예제 #1
        public void Draw(int yPos, int height)
            rect.y      = yPos;
            rect.height = height;
            rect.width  = 7;

            GUI.Box(rect, "", EditorStyles.textField);
            Rect rHandle = new Rect(rect);

            rHandle.xMin += 0;
            rHandle.xMax -= 0;
            Rect uv = new Rect(rect);

            uv.x       = 0;
            uv.y       = 0;
            uv.width   = 1;
            uv.height /= SF_GUI.Handle_drag.height;
            GUI.DrawTextureWithTexCoords(rHandle, SF_GUI.Handle_drag, uv);

            if (rect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition) || dragging)
                SF_GUI.AssignCursor(rect, MouseCursor.ResizeHorizontal);

            if (Event.current.isMouse)
                if (SF_GUI.ReleasedRawLMB())
                if (dragging)
                if (SF_GUI.PressedLMB(rect))
        public void DrawButton(SF_EditorNodeData entry, ref Rect btnRect)
            GUI.color = entry.isProperty ? SF_Node.colorExposed : Color.white;

            bool usable = !(!entry.availableInDeferredPrePass && editor.ps.catLighting.renderPath == SFPSC_Lighting.RenderPath.Deferred);

            if (!usable)
                //GUI.color = Color.red;
                GUI.enabled = false;

            bool mouseOver = btnRect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition);

            if (usable)
                if (dragNode == entry)
                    GUI.color = SF_GUI.selectionColorBright;
                else if (mouseOver && dragNode == null)
                    GUI.color = SF_GUI.selectionColorBrighter;

            GUI.Label(btnRect, (usable ? string.Empty : "    ") + entry.nodeName, styleButton);

            if (mouseOver && Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown && Event.current.button == 0 && usable)
            else if (Event.current.type == EventType.ContextClick)
                Vector2 mousePos = Event.current.mousePosition;
                if (btnRect.Contains(mousePos))
                    // Now create the menu, add items and show it
                    GenericMenu menu = new GenericMenu();
                    //menu.AddItem( new GUIContent("Edit Comment"), false, ContextClick, "cmt_edit" );
                    menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("What does " + entry.nodeName + " do?"), false, ContextClick, entry);

            GUI.color = Color.white;
            if (entry.isNew || entry.isUnstable)
                GUIStyle miniStyle = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.miniBoldLabel);
                miniStyle.alignment        = TextAnchor.UpperRight;
                miniStyle.normal.textColor = Color.red;
                GUI.Label(btnRect, entry.isNew ? "New" : "Unstable", miniStyle);

            if (usable)
                SF_GUI.AssignCursor(btnRect, MouseCursor.Pan);
                if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint)
                    GUI.enabled = true;
                    SF_GUI.DrawLock(btnRect.PadTop(4), "Forward rendering only", TextAlignment.Right);
                    //Draw(btnRect.PadTop(4), false, true, true, false); // Draw lock
                    GUI.enabled = false;
            GUI.enabled = true;
            btnRect.y  += btnRect.height;
예제 #3
        public override void DrawInner(Rect r)
            //Debug.Log("GUI THREAD: " + Event.current.type + " - " + GUI.GetNameOfFocusedControl());

            //if(Event.current.type == EventType.layout)

            if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint)

            //if(Event.current.type == EventType.repaint)
            //hoveringNode = r.Margin(128).Contains(Event.current.mousePosition);
            //} else {
            hoveringNode = r.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition);

            if (!isEditing)            // Don't resize while editing
                targetSideButtonWidth = (selected) ? 70f : 0f;

            int sideButtonHeight = 16;
            int buttonTextMargin = 4;

            int sideButtonWidth = Mathf.RoundToInt(currentSideButtonWidth);

            if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint)
                currentSideButtonWidth = Mathf.Lerp(currentSideButtonWidth, targetSideButtonWidth, 0.6f);

            Rect txtRect = r;

            txtRect = txtRect.PadRight(/*(int)sideButtonWidth +*/ buttonTextMargin);
            txtRect = txtRect.PadLeft((int)sideButtonWidth * 2 + buttonTextMargin);
            txtRect = txtRect.PadBottom(buttonTextMargin);

