private string GetRemainingTime( WarDeclaration warDecl ) { TimeSpan timeRemaining = TimeSpan.Zero; if( warDecl.WarLength != TimeSpan.Zero && (warDecl.WarBeginning + warDecl.WarLength) > DateTime.Now ) timeRemaining = (warDecl.WarBeginning + warDecl.WarLength) - DateTime.Now; return String.Format( "{0:D2}:{1:mm}", timeRemaining.Hours, DateTime.MinValue + timeRemaining ); }
public override void PopulateGump() { Guild g = Guild.GetAllianceLeader(guild); Guild other = Guild.GetAllianceLeader(m_Other); WarDeclaration war = g.FindPendingWar(other); WarDeclaration activeWar = g.FindActiveWar(other); AllianceInfo alliance = guild.Alliance; AllianceInfo otherAlliance = m_Other.Alliance; // NOTE TO SELF: Only only alliance leader can see pending guild alliance statuses bool PendingWar = war != null; bool ActiveWar = activeWar != null; AddPage(0); AddBackground(0, 0, 520, 335, 0x242C); AddHtmlLocalized(20, 15, 480, 26, 1062975, 0x0); // <div align=center><i>Guild Relationship</i></div> AddImageTiled(20, 40, 480, 2, 0x2711); AddHtmlLocalized(20, 50, 120, 26, 1062954, 0x0, true); // <i>Guild Name</i> AddHtml(150, 53, 360, 26, m_Other.Name); AddHtmlLocalized(20, 80, 120, 26, 1063025, 0x0, true); // <i>Alliance</i> if (otherAlliance?.IsMember(m_Other) == true) { AddHtml(150, 83, 360, 26, otherAlliance.Name); } AddHtmlLocalized(20, 110, 120, 26, 1063139, 0x0, true); // <i>Abbreviation</i> AddHtml(150, 113, 120, 26, m_Other.Abbreviation); string kills = "0/0"; string time = "00:00"; string otherKills = "0/0"; WarDeclaration otherWar; if (ActiveWar) { kills = $"{activeWar.Kills}/{activeWar.MaxKills}"; TimeSpan timeRemaining = TimeSpan.Zero; if (activeWar.WarLength != TimeSpan.Zero && activeWar.WarBeginning + activeWar.WarLength > DateTime.UtcNow) { timeRemaining = activeWar.WarBeginning + activeWar.WarLength - DateTime.UtcNow; } time = $"{timeRemaining.Hours:D2}:{DateTime.MinValue + timeRemaining:mm}"; otherWar = m_Other.FindActiveWar(guild); if (otherWar != null) { otherKills = $"{otherWar.Kills}/{otherWar.MaxKills}"; } } else if (PendingWar) { kills = Color($"{war.Kills}/{war.MaxKills}", 0x990000); // time = Color( String.Format( "{0}:{1}", war.WarLength.Hours, ((TimeSpan)(war.WarLength - TimeSpan.FromHours( war.WarLength.Hours ))).Minutes ), 0xFF0000 ); time = Color($"{war.WarLength.Hours:D2}:{DateTime.MinValue + war.WarLength:mm}", 0x990000); otherWar = m_Other.FindPendingWar(guild); if (otherWar != null) { otherKills = Color($"{otherWar.Kills}/{otherWar.MaxKills}", 0x990000); } } AddHtmlLocalized(280, 110, 120, 26, 1062966, 0x0, true); // <i>Your Kills</i> AddHtml(410, 113, 120, 26, kills); AddHtmlLocalized(20, 140, 120, 26, 1062968, 0x0, true); // <i>Time Remaining</i> AddHtml(150, 143, 120, 26, time); AddHtmlLocalized(280, 140, 120, 26, 1062967, 0x0, true); // <i>Their Kills</i> AddHtml(410, 143, 120, 26, otherKills); AddImageTiled(20, 172, 480, 2, 0x2711); int number = 1062973; // <div align=center>You are at peace with this guild.</div> if (PendingWar) { if (war.WarRequester) { number = 1063027; // <div align=center>You have challenged this guild to war!</div> } else { number = 1062969; // <div align=center>This guild has challenged you to war!</div> AddButtonAndBackground(20, 260, 5, 1062981); // Accept Challenge AddButtonAndBackground(275, 260, 6, 1062983); // Modify Terms } AddButtonAndBackground(20, 290, 7, 1062982); // Dismiss Challenge } else if (ActiveWar) { number = 1062965; // <div align=center>You are at war with this guild!