private static void ChangeTranslation(RedisClient client) { Console.WriteLine("Enter word."); string word = Console.ReadLine(); byte[] wordInBytes = Extensions.ToAsciiCharArray(word); Console.WriteLine("Enter translation."); string translation = Console.ReadLine(); byte[] translationInBytes = Extensions.ToAsciiCharArray(translation); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(word) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(translation)) { if (client.HExists(dictionary, wordInBytes) == 1) { client.HSet(dictionary, wordInBytes, translationInBytes); Console.WriteLine("Translation of the word {0} is changed.", word); } else { Console.WriteLine("There is no word {0}.", word); } } else { Console.WriteLine("You enter null or empty string for word or translation. Please try again."); } }
public static void EditWord(RedisClient words) { Console.Write("Enter word for edit: "); string editWord = Console.ReadLine().ToLower(); Console.Write("Enter new translation: "); string translation = Console.ReadLine().ToLower(); long countWords = words.HExists("words", Extensions.ToAsciiCharArray(editWord)); if (countWords>0) { words.HSet("words", Extensions.ToAsciiCharArray(editWord), Extensions.ToAsciiCharArray(translation)); } else { Console.WriteLine("This word is not exist"); } }
private void DoUpdateChangeKey(RedisClient client, string setId, object keyByte, byte[] values, bool isHash, byte[] buffer) { string key = isHash ? Encoding.UTF8.GetString((byte[])keyByte) : keyByte.ToString(); dynamic entity = null; try { entity = CovertEntityObject(key, values); CacheType cacheType = CacheType.None; if (entity != null) { SchemaTable schema; Type entityType = entity.GetType(); if (!EntitySchemaSet.TryGet(entityType, out schema)) { EntitySchemaSet.InitSchema(entityType); } if (schema != null || EntitySchemaSet.TryGet(entityType, out schema)) { cacheType = schema.CacheType; } if (cacheType != CacheType.None) { string redisKey = cacheType == CacheType.Dictionary ? key.Split('|')[0] : key.Split('_')[0]; using (IDataSender sender = DataSyncManager.GetRedisSender(schema, redisKey)) { sender.Send(entity); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { TraceLog.WriteError("ChangeKey:{0} error:{1}", key, ex); } if (isHash) { client.HDel(setId, (byte[])keyByte); } else { client.ZRem(setId, buffer); } if (entity != null) { Type type = entity.GetType(); string entityKey = string.Format("{0},{1}", key, type.Assembly.GetName().Name); client.HSet("__GLOBAL_SQL_CHANGE_KEYS_NEW", Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(entityKey), new byte[] { 1 }); } }
public static void AddEntry(RedisClient redisIO, Entry entry) { redisIO.HSet("Dictonary", entry.Name.ToAsciiCharArray(), entry.Translation.ToAsciiCharArray()); }
static void AddNewEntry(RedisClient redisClient, string word, string translation) { redisClient.HSet( DictionaryStructure, Extensions.ToAsciiCharArray(word), Extensions.ToAsciiCharArray(translation)); }