found at " + GameFilesPath + ControlChars.NewLine + "Do you want to select another directory to load the underlying map from?", (MsgBoxStyle)(MsgBoxStyle.OkCancel | MsgBoxStyle.Question), null); if ( PromptResult != MsgBoxResult.Ok ) { ReturnResult.ProblemAdd("Aborted."); return ReturnResult; } FolderBrowserDialog DirectorySelect = new FolderBrowserDialog(); DirectorySelect.SelectedPath = GameFilesPath; if ( DirectorySelect.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK ) { ReturnResult.ProblemAdd("Aborted."); return ReturnResult; } MapDirectory = DirectorySelect.SelectedPath + Convert.ToString(App.PlatformPathSeparator); SubResult = IOUtil.TryOpenFileStream(MapDirectory + "", ref File); if ( !SubResult.Success ) { ReturnResult.ProblemAdd(" file not found: " + SubResult.Problem); return ReturnResult; } } else { MapDirectory = GameFilesPath; } BinaryReader Map_ReaderB = new BinaryReader(File); SubResult = Read_WZ_map(Map_ReaderB); Map_ReaderB.Close(); if ( !SubResult.Success ) { ReturnResult.ProblemAdd(SubResult.Problem); return ReturnResult; } SimpleClassList<clsWZBJOUnit> BJOUnits = new SimpleClassList<clsWZBJOUnit>(); IniFeatures INIFeatures = null; SubResult = IOUtil.TryOpenFileStream(GameFilesPath + "feature.ini", ref File); if ( !SubResult.Success ) { } else { clsResult Result = new clsResult("feature.ini"); IniReader FeaturesINI = new IniReader(); StreamReader FeaturesINI_Reader = new StreamReader(File); Result.Take(FeaturesINI.ReadFile(FeaturesINI_Reader)); FeaturesINI_Reader.Close(); INIFeatures = new IniFeatures(FeaturesINI.Sections.Count); Result.Take(FeaturesINI.Translate(INIFeatures)); ReturnResult.Add(Result); } if ( INIFeatures == null ) { clsResult Result = new clsResult("feat.bjo"); SubResult = IOUtil.TryOpenFileStream(GameFilesPath + "feat.bjo", ref File); if ( !SubResult.Success ) { Result.WarningAdd("file not found"); } else { BinaryReader Features_Reader = new BinaryReader(File); SubResult = Read_WZ_Features(Features_Reader, BJOUnits); Features_Reader.Close(); if ( !SubResult.Success ) { Result.WarningAdd(SubResult.Problem); } } ReturnResult.Add(Result); } if ( true ) { clsResult Result = new clsResult("ttypes.ttp"); SubResult = IOUtil.TryOpenFileStream(MapDirectory + "ttypes.ttp", ref File); if ( !SubResult.Success ) { Result.WarningAdd("file not found"); } else { BinaryReader TileTypes_Reader = new BinaryReader(File); SubResult = Read_WZ_TileTypes(TileTypes_Reader); TileTypes_Reader.Close(); if ( !SubResult.Success ) { Result.WarningAdd(SubResult.Problem); } } ReturnResult.Add(Result); } IniStructures INIStructures = null; SubResult = IOUtil.TryOpenFileStream(GameFilesPath + "struct.ini", ref File); if ( !SubResult.Success ) { } else { clsResult Result = new clsResult("struct.ini"); IniReader StructuresINI = new IniReader(); StreamReader StructuresINI_Reader = new StreamReader(File); Result.Take(StructuresINI.ReadFile(StructuresINI_Reader)); StructuresINI_Reader.Close(); INIStructures = new IniStructures(StructuresINI.Sections.Count, this); Result.Take(StructuresINI.Translate(INIStructures)); ReturnResult.Add(Result); } if ( INIStructures == null ) { clsResult Result = new clsResult("struct.bjo"); SubResult = IOUtil.TryOpenFileStream(GameFilesPath + "struct.bjo", ref File); if ( !SubResult.Success ) { Result.WarningAdd("struct.bjo file not found."); } else { BinaryReader Structures_Reader = new BinaryReader(File); SubResult = Read_WZ_Structures(Structures_Reader, BJOUnits); Structures_Reader.Close(); if ( !SubResult.Success ) { Result.WarningAdd(SubResult.Problem); } } ReturnResult.Add(Result); } IniDroids INIDroids = null; SubResult = IOUtil.TryOpenFileStream(GameFilesPath + "droid.ini", ref File); if ( !SubResult.Success ) { } else { clsResult Result = new clsResult("droid.ini"); IniReader DroidsINI = new IniReader(); StreamReader DroidsINI_Reader = new StreamReader(File); Result.Take(DroidsINI.ReadFile(DroidsINI_Reader)); DroidsINI_Reader.Close(); INIDroids = new IniDroids(DroidsINI.Sections.Count, this); Result.Take(DroidsINI.Translate(INIDroids)); ReturnResult.Add(Result); } if ( INIStructures == null ) { clsResult Result = new clsResult("dinit.bjo"); SubResult = IOUtil.TryOpenFileStream(GameFilesPath + "dinit.bjo", ref File); if ( !SubResult.Success ) { Result.WarningAdd("dinit.bjo