public void OnTarget(Mobile from, object obj) { if (!from.InRange(GetWorldLocation(), 5) || !from.InLOS(this)) { from.LocalOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 1019045); // I can't reach that. } else if (obj is Corpse) { Corpse c = obj as Corpse; if (c.Carved) { return; } if (c.Owner is PlayerMobile) { ((ICarvable)obj).Carve(from, this); c.PublicOverheadMessage(MessageType.Emote, 33, true, string.Format("*You see {0} steal the soul of {1}*", from.Name, c.Owner.Name)); from.PlaySound(0x19c); from.PlaySound(20); from.PlaySound(230); Effects.SendLocationEffect(c.Location, c.Map, 0x37c4, 18, 15, 1); } else { ((ICarvable)obj).Carve(from, this); } } else { from.SendAsciiMessage("You cannot use this on that"); } }