protected override void OnTarget(Mobile from, object targeted) { if (Which == "" || !SkillProfileHelper.Profiles.ContainsKey(Which)) { SkillSettings.DoTell("SPH does not contain, or key is blank. Key: " + Which); IEnumerator ie = SkillProfileHelper.Profiles.GetEnumerator(); while (ie.MoveNext()) { SkillSettings.DoTell("Value: " + ((KeyValuePair <string, SkillProfile>)ie.Current).Key); } return; } if (targeted is BaseTMSkillItem) { BaseTMSkillItem item = (BaseTMSkillItem)targeted; if (Super) { SkillSettings.DoTell("Profile being set."); item.Profile = SkillProfileHelper.Supers[Which]; SkillSettings.DoTell("Profile set."); } else { from.SendMessage("Non-Super Profile profiles are not yet implemented."); } } else { from.SendMessage("Profile cannot be set on that item."); } }
//generates or updates .plg files public static void SavePluginSettings(TMPluginSave plugin) { if (pluginExists(plugin.getName())) { if (!Directory.Exists(loc)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(loc); } string FileName = plugin.getName() + ".plg"; string path = loc + FileName; Console.Write(" - Saving Settings for TMPlugin " + plugin.getName() + "..."); try { using (FileStream m_FileStream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write)) { BinaryFileWriter writer = new BinaryFileWriter(m_FileStream, true); plugin.SavePlugin(writer); writer.Close(); m_FileStream.Close(); } Console.WriteLine("done."); } catch (Exception e) { SkillSettings.DoTell(" TMPlugin " + plugin + " could not be saved. Error: " + e); } } else { SkillSettings.DoTell(" TMPlugin " + plugin + " not registered to system. Save cannot continue."); } }
public void GetGumpCode(TMQueryPage page) { object o = page.GetValueSet(); Page = page; this.Dragable = false; if (o is TMSkillSession) { Session = (TMSkillSession)o; prof = Session.Profile; } Page.BaseSkinByType(this); if (prof == null) { SkillSettings.DoTell("Invalid profile to set up Master."); return; } TMSS4Skin sk = Session.Skin; Page.AddSuperButton(sk.FinishButtonX, sk.FinishButtonY, sk.FinishButtonH, sk.FinishButtonW, sk.ButtonOverlay, sk.ButtonUnderID, sk.ButtonUnderID, sk.FinishLabel, GumpButtonType.Reply, 101, 0, this); AddLabel(sk.PointsLabelX, sk.PointsLabelY, sk.Red, sk.PointsLabel + " " + Session.totalSelectedPoints + " / " + Session.totalAllowedPoints); AddPage(1); IEnumerator ie = prof.getProfileList(); int count = prof.subProfiles.Count; int i = 0; int pageid = 1; int pagesubcount = 0; //Add button for stats. Page.AddSuperButton(sk.ProfileX, sk.ProfileY + ((i % 6) * (sk.ProfileSpacer + sk.ProfileButtonH)), sk.ProfileButtonH, sk.ProfileButtonW, sk.ProfileNormalID, sk.SelectUnderlay, sk.SelectUnderlay, "Stats", GumpButtonType.Reply, i + 1, 0, this); i++; pagesubcount++; while (ie.MoveNext()) { string blah = ((SkillProfile)((KeyValuePair <string, SkillProfile>)ie.Current).Value).ProfileName; SkillSettings.DoTell2("Master gump debug: " + blah); Page.AddSuperButton(sk.ProfileX, sk.ProfileY + ((i % 6) * (sk.ProfileSpacer + sk.ProfileButtonH)), sk.ProfileButtonH, sk.ProfileButtonW, sk.ProfileNormalID, sk.SelectUnderlay, sk.SelectUnderlay, "" + blah, GumpButtonType.Reply, i + 1, 0, this); i++; pagesubcount++; if (pagesubcount == 5) { pagesubcount = 0; } if (pagesubcount == 