public static void On_RHFile(CommandEventArgs e) { if (e.Arguments.Length != 1) { e.Mobile.SendMessage("Usage: [LoadCont <filename>"); return; } try { int loaded = 0; int count; LogHelper log = new LogHelper(e.Arguments[0] + " LoadCont.log"); log.Log(LogType.Text, String.Format("Reload process initiated by {0}, with {1} as backup data.", e.Mobile, e.Arguments[0])); using (FileStream idxfs = new FileStream(e.Arguments[0] + ".idx", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) { using (FileStream binfs = new FileStream(e.Arguments[0] + ".bin", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) { GenericReader bin = new BinaryFileReader(new BinaryReader(binfs)); GenericReader idx = new BinaryFileReader(new BinaryReader(idxfs)); count = idx.ReadInt(); if (count == -1) { log.Log(LogType.Text, "No item data to reload."); // do nothing } else { ArrayList items = new ArrayList(count); log.Log(LogType.Text, String.Format("Attempting to reload {0} items.", count)); Type[] ctortypes = new Type[] { typeof(Serial) }; object[] ctorargs = new object[1]; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { string type = idx.ReadString(); Serial serial = (Serial)idx.ReadInt(); long position = idx.ReadLong(); int length = idx.ReadInt(); Type t = ScriptCompiler.FindTypeByFullName(type); if (t == null) { Console.WriteLine("Warning: Tried to load nonexistent type {0}. Ignoring item.", type); log.Log(String.Format("Warning: Tried to load nonexistent type {0}. Ignoring item.", type)); continue; } ConstructorInfo ctor = t.GetConstructor(ctortypes); if (ctor == null) { Console.WriteLine("Warning: Tried to load type {0} which has no serialization constructor. Ignoring item.", type); log.Log(String.Format("Warning: Tried to load type {0} which has no serialization constructor. Ignoring item.", type)); continue; } Item item = null; try { if (World.FindItem(serial) != null) { log.Log(LogType.Item, World.FindItem(serial), "Serial already in use!! Loading of saved item failed."); } else if (!World.IsReserved(serial)) { log.Log(String.Format("Serial {0} is not reserved!! Loading of saved item failed.", serial)); } else { ctorargs[0] = serial; item = (Item)(ctor.Invoke(ctorargs)); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogHelper.LogException(ex); Console.WriteLine("An exception occurred while trying to invoke {0}'s serialization constructor.", t.FullName); Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); log.Log(String.Format("An exception occurred while trying to invoke {0}'s serialization constructor.", t.FullName)); log.Log(ex.ToString()); } if (item != null) { World.FreeSerial(serial); World.AddItem(item); items.Add(new object[] { item, position, length }); log.Log(String.Format("Successfully created item {0}", item)); } } for (int i = 0; i < items.Count; i++) { object[] entry = (object[])items[i]; Item item = entry[0] as Item; long position = (long)entry[1]; int length = (int)entry[2]; if (item != null) { bin.Seek(position, SeekOrigin.Begin); try { item.Deserialize(bin); // take care of parent hierarchy object p = item.Parent; if (p is Item) { ((Item)p).RemoveItem(item); item.Parent = null; ((Item)p).AddItem(item); } else if (p is Mobile) { ((Mobile)p).RemoveItem(item); item.Parent = null; ((Mobile)p).AddItem(item); } else { item.Delta(ItemDelta.Update); } item.ClearProperties(); object rp = item.RootParent; if (rp is Item) { ((Item)rp).UpdateTotals(); } else if (rp is Mobile) { ((Mobile)rp).UpdateTotals(); } else { item.UpdateTotals(); } if (bin.Position != (position + length)) { throw new Exception(String.Format("Bad serialize on {0}", item)); } log.Log(LogType.Item, item, "Successfully loaded."); loaded++; } catch (Exception ex) { LogHelper.LogException(ex); Console.WriteLine("Caught exception while deserializing {0}:", item); Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("Deleting item."); log.Log(String.Format("Caught exception while deserializing {0}:", item)); log.Log(ex.ToString()); log.Log("Deleting item."); item.Delete(); } } } } idx.Close(); bin.Close(); } } Console.WriteLine("Attempted to load {0} items: {1} loaded, {2} failed.", count, loaded, count - loaded); log.Log(String.Format("Attempted to load {0} items: {1} loaded, {2} failed.", count, loaded, count - loaded)); e.Mobile.SendMessage("Attempted to load {0} items: {1} loaded, {2} failed.", count, loaded, count - loaded); log.Finish(); } catch (Exception ex) { LogHelper.LogException(ex); Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); e.Mobile.SendMessage("Exception: {0}", ex.Message); } }
public static void DeleteItemByType_OnCommand(CommandEventArgs e) { try { if (e == null || e.Mobile == null || e.Mobile is PlayerMobile == false) { return; } string sProp = null; string sVal = null; string name = null; if (e.Length >= 1) { name = e.GetString(0); if (e.Length >= 2) { sProp = e.GetString(1); } if (e.Length >= 3) { sVal = e.GetString(2); } // if you are a GM the world needs to be in 'Build' mode to access this comand if (e.Mobile.AccessLevel < AccessLevel.Administrator && Core.Building == false) { e.Mobile.SendMessage("The server must be in build mode for you to access this command."); return; } PlayerMobile pm = e.Mobile as PlayerMobile; LogHelper Logger = new LogHelper("DeleteItemByType.log", e.Mobile, false); // reset jump table pm.JumpIndex = 0; pm.JumpList = new ArrayList(); Type tx = ScriptCompiler.FindTypeByName(name); if (tx != null) { foreach (Item item in World.Items.Values) { if (item != null && !item.Deleted && item.GetType() == tx /* tx.IsAssignableFrom(item.GetType())*/) { // read the properties PropertyInfo[] allProps = item.GetType().GetProperties(BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public); if (sProp != null) { foreach (PropertyInfo prop in allProps) { if (prop.Name.ToLower() == sProp.ToLower()) { bool ok = false; string val = Properties.GetValue(e.Mobile, item, sProp); // match a null value if ((val == null || val.Length == 0 || val.EndsWith("(-null-)", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) && (sVal == null || sVal.Length == 0)) { ok = true; } // see if the property matches else if (val != null && sVal != null) { string[] toks = val.Split(new Char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (toks.Length >= 3 && toks[2].Equals(sVal, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { ok = true; } else { break; } } if (ok) { pm.JumpList.Add(item); Logger.Log(LogType.Item, item); break; } } } } else { // no prop to check, everything matches pm.JumpList.Add(item); Logger.Log(LogType.Item, item); } } } } // since we already have the items in our jump list, just reuse it for the to-delete list if (pm.JumpList.Count > 0) { foreach (Item ix in pm.JumpList) { if (ix != null) { Console.WriteLine("Deleting object {0}.", ix); ix.Delete(); } } } Logger.Finish(); } else { e.Mobile.SendMessage("Format: DeleteItemByType <type>"); } } catch (Exception ex) { EventSink.InvokeLogException(new LogExceptionEventArgs(ex)); } }