static void Main(string[] args) { Shape[] shapes = new Shape[4]; shapes[0] = new Circle(5); shapes[1] = new Rectangle(10, 2); shapes[2] = new Triangle(8, 6); shapes[3] = new Square(5); foreach(Shape shape in shapes) { Console.WriteLine(shape.GeneralInformation); string type = shape.GetShapeType(); double area = shape.CalculateArea(); Console.WriteLine(string.Format("The size of the {0} area is {1:#.##}\n", type, area)); } Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle(2, 3); Square square = new Square(5); Console.WriteLine(string.Format("\nThe size of the {0} area is {1:#.##}\n", rectangle.GetShapeType(), rectangle.CalculateRectangleArea())); Console.WriteLine(string.Format("The size of the {0} area is {1:#.##}\n", square.GetShapeType(), square.CalculateRectangleArea())); Console.ReadLine(); }