public static LoggerConfiguration Db(this LoggerSinkConfiguration loggerConfiguration, Action <DbOptions> dbAction = null, ITableCreator tableCreator = null, LogEventLevel restrictedToMinimumLevel = LevelAlias.Minimum, int batchPostingLimit = DbSink.DefaultBatchPostingLimit, TimeSpan?period = null, IConfigurationSection columnOptionsSection = null ) { if (loggerConfiguration == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("loggerConfiguration"); } var defaultedPeriod = period ?? DbSink.DefaultPeriod; DbOptions opt = new DbOptions(); dbAction?.Invoke(opt); opt.ColumnOptions = ApplyMicrosoftExtensionsConfiguration.ConfigureColumnOptions(opt.ColumnOptions, columnOptionsSection); return(loggerConfiguration.Sink(new DbSink(batchPostingLimit, defaultedPeriod, opt, tableCreator ?? new DefaultTableCreator()), restrictedToMinimumLevel)); }
private string GetSqliteCreateTableString(DbOptions opt, DataTable columnList) { var sql = new StringBuilder(); var i = 0; sql.AppendLine($"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS [{opt.TableName}] ( "); sql.AppendLine("[Id] INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,"); foreach (DataColumn column in columnList.Columns) { i++; var common = (SqlColumn)column.ExtendedProperties["SqlColumn"]; if (common != null && common == opt.ColumnOptions.PrimaryKey) { continue; } sql.Append($"[{column.ColumnName}] "); sql.Append(GetDbFieldType(common.DataType)); sql.Append(common.AllowNull ? " NULL" : " NOT NULL"); if (columnList.Columns.Count > i) { sql.Append(","); } sql.AppendLine(); } sql.AppendLine(");"); Console.WriteLine(sql.ToString()); return(sql.ToString()); }
public DbSinkCore(DbOptions opt) : this(opt, null) { }
private string GetMsSqlFromDataTable(DbOptions opt, DataTable columnList) { var sql = new StringBuilder(); var ix = new StringBuilder(); int indexCount = 1; string schemaName = opt.SchemaName; string tableName = opt.TableName; var columnOptions = opt.ColumnOptions; //start schema check and DDL(wrap in EXEC to make a separate batch) sql.AppendLine($"IF(NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM sys.schemas WHERE name = '{schemaName}'))"); sql.AppendLine("BEGIN"); sql.AppendLine($"EXEC('CREATE SCHEMA [{schemaName}] AUTHORIZATION [dbo]')"); sql.AppendLine("END"); // start table-creatin batch and DDL sql.AppendLine($"IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT, FROM sys.tables t JOIN sys.schemas s ON t.schema_id = s.schema_id WHERE = '{schemaName}' AND = '{tableName}')"); sql.AppendLine("BEGIN"); sql.AppendLine($"CREATE TABLE [{schemaName}].[{tableName}] ( "); // build column list int i = 1; foreach (DataColumn column in columnList.Columns) { var common = (SqlColumn)column.ExtendedProperties["SqlColumn"]; sql.Append(GetColumnDDL(common)); if (columnList.Columns.Count > i++) { sql.Append(","); } sql.AppendLine(); // collect non-PK indexes for separate output after the table DDL if (common != null && common.NonClusteredIndex && common != columnOptions.PrimaryKey) { ix.AppendLine($"CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX{indexCount++}_{tableName}] ON [{schemaName}].[{tableName}] ([{common.ColumnName}]);"); } } // primary key constraint at the end of the table DDL if (columnOptions.PrimaryKey != null) { var clustering = (columnOptions.PrimaryKey.NonClusteredIndex ? "NON" : string.Empty); sql.AppendLine($" CONSTRAINT [PK_{tableName}] PRIMARY KEY {clustering}CLUSTERED ([{columnOptions.PrimaryKey.ColumnName}])"); } // end of CREATE TABLE sql.AppendLine(");"); // CCI is output separately after table DDL if (columnOptions.ClusteredColumnstoreIndex) { sql.AppendLine($"CREATE CLUSTERED COLUMNSTORE INDEX [CCI_{tableName}] ON [{schemaName}].[{tableName}]"); } // output any extra non-clustered indexes sql.Append(ix); // end of batch sql.AppendLine("END"); return(sql.ToString()); }