예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Records this instance.
        /// </summary>
        /// <exception cref="RedCell.Research.ResearchException">
        /// Filename must be set before recording.
        /// or
        /// A recording has already started.
        /// </exception>
        /// <exception cref="System.InvalidOperationException">Filename must be set before recording.</exception>
        public void StartRecord()
            // Automatic filename
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Filename))
                Filename = "Video_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss");

            if(_writer != null)
                throw new ResearchException("A recording has already started.");

            // Get video details from camera.
            if (StreamSetting == null)
                StreamSetting = Camera.StreamSetting;

            var encoder = new Mpeg4VideoEncoderVcm(StreamSetting.Width, StreamSetting.Height, StreamSetting.Framerate, 0, 50, KnownFourCCs.Codecs.X264);
            _writer = new AviWriter(Filename);
            _video = _writer.AddEncodingVideoStream(encoder, true, StreamSetting.Width, StreamSetting.Height);

            Camera.FrameAvailable += Camera_FrameAvailable;
예제 #2
        private bool StartRecording()
            int captureWidth = (int)(m_Capture.CaptureBounds.Width * m_Capture.Scale),
                captureHeight = (int)(m_Capture.CaptureBounds.Height * m_Capture.Scale),
                codecSelectedIndex = comboBox_videoCodec.SelectedIndex,
                codecQuality = Convert.ToInt32(textBox_recordQuality.Text);

                m_AviWriter = new AviWriter(m_AviFilePath)
                    FramesPerSecond = m_Capture.FramesPerSecond,
                    EmitIndex1 = true,

                if (codecSelectedIndex == 0)
                    m_AviVideoStream = m_AviWriter.AddVideoStream(captureWidth, captureHeight);
                else if (codecSelectedIndex == 1)
                    m_AviVideoStream = m_AviWriter.AddMotionJpegVideoStream(captureWidth, captureHeight, codecQuality);
                    var codecs = Mpeg4VideoEncoderVcm.GetAvailableCodecs();
                    var encoder = new Mpeg4VideoEncoderVcm(captureWidth, captureHeight, m_Capture.FramesPerSecond, 0, codecQuality, codecs[codecSelectedIndex - 2].Codec);
                    m_AviVideoStream = m_AviWriter.AddEncodingVideoStream(encoder);

                if (checkBox_recordAudio.Checked)
                    m_AviAudioStream = m_AviWriter.AddAudioStream(m_Recorder.WaveFormat.Channels, m_Recorder.WaveFormat.SampleRate, m_Recorder.WaveFormat.BitsPerSample);
                Debug.Log("Failed to Start Recording.");
                return false;

            return true;
예제 #3
        private void LoadSettings()
                writer = new AviWriter("test.avi")
                        FramesPerSecond = 25,
                        // Emitting AVI v1 index in addition to OpenDML index (AVI v2)
                        // improves compatibility with some software, including
                        // standard Windows programs like Media Player and File Explorer
                        EmitIndex1 = true

                var encoder = new Mpeg4VideoEncoderVcm((int)numericWidth.Value, (int)numericHeight.Value, 25, 0, 100, KnownFourCCs.Codecs.Xvid);
            //                stream = writer.AddMotionJpegVideoStream(640, 480, quality: 100);
                //stream = writer.AddMpeg4VideoStream(640, 480, 30, quality: 70, codec: KnownFourCCs.Codecs.X264, forceSingleThreadedAccess: true);
                stream = writer.AddEncodingVideoStream(encoder, true, (int)numericWidth.Value, (int)numericHeight.Value);

                // set standard VGA resolution
                //            stream.Width = 640;
                //            stream.Height = 480;
                // class SharpAvi.KnownFourCCs.Codecs contains FOURCCs for several well-known codecs
                // Uncompressed is the default value, just set it for clarity

                //stream.Codec = KnownFourCCs.Codecs.MotionJpeg;
                // Uncompressed format requires to also specify bits per pixel
                //stream.BitsPerPixel = BitsPerPixel.Bpp32;
            catch (Exception ex)