public override void OnResponse(RelayInfo info) { if (info.ButtonID == 195) { TextRelay amtText = info.GetTextEntry(0); if (amtText != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(amtText.Text)) { int amount = Utility.ToInt32(amtText.Text); if (amount > 0) { if (amount <= 10) { UltimaStore.GetProfile(User).SetCartAmount(Entry, amount); } else { User.SendLocalizedMessage(1150315); // That text is unacceptable. //User.SendLocalizedMessage(1156836); // You can't exceed 125 items per purchase. } Gump.Refresh(); } } else { User.SendLocalizedMessage(1150315); // That text is unacceptable. } } UltimaStoreGump.ReleaseHidden(User); }
public bool Construct(Mobile m, bool test = false) { Item item; if (Constructor != null) { item = Constructor(m, this); } else { item = Activator.CreateInstance(ItemType) as Item; } if (item != null) { if (item is IAccountRestricted) { ((IAccountRestricted)item).Account = m.Account.Username; } if (m.Backpack == null || !m.Alive || !m.Backpack.TryDropItem(m, item, false)) { UltimaStore.AddPendingItem(m, item); // Your purchased will be delivered to you once you free up room in your backpack. // Your purchased item will be delivered to you once you are resurrected. m.SendLocalizedMessage(m.Alive ? 1156846 : 1156848); } else if (item is IPromotionalToken && ((IPromotionalToken)item).ItemName != null) { // A token has been placed in your backpack. Double-click it to redeem your ~1_PROMO~. m.SendLocalizedMessage(1075248, ((IPromotionalToken)item).ItemName.ToString()); } else if (item.LabelNumber > 0 || item.Name != null) { var name = item.LabelNumber > 0 ? ("#" + item.LabelNumber) : item.Name; // Your purchase of ~1_ITEM~ has been placed in your backpack. m.SendLocalizedMessage(1156844, name); } else { // Your purchased item has been placed in your backpack. m.SendLocalizedMessage(1156843); } if (test) { item.Delete(); } return(true); } Utility.WriteConsoleColor(ConsoleColor.Red, string.Format("[Ultima Store Warning]: {0} failed to construct.", ItemType.Name)); return(false); }
public override void OnResponse(RelayInfo info) { if (info.ButtonID == 195) { UltimaStore.TryPurchase(User); } UltimaStoreGump.ReleaseHidden(User); }
public UltimaStoreGump(PlayerMobile pm) : base(pm, 100, 200) { StoreList = UltimaStore.GetList(Category); UltimaStore.SortList(StoreList, SortBy); pm.Frozen = true; pm.Hidden = true; pm.Squelched = true; }
public override void OnResponse(RelayInfo info) { if (info.ButtonID == 1198) { PlayerProfile profile = UltimaStore.GetProfile(User, false); if (profile != null) { profile.Category = StoreCategory.None; } UltimaStore.OpenStore(User, Entry); } }
public UltimaStoreGump(PlayerMobile pm, StoreEntry forcedEntry = null) : base(pm, 100, 200) { StoreList = UltimaStore.GetList(Category, forcedEntry); if (forcedEntry == null) { UltimaStore.SortList(StoreList, SortBy); } pm.Frozen = true; pm.Hidden = true; pm.TempSquelched = true; }
public override void OnResponse(RelayInfo info) { int id = info.ButtonID; if (id == 0) { ReleaseHidden(User); return; } PlayerProfile profile = UltimaStore.GetProfile(User); switch (id) { // Change Category case 100: case 101: case 102: case 103: case 104: case 105: { Search = false; StoreCategory oldCat = profile.Category; profile.Category = (StoreCategory)id - 99; if (oldCat != profile.Category) { StoreList = UltimaStore.GetList(Category); Page = 0; } Refresh(); return; } // Promo Code case 106: { Refresh(); SendGump(new PromoCodeGump(User, this)); return; } // FAQ case 107: { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Configuration.Website)) { User.LaunchBrowser(Configuration.Website); } else { User.LaunchBrowser(""); } Refresh(); return; } // Change Sort Method case 108: case 109: case 110: case 111: case 112: { SortBy oldSort = profile.SortBy; profile.SortBy = (SortBy)id - 108; if (oldSort != profile.SortBy) { // re-orders the list if (oldSort == SortBy.Newest || oldSort == SortBy.Oldest) { ColUtility.Free(StoreList); StoreList = UltimaStore.GetList(Category); } UltimaStore.SortList(StoreList, profile.SortBy); Page = 0; } Refresh(); return; } // Cart View case 113: { if (profile != null) { profile.Category = StoreCategory.Cart; } Refresh(); return; } // Search case 114: { TextRelay searchTxt = info.GetTextEntry(0); if (searchTxt != