/// <summary>
        /// This method begins preperations for the building of the game world by creating and filling the world and also creating the update timer
        /// for the server as well.
        /// </summary>
        static void Start()
            // No players have added at this moment so set the member variable to false.
            noPlayersJoined = true;

            // Create the HashTable for the client sockets and thier respective player cube ids.
            ClientSockets = new Dictionary <Socket, int>();

            socketsToRemove = new List <Socket>();

            allWorldCubes = new StringBuilder();

            DeadPlayersUIDs = new HashSet <int>();

            // Create the game world.
            world = new World("C:\\Users\\weisched\\Source\\Repos\\JacksonRepo\\AgCubio\\Resources\\XMLWorldParameters.xml");

            // Lock the world object, and create all the food that will be added to the world.
            lock (world)
                // Populate the world with an initial amount of food
                world.CreateFood(world.INITIAL_FOOD_AMT, true);

                world.CreateVirus(world.MAX_VIRUSES, true);

            // Create timer for calling Update()
            updateTimer          = new Timer(1 / (world.UPDATES_PER_SECOND / (double)1000));
            updateTimer.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(updateTimerEvent);

            // Call Sever_Awaiting_Client method and await the connection of the first client.
            Network.Server_Awaiting_Client(HandleNewClient, 11000);

            // Also have server listen for incoming web requests on Port 11100
            Network.Server_Awaiting_Client(GetWebRequest, 11100);