public void OnSync(Office.IRibbonControl control) { try { OutlookUtils.SelectCalenderModule(); SyncForm form = new SyncForm(); // get calender list and initialize the form ICollection <String> calendars = OutlookUtils.GetCalendarList(config.CalendarName); form.Init(calendars, config); if (form.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { config.CalendarName = form.SelectedCalendar; //Get by id Release release = NgaUtils.GetSelectedRelease(); //NgaUtils.GetReleaseById(releaseId); EntityListResult <Sprint> sprints = NgaUtils.GetSprintsByRelease(release.Id); OutlookSyncUtils.SyncSprintsToOutlook(config.CalendarName, release, sprints); EntityListResult <Milestone> milestones = NgaUtils.GetMilestonesByRelease(release.Id); OutlookSyncUtils.SyncMilestonesToOutlook(config.CalendarName, release, milestones); String str = String.Format("Sync completed successfully.{0}Summary : {1} sprints and {2} milestones.", Environment.NewLine,,; MessageBox.Show(str, "Sync completed", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } } catch (ServerUnavailableException) { ShowServerIsNotAvailableMsg(); } catch (Exception e) { String errorMsg = "Sync failed : " + e.Message; MessageBox.Show(errorMsg, "Sync Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
public static void SyncMilestonesToOutlook(String calendarName, Release release, EntityListResult <Milestone> milestones) { //set sprint map Dictionary <long, Milestone> milestonesMap = new Dictionary <long, Milestone>(); foreach (Milestone milestone in { milestonesMap[milestone.Id] = milestone; } //iterate outlook appointments Items resultItems = OutlookUtils.GetAppointmentsInRange(calendarName, new DateTime(2015, 1, 1), new DateTime(2030, 1, 1)); foreach (AppointmentItem appointment in resultItems) { UserProperty releaseUP = appointment.UserProperties[OutlookUtils.APPOINTMENT_RELEASE_ID_FIELD]; int appointmentReleaseId = (releaseUP == null ? NO_ID_VALUE : int.Parse(releaseUP.Value)); UserProperty milestoneUP = appointment.UserProperties[OutlookUtils.APPOINTMENT_MILESTONE_ID_FIELD]; int appointmentMilestoneId = (milestoneUP == null ? NO_ID_VALUE : int.Parse(milestoneUP.Value)); if (appointmentReleaseId != NO_ID_VALUE && appointmentMilestoneId != NO_ID_VALUE) //milestone { if (milestonesMap.ContainsKey(appointmentMilestoneId)) { Milestone tempMilestone = milestonesMap[appointmentMilestoneId]; milestonesMap.Remove(appointmentMilestoneId); if (tempMilestone != null) { SyncMilestoneToOutlook(tempMilestone, appointment); } } else { //Delete a Milestone that no longer exist appointment.Delete(); } } Marshal.ReleaseComObject(appointment); } //create milestones that were not deleted from map foreach (Milestone milestone in milestonesMap.Values) { Dictionary <String, Object> customFields = new Dictionary <String, Object>(); customFields.Add(OutlookUtils.APPOINTMENT_RELEASE_ID_FIELD, ((Release)( <BaseEntity>(0))).Id); customFields[OutlookUtils.APPOINTMENT_MILESTONE_ID_FIELD] = milestone.Id; String milestoneName = getMilestoneAppointmentName(milestone); MilestoneDataContainer msExtraData = getMilestoneData(milestone); OutlookUtils.AddAppointment(milestoneName, milestone.GetStartDate(), milestone.GetEndDate(), msExtraData.Category, msExtraData.ReminderMinutesBeforeStart, msExtraData.ReminderSet, customFields, true); } }
public static void SyncSprintsToOutlook(String calendarName, Release release, EntityListResult <Sprint> sprints) { //set sprint map Dictionary <long, Sprint> sprintMap = new Dictionary <long, Sprint>(); foreach (Sprint sprint in { sprintMap[sprint.Id] = sprint; } //iterate outlook appointments Items resultItems = OutlookUtils.GetAppointmentsInRange(calendarName, new DateTime(2015, 1, 1), new DateTime(2030, 1, 1)); foreach (AppointmentItem appointment in resultItems) { UserProperty releaseUP = appointment.UserProperties[OutlookUtils.APPOINTMENT_RELEASE_ID_FIELD]; int appointmentReleaseId = (releaseUP == null ? NO_ID_VALUE : int.Parse(releaseUP.Value)); UserProperty sprintUP = appointment.UserProperties[OutlookUtils.APPOINTMENT_SPRINT_ID_FIELD]; int appointmentSprintId = (sprintUP == null ? NO_ID_VALUE : int.Parse(sprintUP.Value)); if (appointmentReleaseId != NO_ID_VALUE && appointmentSprintId != NO_ID_VALUE) //sprint { if (sprintMap.ContainsKey(appointmentSprintId)) { Sprint tempSprint = sprintMap[appointmentSprintId]; sprintMap.Remove(appointmentSprintId); if (tempSprint != null) { SyncSprintToOutlook(tempSprint, appointment); } } else { //Delete a Sprint that no longer exist appointment.Delete(); } } Marshal.ReleaseComObject(appointment); } //create sprints that were not deleted from map foreach (Sprint sprint in sprintMap.Values) { Dictionary <String, Object> customFields = new Dictionary <String, Object>(); customFields.Add(OutlookUtils.APPOINTMENT_RELEASE_ID_FIELD, sprint.Release.Id); customFields[OutlookUtils.APPOINTMENT_SPRINT_ID_FIELD] = sprint.Id; String sprintName = getSprintAppointmentName(sprint); OutlookUtils.AddAppointment(sprintName, sprint.StartDate, sprint.EndDate, "", 0, false, customFields, true); } }
