예제 #1
        public override string OnIdentify(Mobile from)
            if (from == null)
                if (Expiration > TimeSpan.Zero)
                    return(String.Format("Faction Mastery : increased damage vs {0}, {1}% hitchance, expires in {2} mins",
                                         m_Enemy, Chance, Expiration.TotalMinutes));
                    return(String.Format("Faction Mastery : increased damage vs {0}, {1}% hitchance", m_Enemy, Chance));

            string msg             = null;
            string raisestr        = "improve ";
            int    percentincrease = 0;

            // compute the damage increase based upon the owner's faction level for the specified enemy type
            ArrayList list = XmlAttach.FindAttachments(XmlAttach.MobileAttachments, from, typeof(XmlMobFactions), "Standard");

            if (list != null && list.Count > 0)
                XmlMobFactions x = list[0] as XmlMobFactions;

                // get the percent damage increase based upon total faction level of opponent groups
                int totalfac = 0;

                // get the target enemy group
                XmlMobFactions.Group g = XmlMobFactions.FindGroup(m_EnemyType);

                if (g != null && g.Opponents != null)
                    // go through all of the opponents
                    for (int i = 0; i < g.Opponents.Length; i++)
                            totalfac += (int)(x.GetFactionLevel(g.Opponents[i].GroupType) * g.OpponentGain[i]);
                            raisestr  = String.Format("{0}{1}, ", raisestr, g.Opponents[i].GroupType);
                        } catch {}

                percentincrease = ComputeIncrease(totalfac);

            if (Expiration > TimeSpan.Zero)
                msg = String.Format("Faction Mastery : +{3}% damage vs {0} ({4}% max), {1}% hitchance, expires in {2} mins",
                                    m_Enemy, Chance, Expiration.TotalMinutes, percentincrease, PercentCap);
                msg = String.Format("Faction Mastery : +{2}% damage vs {0} ({3}% max), {1}% hitchance", m_Enemy, Chance, percentincrease, PercentCap);

            msg = String.Format("{0} : {1}faction to enhance damage.", msg, raisestr);

예제 #2
        // note that this method will be called when attached to either a mobile or a weapon
        // when attached to a weapon, only that weapon will do additional damage
        // when attached to a mobile, any weapon the mobile wields will do additional damage
        public override void OnWeaponHit(Mobile attacker, Mobile defender, BaseWeapon weapon, int damageGiven)
            if (m_Chance <= 0 || Utility.Random(100) > m_Chance)

            if (defender != null && attacker != null && m_EnemyType != XmlMobFactions.GroupTypes.End_Unused)
                // check to the owner's faction levels
                ArrayList list = XmlAttach.FindAttachments(XmlAttach.MobileAttachments, attacker, typeof(XmlMobFactions), "Standard");

                if (list != null && list.Count > 0)
                    XmlMobFactions x = list[0] as XmlMobFactions;

                    double increase = 0;

                    // go through all of the factions the defender might belong to
                    ArrayList glist = XmlMobFactions.FindGroups(defender);

                    if (glist != null && glist.Count > 0)
                        foreach (XmlMobFactions.GroupTypes targetgroup in glist)
                            // found the group that matches the enemy type for this attachment
                            if (targetgroup == m_EnemyType)
                                // get the percent damage increase based upon total faction level of opponent groups
                                int totalfac = 0;

                                // get the target enemy group
                                XmlMobFactions.Group g = XmlMobFactions.FindGroup(m_EnemyType);

                                if (g.Opponents != null)
                                    // go through all of the opponents of this group
                                    for (int i = 0; i < g.Opponents.Length; i++)
                                        // and sum the faction levels
                                            totalfac += (int)(x.GetFactionLevel(g.Opponents[i].GroupType) * g.OpponentGain[i]);
                                        } catch {}

                                // what is the damage increase based upon the total opponent faction level
                                increase = (double)ComputeIncrease(totalfac) / 100.0;


                    if (increase > 0)
                        // apply the additional damage if any
                        defender.Damage((int)(damageGiven * increase), attacker);