</div> AddButtonAndBackground(20, 290, 8, 1062980); // Surrender } else if (alliance != null && alliance == otherAlliance) // alliance, Same Alliance { if (alliance.IsMember(guild) && alliance.IsMember(m_Other)) // Both in Same alliance, full members { number = 1062970; // <div align=center>You are allied with this guild.</div> if (alliance.Leader == guild) { AddButtonAndBackground(20, 260, 12, 1062984); // Remove Guild from Alliance AddButtonAndBackground(275, 260, 13, 1063433); // Promote to Alliance Leader //Note: No 'confirmation' like the other leader guild promotion things // Remove guild from alliance //Promote to Alliance Leader } // Show roster, Centered, up AddButtonAndBackground(148, 215, 10, 1063164); // Show Alliance Roster // Leave Alliance AddButtonAndBackground(20, 290, 11, 1062985); // Leave Alliance } else if (alliance.Leader == guild && alliance.IsPendingMember(m_Other)) { number = 1062971; // <div align=center>You have requested an alliance with this guild.</div> // Show Alliance Roster, Centered, down. AddButtonAndBackground(148, 245, 10, 1063164); // Show Alliance Roster // Withdraw Request AddButtonAndBackground(20, 290, 14, 1062986); // Withdraw Request AddHtml(150, 83, 360, 26, Color(alliance.Name, 0x99)); } else if (alliance.Leader == m_Other && alliance.IsPendingMember(guild)) { number = 1062972; // <div align=center>This guild has requested an alliance.</div> // Show alliance Roster, top AddButtonAndBackground(148, 215, 10, 1063164); // Show Alliance Roster // Deny Request // Accept Request AddButtonAndBackground(20, 260, 15, 1062988); // Deny Request AddButtonAndBackground(20, 290, 16, 1062987); // Accept Request AddHtml(150, 83, 360, 26, Color(alliance.Name, 0x99)); } } else { AddButtonAndBackground(20, 260, 2, 1062990); // Request Alliance AddButtonAndBackground(20, 290, 1, 1062989); // Declare War! } AddButtonAndBackground(275, 290, 0, 3000091); // Cancel AddHtmlLocalized(20, 180, 480, 30, number, 0x0, true); AddImageTiled(20, 245, 480, 2, 0x2711); }
public override void OnResponse(NetState sender, RelayInfo info) { if (!(sender.Mobile is PlayerMobile pm && IsMember(pm, guild))) { return; } RankDefinition playerRank = pm.GuildRank; Guild guildLeader = Guild.GetAllianceLeader(guild); Guild otherGuild = Guild.GetAllianceLeader(m_Other); WarDeclaration war = guildLeader.FindPendingWar(otherGuild); WarDeclaration activeWar = guildLeader.FindActiveWar(otherGuild); WarDeclaration otherWar = otherGuild.FindPendingWar(guildLeader); AllianceInfo alliance = guild.Alliance; AllianceInfo otherAlliance = otherGuild.Alliance; switch (info.ButtonID) { case 5: // Accept the war { if (war?.WarRequester == false && activeWar == null) { if (!playerRank.GetFlag(RankFlags.ControlWarStatus)) { pm.SendLocalizedMessage(1063440); // You don't have permission to negotiate wars. } else if (alliance != null && alliance.Leader != guild) { pm.SendLocalizedMessage(1063239, $"{guild.Name}\t{alliance.Name}"); // ~1_val~ is not the leader of the ~2_val~ alliance. pm.SendLocalizedMessage(1070707, alliance.Leader.Name); // You need to negotiate via ~1_val~ instead. } else { // Accept the war guild.PendingWars.Remove(war); war.WarBeginning = DateTime.UtcNow; guild.AcceptedWars.Add(war); if (alliance?.IsMember(guild) == true) { alliance.AllianceMessage(1070769, otherAlliance != null ? otherAlliance.Name : otherGuild.Name); // Guild Message: Your guild is now at war with ~1_GUILDNAME~ alliance.InvalidateMemberProperties(); } else { guild.GuildMessage(1070769, otherAlliance != null ? otherAlliance.Name : otherGuild.Name); // Guild Message: Your