public static void Load() { if (!RunTimePatch.Applied) { RunTimePatch.PatchAll(); } if (!Timers.IsRunning) { Timers.TimerStart(); } if (!LoadTriggers.IsRunning) { LoadTriggers.Load(); } if (Poll.IsEnabled && PersistentContainer.Instance.PollOpen) { Poll.CheckTime(); } if (!ClanManager.IsEnabled) { ClanManager.Clans.Clear(); ClanManager.ClanMember.Clear(); } if (!InfoTicker.IsEnabled && InfoTicker.IsRunning) { InfoTicker.Unload(); } if (InfoTicker.IsEnabled && !InfoTicker.IsRunning) { InfoTicker.Load(); } if (Gimme.IsRunning && !Gimme.IsEnabled) { Gimme.Unload(); } if (!Gimme.IsRunning && Gimme.IsEnabled) { Gimme.Load(); } if (Badwords.IsRunning && !Badwords.IsEnabled) { Badwords.Unload(); } if (!Badwords.IsRunning && Badwords.IsEnabled) { Badwords.Load(); } if (!LoginNotice.IsRunning && LoginNotice.IsEnabled) { LoginNotice.Load(); } if (LoginNotice.IsRunning && !LoginNotice.IsEnabled) { LoginNotice.Unload(); } if (!Zones.IsRunning && Zones.IsEnabled) { Zones.Load(); } if (Zones.IsRunning && !Zones.IsEnabled) { Zones.Unload(); } if (!VoteReward.IsRunning && VoteReward.IsEnabled) { VoteReward.Load(); } if (VoteReward.IsRunning && !VoteReward.IsEnabled) { VoteReward.Unload(); } if (!Watchlist.IsRunning && Watchlist.IsEnabled) { Watchlist.Load(); } if (Watchlist.IsRunning && !Watchlist.IsEnabled) { Watchlist.Unload(); } if (!ReservedSlots.IsRunning && ReservedSlots.IsEnabled) { ReservedSlots.Load(); } if (ReservedSlots.IsRunning && !ReservedSlots.IsEnabled) { ReservedSlots.Unload(); } if (!StartingItems.IsRunning && StartingItems.IsEnabled) { StartingItems.Load(); } if (StartingItems.IsRunning && !StartingItems.IsEnabled) { StartingItems.Unload(); } if (!Travel.IsRunning && Travel.IsEnabled) { Travel.Load(); } if (Travel.IsRunning && !Travel.IsEnabled) { Travel.Unload(); } if (!Shop.IsRunning && Shop.IsEnabled) { Shop.Load(); } if (Shop.IsRunning && !Shop.IsEnabled) { Shop.Unload(); } if (!Motd.IsRunning && Motd.IsEnabled) { Motd.Load(); } if (Motd.IsRunning && !Motd.IsEnabled) { Motd.Unload(); } if (InvalidItems.IsRunning && !InvalidItems.IsEnabled) { InvalidItems.Unload(); } if (!InvalidItems.IsRunning && InvalidItems.IsEnabled) { InvalidItems.Load(); } if (HighPingKicker.IsRunning && !HighPingKicker.IsEnabled) { HighPingKicker.Unload(); } if (!HighPingKicker.IsRunning && HighPingKicker.IsEnabled) { HighPingKicker.Load(); } if (CredentialCheck.IsRunning && !CredentialCheck.IsEnabled) { CredentialCheck.Unload(); } if (!CredentialCheck.IsRunning && CredentialCheck.IsEnabled) { CredentialCheck.Load(); } if (CustomCommands.IsRunning && !CustomCommands.IsEnabled) { CustomCommands.Unload(); } if (!CustomCommands.IsRunning && CustomCommands.IsEnabled) { CustomCommands.Load(); } if (DupeLog.IsRunning && !DupeLog.IsEnabled) { DupeLog.Unload(); } if (!DupeLog.IsRunning && DupeLog.IsEnabled) { DupeLog.Load(); } if (ChatColorPrefix.IsRunning && !ChatColorPrefix.IsEnabled) { ChatColorPrefix.Unload(); } if (!ChatColorPrefix.IsRunning && ChatColorPrefix.IsEnabled) { ChatColorPrefix.Load(); } if (KillNotice.IsRunning && !KillNotice.IsEnabled) { KillNotice.Unload(); } if (!KillNotice.IsRunning && KillNotice.IsEnabled) { KillNotice.Load(); } if (Prayer.IsRunning && !Prayer.IsEnabled) { Prayer.Unload(); } if (!Prayer.IsRunning && Prayer.IsEnabled) { Prayer.Load(); } if (BloodmoonWarrior.IsRunning && !BloodmoonWarrior.IsEnabled) { BloodmoonWarrior.Unload(); } if (!BloodmoonWarrior.IsRunning && BloodmoonWarrior.IsEnabled) { BloodmoonWarrior.Load(); } if (ProtectedSpaces.IsRunning && !ProtectedSpaces.IsEnabled) { ProtectedSpaces.Unload(); } if (!ProtectedSpaces.IsRunning && ProtectedSpaces.IsEnabled) { ProtectedSpaces.Load(); } if (ClanManager.IsEnabled) { ClanManager.ClanList(); } if (Auction.IsEnabled) { Auction.AuctionList(); } if (Mute.IsEnabled) { Mute.ClientMuteList(); Mute.MuteList(); } if (Jail.IsEnabled) { Jail.JailList(); } //always load the website last if (WebsiteServer.IsEnabled && !WebsiteServer.DirFound) { WebsiteServer.CheckDir(); } if (WebsiteServer.IsRunning && !WebsiteServer.IsEnabled) { WebsiteServer.Unload(); } if (!WebsiteServer.IsRunning && WebsiteServer.IsEnabled && WebsiteServer.DirFound) { WebsiteServer.Load(); } }
public static void Load() { Timers.TimerStart(); Timers.Timer2Start(); string _sql = "SELECT pollOpen FROM Polls WHERE pollOpen = 'true'"; DataTable _result = SQL.TypeQuery(_sql); if (_result.Rows.Count > 0) { PollConsole.Check(); } _result.Dispose(); if (!ClanManager.IsEnabled) { ClanManager.Clans.Clear(); ClanManager.ClanMember.Clear(); } if (!InfoTicker.IsEnabled && InfoTicker.IsRunning) { InfoTicker.Unload(); } if (InfoTicker.IsEnabled && !InfoTicker.IsRunning) { InfoTicker.Load(); } if (Gimme.IsRunning && !Gimme.IsEnabled) { Gimme.Unload(); } if (!Gimme.IsRunning && Gimme.IsEnabled) { Gimme.Load(); } if (Badwords.IsRunning && !Badwords.IsEnabled) { Badwords.Unload(); } if (!Badwords.IsRunning && Badwords.IsEnabled) { Badwords.Load(); } if (!LoginNotice.IsRunning && LoginNotice.IsEnabled) { LoginNotice.Load(); } if (LoginNotice.IsRunning && !LoginNotice.IsEnabled) { LoginNotice.Unload(); } if (!Zones.IsRunning && Zones.IsEnabled) { Zones.Load(); } if (Zones.IsRunning && !Zones.IsEnabled) { Zones.Unload(); } if (!VoteReward.IsRunning && VoteReward.IsEnabled) { VoteReward.Load(); } if (VoteReward.IsRunning && !VoteReward.IsEnabled) { VoteReward.Unload(); } if (!Watchlist.IsRunning && Watchlist.IsEnabled) { Watchlist.Load(); } if (Watchlist.IsRunning && !Watchlist.IsEnabled) { Watchlist.Unload(); } if (!ReservedSlots.IsRunning && ReservedSlots.IsEnabled) { ReservedSlots.Load(); } if (ReservedSlots.IsRunning && !ReservedSlots.IsEnabled) { ReservedSlots.Unload(); } if (!StartingItems.IsRunning && StartingItems.IsEnabled) { StartingItems.Load(); } if (StartingItems.IsRunning && !StartingItems.IsEnabled) { StartingItems.Unload(); } if (!Travel.IsRunning && Travel.IsEnabled) { Travel.Load(); } if (Travel.IsRunning && !Travel.IsEnabled) { Travel.Unload(); } if (!Shop.IsRunning && Shop.IsEnabled) { Shop.Load(); } if (Shop.IsRunning && !Shop.IsEnabled) { Shop.Unload(); } if (!Motd.IsRunning && Motd.IsEnabled) { Motd.Load(); } if (Motd.IsRunning && !Motd.IsEnabled) { Motd.Unload(); } if (InventoryCheck.IsRunning && !InventoryCheck.IsEnabled) { InventoryCheck.Unload(); } if (!InventoryCheck.IsRunning && InventoryCheck.IsEnabled) { InventoryCheck.Load(); } if (HighPingKicker.IsEnabled) { HighPingKicker.Load(); } if (CredentialCheck.IsRunning && !CredentialCheck.IsEnabled) { CredentialCheck.Unload(); } if (!CredentialCheck.IsRunning && CredentialCheck.IsEnabled) { CredentialCheck.Load(); } if (CustomCommands.IsRunning && !CustomCommands.IsEnabled) { CustomCommands.Unload(); } if (!CustomCommands.IsRunning && CustomCommands.IsEnabled) { CustomCommands.Load(); } if (DupeLog.IsRunning && !DupeLog.IsEnabled) { DupeLog.Unload(); } if (!DupeLog.IsRunning && DupeLog.IsEnabled) { DupeLog.Load(); } if (ChatColorPrefix.IsRunning && !ChatColorPrefix.IsEnabled) { ChatColorPrefix.Unload(); } if (!ChatColorPrefix.IsRunning && ChatColorPrefix.IsEnabled) { ChatColorPrefix.Load(); } if (KillNotice.IsRunning && !KillNotice.IsEnabled) { KillNotice.Unload(); } if (!KillNotice.IsRunning && KillNotice.IsEnabled) { KillNotice.Load(); } if (!Prayer.IsRunning && Prayer.IsEnabled) { Prayer.Load(); } if (Prayer.IsRunning && !Prayer.IsEnabled) { Prayer.Unload(); } if (LoadTriggers.IsRunning) { LoadTriggers.Unload(); } if (!LoadTriggers.IsRunning) { LoadTriggers.Load(); } if (ProtectedSpace.IsRunning) { ProtectedSpace.Unload(); } if (!ProtectedSpace.IsRunning) { ProtectedSpace.Load(); } if (ClanManager.IsEnabled) { ClanManager.ClanList(); } if (AuctionBox.IsEnabled) { AuctionBox.AuctionList(); } if (Mute.IsEnabled) { Mute.MuteList(); } if (Jail.IsEnabled) { Jail.JailList(); } if (BattleLogger.IsEnabled && !BattleLogger.LogFound && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Utils.GetApplicationScratchPath())) { if (!GamePrefs.GetString(EnumGamePrefs.ServerDisabledNetworkProtocols).ToLower().Contains("litenetlib")) { BattleLogger.LogDirectory = Utils.GetApplicationScratchPath(); BattleLogger.ConfirmLog(); } else { Log.Out("--------------------------------------------------------------------------"); Log.Out("[SERVERTOOLS] Unable to verify log file. Battle_Loggers has been disabled."); Log.Out("[SERVERTOOLS] Network protocol litenetlib is required for this tool."); Log.Out("--------------------------------------------------------------------"); } } PatchTools.ApplyPatches(); }
