private DescriptorSet(GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice, DescriptorPool pool, DescriptorSetLayout desc) { if (pool.SrvOffset + desc.SrvCount > pool.SrvCount || pool.SamplerOffset + desc.SamplerCount > pool.SamplerCount) { // Eearly exit if OOM, IsValid should return false (TODO: different mechanism?) Device = null; BindingOffsets = null; Description = null; SrvStart = new CpuDescriptorHandle(); SamplerStart = new CpuDescriptorHandle(); return; } Device = graphicsDevice; BindingOffsets = desc.BindingOffsets; Description = desc; // Store start CpuDescriptorHandle SrvStart = desc.SrvCount > 0 ? (pool.SrvStart + graphicsDevice.SrvHandleIncrementSize * pool.SrvOffset) : new CpuDescriptorHandle(); SamplerStart = desc.SamplerCount > 0 ? (pool.SamplerStart + graphicsDevice.SamplerHandleIncrementSize * pool.SamplerOffset) : new CpuDescriptorHandle(); // Allocation is done, bump offsets // TODO D3D12 thread safety? pool.SrvOffset += desc.SrvCount; pool.SamplerOffset += desc.SamplerCount; }
private DescriptorPool(GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice, DescriptorTypeCount[] counts) : base(graphicsDevice) { // For now, we put everything together so let's compute total count foreach (var count in counts) { if (count.Type == EffectParameterClass.Sampler) SamplerCount += count.Count; else SrvCount += count.Count; } if (SrvCount > 0) { SrvHeap = graphicsDevice.NativeDevice.CreateDescriptorHeap(new DescriptorHeapDescription { DescriptorCount = SrvCount, Flags = DescriptorHeapFlags.None, Type = DescriptorHeapType.ConstantBufferViewShaderResourceViewUnorderedAccessView, }); SrvStart = SrvHeap.CPUDescriptorHandleForHeapStart; } if (SamplerCount > 0) { SamplerHeap = graphicsDevice.NativeDevice.CreateDescriptorHeap(new DescriptorHeapDescription { DescriptorCount = SamplerCount, Flags = DescriptorHeapFlags.None, Type = DescriptorHeapType.Sampler, }); SamplerStart = SamplerHeap.CPUDescriptorHandleForHeapStart; } }
/// <summary> /// <p> Sets CPU descriptor handles for the render targets and depth stencil. </p> /// </summary> /// <param name="numRenderTargetDescriptors"><dd> <p> The number of entries in the <em>pRenderTargetDescriptors</em> array. </p> </dd></param> /// <param name="renderTargetDescriptorsRef"><dd> <p> Specifies an array of <strong><see cref="SharpDX.Direct3D12.CpuDescriptorHandle"/></strong> structures that describe the CPU descriptor handles that represents the start of the heap of render target descriptors. </p> </dd></param> /// <param name="rTsSingleHandleToDescriptorRange"><dd> <p><strong>True</strong> means the handle passed in is the reference to a contiguous range of <em>NumRenderTargetDescriptors</em> descriptors. This case is useful if the set of descriptors to bind already happens to be contiguous in memory (so all that?s needed is a handle to the first one). For example, if <em>NumRenderTargetDescriptors</em> is 3 then the memory layout is taken as follows:</p><p>In this case the driver dereferences the handle and then increments the memory being pointed to.</p> <p><strong>False</strong> means that the handle is the first of an array of <em>NumRenderTargetDescriptors</em> handles. The false case allows an application to bind a set of descriptors from different locations at once. Again assuming that <em>NumRenderTargetDescriptors</em> is 3, the memory layout is taken as follows:</p><p>In this case the driver dereferences three handles that are expected to be adjacent to each other in memory.</p> </dd></param> /// <param name="depthStencilDescriptorRef"><dd> <p> A reference to a <strong><see cref="SharpDX.Direct3D12.CpuDescriptorHandle"/></strong> structure that describes the CPU descriptor handle that represents the start of the heap that holds the depth stencil descriptor. </p> </dd></param> /// <include file='.\..\Documentation\CodeComments.xml' path="/comments/comment[@id='ID3D12GraphicsCommandList::OMSetRenderTargets']/*"/> /// <msdn-id>dn986884</msdn-id> /// <unmanaged>void ID3D12GraphicsCommandList::OMSetRenderTargets([In] unsigned int NumRenderTargetDescriptors,[In, Optional] const void* pRenderTargetDescriptors,[In] BOOL RTsSingleHandleToDescriptorRange,[In, Optional] const D3D12_CPU_DESCRIPTOR_HANDLE* pDepthStencilDescriptor)</unmanaged> /// <unmanaged-short>ID3D12GraphicsCommandList::OMSetRenderTargets</unmanaged-short> public unsafe void SetRenderTargets(CpuDescriptorHandle?renderTargetDescriptor, SharpDX.Direct3D12.CpuDescriptorHandle?depthStencilDescriptorRef) { var renderTargetDesc = new CpuDescriptorHandle(); if (renderTargetDescriptor.HasValue) { renderTargetDesc = renderTargetDescriptor.Value; } SetRenderTargets(renderTargetDesc.Ptr != PointerSize.Zero ? 1 : 0, renderTargetDescriptor.HasValue ? new IntPtr(&renderTargetDesc) : IntPtr.Zero, false, depthStencilDescriptorRef); }
public override void SetDefaultRenderTarget(int width, int height, bool doClearColor) { SharpDX.Direct3D12.ResourceBarrier barrier = new SharpDX.Direct3D12.ResourceBarrier(); barrier.Type = SharpDX.Direct3D12.ResourceBarrierType.Transition; barrier.Flags = SharpDX.Direct3D12.ResourceBarrierFlags.None; if (_sampleDesc.Count > 1) { barrier.Transition = new SharpDX.Direct3D12.ResourceTransitionBarrier(_backBuffersAA[_frameIndex], SharpDX.Direct3D12.ResourceStates.ResolveSource, SharpDX.Direct3D12.ResourceStates.RenderTarget) { Subresource = 0 }; } else { barrier.Transition = new SharpDX.Direct3D12.ResourceTransitionBarrier(_backBuffers[_frameIndex], SharpDX.Direct3D12.ResourceStates.Present, SharpDX.Direct3D12.ResourceStates.RenderTarget) { Subresource = 0 }; } _commands.ResourceBarrier(barrier); SharpDX.Direct3D12.CpuDescriptorHandle rtv = _heapRTV.CPUDescriptorHandleForHeapStart; rtv.Ptr += _frameIndex * _sizeRTV; if (doClearColor) { SharpDX.Mathematics.Interop.RawColor4 clearColor = new SharpDX.Mathematics.Interop.RawColor4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); _commands.ClearRenderTargetView(rtv, clearColor, 0, null); } SharpDX.Direct3D12.CpuDescriptorHandle dsv = _heapDSV.CPUDescriptorHandleForHeapStart; _commands.ClearDepthStencilView(dsv, SharpDX.Direct3D12.ClearFlags.FlagsStencil, 0.0f, 0, 0, null); _commands.SetRenderTargets(1, rtv, dsv); _commands.SetViewports(1, _viewport); }