file not found."); } else { BinaryReader Droids_Reader = new BinaryReader(File); SubResult = Read_WZ_Droids(Droids_Reader, BJOUnits); Droids_Reader.Close(); if ( !SubResult.Success ) { Result.WarningAdd(SubResult.Problem); } } ReturnResult.Add(Result); } sCreateWZObjectsArgs CreateObjectsArgs = new sCreateWZObjectsArgs(); CreateObjectsArgs.BJOUnits = BJOUnits; CreateObjectsArgs.INIStructures = INIStructures; CreateObjectsArgs.INIDroids = INIDroids; CreateObjectsArgs.INIFeatures = INIFeatures; ReturnResult.Add(CreateWZObjects(CreateObjectsArgs)); //map objects are modified by this and must already exist SubResult = IOUtil.TryOpenFileStream(GameFilesPath + "labels.ini", ref File); if ( !SubResult.Success ) { } else { clsResult Result = new clsResult("labels.ini"); IniReader LabelsINI = new IniReader(); StreamReader LabelsINI_Reader = new StreamReader(File); Result.Take(LabelsINI.ReadFile(LabelsINI_Reader)); LabelsINI_Reader.Close(); Result.Take(Read_WZ_Labels(LabelsINI, false)); ReturnResult.Add(Result); } return ReturnResult; }
public clsResult Read_WZ_Labels(IniReader INI, bool IsFMap) { clsResult ReturnResult = new clsResult("Reading labels"); int CharNum = 0; PositionFromText PositionsA = default(PositionFromText); PositionFromText PositionsB = default(PositionFromText); int TypeNum = 0; clsScriptPosition NewPosition = default(clsScriptPosition); clsScriptArea NewArea = default(clsScriptArea); string NameText = ""; string strLabel = ""; string strPosA = ""; string strPosB = ""; string IDText = ""; UInt32 IDNum = 0; int FailedCount = 0; int ModifiedCount = 0; Section INISection = default(Section); foreach ( Section tempLoopVar_INISection in INI.Sections ) { INISection = tempLoopVar_INISection; NameText = INISection.Name; CharNum = NameText.IndexOf('_'); NameText = Strings.Left(NameText, CharNum); switch ( NameText ) { case "position": TypeNum = 0; break; case "area": TypeNum = 1; break; case "object": if ( IsFMap ) { TypeNum = int.MaxValue; FailedCount++; continue; } else { TypeNum = 2; } break; default: TypeNum = int.MaxValue; FailedCount++; continue; break; } strLabel = Convert.ToString(INISection.GetLastPropertyValue("label")); if ( strLabel == null ) { FailedCount++; continue; } strLabel = strLabel.Replace((ControlChars.Quote).ToString(), ""); switch ( TypeNum ) { case 0: //position strPosA = Convert.ToString(INISection.GetLastPropertyValue("pos")); if ( strPosA == null ) { FailedCount++; continue; } PositionsA = new PositionFromText(); if ( PositionsA.Translate(strPosA) ) { NewPosition = clsScriptPosition.Create(this); NewPosition.PosX = PositionsA.Pos.X; NewPosition.PosY = PositionsA.Pos.Y; NewPosition.SetLabel(strLabel); if ( NewPosition.Label != strLabel || NewPosition.PosX != PositionsA.Pos.X | NewPosition.PosY != PositionsA.Pos.Y ) { ModifiedCount++; } } else { FailedCount++; continue; } break; case 1: //area strPosA = Convert.ToString(INISection.GetLastPropertyValue("pos1")); if ( strPosA == null ) { FailedCount++; continue; } strPosB = Convert.ToString(INISection.GetLastPropertyValue("pos2")); if ( strPosB == null ) { FailedCount++; continue; } PositionsA = new PositionFromText(); PositionsB = new PositionFromText(); if ( PositionsA.Translate(strPosA) && PositionsB.Translate(strPosB) ) { NewArea = clsScriptArea.Create(this); NewArea.SetPositions(PositionsA.Pos, PositionsB.Pos); NewArea.SetLabel(strLabel); if ( NewArea.Label != strLabel || NewArea.PosAX != PositionsA.Pos.X | NewArea.PosAY != PositionsA.Pos.Y | NewArea.PosBX != PositionsB.Pos.X | NewArea.PosBY != PositionsB.Pos.Y ) { ModifiedCount++; } } else { FailedCount++; continue; } break; case 2: //object IDText = Convert.ToString(INISection.GetLastPropertyValue("id")); if ( IOUtil.InvariantParse(IDText, IDNum) ) { clsUnit Unit = IDUsage(IDNum); if ( Unit != null ) { if ( !Unit.SetLabel(strLabel).Success ) { FailedCount++; continue; } } else { FailedCount++; continue; } } break; default: ReturnResult.WarningAdd("Error! Bad type number for script label."); break; } } if ( FailedCount > 0 ) { ReturnResult.WarningAdd("Unable to translate " + Convert.ToString(FailedCount) + " script labels."); } if ( ModifiedCount > 0 ) { ReturnResult.WarningAdd(ModifiedCount + " script labels had invalid values and were modified."); } return ReturnResult; }