예제 #1
        public void meaningful_exception_for_unknown_auth_header()

            var good1 = new AuthenticationInfo("Basic realm=\"registrar\"");

            const string header = "Digest username=\"admin\"," +
                                  "realm=\"The batcave\"," +
                                  "nonce=\"49938e61ccaa\"," +
                                  "uri=\"/\"," +
                                  "response=\"98ccab4542f284c00a79b5957baaff23\"," +
                                  "opaque=\"d8ea7aa61a1693024c4cc3a516f49b3c\"," +
                                  "qop=auth, nc=00000001," +

            var good2 = new AuthenticationInfo(header);

            var error = Assert.Throws<AuthenticationException>(() => new AuthenticationInfo("Negotiate,NTLM"));
            Assert.AreEqual("Authentication header not supported: Negotiate,NTLM", error.Message);
예제 #2
        internal static void AddDigestAuth(this WebRequest client, string userName, string password, AuthenticationInfo authInfo)
            // by adamfowleruk
            // See Client Request at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digest_access_authentication

            string ncUse = padNC(authInfo.nc);
            authInfo.nc++; // incrememnt for subsequent requests

            string ha1raw = userName + ":" + authInfo.realm + ":" + password;
            string ha1 = CalculateMD5Hash(ha1raw);

            string ha2raw = client.Method + ":" + client.RequestUri.PathAndQuery;
            string ha2 = CalculateMD5Hash(ha2raw);

            string md5rraw = ha1 + ":" + authInfo.nonce + ":" + ncUse + ":" + authInfo.cnonce + ":" + authInfo.qop + ":" + ha2;
            string response = CalculateMD5Hash(md5rraw);

            string header =
                "Digest username=\"" + userName + "\", realm=\"" + authInfo.realm + "\", nonce=\"" + authInfo.nonce + "\", uri=\"" +
                    client.RequestUri.PathAndQuery + "\", cnonce=\"" + authInfo.cnonce + "\", nc=" + ncUse + ", qop=\"" + authInfo.qop + "\", response=\"" + response +
                    "\", opaque=\"" + authInfo.opaque + "\"";

            client.Headers[HttpHeaders.Authorization] = header;

예제 #3
        internal static void AddAuthInfo(this WebRequest client, string userName, string password, AuthenticationInfo authInfo)

            if ("basic".Equals(authInfo.method))
                client.AddBasicAuth(userName, password); // FIXME AddBasicAuth ignores the server provided Realm property. Potential Bug.
            else if ("digest".Equals(authInfo.method))
                // do digest auth header using auth info
                // auth info saved in ServiceClientBase for subsequent requests
                client.AddDigestAuth(userName, password, authInfo);
예제 #4
 internal static void AddAuthInfo(this WebRequest client, string userName, string password, AuthenticationInfo authInfo)
     if ("basic".Equals(authInfo.method))
         client.AddBasicAuth(userName, password); // FIXME AddBasicAuth ignores the server provided Realm property. Potential Bug.
     else if ("digest".Equals(authInfo.method))
         // do digest auth header using auth info
         // auth info saved in ServiceClientBase for subsequent requests
         client.AddDigestAuth(userName, password, authInfo);
예제 #5
        internal static void AddDigestAuth(this WebRequest client, string userName, string password, AuthenticationInfo authInfo)
            //Silverlight MD5 impl at: http://archive.msdn.microsoft.com/SilverlightMD5

#if !(SL5 || PCL || NETSTANDARD1_1)
            // by adamfowleruk
            // See Client Request at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digest_access_authentication

            string ncUse = padNC(authInfo.nc);
            authInfo.nc++; // incrememnt for subsequent requests

            string ha1raw = userName + ":" + authInfo.realm + ":" + password;
            string ha1    = CalculateMD5Hash(ha1raw);

            string ha2raw = client.Method + ":" + client.RequestUri.PathAndQuery;
            string ha2    = CalculateMD5Hash(ha2raw);

            string md5rraw  = ha1 + ":" + authInfo.nonce + ":" + ncUse + ":" + authInfo.cnonce + ":" + authInfo.qop + ":" + ha2;
            string response = CalculateMD5Hash(md5rraw);

            string header =
                "Digest username=\"" + userName + "\", realm=\"" + authInfo.realm + "\", nonce=\"" + authInfo.nonce + "\", uri=\"" +
                client.RequestUri.PathAndQuery + "\", cnonce=\"" + authInfo.cnonce + "\", nc=" + ncUse + ", qop=\"" + authInfo.qop + "\", response=\"" + response +
                "\", opaque=\"" + authInfo.opaque + "\"";

            client.Headers[HttpHeaders.Authorization] = header;
            throw new NotImplementedException();
예제 #6
        internal static void AddDigestAuth(this WebRequest client, string userName, string password, AuthenticationInfo authInfo)
            // by adamfowleruk
            // See Client Request at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digest_access_authentication

            string ncUse = padNC(authInfo.nc);

            authInfo.nc++;             // incrememnt for subsequent requests

            string ha1raw = userName + ":" + authInfo.realm + ":" + password;
            string ha1    = CalculateMD5Hash(ha1raw);

            string ha2raw = client.Method + ":" + client.RequestUri.PathAndQuery;
            string ha2    = CalculateMD5Hash(ha2raw);

            string md5rraw  = ha1 + ":" + authInfo.nonce + ":" + ncUse + ":" + authInfo.cnonce + ":" + authInfo.qop + ":" + ha2;
            string response = CalculateMD5Hash(md5rraw);

            string header =
                "Digest username=\"" + userName + "\", realm=\"" + authInfo.realm + "\", nonce=\"" + authInfo.nonce + "\", uri=\"" +
                client.RequestUri.PathAndQuery + "\", cnonce=\"" + authInfo.cnonce + "\", nc=" + ncUse + ", qop=\"" + authInfo.qop + "\", response=\"" + response +
                "\", opaque=\"" + authInfo.opaque + "\"";

            client.Headers [HttpHeaders.Authorization] = header;