private void BuildDepthBuffer() { DescriptorHeapDescription descDescriptorHeapDSB = new DescriptorHeapDescription() { DescriptorCount = 1, Type = DescriptorHeapType.DepthStencilView, Flags = DescriptorHeapFlags.None }; DescriptorHeap descriptorHeapDSB = device.CreateDescriptorHeap(descDescriptorHeapDSB); ResourceDescription descDepth = new ResourceDescription() { Dimension = ResourceDimension.Texture2D, DepthOrArraySize = 1, MipLevels = 0, Flags = ResourceFlags.AllowDepthStencil, Width = (int)viewport.Width, Height = (int)viewport.Height, Format = Format.R32_Typeless, Layout = TextureLayout.Unknown, SampleDescription = new SampleDescription() { Count = 1 } }; ClearValue dsvClearValue = new ClearValue() { Format = Format.D32_Float, DepthStencil = new DepthStencilValue() { Depth = 1.0f, Stencil = 0 } }; Resource renderTargetDepth = device.CreateCommittedResource(new HeapProperties(HeapType.Default), HeapFlags.None, descDepth, ResourceStates.GenericRead, dsvClearValue); DepthStencilViewDescription depthDSV = new DepthStencilViewDescription() { Dimension = DepthStencilViewDimension.Texture2D, Format = Format.D32_Float, Texture2D = new DepthStencilViewDescription.Texture2DResource() { MipSlice = 0 } }; device.CreateDepthStencilView(renderTargetDepth, depthDSV, descriptorHeapDSB.CPUDescriptorHandleForHeapStart); handleDSV = descriptorHeapDSB.CPUDescriptorHandleForHeapStart; }
/// <summary> /// <p> Sets all the elements in a render target to one value. </p> /// </summary> /// <param name="renderTargetView"><dd> <p> Specifies a <see cref="SharpDX.Direct3D12.CpuDescriptorHandle"/> structure that describes the CPU descriptor handle that represents the start of the heap for the render target to be cleared. </p> </dd></param> /// <param name="colorRGBA"><dd> <p> A 4-component array that represents the color to fill the render target with. </p> </dd></param> /// <param name="numRects"><dd> <p> The number of rectangles in the array that the <em>pRects</em> parameter specifies. </p> </dd></param> /// <param name="rectsRef"><dd> <p> An array of <strong>D3D12_RECT</strong> structures for the rectangles in the resource view to clear. If <strong><c>null</c></strong>, <strong>ClearRenderTargetView</strong> clears the entire resource view. </p> </dd></param> /// <include file='.\..\Documentation\CodeComments.xml' path="/comments/comment[@id='ID3D12GraphicsCommandList::ClearRenderTargetView']/*"/> /// <msdn-id>dn903842</msdn-id> /// <unmanaged>void ID3D12GraphicsCommandList::ClearRenderTargetView([In] D3D12_CPU_DESCRIPTOR_HANDLE RenderTargetView,[In] const SHARPDX_COLOR4* ColorRGBA,[In] unsigned int NumRects,[In, Buffer] const RECT* pRects)</unmanaged> /// <unmanaged-short>ID3D12GraphicsCommandList::ClearRenderTargetView</unmanaged-short> public void ClearRenderTargetView(CpuDescriptorHandle renderTargetView, Mathematics.Interop.RawColor4 colorRGBA) { ClearRenderTargetView(renderTargetView, colorRGBA, 0, null); }
/// <summary> /// <p> Sets CPU descriptor handles for the render targets and depth stencil. </p> /// </summary> /// <param name="numRenderTargetDescriptors"><dd> <p> The number of entries in the <em>pRenderTargetDescriptors</em> array. </p> </dd></param> /// <param name="renderTargetDescriptorsRef"><dd> <p> Specifies an array of <strong><see cref="SharpDX.Direct3D12.CpuDescriptorHandle"/></strong> structures that describe the CPU descriptor handles that represents the start of the heap of render target descriptors. </p> </dd></param> /// <param name="rTsSingleHandleToDescriptorRange"><dd> <p><strong>True</strong> means the handle passed in is the reference to a contiguous range of <em>NumRenderTargetDescriptors</em> descriptors. This case is useful if the set of descriptors to bind already happens to be contiguous in memory (so all that?s needed is a handle to the first one). For example, if <em>NumRenderTargetDescriptors</em> is 3 then the memory layout is taken as follows:</p><p>In this case the driver dereferences the handle and then increments the memory being pointed to.</p> <p><strong>False</strong> means that the handle is the first of an array of <em>NumRenderTargetDescriptors</em> handles. The false case allows an application to bind a set of descriptors from different locations at once. Again assuming that <em>NumRenderTargetDescriptors</em> is 3, the memory layout is taken as follows:</p><p>In this case the driver dereferences three handles that are expected to be adjacent to each other in memory.</p> </dd></param> /// <param name="depthStencilDescriptorRef"><dd> <p> A reference to a <strong><see cref="SharpDX.Direct3D12.CpuDescriptorHandle"/></strong> structure that describes the CPU descriptor handle that represents the start of the heap that holds the depth stencil descriptor. </p> </dd></param> /// <include file='.\..\Documentation\CodeComments.xml' path="/comments/comment[@id='ID3D12GraphicsCommandList::OMSetRenderTargets']/*"/> /// <msdn-id>dn986884</msdn-id> /// <unmanaged>void ID3D12GraphicsCommandList::OMSetRenderTargets([In] unsigned int NumRenderTargetDescriptors,[In, Optional] const void* pRenderTargetDescriptors,[In] BOOL RTsSingleHandleToDescriptorRange,[In, Optional] const D3D12_CPU_DESCRIPTOR_HANDLE* pDepthStencilDescriptor)</unmanaged> /// <unmanaged-short>ID3D12GraphicsCommandList::OMSetRenderTargets</unmanaged-short> public unsafe void SetRenderTargets(CpuDescriptorHandle? renderTargetDescriptor, SharpDX.Direct3D12.CpuDescriptorHandle? depthStencilDescriptorRef) { var renderTargetDesc = new CpuDescriptorHandle(); if (renderTargetDescriptor.HasValue) { renderTargetDesc = renderTargetDescriptor.Value; } SetRenderTargets(renderTargetDesc.Ptr != PointerSize.Zero ? 1 : 0, renderTargetDescriptor.HasValue ? new IntPtr(&renderTargetDesc) : IntPtr.Zero, false, depthStencilDescriptorRef); }