            // BUTTONS
            if (sideButtonWidth > 12f)
                Rect btnOutput = txtRect;
                Rect btnInput  = txtRect;
                btnOutput.width  = sideButtonWidth;
                btnInput.width   = sideButtonWidth * 2;
                btnOutput.height = btnInput.height = sideButtonHeight;
                btnOutput.x     += txtRect.width - sideButtonWidth;
                btnInput.x      += -buttonTextMargin / 2 - sideButtonWidth * 2;

                DrawTypecastButtons(btnOutput, btnInput);

            txtRect = txtRect.PadTop((int)(sideButtonWidth * 0.32f));

            if (isEditing && !justFocused && Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint)
                //Debug.Log("GUI THREAD " + Event.current.type + " LOWER");
                if (GUI.GetNameOfFocusedControl() != controlName)
                    //Debug.Log("DEFOCUS - " + Event.current.type + " fc: " + GUI.GetNameOfFocusedControl() );
                    isEditing = false;
                    isEditingAnyNodeTextField = false;

            if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint)
                justFocused = false;

            //Debug.Log("GUI THREAD B: " + Event.current.type + " - " + GUI.GetNameOfFocusedControl());

            if (isEditing)
                controlName = base.id + "_codeArea";


                string codeBefore = code;
                //code = GUI.TextArea(txtRect,code,SF_Styles.CodeTextArea);
                code = UndoableTextArea(txtRect, code, "code", SF_Styles.CodeTextArea);

                SF_GUI.AssignCursor(txtRect, MouseCursor.Text);

                //	code = codeBefore;
                //	txtEditor.pos += copyLength-1;

                txtEditor          = (TextEditor)GUIUtility.GetStateObject(typeof(TextEditor), GUIUtility.keyboardControl);
                savedCaretPosition = txtEditor.cursorIndex;
                //txtEditor.selectPos = 4;

                //if(SF_GUI.HoldingControl() && Event.current.type == EventType.keyDown && Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.C)

                if (Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.Tab && Event.current.type == EventType.KeyDown)
                    UndoRecord("insert tab in " + functionName + " code");
                    code = code.Insert(txtEditor.cursorIndex, "\t");
                    //Debug.Log("Caret position = " + txtEditor.pos);
                    savedCaretPosition         = txtEditor.cursorIndex;
                    pressedTabLastFrameCounter = 5;                     // Force it for five GUI frames

                if (pressedTabLastFrameCounter > 0 /*&& GUI.GetNameOfFocusedControl() != controlName*/)
                    txtEditor             = (TextEditor)GUIUtility.GetStateObject(typeof(TextEditor), GUIUtility.keyboardControl);
                    txtEditor.cursorIndex = savedCaretPosition + 1;
                    txtEditor.selectIndex = savedCaretPosition + 1;

                 * if(Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.Tab && Event.current.type == EventType.keyUp){
                 *      GUI.FocusControl(controlName);
                 *      Event.current.Use();
                 *      GUI.FocusControl(controlName);
                 * }
                 * if(Event.current.Equals( Event.KeyboardEvent("tab") )){
                 *      GUI.FocusControl(controlName);
                 *      Event.current.Use();
                 *      GUI.FocusControl(controlName);
                 * }*/

                if (code != codeBefore)
                    OnUpdateNode(NodeUpdateType.Soft, false);
                //if(focusBefore != string.Empty && GUI.GetNameOfFocusedControl() != focusBefore){
                //	GUI.FocusControl(focusBefore);
                //Debug.Log("GUI THREAD B_A_1: " + Event.current.type + " - " + GUI.GetNameOfFocusedControl());
                //Debug.Log("GUI THREAD " + Event.current.type + " UPPER");
                //Debug.Log("GUI THREAD B_B_0: " + Event.current.type + " - " + GUI.GetNameOfFocusedControl());
                GUI.Box(txtRect.PadBottom(1), code, SF_Styles.CodeTextArea);
                if (hoveringNode)
                    bool doubleClicked = Event.current.isMouse && Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown && Event.current.clickCount == 2;

                    Rect btnRect = new Rect(txtRect.xMax, txtRect.yMax, 46, 16).MovedUp().MovedLeft();
                    btnRect.x -= 3;
                    btnRect.y -= 4;

                    btnRect.xMin -= 3;
                    btnRect.yMin -= 4;

                    // Workaround for a weird issue
                    //bool clickedBtn = btnRect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition) && Event.current.type == EventType.mouseUp && Event.current.button == 0;

