예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a clone of the query.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>A cloned query.</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Clones states like TrackAssignments, AssignedFields etc,
        /// creates a copy of Params dictionary
        /// </remarks>
        public SqlQuery Clone()
            var clone = new SqlQuery();

            clone.dialect           = dialect;
            clone.dialectOverridden = dialectOverridden;
            clone.skip         = skip;
            clone.take         = take;
            clone.countRecords = countRecords;

            clone.into      = new List <object>(into);
            clone.intoIndex = intoIndex;

            Column s;

            for (int i = 0; i < columns.Count; i++)
                s = columns[i];
                var si = new Column(s.Expression, s.ColumnName, s.IntoRowIndex, s.IntoField);

            clone.from = new StringBuilder(from.ToString());
            if (where != null)
                clone.where = new StringBuilder(where.ToString());

            if (orderBy != null)
                clone.orderBy = new List <string>();

            if (groupBy != null)
                clone.groupBy = new StringBuilder(groupBy.ToString());

            if (having != null)
                clone.having = new StringBuilder(having.ToString());

            if (parent != null)
                clone.parent = this.parent;
            else if (this.Params != null)
                foreach (var pair in this.Params)
                    clone.AddParam(pair.Key, pair.Value);

예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a clone of the query.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>A cloned query.</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Clones states like TrackAssignments, AssignedFields etc,
        /// creates a copy of Params dictionary
        /// </remarks>
        public SqlQuery Clone()
            var clone = new SqlQuery();

            clone.dialect = dialect;
            clone.dialectOverridden = dialectOverridden;
            clone.skip = skip;
            clone.take = take;
            clone.countRecords = countRecords;

            clone.into = new List<object>(into);
            clone.intoIndex = intoIndex;

            Column s;
            for (int i = 0; i < columns.Count; i++)
                s = columns[i];
                var si = new Column(s.Expression, s.ColumnName, s.IntoRowIndex, s.IntoField);

            clone.from = new StringBuilder(from.ToString());
            if (where != null)
                clone.where = new StringBuilder(where.ToString());

            if (orderBy != null)
                clone.orderBy = new List<string>();

            if (groupBy != null)
                clone.groupBy = new StringBuilder(groupBy.ToString());

            if (having != null)
                clone.having = new StringBuilder(having.ToString());

            if (parent != null)
                clone.parent = this.parent;
            else if (this.Params != null)
                foreach (var pair in this.Params)
                    clone.AddParam(pair.Key, pair.Value);

            return clone;
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a clone of the query.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>A cloned query.</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Clones states like TrackAssignments, AssignedFields etc,
        /// creates a copy of Params dictionary
        /// </remarks>
        public SqlQuery Clone()
            var clone = new SqlQuery();

            clone.dialect           = dialect;
            clone.dialectOverridden = dialectOverridden;
            clone.skip         = skip;
            clone.take         = take;
            clone.countRecords = countRecords;
            clone.distinct     = distinct;
            clone.into         = new List <object>(into);
            clone.intoIndex    = intoIndex;
            clone.forXml       = forXml;
            clone.forJson      = forJson;
            clone.unionQuery   = unionQuery;
            clone.unionType    = unionType;

            Column s;

            for (int i = 0; i < columns.Count; i++)
                s = columns[i];
                var si = new Column(s.Expression, s.ColumnName, s.IntoRowIndex, s.IntoField);

            clone.from = new StringBuilder(from.ToString());
            if (where != null)
                clone.where = new StringBuilder(where.ToString());

            if (orderBy != null)
                clone.orderBy = new List <string>();

            if (groupBy != null)
                clone.groupBy = new StringBuilder(groupBy.ToString());

            if (having != null)
                clone.having = new StringBuilder(having.ToString());

            if (parent != null)
                clone.parent = this.parent;
            else if (this.Params != null)
                foreach (var pair in this.Params)
                    clone.AddParam(pair.Key, pair.Value);

            if (aliasExpressions != null)
                clone.aliasExpressions = new Dictionary <string, string>(
                    aliasExpressions, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

            if (aliasWithJoins != null)
                aliasWithJoins = new Dictionary <string, IHaveJoins>(
                    aliasWithJoins, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

예제 #4
        public static AuditLogListResponse List(string schema, AuditLogListRequest request)
            var fld = Dependency.Resolve<IAuditLogRow>();
            var fld = Dependency.Resolve<IAuditLogRow>(schema);


            var response = new AuditLogListResponse();

            using (var connection = SqlConnections.NewByKey("Default"))
                response.Entities = new List<Row>();

                var row = ((Row)fld).CreateNew();

                if (request.Sort == null ||
                    request.Sort.Length == 0)
                    request.Sort = new SortBy[] { new SortBy(fld.DateField.Name, true) };

                var query = new SqlQuery().From(row)
                    .ApplySkipTakeAndCount(request.Skip, request.Take, request.ExcludeTotalCount)

                if (request.EntityTypeId != null &&
                    request.EntityId != null)
                    var pEntityId = query.AddParam(request.EntityId);
                    var pEntityTypeId = query.AddParam(request.EntityTypeId);