/// <summary> /// <p> Sets CPU descriptor handles for the render targets and depth stencil. </p> /// </summary> /// <param name="numRenderTargetDescriptors"><dd> <p> The number of entries in the <em>pRenderTargetDescriptors</em> array. </p> </dd></param> /// <param name="renderTargetDescriptorsRef"><dd> <p> Specifies an array of <strong><see cref="SharpDX.Direct3D12.CpuDescriptorHandle"/></strong> structures that describe the CPU descriptor handles that represents the start of the heap of render target descriptors. </p> </dd></param> /// <param name="rTsSingleHandleToDescriptorRange"><dd> <p><strong>True</strong> means the handle passed in is the reference to a contiguous range of <em>NumRenderTargetDescriptors</em> descriptors. This case is useful if the set of descriptors to bind already happens to be contiguous in memory (so all that?s needed is a handle to the first one). For example, if <em>NumRenderTargetDescriptors</em> is 3 then the memory layout is taken as follows:</p><p>In this case the driver dereferences the handle and then increments the memory being pointed to.</p> <p><strong>False</strong> means that the handle is the first of an array of <em>NumRenderTargetDescriptors</em> handles. The false case allows an application to bind a set of descriptors from different locations at once. Again assuming that <em>NumRenderTargetDescriptors</em> is 3, the memory layout is taken as follows:</p><p>In this case the driver dereferences three handles that are expected to be adjacent to each other in memory.</p> </dd></param> /// <param name="depthStencilDescriptorRef"><dd> <p> A reference to a <strong><see cref="SharpDX.Direct3D12.CpuDescriptorHandle"/></strong> structure that describes the CPU descriptor handle that represents the start of the heap that holds the depth stencil descriptor. </p> </dd></param> /// <include file='.\..\Documentation\CodeComments.xml' path="/comments/comment[@id='ID3D12GraphicsCommandList::OMSetRenderTargets']/*"/> /// <msdn-id>dn986884</msdn-id> /// <unmanaged>void ID3D12GraphicsCommandList::OMSetRenderTargets([In] unsigned int NumRenderTargetDescriptors,[In, Optional] const void* pRenderTargetDescriptors,[In] BOOL RTsSingleHandleToDescriptorRange,[In, Optional] const D3D12_CPU_DESCRIPTOR_HANDLE* pDepthStencilDescriptor)</unmanaged> /// <unmanaged-short>ID3D12GraphicsCommandList::OMSetRenderTargets</unmanaged-short> public unsafe void SetRenderTargets(CpuDescriptorHandle[] renderTargetDescriptors, SharpDX.Direct3D12.CpuDescriptorHandle? depthStencilDescriptorRef) { fixed (void* pRT = renderTargetDescriptors) SetRenderTargets(renderTargetDescriptors != null ? renderTargetDescriptors.Length : 0, new IntPtr(pRT), false, depthStencilDescriptorRef); }
/// <summary> /// <p> Sets CPU descriptor handles for the render targets and depth stencil. </p> /// </summary> /// <param name="numRenderTargetDescriptors"><dd> <p> The number of entries in the <em>pRenderTargetDescriptors</em> array. </p> </dd></param> /// <param name="renderTargetDescriptorsRef"><dd> <p> Specifies an array of <strong><see cref="SharpDX.Direct3D12.CpuDescriptorHandle"/></strong> structures that describe the CPU descriptor handles that represents the start of the heap of render target descriptors. </p> </dd></param> /// <param name="rTsSingleHandleToDescriptorRange"><dd> <p><strong>True</strong> means the handle passed in is the reference to a contiguous range of <em>NumRenderTargetDescriptors</em> descriptors. This case is useful if the set of descriptors to bind already happens to be contiguous in memory (so all that?s needed is a handle to the first one). For example, if <em>NumRenderTargetDescriptors</em> is 3 then the memory layout is taken as follows:</p><p>In this case the driver dereferences the handle and then increments the memory being pointed to.</p> <p><strong>False</strong> means that the handle is the first of an array of <em>NumRenderTargetDescriptors</em> handles. The false case allows an application to bind a set of descriptors from different locations at once. Again assuming that <em>NumRenderTargetDescriptors</em> is 3, the memory layout is taken as follows:</p><p>In this case the driver dereferences three handles that are expected to be adjacent to each other in memory.</p> </dd></param> /// <param name="depthStencilDescriptorRef"><dd> <p> A reference to a <strong><see cref="SharpDX.Direct3D12.CpuDescriptorHandle"/></strong> structure that describes the CPU descriptor handle that represents the start of the heap that holds the depth stencil descriptor. </p> </dd></param> /// <include file='.\..\Documentation\CodeComments.xml' path="/comments/comment[@id='ID3D12GraphicsCommandList::OMSetRenderTargets']/*"/> /// <msdn-id>dn986884</msdn-id> /// <unmanaged>void ID3D12GraphicsCommandList::OMSetRenderTargets([In] unsigned int NumRenderTargetDescriptors,[In, Optional] const void* pRenderTargetDescriptors,[In] BOOL RTsSingleHandleToDescriptorRange,[In, Optional] const D3D12_CPU_DESCRIPTOR_HANDLE* pDepthStencilDescriptor)</unmanaged> /// <unmanaged-short>ID3D12GraphicsCommandList::OMSetRenderTargets</unmanaged-short> public unsafe void SetRenderTargets(int numRenderTargetDescriptors, CpuDescriptorHandle renderTargetDescriptors, SharpDX.Direct3D12.CpuDescriptorHandle? depthStencilDescriptorRef) { SetRenderTargets(numRenderTargetDescriptors, new IntPtr(&renderTargetDescriptors), true, depthStencilDescriptorRef); }
