internal static void deletionOccured(FileSystemEventArgs e) { string[] filesInDirectory = null; filesInDirectory = Directory.GetFiles(returnFilePath(e.FullPath)); Boolean newSimilarFileIsCreated = false; ShannonEntropy entropyCreator = new ShannonEntropy(); string fileName = returnFileName(e.FullPath); double oldEntropy = ShannonEntropy.getSavedEntropies()[e.FullPath]; foreach (string s in filesInDirectory) { if (s.Contains(fileName)) { newSimilarFileIsCreated = true; FileInfo newFileInfo = new FileInfo(s); double newEntropy = entropyCreator.CalculateEntropy(newFileInfo); //TODO react if needed entropyHandler(e, oldEntropy, newEntropy); } } ShannonEntropy.removeKeyFromSavedEntropies(e.FullPath); }
internal static void changeOccured(FileSystemEventArgs e) { //Kig på entropien før og efter Dictionary <string, double> savedEntropies = ShannonEntropy.getSavedEntropies(); FileInfo changedFile = new FileInfo(e.FullPath); ShannonEntropy entropyCalculator = new ShannonEntropy(); Double changedFileEntropy = entropyCalculator.CalculateEntropy(changedFile); Double originalFileEntropy = 0.0; Console.WriteLine("File " + e.FullPath + " has been changed to and has now an entropy of " + changedFileEntropy); if (changedFileEntropy == -1) { return; } try { originalFileEntropy = savedEntropies[e.FullPath]; } catch (Exception) { } entropyHandler(e, originalFileEntropy, changedFileEntropy); }
internal static void creationOccured(FileSystemEventArgs e) { //Er der en fil i directoriet der har samme entropi som denne er den blot rykket //Løb listen af keys igennem, se value, nogen ens? Godt //add til databasen den nye fil, slet den gamle Dictionary <string, double> savedEntropies = new Dictionary <string, double>(); savedEntropies = ShannonEntropy.getSavedEntropies(); FileInfo createdFileInfo = new FileInfo(e.FullPath); ShannonEntropy entropyCreator = new ShannonEntropy(); double createdFileEntropy = entropyCreator.CalculateEntropy(createdFileInfo); Console.WriteLine("File " + e.FullPath + " has been created and entropy is now " + createdFileEntropy); if (createdFileEntropy == -1) { return; } Boolean fileHasBeenMoved = false; string oldFilePath = ""; foreach (var item in savedEntropies) { if (item.Value == createdFileEntropy) { //File has been moved fileHasBeenMoved = true; oldFilePath = item.Key; } } if (fileHasBeenMoved) { ShannonEntropy.removeKeyFromSavedEntropies(oldFilePath); ShannonEntropy.addKeyAndDoubleToSavedEntropies(e.FullPath, createdFileEntropy); } else { //TODO find threshold på nye filer og om entropien er for høj ShannonEntropy.removeKeyFromSavedEntropies(oldFilePath); ShannonEntropy.addKeyAndDoubleToSavedEntropies(e.FullPath, createdFileEntropy); if (createdFileEntropy > entropyThreshold) { react(e); } } }
//Event handler if an object is renamed private static void OnRenamed(object source, RenamedEventArgs e) { Console.WriteLine(e.OldFullPath + " is renamed to " + e.FullPath); if (e.OldFullPath.Contains(@"C:\Users\Baseline\Desktop") || e.OldFullPath.Contains(@"C:\Users\Baseline\Documents") || e.OldFullPath.Contains(@"C:\Users\Baseline\Downloads") || e.OldFullPath.Contains(@"C:\Users\Baseline\Videos")) { if (ShannonEntropy.getSavedEntropies().ContainsKey(e.OldFullPath)) { Double tempEntropy = ShannonEntropy.getSavedEntropies()[e.OldFullPath]; ShannonEntropy.removeKeyFromSavedEntropies(e.OldFullPath); ShannonEntropy.addKeyAndDoubleToSavedEntropies(e.FullPath, tempEntropy); } } }
public static void shannonEntropyFileMonDetection() { FilemonEventHandler.setEntropyThreshold(entropyThreshold); FilemonEventHandler.setThresholdToReaction(thresholdToReaction); FilemonEventHandler.setSecondsInThreshold(secondsInThreshold); //Find entropy of all files ShannonEntropy temp1 = new ShannonEntropy(); temp1.getEntropyOfAllFilesInPath(path1); ShannonEntropy temp2 = new ShannonEntropy(); temp2.getEntropyOfAllFilesInPath(path2); ShannonEntropy temp3 = new ShannonEntropy(); temp3.getEntropyOfAllFilesInPath(path3); ShannonEntropy temp4 = new ShannonEntropy(); temp4.getEntropyOfAllFilesInPath(path4); //Print the entropies Dictionary <string, double> test = ShannonEntropy.getSavedEntropies(); foreach (var item in test) { Console.WriteLine(item.Key + " - " + item.Value); } Thread.Sleep(30000); }