private void OnQuickMatchRequest(INetworkConnection con, Packet gmsg)
            PacketQuickMatchResult note = (PacketQuickMatchResult)CreatePacket((int)LobbyPacketType.QuickMatchResult, 0, false, false);

            gmsg.ReplyPacket = note;

            if (!ValidateHasCurrentCharacter())
                note.ReplyMessage = "You must select a character before you can get a quick match .";
                note.ReplyCode    = ReplyType.Failure;

            PacketGenericMessage gp = gmsg as PacketGenericMessage;

            string msg = "";

            gp.Parms.SetProperty("QuickMatch", true);
            DataTable dt          = DB.Instance.Lobby_GetQuickMatch(gp.Parms, out msg);
            bool      gotRowCount = false;

            if (dt != null)
            { // Transform data result into game object
                foreach (DataRow r in dt.Rows)
                    note.ReplyCode = ReplyType.OK;
                    Game g = new Game();
                    g.GameID     = (Guid)r["GameID"];
                    g.Started    = (bool)r["InProgress"];
                    g.MaxPlayers = (int)r["MaxPlayersAllowed"];
                    g.Name       = (string)r["GameName"];
                    g.Properties.SetProperty("IsPrivate", (bool)r["IsPrivate"]);
                    g.Properties.SetProperty("PlayerCount", (int)r["CurrentPlayers"]);
                    // allow custom searches to add their additional data to the game object
                    OnQuickMatchGameSearchResultTransform(g, r);
                    note.TheGame = g;
        protected virtual void OnQuickMatchResult(INetworkConnection con, Packet p)
            PacketQuickMatchResult res = p as PacketQuickMatchResult;

            FireQuickMatchResultArrived(res.ReplyCode == ReplyType.OK, res.ReplyMessage, this, res.TheGame);