1) { Page.AddSuperButton(sk.FinishButtonX, sk.FinishButtonY, sk.FinishButtonH, sk.FinishButtonW, sk.ProfileNormalID, sk.SelectUnderlay, sk.SelectUnderlay, "" + sk.FinishLabel, GumpButtonType.Reply, 101, 0, this); } if (pagesubcount == 0) { pageid++; AddPage(pageid); Page.AddSuperButton(sk.NextButtonMX, sk.NextButtonMY, sk.NextButtonMH, sk.NextButtonMW, sk.ProfileNormalID, sk.SelectUnderlay, sk.SelectUnderlay, "" + sk.NextTextM, GumpButtonType.Page, 0, pageid + 1, this); if (pageid != 1) { Page.AddSuperButton(sk.PrevButtonMX, sk.PrevButtonMY, sk.PrevButtonMH, sk.PrevButtonMW, sk.ProfileNormalID, sk.SelectUnderlay, sk.SelectUnderlay, "" + sk.PrevTextM, GumpButtonType.Page, 0, pageid - 1, this); } } } Session.Mobile.SendGump(this); }
public override void OnResponse(NetState sender, RelayInfo info) { if (info.ButtonID == 0) { return; } if (info.ButtonID > 0) { sender.Mobile.Target = new ProfileTarget(skinnames[info.ButtonID - 1]); } else { if (info.ButtonID > 0) { sender.Mobile.Target = new ProfileTarget(skinnames[info.ButtonID - 1]); } else { int val = (info.ButtonID - 1) * (-1); if (skinnames.Count >= val) { SkillSettings.CCSkinName = skinnames[(val)]; SkillSettings.DoTell("CCSkinName: " + SkillSettings.CCSkinName); } else { SkillSettings.DoTell("skinnames does not have such a value."); } } } }
public void Start() { if (invalidated) { return; } if (m_Mobile == null || m_Item == null || Profile == null || Skin == null) { SkillSettings.DoTell("One or more necessary items are null, the session cannot continue."); return; } if (Profile.IsGumped) { WindowInfo masterinf = Skin.WindowInfo["Master"]; subMaster = new TMQueryPage("TMSS Session Master Gump", this); //m_Mobile.SendGump( subMaster ); //Mobile.SendGump( new TMQueryPage("TMSS Stat Gump", this ) ); TMQueryPage tqp = new TMQueryPage("TMSS Stat Gump", this); } else if (Profile.StandTicket) { QuickMethod(); } else { SkillSettings.DoTell("Unable to continue. Invalid session configuration."); } }
internal bool addSkill(string name, Dictionary <string, TMUsedInfo> values) { SkillSettings.DoTell("Key (name): " + name); IEnumerator ie = values.GetEnumerator(); while (ie.MoveNext()) { TMUsedInfo ui = ((KeyValuePair <string, TMUsedInfo>)ie.Current).Value; SkillSettings.DoTell(" - values: " + ui.SkillName + " val: " + ui.SkillValue); } if (SelectedSkills.ContainsKey(name)) { SkillSettings.DoTell("Key in dictionary. " + name + " Current sum: " + getCurrentSum(name)); totalSelectedPoints = revaluePoints(name); SelectedSkills.Remove(name); } SkillSettings.DoTell("Pre count: " + SelectedSkills.Count); SelectedSkills.Add(name, values); SkillSettings.DoTell("Current count: " + SelectedSkills.Count); Dictionary <string, TMUsedInfo> info = SelectedSkills[name]; ie = info.GetEnumerator(); while (ie.MoveNext()) { TMUsedInfo ui = ((KeyValuePair <string, TMUsedInfo>)ie.Current).Value; SkillSettings.DoTell(" - info: " + ui.SkillName + " val: " + ui.SkillValue); } return(!verifyEntries(name)); }
public void OnResponse(Server.Network.NetState sender, Server.Gumps.RelayInfo info) { Mobile from = sender.Mobile; TMSS4Skin skin = sk; SkillReportsHelper.EnableSelectionReport = info.IsSwitched(2000); SkillReportsHelper.EnableProfileReport = info.IsSwitched(1000); //PluginSaver.SavePluginSettings(this); Dictionary <string, object> args = new Dictionary <string, object>(); if (skin != null) { args.Add("Skin", skin); } else { SkillSettings.DoTell("Reports: Skin is null."); } if (from != null) { args.Add("Mobile", from); } else { SkillSettings.DoTell("Reports: From is null."); } from.SendGump(new TMQueryPage("Main Menu", args)); }
