상속: System.MarshalByRefObject
        public bool Release(int maxRetries = 3)
            if (Domain == null) return true;

            var retries = 0;
            while (retries++ <= maxRetries)
                    Log.Info("Attempting to release application domain.");

                    if (Domain != null)
                        Log.InfoFormat("Domain Name: {0}", Domain.FriendlyName);

                    Provider = null;
                    Domain = null;


                    return true;
                catch (AppDomainUnloadedException appDomainUnloadedException)
                    Log.InfoFormat("Could not release domain. Retrying {0} out of {1}...", retries, maxRetries);
                    Log.Info("Exception: ", appDomainUnloadedException);

            return false;
        public void Load(string name, string path)
            if (Provider != null && !Release())
                const string message = "Could not release application domain. Service is stopping and needs a restart.";
                throw new Exception(message);

            var pathToAssembly = ResolvePath(path);

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(pathToAssembly))
                throw new FileNotFoundException("Could not locate ServiceProvider assembly in given path.", path);

            var domainSetup = new AppDomainSetup { PrivateBinPath = pathToAssembly };
            Domain = AppDomain.CreateDomain("Domain_" + Guid.NewGuid(), null, domainSetup);
            Provider = (ServiceProvider) Domain.CreateInstanceFromAndUnwrap(pathToAssembly, name);

            Log.Info("Initialized application domain.");
            Log.InfoFormat("Domain Name: {0}", Domain.FriendlyName);