public MetricService(string connectionString) { _factory = new OrmLiteConnectionFactory(connectionString, SqlServerDialect.Provider); _factory.Run(db => db.CreateTable<Metric>(overwrite: false)); _factory.Run(db => db.CreateTable<Message>(overwrite: false)); _factory.Run(db => db.CreateTable<Trend>(overwrite: false)); }
public FileSystemQueue(string baseDirectory, string connectionString, bool includSubdirectories = true) { _baseDirectory = baseDirectory; _connectionString = connectionString; _factory = new OrmLiteConnectionFactory(connectionString, SqlServerDialect.Provider); _factory.Run(db => db.CreateTable<WatchedFile>(overwrite: false)); }
public QuestionAnswerService(string connectionString) { _factory = new OrmLiteConnectionFactory(connectionString, SqlServerDialect.Provider); _factory.Run(db => { db.CreateTable<QuestionAnswer>(overwrite: false); }); var svc = new AnswerService(connectionString); }
public ProfileService(string connectionString) { _factory = new OrmLiteConnectionFactory(connectionString, SqlServerDialect.Provider); _factory.Run(db => { db.CreateTable<ProfileAuthData>(overwrite: false); db.CreateTable<Profile>(overwrite: false); db.CreateTable<Position>(overwrite: false); db.CreateTable<Company>(overwrite: false); }); }
public SurveyService(string connectionString) { _factory = new OrmLiteConnectionFactory(connectionString, SqlServerDialect.Provider); _factory.Run(db => { db.CreateTable<Survey>(overwrite: false); if (db.Count<Survey>() == 0) { db.Insert<Survey>(new Survey { Id = 1, Name = "My First Survey", Description = "This is the first survey.", ButtonText = "Let's Get Started!"}); } }); var svc = new SegmentService(connectionString); }
public SegmentService(string connectionString) { _factory = new OrmLiteConnectionFactory(connectionString, SqlServerDialect.Provider); _factory.Run(db => { db.CreateTable<Segment>(overwrite: false); if (db.Count<Segment>() == 0) { db.Insert<Segment>(new Segment { Id = 1, SurveyId = 1, Order = 1, Name = "First Questions", Description = "Answer some simple questions.", ButtonText = "Start" }); db.Insert<Segment>(new Segment { Id = 2, SurveyId = 1, Order = 2, Name = "Second Questions", Description = "Answer some more complex questions.", ButtonText = "Start" }); } }); var svc = new QuestionService(connectionString); }
public QuestionService(string connectionString) { _factory = new OrmLiteConnectionFactory(connectionString, SqlServerDialect.Provider); _factory.Run(db => { db.CreateTable<Question>(overwrite: false); if (db.Count<Question>() == 0) { db.Insert<Question>(new Question { Id = 1, Order = 1, SegmentId = 1, Text = "What is your favorite color?" }); db.Insert<Question>(new Question { Id = 2, Order = 2, SegmentId = 1, Text = "What is your quest?" }); db.Insert<Question>(new Question { Id = 3, Order = 1, SegmentId = 2, Text = "One more question?" }); } }); var svc = new AnswerService(connectionString); }
public AnswerService(string connectionString) { _factory = new OrmLiteConnectionFactory(connectionString, SqlServerDialect.Provider); _factory.Run(db => { db.CreateTable<Answer>(overwrite: false); if (db.Count<Answer>() == 0) { db.Insert<Answer>(new Answer { Id = 1, QuestionId = 1, Text = "Green" }); db.Insert<Answer>(new Answer { Id = 2, QuestionId = 1, Text = "Yellow" }); db.Insert<Answer>(new Answer { Id = 3, QuestionId = 2, Text = "I seek the grail." }); db.Insert<Answer>(new Answer { Id = 4, QuestionId = 2, Text = "I don't know." }); db.Insert<Answer>(new Answer { Id = 5, QuestionId = 3, Text = "Yes" }); db.Insert<Answer>(new Answer { Id = 6, QuestionId = 3, Text = "No" }); } }); }
public FileSystemMonitor(string baseDirectory, string connectionString) { _factory = new OrmLiteConnectionFactory(connectionString, SqlServerDialect.Provider); _factory.Run(db => db.CreateTable<WatchedFile>(overwrite: false)); _watcher = new FileSystemWatcher(); _watcher.Path = baseDirectory; _watcher.IncludeSubdirectories = true; // we only care about file changes, not directories and we only care about size changes and writes _watcher.NotifyFilter = NotifyFilters.LastWrite | NotifyFilters.Size | NotifyFilters.FileName; //// Only watch text files. //_watcher.Filter = "*.txt"; _watcher.Changed += new FileSystemEventHandler(OnChanged); _watcher.Created += new FileSystemEventHandler(OnCreated); _watcher.Deleted += new FileSystemEventHandler(OnDeleted); _watcher.Renamed += new RenamedEventHandler(OnRenamed); _watcher.EnableRaisingEvents = true; }