/// <summary> /// Binds a depth-stencil buffer and a set of render targets to the output-merger stage. See <see cref="Textures+and+render+targets"/> to learn how to use it. /// </summary> /// <param name="depthStencilBuffer">The depth stencil buffer.</param> /// <param name="renderTargets">The render targets.</param> /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">renderTargetViews</exception> private void SetRenderTargetsImpl(Texture depthStencilBuffer, int renderTargetCount, Texture[] renderTargets) { var renderTargetHandles = new CpuDescriptorHandle[renderTargetCount]; for (int i = 0; i < renderTargetHandles.Length; ++i) { renderTargetHandles[i] = renderTargets[i].NativeRenderTargetView; } NativeCommandList.SetRenderTargets(renderTargetHandles, depthStencilBuffer?.NativeDepthStencilView); }
private void InitializeFromImpl(DataBox[] dataBoxes = null) { if (ParentTexture != null) { ParentResource = ParentTexture; NativeDeviceChild = ParentTexture.NativeDeviceChild; } if (NativeDeviceChild == null) { ResourceDescription nativeDescription; switch (Dimension) { case TextureDimension.Texture1D: nativeDescription = ConvertToNativeDescription1D(); break; case TextureDimension.Texture2D: case TextureDimension.TextureCube: nativeDescription = ConvertToNativeDescription2D(); break; case TextureDimension.Texture3D: nativeDescription = ConvertToNativeDescription3D(); break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } var initialResourceState = ResourceStates.GenericRead; var heapType = HeapType.Default; var currentResourceState = initialResourceState; if (Usage == GraphicsResourceUsage.Staging) { if (dataBoxes != null) throw new NotImplementedException(); heapType = HeapType.Readback; initialResourceState = ResourceStates.CopyDestination; currentResourceState = ResourceStates.CopyDestination; nativeDescription = ResourceDescription.Buffer(ComputeBufferTotalSize()); // TODO: Alloc in readback heap as a buffer //return; } if (dataBoxes != null && dataBoxes.Length > 0) currentResourceState = ResourceStates.CopyDestination; // TODO D3D12 move that to a global allocator in bigger committed resources NativeDeviceChild = GraphicsDevice.NativeDevice.CreateCommittedResource(new HeapProperties(heapType), HeapFlags.None, nativeDescription, currentResourceState); GraphicsDevice.TextureMemory += (Depth*DepthStride) / (float)0x100000; if (dataBoxes != null && dataBoxes.Length > 0) { if (Usage == GraphicsResourceUsage.Staging) throw new NotImplementedException("D3D12: Staging textures can't be created with initial data"); // Trigger copy var commandList = GraphicsDevice.NativeCopyCommandList; commandList.Reset(GraphicsDevice.NativeCopyCommandAllocator, null); long textureCopySize; var placedSubresources = new PlacedSubResourceFootprint[dataBoxes.Length]; var rowCounts = new int[dataBoxes.Length]; var rowSizeInBytes = new long[dataBoxes.Length]; GraphicsDevice.NativeDevice.GetCopyableFootprints(ref nativeDescription, 0, dataBoxes.Length, 0, placedSubresources, rowCounts, rowSizeInBytes, out textureCopySize); SharpDX.Direct3D12.Resource uploadResource; int uploadOffset; var uploadMemory = GraphicsDevice.AllocateUploadBuffer((int)textureCopySize, out uploadResource, out uploadOffset, TextureSubresourceAlignment); for (int i = 0; i < dataBoxes.Length; ++i) { var databox = dataBoxes[i]; var dataPointer = databox.DataPointer; var rowCount = rowCounts[i]; var sliceCount = placedSubresources[i].Footprint.Depth; var rowSize = (int)rowSizeInBytes[i]; var destRowPitch = placedSubresources[i].Footprint.RowPitch; // Memcpy data for (int z = 0; z < sliceCount; ++z) { var uploadMemoryCurrent = uploadMemory + (int)placedSubresources[i].Offset + z * destRowPitch * rowCount; var dataPointerCurrent = dataPointer + z * databox.SlicePitch; for (int y = 0; y < rowCount; ++y) { Utilities.CopyMemory(uploadMemoryCurrent, dataPointerCurrent, rowSize); uploadMemoryCurrent += destRowPitch; dataPointerCurrent += databox.RowPitch; } } // Adjust upload offset (circular dependency between GetCopyableFootprints and AllocateUploadBuffer) placedSubresources[i].Offset += uploadOffset; commandList.CopyTextureRegion(new TextureCopyLocation(NativeResource, i), 0, 0, 0, new TextureCopyLocation(uploadResource, placedSubresources[i]), null); } commandList.ResourceBarrierTransition(NativeResource, ResourceStates.CopyDestination, initialResourceState); commandList.Close(); GraphicsDevice.WaitCopyQueue(); } NativeResourceState = initialResourceState; } NativeShaderResourceView = GetShaderResourceView(ViewType, ArraySlice, MipLevel); NativeRenderTargetView = GetRenderTargetView(ViewType, ArraySlice, MipLevel); NativeDepthStencilView = GetDepthStencilView(out HasStencil); }