guild is now at war with ~1_GUILDNAME~ guild.InvalidateMemberProperties(); } // Technically SHOULD say Your guild is now at war w/out any info, intentional diff. otherGuild.PendingWars.Remove(otherWar); otherWar.WarBeginning = DateTime.UtcNow; otherGuild.AcceptedWars.Add(otherWar); if (otherAlliance != null && m_Other.Alliance.IsMember(m_Other)) { otherAlliance.AllianceMessage(1070769, alliance != null ? alliance.Name : guild.Name); // Guild Message: Your guild is now at war with ~1_GUILDNAME~ otherAlliance.InvalidateMemberProperties(); } else { otherGuild.GuildMessage(1070769, alliance != null ? alliance.Name : guild.Name); // Guild Message: Your guild is now at war with ~1_GUILDNAME~ otherGuild.InvalidateMemberProperties(); } } } break; } case 6: // Modify war terms { if (war?.WarRequester == false && activeWar == null) { if (!playerRank.GetFlag(RankFlags.ControlWarStatus)) { pm.SendLocalizedMessage(1063440); // You don't have permission to negotiate wars. } else if (alliance != null && alliance.Leader != guild) { pm.SendLocalizedMessage(1063239, $"{guild.Name}\t{alliance.Name}"); // ~1_val~ is not the leader of the ~2_val~ alliance. pm.SendLocalizedMessage(1070707, alliance.Leader.Name); // You need to negotiate via ~1_val~ instead. } else { pm.SendGump(new WarDeclarationGump(pm, guild, otherGuild)); } } break; } case 7: // Dismiss war { if (war != null) { if (!playerRank.GetFlag(RankFlags.ControlWarStatus)) { pm.SendLocalizedMessage(1063440); // You don't have permission to negotiate wars. } else if (alliance != null && alliance.Leader != guild) { pm.SendLocalizedMessage(1063239, $"{guild.Name}\t{alliance.Name}"); // ~1_val~ is not the leader of the ~2_val~ alliance. pm.SendLocalizedMessage(1070707, alliance.Leader.Name); // You need to negotiate via ~1_val~ instead. } else { // Dismiss the war guild.PendingWars.Remove(war); otherGuild.PendingWars.Remove(otherWar); pm.SendLocalizedMessage(1070752); // The proposal has been updated. // Messages to opposing guild? (Testing on OSI says no) } } break; } case 8: // Surrender { if (!playerRank.GetFlag(RankFlags.ControlWarStatus)) { pm.SendLocalizedMessage(1063440); // You don't have permission to negotiate wars. } else if (alliance != null && alliance.Leader != guild) { pm.SendLocalizedMessage(1063239, $"{guild.Name}\t{alliance.Name}"); // ~1_val~ is not the leader of the ~2_val~ alliance. pm.SendLocalizedMessage(1070707, alliance.Leader.Name); // You need to negotiate via ~1_val~ instead. } else { if (activeWar != null) { if (alliance?.IsMember(guild) == true) { alliance.AllianceMessage(1070740, otherAlliance != null ? otherAlliance.Name : otherGuild.Name); // You have lost the war with ~1_val~. alliance.InvalidateMemberProperties(); } else { guild.GuildMessage(1070740, otherAlliance != null ? otherAlliance.Name : otherGuild.Name); // You have lost the war with ~1_val~. guild.InvalidateMemberProperties(); } guild.AcceptedWars.Remove(activeWar); if (otherAlliance?.IsMember(otherGuild) == true) { otherAlliance.AllianceMessage(1070739, guild.Alliance != null ? guild.Alliance.Name : guild.Name); // You have won the war against ~1_val~! otherAlliance.InvalidateMemberProperties(); } else { otherGuild.GuildMessage(1070739, guild.Alliance != null ? guild.Alliance.Name : guild.Name); // You have won the war against ~1_val~! otherGuild.InvalidateMemberProperties(); } otherGuild.AcceptedWars.Remove(otherGuild.FindActiveWar(guild)); } } break; } case 1: // Declare War { if (war == null && activeWar == null) { if (!playerRank.GetFlag(RankFlags.ControlWarStatus)) { pm.SendLocalizedMessage(1063440); // You don't have permission to negotiate wars. } else if (alliance != null && alliance.Leader != guild) { pm.SendLocalizedMessage(1063239, $"{guild.Name}\t{alliance.Name}"); // ~1_val~ is not the leader of the ~2_val~ alliance. pm.SendLocalizedMessage(1070707, alliance.Leader.Name); // You need to negotiate via ~1_val~ instead. } else if (otherAlliance != null && otherAlliance.Leader != m_Other) { pm.SendLocalizedMessage(1063239, $"{m_Other.Name}\t{otherAlliance.Name}"); // ~1_val~ is not the leader of the ~2_val~ alliance. pm.SendLocalizedMessage(1070707, otherAlliance.Leader.Name); // You need to negotiate via ~1_val~ instead. } else { pm.SendGump(new WarDeclarationGump(pm, guild, m_Other)); } } break; } case 2: // Request Alliance { if (alliance == null) { if (!playerRank.GetFlag(RankFlags.AllianceControl)) { pm.SendLocalizedMessage(1070747); // You don't have permission to create an alliance. } else if (Faction.Find(guild.Leader) != Faction.Find(m_Other.Leader)) { pm.SendLocalizedMessage( 1070758); // You cannot propose an alliance to a guild with a different faction allegiance. } else if (otherAlliance != null) { if (otherAlliance.IsPendingMember(m_Other)) { pm.SendLocalizedMessage(1063416, m_Other.Name); // ~1_val~ is currently considering another alliance proposal. } else { pm.SendLocalizedMessage(1063426, m_Other.Name); // ~1_val~ already belongs to an alliance. } } else if (m_Other.AcceptedWars.Count > 0 || m_Other.PendingWars.Count > 0) { pm.SendLocalizedMessage(1063427, m_Other.Name); // ~1_val~ is currently involved in a guild war. } else if (guild.AcceptedWars.Count > 0 || guild.PendingWars.Count > 0) { pm.SendLocalizedMessage(1063427, guild.Name); // ~1_val~ is currently involved in a guild war. } else { pm.SendLocalizedMessage(1063439); // Enter a name for the new alliance: pm.BeginPrompt(CreateAlliance_Callback); } } else { if (!playerRank.GetFlag(RankFlags.AllianceControl)) { pm.SendLocalizedMessage(1063436); // You don't have permission to negotiate an alliance. } else if (alliance.Leader != guild) { pm.SendLocalizedMessage(1063239, $"{guild.Name}\t{alliance.Name}"); // ~1_val~ is not the leader of the ~2_val~ alliance. } else if (otherAlliance != null) { if (otherAlliance.IsPendingMember(m_Other)) { pm.SendLocalizedMessage(1063416, m_Other.Name); // ~1_val~ is currently considering another alliance proposal. } else { pm.SendLocalizedMessage(1063426, m_Other.Name); // ~1_val~ already belongs to an alliance. } } else if (alliance.IsPendingMember(guild)) { pm.SendLocalizedMessage(1063416, guild.Name); // ~1_val~ is currently considering another alliance proposal. } else if (m_Other.AcceptedWars.Count > 0 || m_Other.PendingWars.Count > 0) { pm.SendLocalizedMessage(1063427, m_Other.Name); // ~1_val~ is currently involved in a guild war. } else if (guild.AcceptedWars.Count > 0 || guild.PendingWars.Count > 0) { pm.SendLocalizedMessage(1063427, guild.Name); // ~1_val~ is currently involved in a guild war. } else if (Faction.Find(guild.Leader) != Faction.Find(m_Other.Leader)) { pm.SendLocalizedMessage( 1070758); // You cannot propose an alliance to a guild with a different faction allegiance. } else { pm.SendLocalizedMessage(1070750, m_Other.Name); // An invitation to join your alliance has been sent to ~1_val~. m_Other.GuildMessage(1070780, guild.Name); // ~1_val~ has proposed an alliance. m_Other.Alliance = alliance; // Calls addPendingGuild // alliance.AddPendingGuild( m_Other ); } } break; } case 10: // Show