protected override void OnTarget(Mobile from, object targeted) { if (targeted is Mobile) { Mobile targ = (Mobile)targeted; try { targ.Skills[m_Which].Base = m_Value; } catch (Exception e) { SkillSettings.DoTell("Mobile does not have the selected skill: " + SkillInfo.Table[m_Which].Name + " Exception: " + e); return; } if (m_Set) { //CommandLogging.LogChangeProperty( from, targ, "Skill change.", m_Value.ToString() ); } from.SendMessage("{0} : {1}", SkillInfo.Table[m_Which].Name, from.Skills[m_Which].Base); } else { from.SendMessage("That does not have skills!"); } }
public SkillProfile getProfile(int index) { IEnumerator ie = subProfiles.GetEnumerator(); //SkillProfile ret = null; if (index < 0) { SkillSettings.DoTell("Invalid profile iteration ID. " + index); return(null); } while (index > -1 && ie.MoveNext()) { try { index--; if (index == 0) { return(((KeyValuePair <string, SkillProfile>)ie.Current).Value); } } catch (Exception e) { SkillSettings.DoTell("Unable to move enumerator where expected able. " + e); return(null); } } return(null); }
public void GetGumpCode(TMQueryPage page) { sk = page.Skin; page.AddTitle("Shard Message Options", "Control"); //page.AddLabel(75, 90, 192, @"Shard Settings:"); //page.AddImage(227, 148, 1143); SkillSettings.DoTell("GetCoord: " + sk.GetCoord("Control", "X")); page.AddLabel(sk.SelectStartX, 115, sk.White, @"Use Shard Info:"); page.AddCheck(sk.SelectStartX + 100, 115, sk.genericSelectUp, sk.genericSelectDn, SkillSettings.IsSharded, 1000); page.AddLabel(sk.SelectStartX, 140, sk.White, @"Not Yours: "); page.AddImageTiled(sk.SelectStartX + 100, 140, 332, 20, 3004); page.AddTextEntry(sk.SelectStartX + 100, 140, 330, 20, sk.White, 2001, @"" + SkillSettings.NotYoursMessage); page.AddLabel(sk.SelectStartX, 170, sk.White, @"How To Use: "); page.AddImageTiled(sk.SelectStartX + 100, 170, 332, 20, 3004); page.AddTextEntry(sk.SelectStartX + 100, 170, 330, 20, sk.White, 2002, @"" + SkillSettings.HowToUseMessage); page.AddLabel(sk.SelectStartX, 200, sk.White, @"No Ticket: "); page.AddImageTiled(sk.SelectStartX + 100, 200, 332, 20, 3004); page.AddTextEntry(sk.SelectStartX + 100, 200, 330, 20, sk.White, 2003, @"" + SkillSettings.NoTicketMessage); page.AddSuperButton(sk.NextButtonSX - page.X, sk.NextButtonSY - 15, sk.NextButtonSH, sk.NextButtonSW, sk.ButtonOverlay, sk.ButtonUnderID, sk.ButtonUnderIDPress, "APPLY", GumpButtonType.Reply, 1, 0); //page.AddButton(450, 380, 238, 239, 1, GumpButtonType.Reply, 1); //page.AddLabel(335, 380, 0, @"Apply Settings"); }