private void LoadMesh(CpuDescriptorHandle heapStart) { SamplerStateDescription samplerDesc = new SamplerStateDescription() { Filter = Filter.ComparisonMinMagMipLinear, AddressU = TextureAddressMode.Wrap, AddressV = TextureAddressMode.Wrap, AddressW = TextureAddressMode.Wrap, MinimumLod = float.MinValue, MaximumLod = float.MaxValue, MipLodBias = 0, MaximumAnisotropy = 0, ComparisonFunction = Comparison.Never }; var heapPosition = heapStart; // Load model from obj. var importer = new Assimp.AssimpContext(); var scene = importer.ImportFile(@"../../../Models/lara/lara.obj", PostProcessSteps.GenerateSmoothNormals | PostProcessSteps.FlipUVs | PostProcessSteps.PreTransformVertices); Vertex[] vertices = new Vertex[scene.Meshes.Sum(m => m.VertexCount)]; int[] indices = new int[scene.Meshes.Sum(m => m.FaceCount * 3)]; faceCounts = new List<int>(); int vertexOffSet = 0; int indexOffSet = 0; foreach (var mesh in scene.Meshes) { var positions = mesh.Vertices; var normals = mesh.Normals; var texs = mesh.TextureCoordinateChannels[0]; for (int i = 0; i < mesh.VertexCount; i++) { vertices[vertexOffSet + i] = new Vertex() { position = new Vector3(positions[i].X, positions[i].Y, positions[i].Z), normal = new Vector3(normals[i].X, normals[i].Y, normals[i].Z), textureCoordinate = new Vector3(texs[i].X, texs[i].Y, texs[i].Z) }; } var faces = mesh.Faces; for (int i = 0; i < mesh.FaceCount; i++) { indices[i * 3 + indexOffSet] = (int)faces[i].Indices[0] + vertexOffSet; indices[i * 3 + 1 + indexOffSet] = (int)faces[i].Indices[1] + vertexOffSet; indices[i * 3 + 2 + indexOffSet] = (int)faces[i].Indices[2] + vertexOffSet; } faceCounts.Add(mesh.FaceCount * 3); vertexOffSet += mesh.VertexCount; indexOffSet += mesh.FaceCount * 3; string textureName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(scene.Materials[mesh.MaterialIndex].TextureDiffuse.FilePath); var texResource = TextureUtilities.CreateTextureFromDDS(device, @"../../../Models/lara/" + textureName); textures.Add(texResource); int D3D12_DEFAULT_SHADER_4_COMPONENT_MAPPING = 5768; ShaderResourceViewDescription desc = new ShaderResourceViewDescription { Dimension = ShaderResourceViewDimension.Texture2D, Format = texResource.Description.Format, Shader4ComponentMapping = D3D12_DEFAULT_SHADER_4_COMPONENT_MAPPING, }; desc.Texture2D.MipLevels = 1; desc.Texture2D.MostDetailedMip = 0; desc.Texture2D.ResourceMinLODClamp = 0; device.CreateShaderResourceView(texResource, desc, heapStart); heapStart += constantBufferDescriptorSize; } int vertexBufferSize = Utilities.SizeOf(vertices); // Note: using upload heaps to transfer static data like vert buffers is not // recommended. Every time the GPU needs it, the upload heap will be marshalled // over. Please read up on Default Heap usage. An upload heap is used here for // code simplicity and because there are very few verts to actually transfer. vertexBuffer = device.CreateCommittedResource(new HeapProperties(HeapType.Upload), HeapFlags.None, ResourceDescription.Buffer(vertexBufferSize), ResourceStates.GenericRead); // Copy the triangle data to the vertex buffer. IntPtr pVertexDataBegin = vertexBuffer.Map(0); Utilities.Write(pVertexDataBegin, vertices, 0, vertices.Length); vertexBuffer.Unmap(0); // Initialize the vertex buffer view. vertexBufferView = new VertexBufferView(); vertexBufferView.BufferLocation = vertexBuffer.GPUVirtualAddress; vertexBufferView.StrideInBytes = Utilities.SizeOf<Vertex>(); vertexBufferView.SizeInBytes = vertexBufferSize; //Create Index Buffer int indexBufferSize = Utilities.SizeOf(indices); indexBuffer = device.CreateCommittedResource(new HeapProperties(HeapType.Upload), HeapFlags.None, ResourceDescription.Buffer(indexBufferSize), ResourceStates.GenericRead); // Copy the triangle data to the vertex buffer. IntPtr pIndexDataBegin = indexBuffer.Map(0); Utilities.Write(pIndexDataBegin, indices, 0, indices.Length); indexBuffer.Unmap(0); // Initialize the index buffer view. indexBufferView = new IndexBufferView(); indexBufferView.BufferLocation = indexBuffer.GPUVirtualAddress; indexBufferView.Format = Format.R32_UInt; indexBufferView.SizeInBytes = indexBufferSize; }
/// <summary> /// <p> Sets CPU descriptor handles for the render targets and depth stencil. </p> /// </summary> /// <param name="numRenderTargetDescriptors"><dd> <p> The number of entries in the <em>pRenderTargetDescriptors</em> array. </p> </dd></param> /// <param name="renderTargetDescriptorsRef"><dd> <p> Specifies an array of <strong><see cref="SharpDX.Direct3D12.CpuDescriptorHandle"/></strong> structures that describe the CPU descriptor handles that represents the start of the heap of render target descriptors. </p> </dd></param> /// <param name="rTsSingleHandleToDescriptorRange"><dd> <p><strong>True</strong> means the handle passed in is the reference to a contiguous range of <em>NumRenderTargetDescriptors</em> descriptors. This case is useful if the set of descriptors to bind already happens to be contiguous in memory (so all that?s needed is a handle to the first one). For example, if <em>NumRenderTargetDescriptors</em> is 3 then the memory layout is taken as follows:</p><p>In this case the driver dereferences the handle and then increments the memory being pointed to.</p> <p><strong>False</strong> means that the handle is the first of an array of <em>NumRenderTargetDescriptors</em> handles. The false case allows an application to bind a set of descriptors from different locations at once. Again assuming that <em>NumRenderTargetDescriptors</em> is 3, the memory layout is taken as follows:</p><p>In this case the driver dereferences three handles that are expected to be adjacent to each other in memory.</p> </dd></param> /// <param name="depthStencilDescriptorRef"><dd> <p> A reference to a <strong><see cref="SharpDX.Direct3D12.CpuDescriptorHandle"/></strong> structure that describes the CPU descriptor handle that represents the start of the heap that holds the depth stencil descriptor. </p> </dd></param> /// <include file='.\..\Documentation\CodeComments.xml' path="/comments/comment[@id='ID3D12GraphicsCommandList::OMSetRenderTargets']/*"/> /// <msdn-id>dn986884</msdn-id> /// <unmanaged>void ID3D12GraphicsCommandList::OMSetRenderTargets([In] unsigned int NumRenderTargetDescriptors,[In, Optional] const void* pRenderTargetDescriptors,[In] BOOL RTsSingleHandleToDescriptorRange,[In, Optional] const D3D12_CPU_DESCRIPTOR_HANDLE* pDepthStencilDescriptor)</unmanaged> /// <unmanaged-short>ID3D12GraphicsCommandList::OMSetRenderTargets</unmanaged-short> public unsafe void SetRenderTargets(int numRenderTargetDescriptors, CpuDescriptorHandle renderTargetDescriptors, SharpDX.Direct3D12.CpuDescriptorHandle?depthStencilDescriptorRef) { SetRenderTargets(numRenderTargetDescriptors, new IntPtr(&renderTargetDescriptors), true, depthStencilDescriptorRef); }