                    //Debug.Log("GUI THREAD B_B_1: " + Event.current.type + " - " + GUI.GetNameOfFocusedControl());
                    if (GUI.Button(btnRect, "Edit", EditorStyles.miniButton) || doubleClicked && Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint)
                        isEditing = true;
                        //Debug.Log("FOCUS - " + Event.current.type + " fc: " + GUI.GetNameOfFocusedControl() );
                        pressedEditLastFrameCounter = 5;
                        isEditingAnyNodeTextField   = true;
                        //	forceFocusCodeField = true;
                        justFocused = true;
                    //Debug.Log("GUI THREAD B_B_2: " + Event.current.type + " - " + GUI.GetNameOfFocusedControl());

            if (pressedEditLastFrameCounter > 0)
                //Debug.Log("REFOCUSING " + controlName + " fc: " + GUI.GetNameOfFocusedControl() );

            //Debug.Log("GUI THREAD C: " + Event.current.type + " - " + GUI.GetNameOfFocusedControl());

             * if (forceFocusCodeField) {
             *      //GUI.SetNextControlName("focusChange");
             *      if (GUI.GetNameOfFocusedControl() != controlName) {
             *              GUI.FocusControl(controlName);
             *      } else {
             *              forceFocusCodeField = false;
             *      }
             * }*/

            //Debug.Log("GUI THREAD END: " + Event.current.type + " - " + GUI.GetNameOfFocusedControl());
예제 #4
        public override float DrawInner(ref Rect r)
            //int propCount = editor.nodeView.treeStatus.propertyList.Count;

            List <SF_Node> propertyList = editor.nodeView.treeStatus.propertyList;

            //GUI.Label( r.MovedUp(), "propertyList.Count = " + propertyList.Count );

            int propCount = propertyList.Count;

            bool multiple = propCount > 1;

            float prevYpos = r.y;

            r.y = 0;

            if (propCount == 0)
                r.y        += 16;
                GUI.enabled = false;
                GUI.Label(r, "No properties in this shader yet");
                GUI.enabled = true;
                r.y        -= 16;

            r.y    += 23;
            r.xMin += 20;             // Indent
            r.xMax -= 3;

            r.height = propertyHeight;

            // On drop...
            if (draggingProperty != null && SF_GUI.ReleasedRawLMB())
                int moveDist = Mathf.RoundToInt((Event.current.mousePosition.y - startMouseY) / propertyHeight);

                // Execute reordering!
                if (moveDist != 0)                    // See if it actually moved to another slot
                    int newIndex = Mathf.Clamp(dragStartIndex + moveDist, 0, propCount - 1);
                    Undo.RecordObject(editor.nodeView.treeStatus, "property reorder");
                    //if( newIndex > dragStartIndex )
                    //	newIndex--;
                    editor.nodeView.treeStatus.propertyList.Insert(newIndex, draggingProperty);

                draggingProperty = null;

            float yStart = r.y;

            int i = 0;

            for (int j = 0; j < propertyList.Count; j++)
                SF_Node prop = propertyList[j];

                if (prop.property == null)                    // Due to a weird bug - remove these nodes

                // Disconnect
                    foreach (SF_NodeConnector con in prop.connectors)
                        if (con.conType == ConType.cOutput)
                    prop.Deselect(registerUndo: false);
                    //Debug.Log("Removing broken property...");
                    goto Restart;

                bool draggingThis = (draggingProperty == prop);
                bool dragging     = (draggingProperty != null);

                r.y = yStart + propertyHeight * i;

                if (draggingThis)
                    r.x -= 5;
                    r.y  = Mathf.Clamp(Event.current.mousePosition.y + dragStartOffsetY, yStart, yStart + propertyHeight * (propCount - 1));
                else if (dragging)
                    if (i < dragStartIndex)
                        float offset = propertyHeight + SF_Tools.Smoother(Mathf.Clamp(r.y - DragRectPosY, -propertyHeight, 0) / -propertyHeight) * -propertyHeight;
                        r.y += offset;
                    else if (i > dragStartIndex)
                        r.y -= propertyHeight - SF_Tools.Smoother(Mathf.Clamp(r.y - DragRectPosY, 0, propertyHeight) / propertyHeight) * propertyHeight;

                GUI.Box(r, string.Empty, draggingThis ? SF_Styles.HighlightStyle : SF_Styles.NodeStyle);
                bool mouseOver = r.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition);