public void Save(string ticker, string source, bool quarterly, string description) { var factory = new OrmLiteConnectionFactory(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["StockScreenerConnection"].ConnectionString, SqlServerDialect.Provider); factory.Run(db => db.CreateTable<DiscountCashFlowHeader>(overwrite: false)); factory.Run(db => db.CreateTable<DiscountCashFlowYear>(overwrite: false)); using (IDbConnection db = factory.OpenDbConnection()) { var headers = db.Select<DiscountCashFlowHeader>(h => h.Ticker == ticker && h.Source == source && h.IsQuarterly == quarterly); db.Delete<DiscountCashFlowHeader>(h => h.Ticker == ticker && h.Source == source && h.IsQuarterly == quarterly); if (null != headers) { foreach (var h in headers) { db.Delete<DiscountCashFlowYear>(y => y.DiscoutCashFlowHeaderId == h.Id); } } // create header DiscountCashFlowHeader header = new DiscountCashFlowHeader { Ticker = ticker, IsQuarterly = quarterly, Source = source, Description = description, StartingFcF = this.FreeCashFlow, GrowthRate = this.GrowthRate, DiscountRate = this.DiscountRate, TerminalGrowthRate = this.TerminalGrowthRate, NetDebt = this.NetDebt, SharesOutstanding = this.SharesOutstanding, GrowthTerminalValue = this.GrowthTerminalValue, TenYearTerminalValue = this.TenYearTerminalValue, GrowthEnterpriseValue = this.GrowthEnterpriseValue, TenYearEnterpriseValue = this.TenYearEnterpriseValue }; db.Insert(header); header.Id = (int) db.GetLastInsertId(); // create yearly records foreach (int i in this.FutureFreeCashFlow.Keys) { DiscountCashFlowYear dcfy = new DiscountCashFlowYear { DiscoutCashFlowHeaderId = header.Id, FutureFreeCashFlow = this.FutureFreeCashFlow[i], PresentFreeCashFlow = this.PresentFreeCashFlow[i], TerminalFreeCashFlow = this.TerminalFreeCashFlow[i], TerminalPresentFreeCashFlow = this.TerminalPresentFreeCashFlow[i] }; db.Insert(dcfy); } } }
public FinancialModelService() { _factory = new OrmLiteConnectionFactory(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["StockScreenerConnection"].ConnectionString, SqlServerDialect.Provider); _factory.Run(db => db.CreateTable<GrahamAnalysis>(overwrite: false)); _metricService = new FinancialMetricService(); }
public PluginSettingsService(string connectionString) { _factory = new OrmLiteConnectionFactory(connectionString, SqlServerDialect.Provider); _factory.Run(db => db.CreateTable<PluginSettings>(overwrite: false)); }
public static void Main (string[] args) { var strCon = ConfigUtils.GetConnectionString("ApplicationDb"); string tmp = strCon; Console.WriteLine("Digite la cadena de conexion [{0}] Enter para continuar", strCon); strCon= Console.ReadLine(); if(strCon.IsNullOrEmpty()) strCon=tmp; OrmLiteConfig.DialectProvider = MySqlDialect.Provider; var dbFactory = new OrmLiteConnectionFactory(strCon); OrmLiteAuthRepository authRepo = new OrmLiteAuthRepository( dbFactory); AuthRepoProxy rp = new AuthRepoProxy(dbFactory, null); rp.CreateAuthTables(authRepo,false); rp.SetEngine (authRepo); string password = rp.CreateRandomPassword(8); tmp = password; Console.WriteLine("Digite la clave para {0} [{1}] Enter para continuar", "admin", password); password= Console.ReadLine(); if(password.IsNullOrEmpty()) password=tmp; password= rp.CreateAdminUser(authRepo, "Admin", "App", "*****@*****.**", password); // password = rp.CreateRandomPassword(8); tmp = password; Console.WriteLine("Digite la clave para {0} [{1}] Enter para continuar", "user", password); password= Console.ReadLine(); if(password.IsNullOrEmpty()) password=tmp; UserAuth user = new UserAuth{ UserName="******", Email="*****@*****.**"}; password= rp.CreateUser (authRepo, user,password); Console.WriteLine(password); dbFactory.Run (c => { if(c.FirstOrDefault<AuthRole>(f=>f.Name=="Radicar")==default(AuthRole)) c.Insert<AuthRole>(new AuthRole{Name = "Radicar", Title = "Recepcionista"}); if(c.FirstOrDefault<AuthRole>(f=>f.Name=="Asignar")==default(AuthRole)) c.Insert<AuthRole>(new AuthRole{Name = "Asignar", Title = "Secretario General"}); if(c.FirstOrDefault<AuthRole>(f=>f.Name=="Solucionar")==default(AuthRole)) c.Insert<AuthRole>(new AuthRole{Name = "Solucionar", Title = "Abogado"}); if(c.FirstOrDefault<AuthRole>(f=>f.Name=="Firmar")==default(AuthRole)) c.Insert<AuthRole>(new AuthRole{Name = "Firmar", Title = "Abogado"}); if(c.FirstOrDefault<AuthRole>(f=>f.Name=="RegistrarFirmar")==default(AuthRole)) c.Insert<AuthRole>(new AuthRole{Name = "RegistrarFirmar", Title = "Recepcionista"}); if(c.FirstOrDefault<AuthRole>(f=>f.Name=="Alistar")==default(AuthRole)) c.Insert<AuthRole>(new AuthRole{Name = "Alistar", Title = "Recepcionista"}); if(c.FirstOrDefault<AuthRole>(f=>f.Name=="Entregar")==default(AuthRole)) c.Insert<AuthRole>(new AuthRole{Name = "Entregar", Title = "Mensajero"}); if(c.FirstOrDefault<AuthRole>(f=>f.Name=="Cerrar")==default(AuthRole)) c.Insert<AuthRole>(new AuthRole{Name = "Cerrar", Title = "Recepcionista"}); if(c.FirstOrDefault<AuthRole>(f=>f.Name=="Consultar")==default(AuthRole)) c.Insert<AuthRole>(new AuthRole{Name = "Consultar", Title = "Público"}); }); }
public SubscriberService(string connectionString) { _factory = new OrmLiteConnectionFactory(connectionString, SqlServerDialect.Provider); _factory.Run(db => db.CreateTable<Subscriber>(overwrite: false)); }