void CreateBuffers() { SharpDX.Direct3D12.CpuDescriptorHandle rtv = _heapRTV.CPUDescriptorHandleForHeapStart; SharpDX.Direct3D12.HeapFlags flags = SharpDX.Direct3D12.HeapFlags.None; _frameIndex = _swapChain.CurrentBackBufferIndex; SharpDX.DXGI.SwapChainDescription1 swapChainDesc = _swapChain.Description1; // TODO: Check ID3D12Device8 to enable D3D12_HEAP_FLAG_CREATE_NOT_ZEROED SharpDX.Direct3D12.ResourceDescription desc = new SharpDX.Direct3D12.ResourceDescription(); desc.Dimension = SharpDX.Direct3D12.ResourceDimension.Texture2D; desc.Alignment = 0; desc.Width = swapChainDesc.Width; desc.Height = swapChainDesc.Height; desc.DepthOrArraySize = 1; desc.MipLevels = 1; desc.SampleDescription = _sampleDesc; desc.Layout = SharpDX.Direct3D12.TextureLayout.Unknown; SharpDX.Direct3D12.HeapProperties heap = new SharpDX.Direct3D12.HeapProperties(); heap.Type = SharpDX.Direct3D12.HeapType.Default; heap.CPUPageProperty = SharpDX.Direct3D12.CpuPageProperty.Unknown; heap.MemoryPoolPreference = SharpDX.Direct3D12.MemoryPool.Unknown; heap.CreationNodeMask = 0; heap.VisibleNodeMask = 0; SharpDX.Direct3D12.ClearValue clearValue = new SharpDX.Direct3D12.ClearValue(); clearValue.Format = _format; clearValue.Color = new SharpDX.Mathematics.Interop.RawVector4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); for (int i = 0; i < FrameCount; i++) { desc.Format = _format; desc.Flags = SharpDX.Direct3D12.ResourceFlags.AllowRenderTarget; _backBuffers[i] = _swapChain.GetBackBuffer <SharpDX.Direct3D12.Resource>(i); if (_sampleDesc.Count != 1) { _backBuffersAA[i] = _dev.CreateCommittedResource(heap, flags, desc, SharpDX.Direct3D12.ResourceStates.ResolveSource, clearValue); _dev.CreateRenderTargetView(_backBuffersAA[i], null, rtv); } else { SharpDX.Direct3D12.RenderTargetViewDescription view = new SharpDX.Direct3D12.RenderTargetViewDescription(); view.Format = _format; view.Dimension = SharpDX.Direct3D12.RenderTargetViewDimension.Texture2D; view.Texture2D.MipSlice = 0; view.Texture2D.PlaneSlice = 0; _dev.CreateRenderTargetView(_backBuffers[i], view, rtv); } rtv.Ptr += _sizeRTV; } // Stencil buffer clearValue.Format = SharpDX.DXGI.Format.D24_UNorm_S8_UInt; clearValue.DepthStencil.Depth = 0.0f; clearValue.DepthStencil.Stencil = 0; desc.Format = SharpDX.DXGI.Format.D24_UNorm_S8_UInt; desc.Flags = SharpDX.Direct3D12.ResourceFlags.AllowDepthStencil; _stencilBuffer = _dev.CreateCommittedResource(heap, flags, desc, SharpDX.Direct3D12.ResourceStates.DepthWrite, clearValue); SharpDX.Direct3D12.CpuDescriptorHandle dsv = _heapDSV.CPUDescriptorHandleForHeapStart; _dev.CreateDepthStencilView(_stencilBuffer, null, dsv); // Viewport _viewport[0].TopLeftX = 0.0f; _viewport[0].TopLeftY = 0.0f; _viewport[0].Width = desc.Width; _viewport[0].Height = desc.Height; _viewport[0].MinDepth = 0.0f; _viewport[0].MaxDepth = 1.0f; }
private void LoadAssets() { // Create the root signature description. var rootSignatureDesc = new RootSignatureDescription( RootSignatureFlags.AllowInputAssemblerInputLayout, // Root Parameters new[] { new RootParameter(ShaderVisibility.All, new [] { new DescriptorRange() { RangeType = DescriptorRangeType.ShaderResourceView, DescriptorCount = 1, OffsetInDescriptorsFromTableStart = int.MinValue, BaseShaderRegister = 0 }, new DescriptorRange() { RangeType = DescriptorRangeType.ConstantBufferView, DescriptorCount = 1, OffsetInDescriptorsFromTableStart = int.MinValue + 1, BaseShaderRegister = 0 } }), new RootParameter(ShaderVisibility.Pixel, new DescriptorRange() { RangeType = DescriptorRangeType.Sampler, DescriptorCount = 1, OffsetInDescriptorsFromTableStart = int.MinValue, BaseShaderRegister = 0 }), }); //// Samplers //new[] //{ // new StaticSamplerDescription(ShaderVisibility.Pixel, 0, 0) // { // Filter = Filter.MinimumMinMagMipPoint, // AddressUVW = TextureAddressMode.Border, // } //}); rootSignature = device.CreateRootSignature(0, rootSignatureDesc.Serialize()); // Create the pipeline state, which includes compiling and loading shaders. #if DEBUG var vertexShader = new ShaderBytecode(SharpDX.D3DCompiler.ShaderBytecode.Compile(SharpDX.IO.NativeFile.ReadAllText("../../shaders.hlsl"), "VSMain", "vs_5_0", SharpDX.D3DCompiler.ShaderFlags.Debug)); #else var vertexShader = new ShaderBytecode(SharpDX.D3DCompiler.ShaderBytecode.CompileFromFile("shaders.hlsl", "VSMain", "vs_5_0")); #endif #if DEBUG var pixelShader = new ShaderBytecode(SharpDX.D3DCompiler.ShaderBytecode.Compile(SharpDX.IO.NativeFile.ReadAllText("../../shaders.hlsl"), "PSMain", "ps_5_0", SharpDX.D3DCompiler.ShaderFlags.Debug)); #else var pixelShader = new ShaderBytecode(SharpDX.D3DCompiler.ShaderBytecode.CompileFromFile("shaders.hlsl", "PSMain", "ps_5_0")); #endif #if DEBUG //var result = SharpDX.D3DCompiler.ShaderBytecode.Compile(SharpDX.IO.NativeFile.ReadAllText("../../shaders.hlsl"), "GSMain", "gs_5_0", SharpDX.D3DCompiler.ShaderFlags.Debug); var geometryShader = new