                // We're now in the property box
                // We need: Grabber, Text field, Internal label

                bool imagePreview  = (prop.property is SFP_Tex2d || prop.property is SFP_Cubemap);
                bool colorInput    = (prop.property is SFP_Color);
                bool checkboxInput = (prop.property is SFP_ToggleProperty || prop.property is SFP_SwitchProperty);

                // GRABBER
                Rect gRect = SF_Tools.GetExpanded(r, -6);
                gRect.width = gRect.height / 2f;

                gRect.yMin += 8;

                Rect gRectCoords = new Rect(gRect);

                gRectCoords.x       = 0;
                gRectCoords.y       = 0;
                gRectCoords.width  /= SF_GUI.Handle_drag.width;
                gRectCoords.height /= SF_GUI.Handle_drag.height;
                if (multiple)
                    GUI.DrawTextureWithTexCoords(gRect, SF_GUI.Handle_drag, gRectCoords);
                gRect.yMin -= 8;

                 * if( propCount > 1 ) {
                 *      if( gRect.Contains( Event.current.mousePosition ) && SF_GUI.PressedLMB() && !dragging ) {
                 *              dragStartOffsetY = r.y - Event.current.mousePosition.y;
                 *              draggingProperty = prop;
                 *              dragStartIndex = i;
                 *              startMouseY = Event.current.mousePosition.y;
                 *      }
                 *      SF_GUI.AssignCursor( gRect,MouseCursor.Pan);
                 *      GUI.DrawTextureWithTexCoords(gRect, SF_GUI.Handle_drag, gRectCoords );
                 * }

                // Property type name
                Color c = GUI.color;
                c.a       = 0.5f;
                GUI.color = c;
                Rect propTypeNameRect = new Rect(gRect);
                //propTypeNameRect.x += propTypeNameRect.width + 8;
                propTypeNameRect.y -= 5;
                if (imagePreview || colorInput || checkboxInput)
                    propTypeNameRect.width = r.width - r.height - 38;
                    propTypeNameRect.width = r.width - 48;
                propTypeNameRect.height = 16;
                //if( prop.property != null )
                GUI.Label(propTypeNameRect, prop.property.nameType, EditorStyles.miniLabel);
                propTypeNameRect.x += gRect.width + 8;
                c.a       = 1f;
                GUI.color = c;
                //return (int)r.yMax;

                // INTERNAL NAME

                if (mouseOver)
                    c.a       = 0.5f;
                    GUI.color = c;
                    Rect intRect = new Rect(propTypeNameRect);
                    intRect.xMin += intRect.width - SF_GUI.WidthOf(prop.property.nameInternal, EditorStyles.label);
                    //SF_GUI.AssignCursor( intRect, MouseCursor.Text );
                    GUI.Label(intRect, prop.property.nameInternal, EditorStyles.label);
                    c.a       = 1f;
                    GUI.color = c;

                // DISPLAY NAME
                Rect dispNameRect = new Rect(propTypeNameRect);
                dispNameRect.y += 18;
                //dispNameRect.x += dispNameRect.width + 4;
                //dispNameRect.height = 16;
                //dispNameRect.y += 10;
                //dispNameRect.width = ( r.width - dispNameRect.width - texRect.width - 20 ) * 0.5f;

                string bef = prop.property.nameDisplay;
                SF_GUI.AssignCursor(dispNameRect, MouseCursor.Text);
                //if( mouseOver )
                UndoableEnterableNodeTextField(prop.property.node, dispNameRect, ref prop.property.nameDisplay, "change property name", update: false, extra: prop.property);
                //GUI.Label( dispNameRect, prop.property.nameDisplay, EditorStyles.boldLabel );
                if (prop.property.nameDisplay != bef)                    // Changed

                // Texture preview
                Rect texRect = new Rect(0, 0, 0, 0);
                c = GUI.color;
                if (imagePreview)
                    texRect       = SF_Tools.GetExpanded(new Rect(r), -4);
                    texRect.xMin += texRect.width - texRect.height;
                    //texRect.x += gRect.width + 4;
                    //texRect.width = texRect.height;
                    GUI.Box(SF_Tools.GetExpanded(texRect, 1f), string.Empty, SF_Styles.NodeStyle);
                    GUI.color = Color.white;
                    GUI.DrawTexture(texRect, prop.texture.texture);
                    GUI.color = c;

                if (prop.property is SFP_Slider)
                    SFN_Slider slider = (prop as SFN_Slider);