Alliance Roster { if (alliance != null && alliance == otherAlliance) { pm.SendGump(new AllianceInfo.AllianceRosterGump(pm, guild, alliance)); } break; } case 11: // Leave Alliance { if (!playerRank.GetFlag(RankFlags.AllianceControl)) { pm.SendLocalizedMessage(1063436); // You don't have permission to negotiate an alliance. } else if (alliance?.IsMember(guild) == true) { guild.Alliance = null; // Calls alliance.Removeguild // alliance.RemoveGuild( guild ); m_Other.InvalidateWarNotoriety(); guild.InvalidateMemberNotoriety(); } break; } case 12: // Remove Guild from alliance { if (!playerRank.GetFlag(RankFlags.AllianceControl)) { pm.SendLocalizedMessage(1063436); // You don't have permission to negotiate an alliance. } else if (alliance != null && alliance.Leader != guild) { pm.SendLocalizedMessage(1063239, $"{guild.Name}\t{alliance.Name}"); // ~1_val~ is not the leader of the ~2_val~ alliance. } else if (alliance?.IsMember(guild) == true && alliance.IsMember(m_Other)) { m_Other.Alliance = null; m_Other.InvalidateMemberNotoriety(); guild.InvalidateWarNotoriety(); } break; } case 13: // Promote to Alliance leader { if (!playerRank.GetFlag(RankFlags.AllianceControl)) { pm.SendLocalizedMessage(1063436); // You don't have permission to negotiate an alliance. } else if (alliance != null && alliance.Leader != guild) { pm.SendLocalizedMessage(1063239, $"{guild.Name}\t{alliance.Name}"); // ~1_val~ is not the leader of the ~2_val~ alliance. } else if (alliance?.IsMember(guild) == true && alliance.IsMember(m_Other)) { pm.SendLocalizedMessage(1063434, $"{m_Other.Name}\t{alliance.Name}"); // ~1_val~ is now the leader of ~2_val~. alliance.Leader = m_Other; } break; } case 14: // Withdraw Request { if (!playerRank.GetFlag(RankFlags.AllianceControl)) { pm.SendLocalizedMessage(1063436); // You don't have permission to negotiate an alliance. } else if (alliance != null && alliance.Leader == guild && alliance.IsPendingMember(m_Other)) { m_Other.Alliance = null; pm.SendLocalizedMessage(1070752); // The proposal has been updated. } break; } case 15: // Deny Alliance Request { if (!playerRank.GetFlag(RankFlags.AllianceControl)) { pm.SendLocalizedMessage(1063436); // You don't have permission to negotiate an alliance. } else if (alliance != null && otherAlliance != null && alliance.Leader == m_Other && otherAlliance.IsPendingMember(guild)) { // The proposal has been updated. // m_Other.GuildMessage( 1070782 ); // // ~1_val~ has responded to your proposal. // //Per OSI commented out. pm.SendLocalizedMessage(1070752); guild.Alliance = null; } break; } case 16: // Accept Alliance Request { if (!playerRank.GetFlag(RankFlags.AllianceControl)) { pm.SendLocalizedMessage(1063436); // You don't have permission to negotiate an alliance. } else if (otherAlliance != null && otherAlliance.Leader == m_Other && otherAlliance.IsPendingMember(guild)) { pm.SendLocalizedMessage(1070752); // The proposal has been updated. otherAlliance .TurnToMember( m_Other); // No need to verify it's in the guild or already a member, the function does this otherAlliance.TurnToMember(guild); } break; } } }