ShaderBytecode(SharpDX.D3DCompiler.ShaderBytecode.Compile(SharpDX.IO.NativeFile.ReadAllText("../../shaders.hlsl"), "GSMain", "gs_5_0", SharpDX.D3DCompiler.ShaderFlags.Debug)); #else var pixelShader = new ShaderBytecode(SharpDX.D3DCompiler.ShaderBytecode.CompileFromFile("shaders.hlsl", "PSMain", "ps_5_0")); #endif // Define the vertex input layout. var inputElementDescs = new[] { new InputElement("POSITION",0,Format.R32G32B32_Float,0,0), new InputElement("TEXCOORD",0,Format.R32G32_Float,12,0) }; // Describe and create the graphics pipeline state object (PSO). var psoDesc = new GraphicsPipelineStateDescription() { InputLayout = new InputLayoutDescription(inputElementDescs), RootSignature = rootSignature, VertexShader = vertexShader, GeometryShader = geometryShader, PixelShader = pixelShader, RasterizerState = RasterizerStateDescription.Default(), BlendState = BlendStateDescription.Default(), DepthStencilFormat = SharpDX.DXGI.Format.D32_Float, DepthStencilState = new DepthStencilStateDescription() { IsDepthEnabled = true, DepthComparison = Comparison.LessEqual, DepthWriteMask = DepthWriteMask.All, IsStencilEnabled = false }, SampleMask = int.MaxValue, PrimitiveTopologyType = PrimitiveTopologyType.Triangle, RenderTargetCount = 1, Flags = PipelineStateFlags.None, SampleDescription = new SharpDX.DXGI.SampleDescription(1, 0), StreamOutput = new StreamOutputDescription() }; psoDesc.RenderTargetFormats[0] = SharpDX.DXGI.Format.R8G8B8A8_UNorm; pipelineState = device.CreateGraphicsPipelineState(psoDesc); commandList = device.CreateCommandList(CommandListType.Direct, commandAllocator, pipelineState); commandList.Close(); // build vertex buffer var triangleVertices = new[] { //TOP new Vertex() {Position = new Vector3(-1f , 1f , 1f) , TexCoord = new Vector2(1f ,1f)} , new Vertex() {Position = new Vector3(1f , 1f , 1f) , TexCoord = new Vector2(0f ,1f)} , new Vertex() {Position = new Vector3(1f , 1f ,-1f) , TexCoord = new Vector2(0f ,0f)} , new Vertex() {Position = new Vector3(-1f , 1f ,-1f) , TexCoord = new Vector2(1f ,0f)} , //BOTTOM new Vertex() {Position = new Vector3(-1f ,-1f , 1f) , TexCoord = new Vector2(1f ,1f)} , new Vertex() {Position = new Vector3(1f ,-1f , 1f) , TexCoord = new Vector2(0f ,1f)} , new Vertex() {Position = new Vector3(1f ,-1f ,-1f) , TexCoord = new Vector2(0f ,0f)} , new Vertex() {Position = new Vector3(-1f ,-1f ,-1f) , TexCoord = new Vector2(1f ,0f)} , //LEFT new Vertex() {Position = new Vector3(-1f ,-1f , 1f) , TexCoord = new Vector2(0f ,1f)} , new Vertex() {Position = new Vector3(-1f , 1f , 1f) , TexCoord = new Vector2(0f ,0f)} , new Vertex() {Position = new Vector3(-1f , 1f ,-1f) , TexCoord = new Vector2(1f ,0f)} , new Vertex() {Position = new Vector3(-1f ,-1f ,-1f) , TexCoord = new Vector2(1f ,1f)} , //RIGHT new Vertex() {Position = new Vector3(1f ,-1f , 1f) , TexCoord = new Vector2(1f ,1f)} , new Vertex() {Position = new Vector3(1f , 1f , 1f) , TexCoord = new Vector2(1f ,0f)} , new Vertex() {Position = new Vector3(1f , 1f ,-1f) , TexCoord = new Vector2(0f ,0f)} , new Vertex() {Position = new Vector3(1f ,-1f ,-1f) , TexCoord = new Vector2(0f ,1f)} , //FRONT new Vertex() {Position = new Vector3(-1f , 1f , 1f) , TexCoord = new Vector2(1f ,0f)} , new Vertex() {Position = new Vector3(1f , 1f , 1f) , TexCoord = new Vector2(0f ,0f)} , new Vertex() {Position = new Vector3(1f ,-1f , 1f) , TexCoord = new Vector2(0f ,1f)} , new Vertex() {Position = new Vector3(-1f ,-1f , 1f) , TexCoord = new Vector2(1f ,1f)} , //BACK new Vertex() {Position = new Vector3(-1f , 1f ,-1f) , TexCoord = new Vector2(0f ,0f)} , new Vertex() {Position = new Vector3(1f , 1f ,-1f) , TexCoord = new Vector2(1f ,0f)} , new Vertex() {Position = new Vector3(1f ,-1f ,-1f) , TexCoord = new Vector2(1f ,1f)} , new Vertex() {Position = new Vector3(-1f ,-1f ,-1f) , TexCoord = new Vector2(0f ,1f)} }; int vertexBufferSize = Utilities.SizeOf(triangleVertices); vertexBuffer = device.CreateCommittedResource(new HeapProperties(HeapType.Upload), HeapFlags.None, ResourceDescription.Buffer(vertexBufferSize), ResourceStates.GenericRead); IntPtr pVertexDataBegin = vertexBuffer.Map(0); Utilities.Write(pVertexDataBegin, triangleVertices, 0, triangleVertices.Length); vertexBuffer.Unmap(0); vertexBufferView = new VertexBufferView(); vertexBufferView.BufferLocation = vertexBuffer.GPUVirtualAddress; vertexBufferView.StrideInBytes = Utilities.SizeOf<Vertex>(); vertexBufferView.SizeInBytes = vertexBufferSize; // build index buffer var triangleIndexes = new uint[] { 0,1,2, 0,2,3, 4,6,5, 4,7,6, 8,9,10, 8,10,11, 12,14,13, 12,15,14, 16,18,17, 16,19,18, 20,21,22, 20,22,23 }; int indexBufferSize = Utilities.SizeOf(triangleIndexes); indexBuffer = device.CreateCommittedResource(new HeapProperties(HeapType.Upload), HeapFlags.None, ResourceDescription.Buffer(indexBufferSize), ResourceStates.GenericRead); IntPtr pIndexDataBegin = indexBuffer.Map(0); Utilities.Write(pIndexDataBegin, triangleIndexes, 0, triangleIndexes.Length); indexBuffer.Unmap(0); indexBufferView = new IndexBufferView(); indexBufferView.BufferLocation = indexBuffer.GPUVirtualAddress; indexBufferView.SizeInBytes = indexBufferSize; indexBufferView.Format = Format.R32_UInt; // Create the texture. // Describe and create a Texture2D. var textureDesc = ResourceDescription.Texture2D(Format.R8G8B8A8_UNorm, TextureWidth, TextureHeight, 1, 1, 1, 0, ResourceFlags.None, TextureLayout.Unknown, 0); texture = device.CreateCommittedResource(new HeapProperties(HeapType.Upload), HeapFlags.None, textureDesc, ResourceStates.GenericRead, null); // Copy data to the intermediate upload heap and then schedule a copy // from the upload heap to the Texture2D. byte[] textureData = Utilities.ReadStream(new