private List <JsonModel> LoadModel(string file, string defaultTextureVar) { List <JsonModel> models = new List <JsonModel>(); if (!File.Exists(file)) { var cube = new JsonCube(); var uv = new JsonCubeFaceUv { texture = defaultTextureVar }; cube.faces = new Dictionary <Facing, JsonCubeFaceUv> { { Facing.north, uv }, { Facing.south, uv }, { Facing.west, uv }, { Facing.east, uv }, { Facing.up, uv }, { Facing.down, uv } }; cube.from = new[] { 0f, 0, 0 }; = new[] { 16f, 16, 16 }; var bjm = new JsonModel { cubes = new[] { cube }, textures = new Dictionary <string, string> { { defaultTextureVar, "" } } }; models.Add(bjm); } else { models.Add(FixBlockJson(file)); while (models.Last() is JsonModel jm && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(jm.inherit)) { string inhertiedFile = $"{SharpCraft.Instance.GameFolderDir}/assets/sharpcraft/models/{jm.inherit}.json"; if (File.Exists(inhertiedFile)) { models.Add(FixBlockJson(inhertiedFile)); } } models.Reverse(); } return(models); }
public void LoadItemModels() { string dir = $"{SharpCraft.Instance.GameFolderDir}/assets/sharpcraft/models/item"; var listOfItems = ItemRegistry.AllItems(); List <string> nonDuplicateTextures = new List <string>(); var itemModels = new ConcurrentDictionary <string, List <JsonModel> >(); foreach (var item in listOfItems) { if (item is ItemBlock) { continue; } string unlocalizedLast = LangUtil.GetUnlocalizedNameLast(item.UnlocalizedName); string file = $"{dir}/{unlocalizedLast}.json"; var models = new List <JsonModel>(); if (!File.Exists(file)) { var cube = new JsonCube(); var uv = new JsonCubeFaceUv { texture = "item" }; cube.faces = new Dictionary <Facing, JsonCubeFaceUv> { { Facing.west, uv } }; cube.from = new[] { 8f, 0, 0 }; = new[] { 8f, 16, 16 }; var bjm = new JsonModel { cubes = new[] { cube }, textures = new Dictionary <string, string> { { "item", "items/" + unlocalizedLast } } }; models.Add(bjm); } else { models.Add(FixBlockJson(file)); while (models.Last() is JsonModel jm && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(jm.inherit)) { string inhertiedFile = $"{SharpCraft.Instance.GameFolderDir}/assets/sharpcraft/models/{jm.inherit}.json"; if (File.Exists(inhertiedFile)) { models.Add(FixBlockJson(inhertiedFile)); } else { break; } } models.Reverse(); } itemModels.TryAdd(item.UnlocalizedName, models); //save what block is using what model foreach (var jsonModel in models) { if (jsonModel.textures == null) { continue; } foreach (var pair in jsonModel.textures) //iterating over the textureMap in the Json model { if (!nonDuplicateTextures.Contains(pair.Value)) { nonDuplicateTextures .Add(pair .Value); //add the current texture name to a list of all textureMap if isn't already there } } } } //each texture name has it's UV values TODO - maybe make a TextureMap class where this could be used var id = Stitch(nonDuplicateTextures.ToArray(), 16, out var textureMapElements); // stitch all textureMap, return the texture ID of the registered texture in VRAM //TODO - if json doesn't contain cube model, assume it's a full cube foreach (var pair in itemModels) //one model per registered item { string name = pair.Key; TextureMapElement tme = null; List <float> vertexes = new List <float>(); List <float> normals = new List <float>(); List <float> uvs = new List <float>(); List <JsonCube> cubes = new List <JsonCube>(); Dictionary <string, string> textures = new Dictionary <string, string>(); foreach (var model in pair.Value) { foreach (var cube in model.cubes) { cubes.Add(cube); } foreach (var pairtex in model.textures) { textures.Remove(pairtex.Key); textures.Add(pairtex.Key, pairtex.Value); } if (model.textures.TryGetValue("item", out var texName)) { textureMapElements.TryGetValue(texName, out tme); } } foreach (var cube in cubes) { CubeModelBuilder.AppendCubeModel(cube, textures, textureMapElements, ref vertexes, ref normals, ref uvs); } ModelItem mi = new ModelItem(tme, _itemShader, ModelManager.LoadItemModelToVao(vertexes.ToArray(), normals.ToArray(), uvs.ToArray())); ItemModels.TryAdd(name, mi); } TextureItems = id; }