public override void OnDoubleClick(Mobile from) { if (from.InRange(m_marblewell.GetWorldLocation(), 4)) { if (from.Thirst >= 20) { from.SendMessage("You are not thirsty at all."); } else { string msg = null; if (m_marblewell == null) { from.SendMessage("Debug: Parent was null"); return; } switch (Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 5)) { case 1: msg = "You drink your fill of the cool well water. The quiet sounds of splashing water are softly musical."; break; case 2: msg = "The well's invigorating water refreshes you and sets your mind at ease. You drink your fill."; break; case 3: msg = "You drink deeply of the clean well water. The shimmering reflections on the surface stir your thoughts."; break; case 4: msg = "As you drink from the water, an tantalizing scent reminds you of memories long forgotten."; break; case 5: msg = "You drink from the pure well and quiet dreams of sylvan delight pass through your mind."; break; } from.SendMessage(msg); from.Thirst = 20; } } else { from.SendMessage("Get closer."); } }