public void OnLogin(Office.IRibbonControl control) { if (isLoggedIn) { // disconnect SettingsForm.RestConnector.Disconnect(); isLoggedIn = false; } else { // connect SettingsForm form = new SettingsForm(); String calendarName = null; if (config != null) { calendarName = config.CalendarName; } form.Configuration = config; if (form.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { config = form.Configuration; config.CalendarName = calendarName; NgaUtils.init(config.SharedSpaceId, config.WorkspaceId, config.ReleaseId); isLoggedIn = true; // select the calendar tab OutlookUtils.SelectCalenderModule(); } } if (ribbon != null) { ribbon.Invalidate(); } }
public void OnLogin(Office.IRibbonControl control) { if (isLoggedIn) { // disconnect RestConnector.GetInstance().Disconnect(); isLoggedIn = false; } else { // connect SettingsForm form = new SettingsForm(); var config = persistService.Load <LoginConfiguration>(); var calendarName = config.CalendarName; form.Configuration = config; if (form.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { loginConfig = form.Configuration; loginConfig.CalendarName = calendarName; //save last successful configuration persistService.Save(loginConfig); NgaUtils.init(loginConfig.SharedSpaceId, loginConfig.WorkspaceId, loginConfig.ReleaseId); isLoggedIn = true; // select the calendar tab OutlookUtils.SelectCalenderTab(); } } if (ribbon != null) { ribbon.Invalidate(); } }
public static void getReleaseMailReport(Release release, GroupResult groupResult, GroupResult usGroupResult) { MailItem mailItem = OutlookUtils.AddMailItem(); mailItem.Subject = "Release Status: #" + release.Id + " - " + release.Name + " (" + release.StartDate.ToShortDateString() + " - " + release.EndDate.ToShortDateString() + ")"; mailItem.BodyFormat = OlBodyFormat.olFormatHTML; String htmlBody = getHtmlTemplate(); htmlBody = htmlBody.Replace("@releasename", (release.Name + " (" + release.StartDate.ToShortDateString() + " - " + release.EndDate.ToShortDateString() + ")")); htmlBody = htmlBody.Replace("@numofsprints", release.NumOfSprints.ToString()); int totatDefects = 0; int maxWidth = 100; int maxVal = 1; Dictionary <string, int> map = new Dictionary <string, int>(); map.Add("list_node.severity.urgent", 0); map.Add("list_node.severity.very_high", 0); map.Add("list_node.severity.high", 0); map.Add("list_node.severity.medium", 0); map.Add("list_node.severity.low", 0); foreach (Group group in groupResult.groups) { map[group.value.logical_name] = group.count; maxVal = (maxVal < group.count ? group.count : maxVal); totatDefects += group.count; } htmlBody = htmlBody.Replace("@defecttotal", totatDefects.ToString()); int urgentVal = ((int)(map["list_node.severity.urgent"] * maxWidth / maxVal)); htmlBody = htmlBody.Replace("@urgentwidth", urgentVal.ToString()); htmlBody = htmlBody.Replace("@urgentcol", ((urgentVal == 0) ? "none" : "red")); htmlBody = htmlBody.Replace("@urgentval", (map["list_node.severity.urgent"]).ToString()); int veryhighVal = ((int)(map["list_node.severity.very_high"] * maxWidth / maxVal)); htmlBody = htmlBody.Replace("@veryhighwidth", veryhighVal.ToString()); htmlBody = htmlBody.Replace("@veryhighcol", ((veryhighVal == 0) ? "none" : "#D4522F")); htmlBody = htmlBody.Replace("@veryhighval", (map["list_node.severity.very_high"]).ToString()); int highVal = ((int)(map["list_node.severity.high"] * maxWidth / maxVal)); htmlBody = htmlBody.Replace("@highwidth", highVal.ToString()); htmlBody = htmlBody.Replace("@highcol", ((highVal == 0) ? "none" : "#D97934")); htmlBody = htmlBody.Replace("@highval", (map["list_node.severity.high"]).ToString()); int mediumVal = ((int)(map["list_node.severity.medium"] * maxWidth / maxVal)); htmlBody = htmlBody.Replace("@mediumwidth", mediumVal.ToString()); htmlBody = htmlBody.Replace("@mediumcol", ((mediumVal == 0) ? "none" : "#EDAE66")); htmlBody = htmlBody.Replace("@mediumval", (map["list_node.severity.medium"]).ToString()); int lowVal = ((int)(map["list_node.severity.low"] * maxWidth / maxVal)); htmlBody = htmlBody.Replace("@lowwidth", lowVal.ToString()); htmlBody = htmlBody.Replace("@lowcol", ((lowVal == 0) ? "none" : "#E3CB44")); htmlBody = htmlBody.Replace("@lowval", (map["list_node.severity.low"]).ToString()); StringBuilder storiesStrBuilder = new StringBuilder(" ("); int totalStories = 0; bool isFirst = true; foreach (Group group in usGroupResult.groups) { if (isFirst) { isFirst = false; } else { storiesStrBuilder.Append(", "); } storiesStrBuilder.Append( + ": " + group.count); totalStories += group.count; } storiesStrBuilder.Append(")"); htmlBody = htmlBody.Replace("@userstoriestotal", totalStories.ToString() + storiesStrBuilder.ToString()); mailItem.HTMLBody = htmlBody; mailItem.Display(); }