                            new Criteria(0, fld.EntityTypeIdField) == pEntityTypeId &
                            new Criteria(0, fld.EntityIdField) == pEntityId) |
                            new Criteria(0, fld.ParentTypeIdField) == pEntityTypeId &
                                new Criteria(0, fld.OldParentIdField) == pEntityId |
                                new Criteria(0, fld.NewParentIdField) == pEntityId))));
                    if (request.EntityTypeId != null)
                        query.WhereEqual(fld.EntityTypeIdField, request.EntityTypeId);//Convert.ToInt32(request.EntityTypeId.Value));

                    if (request.EntityId != null)
                        query.WhereEqual(fld.EntityIdField, request.EntityId.Value);

                response.TotalCount = query.ForEach(connection, delegate()


                response.IdNameLookups = new Dictionary<EntityType, Dictionary<long, string>>();
                response.FieldTitles = new Dictionary<EntityType, Dictionary<string, string>>();
                response.ForeignEntityTypes = new Dictionary<EntityType, Dictionary<string, string>>();
                response.EntityTitles = new Dictionary<EntityType, string>();

                var lookups = response.IdNameLookups;
                var titles = response.FieldTitles;
                var foreigns = response.ForeignEntityTypes;
                var entities = response.EntityTitles;

                Action<EntityType, Int64> addLookup = (entityType, id) => {

                    Dictionary<long, string> lookup;
                    if (!lookups.TryGetValue(entityType, out lookup))
                        lookup = new Dictionary<long, string>();
                        lookups[entityType] = lookup;

                    if (!lookup.ContainsKey(id))
                        lookup[id] = null;

                Action<EntityType, string> addTitle = (entityType, field) =>

                    Dictionary<string, string> lookup;
                    if (!titles.TryGetValue(entityType, out lookup))
                        lookup = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                        titles[entityType] = lookup;

                    if (!lookup.ContainsKey(field))
                        lookup[field] = null;

                Action<EntityType> addEntity = (entityType) =>
                    if (!entities.ContainsKey(entityType))
                        //Row r;
                        String s = null;
                        // TODO: FIX!
                        //if (schema.TypeToTable.TryGetValue(entityType, out r))
                        //    s = LocalText.TryGet(1055, "Db." + r.Table + ".EntitySingular", false);
                         s = s ?? Enum.GetName(typeof(EntityType), entityType);
                        entities[entityType] = s;

                Action<EntityType, string, EntityType> addForeign = (entityType, field, foreignType) =>
                    Dictionary<string, string> foreign;
                    if (!foreigns.TryGetValue(entityType, out foreign))
                        foreign = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                        foreigns[entityType] = foreign;

                    if (!foreign.ContainsKey(field))
                        foreign[field] = Enum.GetName(typeof(EntityType), foreignType);

                foreach (var entity in response.Entities)
                    addLookup(fld.EntityTypeIdField[entity], fld.EntityIdField[entity].Value);
                    if (fld.ParentTypeIdField[entity] != null)

                    //if (entity.UserId != null)
                    //    addLookup(UserRow.TableName, entity.UserId.Value);

                    Row theRow;
                    if (((AuditType?)fld.AuditTypeIdField[entity] == AuditType.Insert ||
                         (AuditType?)fld.AuditTypeIdField[entity] == AuditType.Update) &&
                        (fld.OldAuditDataField[entity] != null || fld.NewAuditDataField[entity] != null))
                        theRow = RowRegistry.GetConnectionRow(RowRegistry.DefaultConnectionKey, fld.EntityTypeIdField[entity]);
                        if (theRow == null)

                        UpdateAuditDataDictionary ud = new UpdateAuditDataDictionary();
                        if (fld.OldAuditDataField[entity] != null)
                            ud.Old = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Dictionary<string, object>>(fld.OldAuditDataField[entity].TrimToNull() ?? "{}", JsonSettings.Tolerant);

                        if (fld.NewAuditDataField[entity] != null)
                            ud.New = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Dictionary<string, object>>(fld.OldAuditDataField[entity].TrimToNull() ?? "{}", JsonSettings.Tolerant);

                        for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                            var d = (i == 0) ? ud.Old : ud.New;
                            if (d != null)
                                foreach (var p in d)
                                    addTitle(fld.EntityTypeIdField[entity], p.Key);

                                    if (p.Value != null &&
                                        p.Value is Int16 ||
                                        p.Value is Int32 ||
                                        p.Value is Int64)
                                        var f = theRow.FindField(p.Key);
                                        if (!ReferenceEquals(null, f) &&
                                            f.ForeignTable != null)
                                            //EntityType foreignType;
                                            //if (schema.TableToType.TryGetValue(f.ForeignTable, out foreignType))
                                                addForeign(fld.EntityTypeIdField[entity], p.Key, f.ForeignTable);
                                                addLookup(f.ForeignTable, Convert.ToInt64(p.Value));

                foreach (var pair in response.IdNameLookups)
                    Row entity = RowRegistry.GetConnectionRow(RowRegistry.DefaultConnectionKey, pair.Key);
                    if (entity != null)
                        var idRow = entity as IIdRow;
                        var nameRow = entity as INameRow;
                        if (idRow != null &&
                            nameRow != null)
                            var lookup = pair.Value;
                            var idName = GetIdNameDictionary(connection, (IIdRow)entity, ((INameRow)entity).NameField, lookup.Keys);
                            foreach (var p in idName)
                                lookup[p.Key] = p.Value;

                foreach (var pair in response.FieldTitles)
                    Row entity = RowRegistry.GetConnectionRow(RowRegistry.DefaultConnectionKey, pair.Key);
                    if (entity != null)
                        var lookup = pair.Value;
                        var keys = new string[lookup.Keys.Count];
                        lookup.Keys.CopyTo(keys, 0);
                        foreach (var key in keys)
                            Field f;
                            if (key.EndsWith("Id"))
                                var s = key.Substring(0, key.Length - 2);
                                f = entity.FindField(s);
                                if (!ReferenceEquals(null, f))
                                    lookup[key] = f.Title;

                            f = entity.FindField(key);
                            if (!ReferenceEquals(null, f))
                                lookup[key] = f.Title;

                return response;