                    Rect sR = new Rect(dispNameRect);
                    sR.y    += sR.height + 5;
                    sR.width = 28;
                    GUI.Label(sR, "Min");
                    //sR.x += sR.width;
                    sR = sR.MovedRight();
                    prop.UndoableEnterableFloatField(sR, ref slider.min, "min value", null);

                    sR = sR.MovedRight();

                    sR.width = r.width - 164;

                    float beforeSlider = slider.current;

                    string sliderName = "slider" + slider.id;

                    sR.xMin += 4;
                    sR.xMax -= 4;

                    slider.current = prop.UndoableHorizontalSlider(sR, slider.current, slider.min, slider.max, "value");
                    if (beforeSlider != slider.current)
                    //SF_GUI.AssignCursor( sR, MouseCursor.Arrow );

                    sR.x    += sR.width + 4;
                    sR.width = 32;
                    prop.UndoableEnterableFloatField(sR, ref slider.max, "max value", null);
                    sR.x += sR.width;
                    GUI.Label(sR, "Max");

                else if (colorInput)
                    SFN_Color colNode = (prop as SFN_Color);

                    texRect       = SF_Tools.GetExpanded(new Rect(r), -4);
                    texRect.xMin += texRect.width - texRect.height;
                    //GUI.Box( SF_Tools.GetExpanded( texRect, 1f ), string.Empty, SF_Styles.NodeStyle );
                    GUI.color     = Color.white;
                    texRect.yMax -= 21;
                    texRect.yMin += 15;
                    texRect.xMin += 2;
                    //texRect.xMax -= 2;

                    SF_GUI.AssignCursor(texRect, MouseCursor.Arrow);

                    //Color col = EditorGUI.ColorField( texRect, colNode.texture.dataUniform );
                    Color col = colNode.UndoableColorField(texRect, colNode.texture.dataUniform, "set color of " + colNode.property.nameDisplay);
                    GUI.color = c;
                else if (prop.property is SFP_Vector4Property)
                    SFN_Vector4Property vec4 = (prop as SFN_Vector4Property);

                    Rect sR = new Rect(dispNameRect);
                    sR.y    += sR.height + 5;
                    sR.width = 20;

                    int lbWidth = 12;

                    //string channelStr = "XYZW";

                    sR.width = lbWidth;
                    GUI.Label(sR, "X", EditorStyles.miniLabel);
                    sR.x    += sR.width;
                    sR.width = 32;
                    prop.UndoableEnterableFloatField(sR, ref vec4.texture.dataUniform.x, "X channel", EditorStyles.textField);
                    SF_GUI.AssignCursor(sR, MouseCursor.Text);
                    sR.x += sR.width + 3;

                    sR.width = lbWidth;
                    GUI.Label(sR, "Y", EditorStyles.miniLabel);
                    sR.x    += sR.width;
                    sR.width = 32;
                    prop.UndoableEnterableFloatField(sR, ref vec4.texture.dataUniform.y, "Y channel", EditorStyles.textField);
                    SF_GUI.AssignCursor(sR, MouseCursor.Text);
                    sR.x += sR.width + 3;

                    sR.width = lbWidth;
                    GUI.Label(sR, "Z", EditorStyles.miniLabel);
                    sR.x    += sR.width;
                    sR.width = 32;
                    prop.UndoableEnterableFloatField(sR, ref vec4.texture.dataUniform.z, "Z channel", EditorStyles.textField);
                    SF_GUI.AssignCursor(sR, MouseCursor.Text);
                    sR.x += sR.width + 3;

                    sR.width = lbWidth;
                    GUI.Label(sR, "W", EditorStyles.miniLabel);
                    sR.x    += sR.width;
                    sR.width = 32;
                    prop.UndoableEnterableFloatField(sR, ref vec4.texture.dataUniform.w, "W channel", EditorStyles.textField);
                    SF_GUI.AssignCursor(sR, MouseCursor.Text);

                else if (prop.property is SFP_ValueProperty)
                    SFN_ValueProperty val = (prop as SFN_ValueProperty);

