public SetStanceTarget( BaseStance newStance, string Text ) : base(-1, false, TargetFlags.None) { stance = newStance; text = Text; }
public void ChangeStance( BaseStance stance ) { if( !CanUseMartialStance && !stance.Armour ) { this.SendMessage( 60, "You can only use this stance while on foot, with your fists and without any armour penalties." ); return; } if( this.ChangeStanceTimer != null ) this.ChangeStanceTimer.Stop(); this.ChangeStanceTimer = new StanceTimer( this, stance ); this.ChangeStanceTimer.Start(); this.SendMessage( "You start changing your stance." ); }
public void FinishChangeStance( BaseStance stance ) { if( this.Stance.GetType() == stance.GetType() ) { this.Emote( this.Stance.TurnedOffEmote ); this.Stance = null; } else if( !CanUseMartialStance && !stance.Armour ) this.SendMessage( 60, "You can only use this stance while on foot and without any armour penalties." ); else { this.Stance = stance; this.Emote( this.Stance.TurnedOnEmote ); } this.Send( new MobileStatus( this, this ) ); }
public StanceTimer( PlayerMobile from, BaseStance stance ) : base(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)) { m = from; newStance = stance; }