public frmMain() { InitializeComponent(); currentUser = share.loadGeneral(); loadUI(currentUser); loadTenants(); gECTenants.Enabled = false; countUnpaid(); gTenants.Visible = true; }
public frmSettings() { SharedCode.appUser currentUser = new SharedCode.appUser(); InitializeComponent(); currentUser = share.loadGeneral(); showData(currentUser); originUsername = currentUser.Name; isClosed = false; foreach(Control txtControl in tGeneral.Controls) { if(txtControl is TextBox) { txtControl.Enter += share.txtFocus; } } }
private void btnT1_Save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { foreach(Control txtControl in tGeneral.Controls) { if(txtControl is TextBox && txtControl.Text.Trim() == string.Empty) { MessageBox.Show("Please fill out all the entries!", "Warning!"); txtT1Username.Focus(); return; } } if(txtT1Password.Text != txtT1PasswordConfirm.Text) { MessageBox.Show("Passwords do not match!", "Warning"); txtT1Password.Text = string.Empty; txtT1PasswordConfirm.Text = string.Empty; txtT1Password.Focus(); return; } if(share.alphanumericTest(txtT1Username.Text) == true) { MessageBox.Show("Username must be alphanumeric!", "Warning!"); return; } if (share.alphanumericTest(txtT1Password.Text) == true) { MessageBox.Show("Password must be alphanumeric!", "Warning!"); return; } DialogResult confirmSave = new DialogResult(); confirmSave = MessageBox.Show("Saving these changes will log you out of this current session. Continue?", "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel); if(confirmSave == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Cancel) { //User doesn't want to save changes return; } SharedCode.appUser saveUser = new SharedCode.appUser(); saveUser.Name = txtT1Username.Text; saveUser.IC = txtT1IC.Text; saveUser.HomeAddress = txtT1Address.Text; saveUser.HouseNumber = txtT1HouseNo.Text; saveUser.PhoneNumber = txtT1PhoneNo.Text; saveUser.Email = txtT1Email.Text; saveUser.Password = txtT1Password.Text; share.saveGeneral(saveUser); if(originUsername != saveUser.Name) { Console.WriteLine("Username changed!"); System.IO.File.Delete(CurrentPath + Database + originUsername + ".db"); } share.EncryptFile(CurrentPath + "\\saveNew.db", CurrentPath + Database + saveUser.Name + ".db", saveUser.Password); //Encrypt all tenants with new name String[] fileList; fileList = Directory.GetFiles(CurrentPath + Database + currentLoad, "*.db"); //Encrypt all user tenants foreach (string fileName in fileList) { string tenantName; tenantName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileName); share.EncryptFile(fileName, CurrentPath + Database + saveUser.Name + "\\" + tenantName + ".db", saveUser.Password); } if (System.IO.File.Exists(CurrentPath + "\\saveNew.db") == true) { System.IO.File.Delete(CurrentPath + "\\saveNew.db"); } properExit(); }