                    Rect sR = new Rect(dispNameRect);
                    sR.y    += sR.height + 5;
                    sR.width = 20;

                    sR.width = 35;
                    GUI.Label(sR, "Value", EditorStyles.miniLabel);
                    sR.x    += sR.width;
                    sR.width = 55;
                    //SF_GUI.EnterableFloatField( prop, sR, ref val.texture.dataUniform.r, EditorStyles.textField );
                    prop.UndoableEnterableFloatField(sR, ref val.texture.dataUniform.x, "value", EditorStyles.textField);
                    SF_GUI.AssignCursor(sR, MouseCursor.Text);
                else if (checkboxInput)
                    bool isToggle = (prop.property is SFP_ToggleProperty);

                    bool prevValue = isToggle ? (prop.property.node as SFN_ToggleProperty).on : (prop.property.node as SFN_SwitchProperty).on;


                    texRect       = SF_Tools.GetExpanded(new Rect(r), -4);
                    texRect.xMin += texRect.width - texRect.height;
                    //GUI.Box( SF_Tools.GetExpanded( texRect, 1f ), string.Empty, SF_Styles.NodeStyle );

                    texRect.yMax -= 21;
                    texRect.yMin += 15;
                    texRect.xMin += 2;
                    //texRect.xMax -= 2;

                    SF_GUI.AssignCursor(texRect, MouseCursor.Arrow);

                    bool newValue = prevValue;

                    if (isToggle)
                        prop.property.node.UndoableToggle(texRect, ref (prop.property.node as SFN_ToggleProperty).on, "", "property checkbox", EditorStyles.toggle);
                        newValue = (prop.property.node as SFN_ToggleProperty).on;
                        prop.property.node.UndoableToggle(texRect, ref (prop.property.node as SFN_SwitchProperty).on, "", "property checkbox", EditorStyles.toggle);
                        newValue = (prop.property.node as SFN_SwitchProperty).on;

                    if (newValue != prevValue)
                        //	(prop.property.node as SFN_ToggleProperty).on = newValue;
                        //} else {
                        //	(prop.property.node as SFN_SwitchProperty).on = newValue;
                        if (isToggle)
                            prop.property.node.texture.dataUniform = Color.white * (newValue ? 1f : 0f);

                if (r.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition) && SF_GUI.PressedLMB() && !dragging && multiple)
                    dragStartOffsetY = r.y - Event.current.mousePosition.y;
                    draggingProperty = prop;
                    dragStartIndex   = i;
                    startMouseY      = Event.current.mousePosition.y;
                if (multiple)
                    SF_GUI.AssignCursor(r, MouseCursor.Pan);

                if (draggingThis)
                    r.x += 5;

                //GUI.Label( r, "prop.property.nameType = " + prop.property.nameType );

                r.y += propertyHeight;

            r.y      = yStart + propCount * propertyHeight;
            r.height = 20;

            r.y += prevYpos;

예제 #5
        public static Rect GetBorder(this Rect r, RectBorder border, int size, bool showResizeCursor = false)
            Rect retRect = r;

            // Dimensions
            if (border == RectBorder.Left || border == RectBorder.Right)
                retRect.height = r.height - size * 2;
                retRect.height = size;

            if (border == RectBorder.Top || border == RectBorder.Bottom)
                retRect.width = r.width - size * 2;
                retRect.width = size;

            // Position
            if (border == RectBorder.Left || border == RectBorder.Center || border == RectBorder.Right)
                retRect.y += size;
            if (border == RectBorder.BottomLeft || border == RectBorder.Bottom || border == RectBorder.BottomRight)
                retRect.y += r.height - size;

            if (border == RectBorder.Top || border == RectBorder.Center || border == RectBorder.Bottom)
                retRect.x += size;
            if (border == RectBorder.TopRight || border == RectBorder.Right || border == RectBorder.BottomRight)
                retRect.x += r.width - size;

            if (showResizeCursor)
                MouseCursor cursor;

                if (border == RectBorder.Top || border == RectBorder.Bottom)
                    cursor = MouseCursor.ResizeVertical;
                else if (border == RectBorder.Left || border == RectBorder.Right)
                    cursor = MouseCursor.ResizeHorizontal;
                else if (border == RectBorder.TopLeft || border == RectBorder.BottomRight)
                    cursor = MouseCursor.ResizeUpLeft;
                else if (border == RectBorder.BottomLeft || border == RectBorder.TopRight)
                    cursor = MouseCursor.ResizeUpRight;
                    cursor = MouseCursor.MoveArrow;

                SF_GUI.AssignCursor(retRect, cursor);
