예제 #1
        private object ResolveCachedObjectWhileInsertingNewIfNotFound(Type interfaceType, object[] constructorData, Func <object, IResolverModule, Type, IResolver, object> moduleLogic, Func <IList <IResolverModule>, IList <IResolverModule> > moduleFilter)
            if (!interfaceType.IsInterface)
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"Incoming type \"{interfaceType.FullName}\" is not an Interface Type. Resolve only operates with Interfaces.");

            Type classType = _mapper.MapInterfaceTypeToClassType(interfaceType);

            // If none found, create the first one
            if (!_repository.DoesObjectInterfaceAndClassExist(interfaceType, classType))
                if (constructorData != null && moduleLogic != null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException($"Resolving should not be provided BOTH {nameof(constructorData)} and {nameof(moduleLogic)}.");

                InsertNewObjectToCache(interfaceType, constructorData, moduleLogic, moduleFilter);

            InstantiatedObject existingObject = _repository.ObjectCache.FirstOrDefault(obj => obj.ClassType == classType && obj.InterfaceType == interfaceType);

            if (existingObject == null || existingObject == default(InstantiatedObject))
                throw new NullReferenceException($"Failed to locate an object that instantiates type \"{interfaceType.Name}\" in the {nameof(InstantiatedObjectsRepository)}.");

예제 #2
        private object InsertNewObjectToCache(Type interfaceType, object[] constructorData, Func <object, IResolverModule, Type, IResolver, object> moduleLogic, Func <IList <IResolverModule>, IList <IResolverModule> > moduleFilter)
            constructorData = AddResolverToConstructorDataIfNeeded(interfaceType, constructorData);
            InstantiatedObject newObject = _mapper.MapInterfaceTypeToInstantiatedObject(interfaceType, constructorData, this, moduleLogic, moduleFilter);

            // If multiple not allowed and one already exists, throw
            if (!newObject.AllowMultiple && _repository.DoesObjectInterfaceAndClassExist(newObject.InterfaceType, newObject.ClassType))
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"Interface Type \"{newObject.InterfaceType.Name}\" mapped to Class Type \"{newObject.ClassType.FullName}\" is not set to support multiple instances and one was already resolved before.");


예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Inserts the provided object to the cache of instantiated objects.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="objectToInsert">The object to insert into the cache.</param>
        public void InsertObjectToCache(InstantiatedObject objectToInsert)
            if (objectToInsert == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(objectToInsert), $"Cannot add a NULL {nameof(InstantiatedObject)} to the {nameof(InstantiatedObjectsRepository)}");


            // Replace the existing object if multiples not allowed and it exists already
            if (!objectToInsert.AllowMultiple && DoesObjectInterfaceAndClassExist(objectToInsert.InterfaceType, objectToInsert.ClassType))
                InstantiatedObject objectToRemove = ObjectCache.First(obj => obj.InterfaceType == objectToInsert.InterfaceType && obj.ClassType == objectToInsert.ClassType);
                if (objectToRemove == null)
                    throw new NullReferenceException($"The object mapped to \"{objectToInsert.InterfaceType.Name}\" is marked to not allow Multiple, was found in the Repository, but could not be retrieved.");


예제 #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Checks if the provided InstantiatedObject exists in the object cache.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="objectToCheck">The InstantiatedObject to check for.</param>
 /// <returns>True if the provided InstantiatedObject exists in the cache and False otherwise.</returns>
 public bool DoesInstantiatedObjectExist(InstantiatedObject objectToCheck)