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchTxt.Text)) { Search = true; SearchText = searchTxt.Text; } else { User.SendLocalizedMessage(1150315); // That text is unacceptable. } Refresh(); return; } // Buy case 115: { if (UltimaStore.CartCount(User) == 0) { if (profile != null) { profile.Category = StoreCategory.Cart; } Refresh(); return; } int total = UltimaStore.GetSubTotal(Cart); if (total <= UltimaStore.GetCurrency(User, true)) { SendGump(new ConfirmPurchaseGump(User)); } else { SendGump(new NoFundsGump(User)); } return; } // Next Page case 116: { ++Page; Refresh(); return; } // Previous Page case 117: { --Page; Refresh(); return; } } if (id < 2000) // Add To Cart { Refresh(); StoreEntry entry = StoreList[id - 1000]; if (Cart == null || Cart.Count < 10) { SendGump(new ConfirmCartGump(User, this, entry)); return; } User.SendLocalizedMessage(1156745); // Your store cart is currently full. } else if (id < 3000) // Change Amount In Cart { Refresh(); StoreEntry entry = UltimaStore.Entries[id - 2000]; SendGump(new ConfirmCartGump(User, this, entry, Cart != null && Cart.ContainsKey(entry) ? Cart[entry] : 0)); return; } else if (id < 4000) // Remove From Cart { StoreEntry entry = UltimaStore.Entries[id - 3000]; if (profile != null) { profile.RemoveFromCart(entry); } Refresh(); return; } ReleaseHidden(User); }
public override void AddGumpLayout() { AddPage(0); AddImage(0, 0, 0x9C49); AddECHandleInput(); AddButton(36, 97, Category == StoreCategory.Featured ? 0x9C5F : 0x9C55, 0x9C5F, 100, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); AddHtmlLocalized(36, 100, 125, 25, 1114513, "#1156587", 0x7FFF, false, false); // Featured AddECHandleInput(); AddECHandleInput(); AddButton(36, 126, Category == StoreCategory.Character ? 0x9C5F : 0x9C55, 0x9C5F, 101, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); AddHtmlLocalized(36, 129, 125, 25, 1114513, "#1156588", 0x7FFF, false, false); // Character AddECHandleInput(); AddECHandleInput(); AddButton(36, 155, Category == StoreCategory.Equipment ? 0x9C5F : 0x9C55, 0x9C5F, 102, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); AddHtmlLocalized(36, 158, 125, 25, 1114513, "#1078237", 0x7FFF, false, false); // Equipment AddECHandleInput(); AddECHandleInput(); AddButton(36, 184, Category == StoreCategory.Decorations ? 0x9C5F : 0x9C55, 0x9C5F, 103, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); AddHtmlLocalized(36, 187, 125, 25, 1114513, "#1044501", 0x7FFF, false, false); // Decorations AddECHandleInput(); AddECHandleInput(); AddButton(36, 213, Category == StoreCategory.Mounts ? 0x9C5F : 0x9C55, 0x9C5F, 104, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); AddHtmlLocalized(36, 216, 125, 25, 1114513, "#1154981", 0x7FFF, false, false); // Mounts AddECHandleInput(); AddECHandleInput(); AddButton(36, 242, Category == StoreCategory.Misc ? 0x9C5F : 0x9C55, 0x9C5F, 105, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); AddHtmlLocalized(36, 245, 125, 25, 1114513, "#1011173", 0x7FFF, false, false); // Miscellaneous AddECHandleInput(); AddECHandleInput(); AddButton(36, 271, 0x9C55, 0x9C5F, 106, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); AddHtmlLocalized(36, 274, 125, 25, 1114513, "#1156589", 0x7FFF, false, false); // Promotional Code AddECHandleInput(); AddECHandleInput(); AddButton(36, 300, 0x9C55, 0x9C5F, 107, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); AddHtmlLocalized(36, 303, 125, 25, 1114513, "#1156875", 0x7FFF, false, false); // FAQ AddECHandleInput(); AddImage(36, 331, 0x9C4A); AddHtmlLocalized(36, 334, 125, 25, 1114513, "#1044580", 0x2945, false, false); // Sort By AddButton(43, 360, SortBy == SortBy.Name ? 0x9C4F : 0x9C4E, SortBy == SortBy.Name ? 0x9C4F : 0x9C4E, 108, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); AddHtmlLocalized(68, 360, 88, 25, 1037013, 0x6B55, false, false); // Name AddButton(43, 386, SortBy == SortBy.PriceLower ? 