public ListTestGump() : base(0, 0) { SkillSettings.DoTell("Setting up new ListTestGump."); BaseSkin skin = SkinHelper.getSkin(SkillSettings.ControlSkinName); this.AddBackground(0, 0, 500, 500, 9270); GumpList list = new GumpList(this, "details", skin); SkillSettings.DoTell("List Created."); GumpListEntry e1 = new GumpListEntry(0, 0, list, skin.EntryDefaultWidth, skin.EntryDefaultHeight); e1.AddColumn("This is a column."); e1.AddColumn("This is a 2nd column."); e1.AddColumn("This is the 3rd column."); SkillSettings.DoTell("Entry 1 Created."); GumpListEntry e2 = new GumpListEntry(0, 0, list, skin.EntryDefaultWidth, skin.EntryDefaultHeight); e2.AddColumn("This is r2 c1."); e2.AddColumn("this is r2 c2."); e2.AddColumn("this is r2 c3."); SkillSettings.DoTell("Entry 2 Created."); list.Add(e1); list.Add(e2); SkillSettings.DoTell("Entries added to list."); list.AddColumn("1st column."); list.AddColumn("2nd column."); list.AddColumn("3rd column."); SkillSettings.DoTell("List columns added."); list.columns = 3; list.CommitList(); }
public override void OnResponse(NetState sender, RelayInfo info) { if (info.ButtonID == 0 && sender.Mobile.AccessLevel >= SkillSettings.GumpControlLevel) { return; } Dictionary <string, int> dict = new Dictionary <string, int>(); try { dict.Add("Strength", Int32.Parse(info.GetTextEntry(1000).Text)); dict.Add("Dexterity", Int32.Parse(info.GetTextEntry(2000).Text)); dict.Add("Intelligence", Int32.Parse(info.GetTextEntry(3000).Text)); if (Session != null) { bool resend = Session.addStat(dict); if (resend) { sender.Mobile.SendGump(Page.Clone()); sender.Mobile.SendGump(new TMAlertGump(Session.CurrentErrorMessage)); } } else { SkillSettings.SystemWrite("Invalid Session. Cannot continue."); sender.Mobile.SendGump(new TMAlertGump("You do not appear to be in a Session. Cannot continue.")); return; } } catch (Exception e) { sender.Mobile.SendGump(Page.Clone()); sender.Mobile.SendGump(new TMAlertGump("Could not get Stat values. Please reenter.")); SkillSettings.SystemWrite("Error when acquiring stats data: " + e); } }
public static void Configure() { SkillSettings.SystemWrite("-- // P // -- Configuring Skill Replacement. Custom Skill Gump will " + (UseParallelGump ? "" : "not") + " be used."); if (UseParallelGump) { Server.Network.PacketHandlers.Register(0x34, 10, true, new Server.Network.OnPacketReceive(Server.TMSS.SkillReplacement.MobileQuery2)); } }
internal void BaseSkinByType(Gump g) { if (relplug == null) { SkillSettings.DoTell("Base Type is invalid. Cannot skin."); } g.AddPage(0); string switchby = relplug.getGumpType(); if (switchby == "Control") { //this.X = sk.GetCoord("Control", "X", sk ); this.Y = sk.SelectionY; g.X = 0; g.Y = 0; if (!Skin.WindowInfo.ContainsKey("Control")) { SkillSettings.DoTell("No key for Control gump skin."); return; } WindowInfo inf = Skin.WindowInfo["Control"]; g.X = inf.X; g.Y = inf.Y; //this.AddBackground(sk.GetCoord("Control", "X", sk ), sk.SelectionY, sk.GetCoord("Control", "W", sk ), sk.GetCoord("Control", "H", sk ), sk.SelectBGID); g.AddBackground(0, 0, inf.W, inf.H, inf.bgID); g.AddImageTiled(Skin.BarSHX, Skin.BarSHY, Skin.BarSHW, Skin.BarSHH, Skin.SelectLineH); g.AddHtml(Skin.TMSSX, Skin.TMSSY, 140, 20, "<basefont size=5 face=1 color=#CC0000><Center>TMSS - //4// -</center></basefont>", false, false); //<basefont size=5 face=1 color=#CC0000><Center>TM Skill & Stat System v3.0</center></basefont> } else if (switchby == "Master") { g.X = 0; g.Y = 0; if (!Skin.WindowInfo.ContainsKey("Master")) { SkillSettings.DoTell("No key for Master gump skin."); return; } WindowInfo inf = Skin.WindowInfo["Master"]; //this.AddBackground(sk.MasterX, sk.MasterY, sk.MasterW, sk.MasterH, sk.MasterBGID); g.X = inf.X; g.Y = inf.Y; g.AddBackground(0, 0, inf.W, inf.H, inf.bgID); g.AddImageTiled(Skin.BarMHX, Skin.BarMHY, Skin.BarMHW, Skin.BarMHH, Skin.MasterLineH); g.AddImageTiled(Skin.BarMVX, Skin.BarMVY, Skin.BarMVW, Skin.BarMVH, Skin.MasterLineV); g.AddItem(Skin.IconMX, Skin.IconMY, Skin.IconMID, Skin.IconMColor); } else if (switchby == "Underbar") { g.X = 0; g.Y = 0; if (!Skin.WindowInfo.ContainsKey("Underbar")) { SkillSettings.DoTell("No key for Underbar gump skin."); return; } WindowInfo inf = Skin.WindowInfo["Underbar"]; g.X = inf.X; g.Y = inf.Y; g.AddBackground(0, 0, inf.W, inf.H, inf.bgID); //this.AddBackground("Underbar", "X", );,"Underbar", "Y", );, sk.HelpW, sk.HelpH, sk.HelpBGID); } else { SkillSettings.DoTell("Unknown Gump Type. Cannot apply base skin."); } }
public void remProfile(string name) { if (subProfiles.ContainsKey(name)) { subProfiles.Remove(name); } else { SkillSettings.DoTell("SuperProfile does not contain profile " + name); } }
public BaseTMSkillItem(int itemid) : base(itemid) { try { this.Profile = (SuperSkillProfile)SkillProfileHelper.Supers[SkillSettings.CCProfileName]; this.Skin = ((TMSS4Skin)SkinHelper.getSkin(SkillSettings.CCSkinName)).SkinName; } catch (Exception e) { SkillSettings.DoTell("Exception in attempting to set profile: " + e); } this.ItemID = itemid; }
public BaseTMSkillItem() { try { this.Profile = (SuperSkillProfile)SkillProfileHelper.Supers[SkillSettings.CCProfileName]; this.Skin = ((TMSS4Skin)SkinHelper.getSkin(SkillSettings.CCSkinName)).SkinName; } catch (Exception e) { SkillSettings.DoTell("Exception in attempting to set profile: " + e); } m_AutoGenerated = false; }
public SkillProfile getProfile(string name) { if (subProfiles.ContainsKey(name)) { return((SkillProfile)subProfiles[name]); } else { SkillSettings.DoTell("No such profile: " + name); return(null); } }
private int TranslateInt(int which) { try { if (which < miscinfos.Count) { return(ParallelSkills.NameLocs[miscinfos[which - 1].Name]); } else { which -= miscinfos.Count; } if (which < combinfos.Count) { return(ParallelSkills.NameLocs[combinfos[which - 1].Name]); } else { which -= combinfos.Count; } if (which < actiinfos.Count) { return(ParallelSkills.NameLocs[actiinfos[which - 1].Name]); } else { which -= actiinfos.Count; } if (which < loreinfos.Count) { return(ParallelSkills.NameLocs[loreinfos[which - 1].Name]); } else { which -= loreinfos.Count; } if (which < custom.Count) { return(ParallelSkills.NameLocs[custom[which - 1].Name]); } else { which -= custom.Count; } } catch (Exception e) { SkillSettings.DoTell("Error when translating the location: " + e); } return(0); }
private void CommitSession() { Mobile m = Mobile; if (Profile.StatEnable) { m.Str = m_Stats["Strength"]; m.Dex = m_Stats["Dexterity"]; m.Int = m_Stats["Intelligence"]; } if (Profile.SkillEnable) { if (!NoReset) { ResetZero(); } IEnumerator ie = SelectedSkills.GetEnumerator(); while (ie.MoveNext()) { Dictionary <string, TMUsedInfo> inf = ((KeyValuePair <string, Dictionary <string, TMUsedInfo> >)ie.Current).Value; IEnumerator subie = inf.GetEnumerator(); while (subie.MoveNext()) { TMUsedInfo inf2 = ((KeyValuePair <string, TMUsedInfo>)subie.Current).Value; SkillSettings.DoTell("Mobile: " + m + " Skills: " + m.Skills + " SkillID: " + inf2.SkillID + " SkillValue: " + inf2.SkillValue + " Skills[inf2.SkillID] " + m.Skills[inf2.SkillID]); if (m != null && inf2.SkillValue != 0.0 && inf2.SkillID >= 0 && inf2.SkillID < m.Skills.Length) { m.Skills[inf2.SkillID].Base = inf2.SkillValue; SkillSettings.DoTell("BLAH! " + inf2.SkillName); } } } } if (Profile.CapEnable) { IEnumerator ie = SelectedSkills.GetEnumerator(); while (ie.MoveNext()) { Dictionary <string, TMUsedInfo> inf = ((KeyValuePair <string, Dictionary <string, TMUsedInfo> >)ie.Current).Value; IEnumerator subie = inf.GetEnumerator(); while (subie.MoveNext()) { TMUsedInfo inf2 = ((KeyValuePair <string, TMUsedInfo>)subie.Current).Value; SkillSettings.DoTell("Mobile: " + m + " Skills: " + m.Skills + " SkillID: " + inf2.SkillID + " SkillValue: " + inf2.SkillValue + " Skills[inf2.SkillID] " + m.Skills[inf2.SkillID]); if (m != null && inf2.SkillCap >= 0.0 && inf2.SkillID >= 0 && inf2.SkillID < m.Skills.Length) { m.Skills[inf2.SkillID].Cap = inf2.SkillCap; SkillSettings.DoTell("BLAH! " + inf2.SkillName + "capped at: " + inf2.SkillCap); } } } } }
public static void DisablePlugin(string section) { try { PluginsEnabled.Remove(section); PluginsEnabled.Add(section, false); } catch (Exception e) { SkillSettings.DoTell("Invalid plugin specified. " + e); } }
internal Dictionary <string, TMUsedInfo> HasSelectedItems(string p) { if (SelectedSkills.ContainsKey(p)) { SkillSettings.DoTell("[G2G] SelectedSkills count: " + SelectedSkills.Count + " name: " + p); return(SelectedSkills[p]); } else { SkillSettings.DoTell("[NG] SelectedSkills count: " + SelectedSkills.Count + " name: " + p); return(new Dictionary <string, TMUsedInfo>()); } }
public override void Serialize(GenericWriter writer) { base.Serialize(writer); writer.Write((int)5); // version writer.Write((bool)HasProfileSet); SkillSettings.DoTell2("" + HasProfileSet); if (Profile != null && HasProfileSet) { writer.Write((string)Profile.ProfileName); SkillSettings.DoTell2("" + Profile.ProfileName); } writer.Write(Skin); }
private void Activate() { this.AddPage(1); //The heart of the matter. If a plugin is enabled... try { if ((bool)QueryPageHelper.PluginsEnabled[arg]) { //Try to connect to the plugin's gump code repository. try { string toAct = "Server.TMSS." + (string)QueryPageHelper.GumpCalls[arg]; //+"."+ControlPageHelper.GumpCalls[num]+"()"; //SkillSettings.doTell( toAct ); ObjectHandle handle = Activator.CreateInstance(null, toAct); TMPlugin theObj = (TMPlugin)handle.Unwrap(); relplug = theObj; GumpType = relplug.getGumpType(); if (GumpType != "Underbar" && GumpType != "Master" && Mobile != null && Skin.HelpOn) { Dictionary <string, object> args = new Dictionary <string, object>(); args.Add("Skin", this.Skin); args.Add("Mobile", Mobile); args.Add("Get", relplug); associatedHelpGump = new TMQueryPage("TMSS Session Help Gump", args); //Mobile.SendGump(associatedHelpGump); } if (!(relplug is Gump)) { BaseSkinByType(this); } theObj.GetGumpCode(this); } //If you can't, throw this exception. catch (Exception e) { SkillSettings.DoTell("Plugin errors on use. Please report this error, and do not attempt to use: " + arg + " Exception: " + e); } } //If the plugin is NOT enabled... else { SkillSettings.DoTell("Plugin not enabled: " + arg); } } catch (Exception e) { SkillSettings.DoTell("Error while creating plugin info. Arg was: " + arg + ". Further info: " + e); } }
