public override void Deserialize(GenericReader reader) { base.Deserialize(reader); int version = reader.ReadInt(); m_CannonCenter = reader.ReadItem() as SingleCannonPlace; m_CannonSupSx = reader.ReadItem() as SingleCannonPlace; m_CannonSupDx = reader.ReadItem() as SingleCannonPlace; m_CannonMidSupSx = reader.ReadItem() as SingleCannonPlace; m_CannonMidSupDx = reader.ReadItem() as SingleCannonPlace; m_CannonMidInfSx = reader.ReadItem() as SingleCannonPlace; m_CannonMidInfDx = reader.ReadItem() as SingleCannonPlace; m_CannonInfSx = reader.ReadItem() as SingleCannonPlace; m_CannonInfDx = reader.ReadItem() as SingleCannonPlace; m_Helm = reader.ReadItem() as SingleHelm; m_Hold = reader.ReadItem() as GalleonHold; m_MainMast = reader.ReadItem() as MainMast; m_Hull = reader.ReadItem() as BritainHull; }
public BritainGalleon() : base(0x40) { m_CannonCenter = new SingleCannonPlace(this, 0x5C06, new Point3D(0, -9, 0)); m_CannonSupSx = new SingleCannonPlace(this, 0x5C19, new Point3D(-3, -5, 0)); m_CannonSupDx = new SingleCannonPlace(this, 0x5C18, new Point3D(3, -5, 0)); m_CannonMidSupSx = new SingleCannonPlace(this, 0x5C1A, new Point3D(-3, -1, 0)); m_CannonMidSupDx = new SingleCannonPlace(this, 0x5C1C, new Point3D(3, -1, 0)); m_CannonMidInfSx = new SingleCannonPlace(this, 0x5C21, new Point3D(-3, 3, 0)); m_CannonMidInfDx = new SingleCannonPlace(this, 0x5C1F, new Point3D(3, 3, 0)); m_CannonInfSx = new SingleCannonPlace(this, 0x5C25, new Point3D(-3, 7, 0)); m_CannonInfDx = new SingleCannonPlace(this, 0x5C23, new Point3D(3, 7, 0)); m_Helm = new SingleHelm(this, 0x5C0C, new Point3D(0, 3, 1)); m_Hold = new GalleonHold(this, 0x5C2A, new Point3D(0, 9, 0), new List<Tuple<int, Point3D>>() { new Tuple<int, Point3D>(0x5C2C, new Point3D(-1, -1, 0)), new Tuple<int, Point3D>(0x5C2F, new Point3D(-1, 0, 0)), new Tuple<int, Point3D>(0x5C32, new Point3D(-1, 1, 0)), new Tuple<int, Point3D>(0x5C2D, new Point3D(0, 0, 0)), new Tuple<int, Point3D>(0x5C30, new Point3D(0, 1, 0)), new Tuple<int, Point3D>(0x5C2B, new Point3D(1, -1, 0)), new Tuple<int, Point3D>(0x5C2E, new Point3D(1, 0, 0)), new Tuple<int, Point3D>(0x5C31, new Point3D(1, 1, 0)), }, 28000); m_MainMast = new MainMast(this, 0x5CE3, new Point3D(0, -3, 0)); m_Hull = new BritainHull(this, 0x58A5); m_SRope = new BoatRope2(this, 0x14F8, new Point3D(-3, -4, 16), BoatRopeSide.Starboard, 0); Ropes.Add(m_SRope); m_PRope = new BoatRope2(this, 0x14F8, new Point3D(3, -4, 16), BoatRopeSide.Port, 0); Ropes.Add(m_PRope); m_SRope = new BoatRope2(this, 0x14F8, new Point3D(-3, 0, 16), BoatRopeSide.Starboard, 0); Ropes.Add(m_SRope); m_PRope = new BoatRope2(this, 0x14F8, new Point3D(3, 0, 16), BoatRopeSide.Port, 0); Ropes.Add(m_PRope); m_SRope = new BoatRope2(this, 0x14F8, new Point3D(-3, 4, 16), BoatRopeSide.Starboard, 0); Ropes.Add(m_SRope); m_PRope = new BoatRope2(this, 0x14F8, new Point3D(3, 4, 16), BoatRopeSide.Port, 0); Ropes.Add(m_PRope); m_SRope = new BoatRope2(this, 0x14F8, new Point3D(-3, 8, 16), BoatRopeSide.Starboard, 0); Ropes.Add(m_SRope); m_PRope = new BoatRope2(this, 0x14F8, new Point3D(3, 8, 16), BoatRopeSide.Port, 0); Ropes.Add(m_PRope); m_TillerMan = new TillerManHS(this, 0, new Point3D(0, 7, 12) ); Name = "a Britain Galleon"; // make them siegable by default // XmlSiege( hitsmax, resistfire, resistphysical, wood, iron, stone) // undo the temporary hue indicator that is set when the xmlsiege attachment is added this.Hue = 0; }