0x9C4F : 0x9C4E, SortBy == SortBy.PriceLower ? 0x9C4F : 0x9C4E, 109, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); AddHtmlLocalized(68, 386, 88, 25, 1062218, 0x6B55, false, false); // Price Down AddImage(110, 386, 0x9C60); AddButton(43, 412, SortBy == SortBy.PriceHigher ? 0x9C4F : 0x9C4E, SortBy == SortBy.PriceHigher ? 0x9C4F : 0x9C4E, 110, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); AddHtmlLocalized(68, 412, 88, 25, 1062218, 0x6B55, false, false); // Price Up AddImage(110, 412, 0x9C61); AddButton(43, 438, SortBy == SortBy.Newest ? 0x9C4F : 0x9C4E, SortBy == SortBy.Newest ? 0x9C4F : 0x9C4E, 111, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); AddHtmlLocalized(68, 438, 88, 25, 1156590, 0x6B55, false, false); // Newest AddButton(43, 464, SortBy == SortBy.Oldest ? 0x9C4F : 0x9C4E, SortBy == SortBy.Oldest ? 0x9C4F : 0x9C4E, 112, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); AddHtmlLocalized(68, 464, 88, 25, 1156591, 0x6B55, false, false); // Oldest AddECHandleInput(); AddButton(598, 36, Category == StoreCategory.Cart ? 0x9C5E : 0x9C54, 0x9C5E, 113, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); AddHtmlLocalized(628, 39, 123, 25, 1156593, string.Format("@{0}@{1}", UltimaStore.CartCount(User), Configuration.CartCapacity), 0x7FFF, false, false); AddECHandleInput(); AddBackground(167, 516, 114, 22, 0x2486); AddTextEntry(169, 518, 110, 18, 0, 0, "", 169); AddECHandleInput(); AddButton(286, 516, 0x9C52, 0x9C5C, 114, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); AddHtmlLocalized(286, 519, 64, 22, 1114513, "#1154641", 0x7FFF, false, false); // Search AddECHandleInput(); AddImage(36, 74, 0x9C56); AddLabelCropped(59, 74, 100, 14, 0x1C7, UltimaStore.GetCurrency(User).ToString("N0")); AddECHandleInput(); if (!Search && Category == StoreCategory.Cart) { PlayerProfile profile = UltimaStore.GetProfile(User); AddImage(167, 74, 0x9C4C); if (profile != null && profile.Cart != null && profile.Cart.Count > 0) { int i = 0; foreach (KeyValuePair <StoreEntry, int> kvp in profile.Cart) { StoreEntry entry = kvp.Key; int amount = kvp.Value; int index = UltimaStore.Entries.IndexOf(entry); if (entry.Name[0].Number > 0) { AddHtmlLocalized(175, 84 + (35 * i), 256, 25, entry.Name[0].Number, 0x6B55, false, false); } else { AddHtml(175, 84 + (35 * i), 256, 25, Color(C16232(0x6B55), entry.Name[0].String), false, false); } AddButton(431, 81 + (35 * i), 0x9C52, 0x9C5C, index + 2000, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); AddLabelCropped(457, 82 + (35 * i), 38, 22, 0x9C2, amount.ToString()); AddLabelCropped(531, 82 + (35 * i), 100, 14, 0x1C7, (entry.Cost * amount).ToString("N0")); AddButton(653, 81 + (35 * i), 0x9C52, 0x9C5C, index + 3000, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); AddHtmlLocalized(653, 84 + (35 * i), 64, 22, 1114513, "#1011403", 0x7FFF, false, false); // Remove AddImage(175, 109 + (35 * i), 0x9C4D); ++i; } } AddHtmlLocalized(508, 482, 125, 25, 1156594, 0x6B55, false, false); // Subtotal: AddImage(588, 482, 0x9C56); AddLabelCropped(611, 480, 100, 14, 0x1C7, UltimaStore.GetSubTotal(Cart).ToString("N0")); AddECHandleInput(); AddECHandleInput(); AddButton(653, 516, 0x9C52, 0x9C52, 115, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); AddHtmlLocalized(653, 519, 64, 22, 1114513, "#1062219", 0x7FFF, false, false); // Buy } else { if (Search) { StoreList = UltimaStore.GetSortedList(SearchText); UltimaStore.SortList(StoreList, SortBy); if (StoreList.Count == 0) { User.SendLocalizedMessage(1154587, "", 1281); // No items matched your search. return; } } int listIndex = Page * 6; int pageIndex = 0; int pages = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)StoreList.Count / 6); for (int i = listIndex; i < StoreList.Count && pageIndex < 6; i++) { StoreEntry entry = StoreList[i]; int x = _Offset[pageIndex][0]; int y = _Offset[pageIndex][1]; AddButton(x, y, 0x9C4B, 0x9C4B, i + 1000, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); if (entry.Tooltip > 0) { AddTooltip(entry.Tooltip); } else { Item item = UltimaStore.UltimaStoreContainer.FindDisplayItem(entry.ItemType); if (item != null) { AddItemProperty(item); } } if (IsFeatured(entry)) { AddImage(x, y + 189, 0x9C58); } for (int j = 0; j < entry.Name.Length; j++) { if (entry.Name[j].Number > 0) { AddHtmlLocalized(x, y + (j * 14) + 4, 183, 25, 1114513, string.Format("#{0}", entry.Name[j].Number.ToString()), 0x7FFF, false, false); } else { AddHtml(x, y + (j * 14) + 4, 183, 25, ColorAndCenter("#FFFFFF", entry.Name[j].String), false, false); } } if (entry.ItemID > 0) { Rectangle2D b = ItemBounds.Table[entry.ItemID]; AddItem((x + 91) - b.Width / 2 - b.X, (y + 108) - b.Height / 2 - b.Y, entry.ItemID, entry.Hue); } else { AddImage((x + 91) - 72, (y + 108) - 72, entry.GumpID); } AddImage(x + 60, y + 192, 0x9C56); AddLabelCropped(x + 80, y + 190, 143, 25, 0x9C2, entry.Cost.ToString("N0")); AddECHandleInput(); AddECHandleInput(); ++pageIndex; ++listIndex; } if (Page + 1 < pages) { AddButton(692, 516, 0x9C51, 0x9C5B, 116, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); } if (Page > 0) { AddButton(648, 516, 0x9C50, 0x9C5A, 117, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); } } if (Configuration.CurrencyDisplay) { AddHtml(43, 496, 120, 16, Color("#FFFFFF", "Currency:"), false, false); AddHtml(43, 518, 120, 16, Color("#FFFFFF", Configuration.CurrencyName), false, false); } }
public override void OnResponse(RelayInfo info) { int id = info.ButtonID; if (id == 0) { ReleaseHidden(User); return; } var profile = UltimaStore.GetProfile(User); if (id >= 100 && id <= 105) // Change Category { Search = false; var oldCat = profile.Category; profile.Category = (StoreCategory)id - 99; if (oldCat != profile.Category) { StoreList = UltimaStore.GetList(Category); Page = 0; } Refresh(); return; } else if (id == 106) // Promo Code { Refresh(); BaseGump.SendGump(new PromoCodeGump(User, this)); return; } else if (id == 107) // FAQ { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Configuration.CurrencyInfoWebsite)) { User.LaunchBrowser(Configuration.CurrencyInfoWebsite); } else { User.LaunchBrowser(""); } Refresh(); return; } else if (id >= 108 && id <= 112) // Change Sort Method { var oldSort = profile.SortBy; profile.SortBy = (SortBy)id - 108; if (oldSort != profile.SortBy) { // re-orders the list if (oldSort == SortBy.Newest || oldSort == SortBy.Oldest) { ColUtility.Free(StoreList); StoreList = UltimaStore.GetList(Category); } UltimaStore.SortList(StoreList, profile.SortBy); Page = 0; } Refresh(); return; } else if (id == 113) // Cart View { if (profile != null) { profile.Category = StoreCategory.Cart; } Refresh(); return; } else if (id == 114) // search { TextRelay searchTxt = info.GetTextEntry(0); if (searchTxt != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(searchTxt.Text)) { Search = true; SearchText = searchTxt.Text; } else { User.SendLocalizedMessage(1150315); // That text is unacceptable. } Refresh(); return; } else if (id == 115) // Buy { if (UltimaStore.CartCount(User) == 0) { if (profile != null) { profile.Category = StoreCategory.Cart; } Refresh(); return; } int total = UltimaStore.GetSubTotal(Cart); if (total <= UltimaStore.GetCurrency(User, true)) { BaseGump.SendGump(new ConfirmPurchaseGump(User)); } else { BaseGump.SendGump(new NoFundsGump(User)); } return; } else if (id == 116) // page forward { Page++; Refresh(); return; } else if (id == 117) // page back { Page--; Refresh(); return; } else if (id < 2000) // Add To Cart { Refresh(); var entry = StoreList[id - 1000]; if (Cart == null || Cart.Count < 10) { BaseGump.SendGump(new ConfirmCartGump(User, this, entry)); return; } else { User.SendLocalizedMessage(1156745); // Your store cart is currently full. } } else if (id < 3000) // Change Amount In Cart { Refresh(); var entry = UltimaStore.Entries[id - 2000]; BaseGump.SendGump(new ConfirmCartGump(User, this, entry, Cart != null && Cart.ContainsKey(entry) ? Cart[entry] : 0)); return; } else if (id < 4000) // Remove From Cart { var entry = UltimaStore.Entries[id - 3000]; if (profile != null) { profile.RemoveFromCart(entry); } Refresh(); return; } ReleaseHidden(User); }