internal TMQueryPage Clone() { if (argDictionary != null) { return(new TMQueryPage(arg, argDictionary)); } else if (Session != null) { return(new TMQueryPage(arg, Session)); } else { SkillSettings.DoTell("Unable to clone page, neither argDictionary nor Session are valid."); return(null); } }
public void OnResponse(NetState sender, RelayInfo info) { #region AccessLevel Check Mobile from = sender.Mobile; if (from.AccessLevel < SkillSettings.GumpControlLevel) { from.SendMessage("You don't have sufficient privileges to access that."); return; } #endregion if (info.ButtonID == 0) { Dictionary <string, object> args2 = new Dictionary <string, object>(); args2.Add("Skin", sk); args2.Add("Mobile", from); from.SendGump(new TMQueryPage("Main Menu", args2)); } if (info.IsSwitched(200)) { SkillSettings.GumpControlLevel = levels[3]; SkillSettings.DoTell("Administrator Access Level set."); } else if (info.IsSwitched(201)) { SkillSettings.GumpControlLevel = levels[2]; } else if (info.IsSwitched(202)) { SkillSettings.GumpControlLevel = levels[1]; } else if (info.IsSwitched(203)) { SkillSettings.GumpControlLevel = levels[0]; } else { SkillSettings.DoTell("Invalid Access Level."); } SkillSettings.DoTell("The following are the output of the Gump Settings control plugin: Gump Control Level: " + SkillSettings.GumpControlLevel); SaveSettings.SaveSkillSettings(); Dictionary <string, object> args = new Dictionary <string, object>(); args.Add("Skin", sk); args.Add("Mobile", from); from.SendGump(new TMQueryPage("Main Menu", args)); }
public static void SkinSelect_OnCommand(CommandEventArgs e) { if (QueryPageHelper.PluginExists("TMSkinPage")) { SkillSettings.DoTell("Inside existing section."); Dictionary <string, object> args = new Dictionary <string, object>(); args.Add("Skin", SkinHelper.getSkin(SkillSettings.CCSkinName)); args.Add("Mobile", e.Mobile); TMQueryPage page = new TMQueryPage("TMSS Skin Selector", args); //e.Mobile.SendGump( page ); SkillSettings.DoTell("Gump sent."); } else { SkillSettings.DoTell("Plugin does not exist."); } }
public TMUsedInfo(string name, double value, double weight, int cap, int id) { if (name == "") { SkillSettings.SystemWrite("Invalid name."); } SkillName = name; SkillValue = value; if (weight <= 0) { SkillSettings.SystemWrite("Invalid weight."); } SkillWeight = weight; SkillCap = cap; SkillID = id; }
public static int RegisterSection(string section, string name) { //SkillSettings.DoTell("Register 1 Called."); SkillSettings.DoTell2("Gump Registration - Registering Section: " + name + "..."); GumpCalls.Add(name, section); PluginsEnabled.Add(name, true); GumpNames.Add(section, name); GumpIDs.Add(name, GumpCalls.Count - 1); //GumpCallsByID.Add( GumpCalls.Count-1, name ); if (SkillSettings.DebugMode2) { Console.WriteLine(" done."); } return(GumpCalls.Count - 1); }
public Object GetValueSet() { if (Session != null && argDictionary == null) { return(Session); } else if (Session == null && argDictionary != null) { return(argDictionary); } else { bool sessval = Session == null ? true : false; bool argtval = argDictionary == null ? true : false; SkillSettings.DoTell("No valid value construct to return: " + sessval + ", " + argtval); return(null); } }