public override void OnResponse(NetState sender, RelayInfo info) { PlayerMobile pm = sender.Mobile as PlayerMobile; if (!IsMember(pm, guild)) { return; } RankDefinition playerRank = pm.GuildRank; switch (info.ButtonID) { case 1: { AllianceInfo alliance = guild.Alliance; AllianceInfo otherAlliance = m_Other.Alliance; if (!playerRank.GetFlag(RankFlags.ControlWarStatus)) { pm.SendLocalizedMessage(1063440); // You don't have permission to negotiate wars. } else if (alliance != null && alliance.Leader != guild) { pm.SendLocalizedMessage(1063239, String.Format("{0}\t{1}", guild.Name, alliance.Name)); // ~1_val~ is not the leader of the ~2_val~ alliance. pm.SendLocalizedMessage(1070707, alliance.Leader.Name); // You need to negotiate via ~1_val~ instead. } else if (otherAlliance != null && otherAlliance.Leader != m_Other) { pm.SendLocalizedMessage(1063239, String.Format("{0}\t{1}", m_Other.Name, otherAlliance.Name)); // ~1_val~ is not the leader of the ~2_val~ alliance. pm.SendLocalizedMessage(1070707, otherAlliance.Leader.Name); // You need to negotiate via ~1_val~ instead. } else { WarDeclaration activeWar = guild.FindActiveWar(m_Other); if (activeWar == null) { WarDeclaration war = guild.FindPendingWar(m_Other); WarDeclaration otherWar = m_Other.FindPendingWar(guild); //Note: OSI differs from what it says on website. unlimited war = 0 kills/ 0 hrs. Not > 999. (sidenote: they both cap at 65535, 7.5 years, but, still.) TextRelay tKills = info.GetTextEntry(11); TextRelay tWarLength = info.GetTextEntry(10); int maxKills = (tKills == null) ? 0 : Math.Max(Math.Min(Utility.ToInt32(info.GetTextEntry(11).Text), 0xFFFF), 0); TimeSpan warLength = TimeSpan.FromHours((tWarLength == null) ? 0 : Math.Max(Math.Min(Utility.ToInt32(info.GetTextEntry(10).Text), 0xFFFF), 0)); if (war != null) { war.MaxKills = maxKills; war.WarLength = warLength; war.WarRequester = true; } else { guild.PendingWars.Add(new WarDeclaration(guild, m_Other, maxKills, warLength, true)); } if (otherWar != null) { otherWar.MaxKills = maxKills; otherWar.WarLength = warLength; otherWar.WarRequester = false; } else { m_Other.PendingWars.Add(new WarDeclaration(m_Other, guild, maxKills, warLength, false)); } if (war != null) { pm.SendLocalizedMessage(1070752); // The proposal has been updated. //m_Other.GuildMessage( 1070782 ); // ~1_val~ has responded to your proposal. } else { m_Other.GuildMessage(1070781, ((guild.Alliance != null) ? guild.Alliance.Name : guild.Name)); // ~1_val~ has proposed a war. } pm.SendLocalizedMessage(1070751, ((m_Other.Alliance != null) ? m_Other.Alliance.Name : m_Other.Name)); // War proposal has been sent to ~1_val~. } } break; } default: { pm.SendGump(new OtherGuildInfo(pm, guild, m_Other)); break; } } }
public void CheckExpiredWars() { for (int i = 0; i < AcceptedWars.Count; i++) { WarDeclaration w = AcceptedWars[i]; Guild g = w.Opponent; WarStatus status = w.Status; if (status != WarStatus.InProgress) { AllianceInfo myAlliance = Alliance; bool inAlliance = (myAlliance != null && myAlliance.IsMember(this)); AllianceInfo otherAlliance = ((g != null) ? g.Alliance : null); bool otherInAlliance = (otherAlliance != null && otherAlliance.IsMember(this)); if (inAlliance) { myAlliance.AllianceMessage(1070739 + (int)status, (g == null) ? "a deleted opponent" : (otherInAlliance ? otherAlliance.Name : g.Name)); myAlliance.InvalidateMemberProperties(); } else { GuildMessage(1070739 + (int)status, (g == null) ? "a deleted opponent" : (otherInAlliance ? otherAlliance.Name : g.Name)); InvalidateMemberProperties(); } AcceptedWars.Remove(w); if (g != null) { if (status != WarStatus.Draw) { status = (WarStatus)((int)status + 1 % 2); } if (otherInAlliance) { otherAlliance.AllianceMessage(1070739 + (int)status, (inAlliance ? Alliance.Name : Name)); otherAlliance.InvalidateMemberProperties(); } else { g.GuildMessage(1070739 + (int)status, (inAlliance ? Alliance.Name : Name)); g.InvalidateMemberProperties(); } g.AcceptedWars.Remove(g.FindActiveWar(this)); } } } for (int i = 0; i < PendingWars.Count; i++) { WarDeclaration w = PendingWars[i]; Guild g = w.Opponent; if (w.Status != WarStatus.Pending) { //All sanity in here PendingWars.Remove(w); if (g != null) { g.PendingWars.Remove(g.FindPendingWar(this)); } } } }