public static void Load() { Timers.TimerStart(); if (TeleportCheck.IsEnabled) { TeleportCheck.DetectionLogsDir(); } if (CountryBan.IsEnabled) { CountryBan.Load(); } if (FlightCheck.IsEnabled) { FlightCheck.DetectionLogsDir(); } if (HatchElevator.IsEnabled) { HatchElevator.DetectionLogsDir(); } if (PlayerLogs.IsEnabled) { PlayerLogs.PlayerLogsDir(); } if (InventoryCheck.IsEnabled) { InventoryCheck.PlayerLogsDir(); } if (Report.IsEnabled) { Report.ReportLogsDir(); } if (PlayerStatCheck.IsEnabled) { PlayerStatCheck.DetectionLogsDir(); } if (UndergroundCheck.IsEnabled) { UndergroundCheck.DetectionLogsDir(); } if (Zones.IsEnabled) { Zones.DetectionLogsDir(); } if (Bank.IsEnabled) { Bank.CreateFolder(); } if (AuctionBox.IsEnabled) { AuctionBox.CreateFolder(); } if (Bounties.IsEnabled) { Bounties.CreateFolder(); } if (CredentialCheck.IsEnabled) { CredentialCheck.CreateFolder(); } if (DupeLog.IsEnabled) { DupeLog.CreateFolder(); } PollConsole.CreateFolder(); string _sql = "SELECT pollOpen FROM Polls WHERE pollOpen = 'true'"; DataTable _result = SQL.TQuery(_sql); if (_result.Rows.Count > 0) { PollConsole.Check(); } _result.Dispose(); if (ClanManager.IsEnabled) { ClanManager.GetClans(); ClanManager.BuildList(); } if (!ClanManager.IsEnabled) { ClanManager.clans.Clear(); ClanManager.ClanMember.Clear(); } if (!InfoTicker.IsEnabled && InfoTicker.IsRunning) { InfoTicker.Unload(); } if (InfoTicker.IsEnabled && !InfoTicker.IsRunning) { InfoTicker.Load(); } if (Gimme.IsRunning && !Gimme.IsEnabled) { Gimme.Unload(); } if (!Gimme.IsRunning && Gimme.IsEnabled) { Gimme.Load(); } if (UndergroundCheck.IsRunning && !UndergroundCheck.IsEnabled) { UndergroundCheck.Unload(); } if (!UndergroundCheck.IsRunning && UndergroundCheck.IsEnabled) { UndergroundCheck.Load(); } if (Badwords.IsRunning && !Badwords.IsEnabled) { Badwords.Unload(); } if (!Badwords.IsRunning && Badwords.IsEnabled) { Badwords.Load(); } if (!LoginNotice.IsRunning && LoginNotice.IsEnabled) { LoginNotice.Load(); } if (LoginNotice.IsRunning && !LoginNotice.IsEnabled) { LoginNotice.Unload(); } if (!Zones.IsRunning && Zones.IsEnabled) { Zones.Load(); } if (Zones.IsRunning && !Zones.IsEnabled) { Zones.Unload(); } if (!VoteReward.IsRunning && VoteReward.IsEnabled) { VoteReward.Load(); } if (VoteReward.IsRunning && !VoteReward.IsEnabled) { VoteReward.Unload(); } if (!Watchlist.IsRunning && Watchlist.IsEnabled) { Watchlist.Load(); } if (Watchlist.IsRunning && !Watchlist.IsEnabled) { Watchlist.Unload(); } if (!ReservedSlots.IsRunning && ReservedSlots.IsEnabled) { ReservedSlots.Load(); } if (ReservedSlots.IsRunning && !ReservedSlots.IsEnabled) { ReservedSlots.Unload(); } if (!StartingItems.IsRunning && StartingItems.IsEnabled) { StartingItems.Load(); } if (StartingItems.IsRunning && !StartingItems.IsEnabled) { StartingItems.Unload(); } if (!Travel.IsRunning && Travel.IsEnabled) { Travel.Load(); } if (Travel.IsRunning && !Travel.IsEnabled) { Travel.Unload(); } if (!Shop.IsRunning && Shop.IsEnabled) { Shop.Load(); } if (Shop.IsRunning && !Shop.IsEnabled) { Shop.Unload(); } if (!Motd.IsRunning && Motd.IsEnabled) { Motd.Load(); } if (Motd.IsRunning && !Motd.IsEnabled) { Motd.Unload(); } if (InventoryCheck.IsRunning && !InventoryCheck.IsEnabled) { InventoryCheck.Unload(); } if (!InventoryCheck.IsRunning && InventoryCheck.IsEnabled) { InventoryCheck.Load(); } if (HighPingKicker.IsEnabled) { HighPingKicker.Load(); } if (CredentialCheck.IsRunning && !CredentialCheck.IsEnabled) { CredentialCheck.Unload(); } if (!CredentialCheck.IsRunning && CredentialCheck.IsEnabled) { CredentialCheck.Load(); } if (CustomCommands.IsRunning && !CustomCommands.IsEnabled) { CustomCommands.Unload(); } if (!CustomCommands.IsRunning && CustomCommands.IsEnabled) { CustomCommands.Load(); } if (DupeLog.IsRunning && !DupeLog.IsEnabled) { DupeLog.Unload(); } if (!DupeLog.IsRunning && DupeLog.IsEnabled) { DupeLog.Load(); } if (ChatColorPrefix.IsRunning && !ChatColorPrefix.IsEnabled) { ChatColorPrefix.Unload(); } if (!ChatColorPrefix.IsRunning && ChatColorPrefix.IsEnabled) { ChatColorPrefix.Load(); } if (MutePlayer.IsEnabled) { MutePlayer.MuteList(); } if (Jail.IsEnabled) { Jail.JailList(); } if (Animals.IsEnabled) { Animals.AnimalList(); } if (AutoShutdown.IsEnabled) { AutoShutdown.ShutdownTime(); } }
public static void Load() { Confirm.Exec(); PatchTools.ApplyPatches(); if (!LoadTriggers.IsRunning) { LoadTriggers.Load(); } Timers.TimerStart(); string _sql = "SELECT pollOpen FROM Polls WHERE pollOpen = 'true'"; DataTable _result = SQL.TypeQuery(_sql); if (_result.Rows.Count > 0) { PollConsole.Check(); } _result.Dispose(); if (!ClanManager.IsEnabled) { ClanManager.Clans.Clear(); ClanManager.ClanMember.Clear(); } if (!InfoTicker.IsEnabled && InfoTicker.IsRunning) { InfoTicker.Unload(); } if (InfoTicker.IsEnabled && !InfoTicker.IsRunning) { InfoTicker.Load(); } if (Gimme.IsRunning && !Gimme.IsEnabled) { Gimme.Unload(); } if (!Gimme.IsRunning && Gimme.IsEnabled) { Gimme.Load(); } if (Badwords.IsRunning && !Badwords.IsEnabled) { Badwords.Unload(); } if (!Badwords.IsRunning && Badwords.IsEnabled) { Badwords.Load(); } if (!LoginNotice.IsRunning && LoginNotice.IsEnabled) { LoginNotice.Load(); } if (LoginNotice.IsRunning && !LoginNotice.IsEnabled) { LoginNotice.Unload(); } if (!Zones.IsRunning && Zones.IsEnabled) { Zones.Load(); } if (Zones.IsRunning && !Zones.IsEnabled) { Zones.Unload(); } if (!VoteReward.IsRunning && VoteReward.IsEnabled) { VoteReward.Load(); } if (VoteReward.IsRunning && !VoteReward.IsEnabled) { VoteReward.Unload(); } if (!Watchlist.IsRunning && Watchlist.IsEnabled) { Watchlist.Load(); } if (Watchlist.IsRunning && !Watchlist.IsEnabled) { Watchlist.Unload(); } if (!ReservedSlots.IsRunning && ReservedSlots.IsEnabled) { ReservedSlots.Load(); } if (ReservedSlots.IsRunning && !ReservedSlots.IsEnabled) { ReservedSlots.Unload(); } if (!StartingItems.IsRunning && StartingItems.IsEnabled) { StartingItems.Load(); } if (StartingItems.IsRunning && !StartingItems.IsEnabled) { StartingItems.Unload(); } if (!Travel.IsRunning && Travel.IsEnabled) { Travel.Load(); } if (Travel.IsRunning && !Travel.IsEnabled) { Travel.Unload(); } if (!Shop.IsRunning && Shop.IsEnabled) { Shop.Load(); } if (Shop.IsRunning && !Shop.IsEnabled) { Shop.Unload(); } if (!Motd.IsRunning && Motd.IsEnabled) { Motd.Load(); } if (Motd.IsRunning && !Motd.IsEnabled) { Motd.Unload(); } if (InvalidItems.IsRunning && !InvalidItems.IsEnabled) { InvalidItems.Unload(); } if (!InvalidItems.IsRunning && InvalidItems.IsEnabled) { InvalidItems.Load(); } if (HighPingKicker.IsRunning && !HighPingKicker.IsEnabled) { HighPingKicker.Unload(); } if (!HighPingKicker.IsRunning && HighPingKicker.IsEnabled) { HighPingKicker.Load(); } if (CredentialCheck.IsRunning && !CredentialCheck.IsEnabled) { CredentialCheck.Unload(); } if (!CredentialCheck.IsRunning && CredentialCheck.IsEnabled) { CredentialCheck.Load(); } if (CustomCommands.IsRunning && !CustomCommands.IsEnabled) { CustomCommands.Unload(); } if (!CustomCommands.IsRunning && CustomCommands.IsEnabled) { CustomCommands.Load(); } if (DupeLog.IsRunning && !DupeLog.IsEnabled) { DupeLog.Unload(); } if (!DupeLog.IsRunning && DupeLog.IsEnabled) { DupeLog.Load(); } if (ChatColorPrefix.IsRunning && !ChatColorPrefix.IsEnabled) { ChatColorPrefix.Unload(); } if (!ChatColorPrefix.IsRunning && ChatColorPrefix.IsEnabled) { ChatColorPrefix.Load(); } if (KillNotice.IsRunning && !KillNotice.IsEnabled) { KillNotice.Unload(); } if (!KillNotice.IsRunning && KillNotice.IsEnabled) { KillNotice.Load(); } if (Prayer.IsRunning && !Prayer.IsEnabled) { Prayer.Unload(); } if (!Prayer.IsRunning && Prayer.IsEnabled) { Prayer.Load(); } if (BloodmoonWarrior.IsRunning && !BloodmoonWarrior.IsEnabled) { BloodmoonWarrior.Unload(); } if (!BloodmoonWarrior.IsRunning && BloodmoonWarrior.IsEnabled) { BloodmoonWarrior.Load(); } if (ProtectedSpaces.IsRunning && !ProtectedSpaces.IsEnabled) { ProtectedSpaces.Unload(); } if (!ProtectedSpaces.IsRunning && ProtectedSpaces.IsEnabled) { ProtectedSpaces.Load(); } if (ClanManager.IsEnabled) { ClanManager.ClanList(); } if (AuctionBox.IsEnabled) { AuctionBox.AuctionList(); } if (Mute.IsEnabled) { Mute.ClientMuteList(); Mute.MuteList(); } if (Jail.IsEnabled) { Jail.JailList(); } //always load the website last if (WebsiteServer.IsEnabled && !WebsiteServer.DirFound) { WebsiteServer.CheckDir(); } if (WebsiteServer.IsRunning && !WebsiteServer.IsEnabled) { WebsiteServer.Unload(); } if (!WebsiteServer.IsRunning && WebsiteServer.IsEnabled && WebsiteServer.DirFound) { WebsiteServer.Load(); } }