FileStream("../../", FileMode.Open)); texture.Name = "Texture"; var handle = GCHandle.Alloc(textureData, GCHandleType.Pinned); var ptr = Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(textureData, 0); texture.WriteToSubresource(0, null, ptr, TextureWidth * 4, textureData.Length); handle.Free(); // Describe and create a SRV for the texture. var srvDesc = new ShaderResourceViewDescription { Shader4ComponentMapping = ((((0) & 0x7) |(((1) & 0x7) << 3) |(((2) & 0x7) << (3 * 2)) |(((3) & 0x7) << (3 * 3)) | (1 << (3 * 4)))), Format = textureDesc.Format, Dimension = ShaderResourceViewDimension.Texture2D, Texture2D = { MipLevels = 1, MostDetailedMip = 0, PlaneSlice = 0, ResourceMinLODClamp = 0.0f }, }; device.CreateShaderResourceView(texture, srvDesc, srvCbvHeap.CPUDescriptorHandleForHeapStart); SamplerStateDescription samplerDesc = new SamplerStateDescription { Filter = Filter.MinMagMipLinear, AddressU = TextureAddressMode.Clamp, AddressV = TextureAddressMode.Clamp, AddressW = TextureAddressMode.Clamp, MaximumAnisotropy = 0, MaximumLod = float.MaxValue, MinimumLod = -float.MaxValue, MipLodBias = 0, ComparisonFunction = Comparison.Never }; device.CreateSampler(samplerDesc, samplerViewHeap.CPUDescriptorHandleForHeapStart); // build constant buffer constantBuffer = device.CreateCommittedResource(new HeapProperties(HeapType.Upload), HeapFlags.None, ResourceDescription.Buffer(1024 * 64), ResourceStates.GenericRead); var cbDesc = new ConstantBufferViewDescription() { BufferLocation = constantBuffer.GPUVirtualAddress, SizeInBytes = (Utilities.SizeOf<ConstantBufferData>() + 255) & ~255 }; var srvCbvStep = device.GetDescriptorHandleIncrementSize(DescriptorHeapType.ConstantBufferViewShaderResourceViewUnorderedAccessView); device.CreateConstantBufferView(cbDesc, srvCbvHeap.CPUDescriptorHandleForHeapStart + srvCbvStep); constantBufferData = new ConstantBufferData { Project = Matrix.Identity }; constantBufferPointer = constantBuffer.Map(0); Utilities.Write(constantBufferPointer, ref constantBufferData); // build depth buffer DescriptorHeapDescription descDescriptorHeapDSB = new DescriptorHeapDescription() { DescriptorCount = 1, Type = DescriptorHeapType.DepthStencilView, Flags = DescriptorHeapFlags.None }; DescriptorHeap descriptorHeapDSB = device.CreateDescriptorHeap(descDescriptorHeapDSB); ResourceDescription descDepth = new ResourceDescription() { Dimension = ResourceDimension.Texture2D, DepthOrArraySize = 1, MipLevels = 0, Flags = ResourceFlags.AllowDepthStencil, Width = (int)viewport.Width, Height = (int)viewport.Height, Format = Format.R32_Typeless, Layout = TextureLayout.Unknown, SampleDescription = new SampleDescription() { Count = 1 } }; ClearValue dsvClearValue = new ClearValue() { Format = Format.D32_Float, DepthStencil = new DepthStencilValue() { Depth = 1.0f, Stencil = 0 } }; Resource renderTargetDepth = device.CreateCommittedResource(new HeapProperties(HeapType.Default), HeapFlags.None, descDepth, ResourceStates.GenericRead, dsvClearValue); DepthStencilViewDescription depthDSV = new DepthStencilViewDescription() { Dimension = DepthStencilViewDimension.Texture2D, Format = Format.D32_Float, Texture2D = new DepthStencilViewDescription.Texture2DResource() { MipSlice = 0 } }; device.CreateDepthStencilView(renderTargetDepth, depthDSV, descriptorHeapDSB.CPUDescriptorHandleForHeapStart); handleDSV = descriptorHeapDSB.CPUDescriptorHandleForHeapStart; fence = device.CreateFence(0, FenceFlags.None); fenceValue = 1; fenceEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false); }
/// <summary> /// No documentation for Direct3D12 /// </summary> /// <param name="renderTargetView">No documentation.</param> /// <param name="colorRGBA">No documentation.</param> /// <include file='.\..\Documentation\CodeComments.xml' path="/comments/comment[@id='ID3D12GraphicsCommandList::ClearRenderTargetView']/*"/> /// <unmanaged>void ID3D12GraphicsCommandList::ClearRenderTargetView([In] D3D12_CPU_DESCRIPTOR_HANDLE RenderTargetView,[In] const SHARPDX_COLOR4* ColorRGBA,[In] unsigned int NumRects,[In, Buffer] const RECT* pRects)</unmanaged> /// <unmanaged-short>ID3D12GraphicsCommandList::ClearRenderTargetView</unmanaged-short> public void ClearRenderTargetView(CpuDescriptorHandle renderTargetView, Mathematics.Interop.RawColor4 colorRGBA) { ClearRenderTargetView(renderTargetView, colorRGBA, 0, null); }
/// <summary> /// Gets a <see cref="ShaderResourceView"/> for a particular <see cref="PixelFormat"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="viewFormat">The view format.</param> /// <returns>A <see cref="ShaderResourceView"/> for the particular view format.</returns> /// <remarks> /// The buffer must have been declared with <see cref="Graphics.BufferFlags.ShaderResource"/>. /// The ShaderResourceView instance is kept by this buffer and will be disposed when this buffer is disposed. /// </remarks> internal CpuDescriptorHandle GetShaderResourceView(PixelFormat viewFormat) { var srv = new CpuDescriptorHandle(); if ((ViewFlags & BufferFlags.ShaderResource) != 0) { var description = new ShaderResourceViewDescription { Shader4ComponentMapping = 0x00001688, Format = (SharpDX.DXGI.Format)viewFormat, Dimension = SharpDX.Direct3D12.ShaderResourceViewDimension.Buffer, Buffer = { ElementCount = this.ElementCount, FirstElement = 0, Flags = BufferShaderResourceViewFlags.None, StructureByteStride = StructureByteStride, } }; if (((ViewFlags & BufferFlags.RawBuffer) == BufferFlags.RawBuffer)) description.Buffer.Flags |= BufferShaderResourceViewFlags.Raw; srv = GraphicsDevice.ShaderResourceViewAllocator.Allocate(1); NativeDevice.CreateShaderResourceView(NativeResource, description, srv); } return srv; }