public override void PopulateGump() { Guild g = Guild.GetAllianceLeader(this.guild); Guild other = Guild.GetAllianceLeader(this.m_Other); WarDeclaration war = g.FindPendingWar(other); WarDeclaration activeWar = g.FindActiveWar(other); AllianceInfo alliance = this.guild.Alliance; AllianceInfo otherAlliance = this.m_Other.Alliance; //NOTE TO SELF: Only only alliance leader can see pending guild alliance statuses bool PendingWar = (war != null); bool ActiveWar = (activeWar != null); this.AddPage(0); this.AddBackground(0, 0, 520, 335, 0x242C); this.AddHtmlLocalized(20, 15, 480, 26, 1062975, 0x0, false, false); // <div align=center><i>Guild Relationship</i></div> this.AddImageTiled(20, 40, 480, 2, 0x2711); this.AddHtmlLocalized(20, 50, 120, 26, 1062954, 0x0, true, false); // <i>Guild Name</i> this.AddHtml(150, 53, 360, 26, this.m_Other.Name, false, false); this.AddHtmlLocalized(20, 80, 120, 26, 1063025, 0x0, true, false); // <i>Alliance</i> if (otherAlliance != null) { if (otherAlliance.IsMember(this.m_Other)) { this.AddHtml(150, 83, 360, 26, otherAlliance.Name, false, false); } //else if( otherAlliance.Leader == guild && ( otherAlliance.IsPendingMember( m_Other ) || otherAlliance.IsPendingMember( guild ) ) ) /* else if( (otherAlliance.Leader == guild && otherAlliance.IsPendingMember( m_Other ) ) || ( otherAlliance.Leader == m_Other && otherAlliance.IsPendingMember( guild ) ) ) * { * AddHtml( 150, 83, 360, 26, Color( alliance.Name, 0xF), false, false ); * } * //AddHtml( 150, 83, 360, 26, ( alliance.PendingMembers.Contains( guild ) || alliance.PendingMembers.Contains( m_Other ) ) ? String.Format( "<basefont color=#blue>{0}</basefont>", alliance.Name ) : alliance.Name, false, false ); * //AddHtml( 150, 83, 360, 26, ( otherAlliance == alliance && otherAlliance.PendingMembers.Contains( guild ) || otherAlliance.PendingMembers.Contains( m_Other ) ) ? String.Format( "<basefont color=#blue>{0}</basefont>", otherAlliance.Name ) : otherAlliance.Name, false, false ); */ } this.AddHtmlLocalized(20, 110, 120, 26, 1063139, 0x0, true, false); // <i>Abbreviation</i> this.AddHtml(150, 113, 120, 26, this.m_Other.Abbreviation, false, false); string kills = "0/0"; string time = "00:00"; string otherKills = "0/0"; WarDeclaration otherWar; if (ActiveWar) { kills = String.Format("{0}/{1}", activeWar.Kills, activeWar.MaxKills); TimeSpan timeRemaining = TimeSpan.Zero; if (activeWar.WarLength != TimeSpan.Zero && (activeWar.WarBeginning + activeWar.WarLength) > DateTime.UtcNow) { timeRemaining = (activeWar.WarBeginning + activeWar.WarLength) - DateTime.UtcNow; } //time = String.Format( "{0:D2}:{1:D2}", timeRemaining.Hours.ToString(), timeRemaining.Subtract( TimeSpan.FromHours( timeRemaining.Hours ) ).Minutes ); //Is there a formatter for htis? it's 2AM and I'm tired and can't find it time = String.Format("{0:D2}:{1:mm}", timeRemaining.Hours, DateTime.MinValue + timeRemaining); otherWar = this.m_Other.FindActiveWar(this.guild); if (otherWar != null) { otherKills = String.Format("{0}/{1}", otherWar.Kills, otherWar.MaxKills); } } else if (PendingWar) { kills = Color(String.Format("{0}/{1}", war.Kills, war.MaxKills), 0x990000); //time = Color( String.Format( "{0}:{1}", war.WarLength.Hours, ((TimeSpan)(war.WarLength - TimeSpan.FromHours( war.WarLength.Hours ))).Minutes ), 0xFF0000 ); time = Color(String.Format("{0:D2}:{1:mm}", war.WarLength.Hours, DateTime.MinValue + war.WarLength), 0x990000); otherWar = this.m_Other.FindPendingWar(this.guild); if (otherWar != null) { otherKills = Color(String.Format("{0}/{1}", otherWar.Kills, otherWar.MaxKills), 0x990000); } } this.AddHtmlLocalized(280, 110, 120, 26, 1062966, 0x0, true, false); // <i>Your Kills</i> this.AddHtml(410, 113, 120, 26, kills, false, false); this.AddHtmlLocalized(20, 140, 120, 26, 1062968, 0x0, true, false); // <i>Time Remaining</i> this.AddHtml(150, 143, 120, 26, time, false, false); this.AddHtmlLocalized(280, 140, 120, 26, 1062967, 0x0, true, false); // <i>Their Kills</i> this.AddHtml(410, 143, 120, 26, otherKills, false, false); this.AddImageTiled(20, 172, 480, 2, 0x2711); int number = 1062973;// <div align=center>You are at peace with this guild.</div> if (PendingWar) { if (war.WarRequester) { number = 1063027; // <div align=center>You have challenged this guild to war!</div> } else { number = 1062969; // <div align=center>This guild has challenged you to war!</div> this.AddButtonAndBackground(20, 260, 5, 1062981); // Accept Challenge this.AddButtonAndBackground(275, 260, 6, 1062983); //Modify Terms } this.AddButtonAndBackground(20, 290, 7, 1062982); // Dismiss Challenge } else if (ActiveWar) { number = 1062965; // <div align=center>You are at war with this guild!</div> this.AddButtonAndBackground(20, 290, 8, 1062980); // Surrender } else if (alliance != null && alliance == otherAlliance) //alliance, Same Alliance { if (alliance.IsMember(this.guild) && alliance.IsMember(this.m_Other)) //Both in Same alliance, full members { number = 1062970; // <div align=center>You are allied with this guild.</div> if (alliance.Leader == this.guild) { this.AddButtonAndBackground(20, 260, 12, 1062984); // Remove Guild from Alliance this.AddButtonAndBackground(275, 260, 13, 1063433); // Promote to Alliance Leader //Note: No 'confirmation' like the other leader guild promotion things //Remove guild from alliance //Promote to Alliance Leader } //Show roster, Centered, up this.AddButtonAndBackground(148, 215, 10, 1063164); //Show Alliance Roster //Leave Alliance this.AddButtonAndBackground(20, 290, 11, 1062985); // Leave Alliance } else if (alliance.Leader == this.guild && alliance.IsPendingMember(this.m_Other)) { number = 1062971; // <div align=center>You have requested an alliance with this guild.</div> //Show Alliance Roster, Centered, down. this.AddButtonAndBackground(148, 245, 10, 1063164); //Show Alliance Roster //Withdraw Request this.AddButtonAndBackground(20, 290, 14, 1062986); // Withdraw Request this.AddHtml(150, 83, 360, 26, Color(alliance.Name, 0x99), false, false); } else if (alliance.Leader == this.m_Other && alliance.IsPendingMember(this.guild)) { number = 1062972; // <div align=center>This guild has requested an alliance.</div> //Show alliance Roster, top this.AddButtonAndBackground(148, 215, 10, 1063164); //Show Alliance Roster //Deny Request //Accept Request this.AddButtonAndBackground(20, 260, 15, 1062988); // Deny Request this.AddButtonAndBackground(20, 290, 16, 1062987); // Accept Request this.AddHtml(150, 83, 360, 26, Color(alliance.Name, 0x99), false, false); } } else { this.AddButtonAndBackground(20, 260, 2, 1062990); // Request Alliance this.AddButtonAndBackground(20, 290, 1, 1062989); // Declare War! } this.AddButtonAndBackground(275, 290, 0, 3000091); //Cancel this.AddHtmlLocalized(20, 180, 480, 30, number, 0x0, true, false); this.AddImageTiled(20, 245, 480, 2, 0x2711); }