public IWeightTensor Perform(IWeightTensor input, int batchSize, IComputeGraph graph)
            using IComputeGraph g = graph.CreateSubGraph($"{m_name}_PositionwiseFeedForward");
            var inputNorm = layerNorm2.Norm(input, g);

            //Feed forward
            IWeightTensor ffnResult     = feedForwardLayer1.Process(inputNorm, batchSize, g);
            IWeightTensor reluFFNResult = g.Relu(ffnResult, inPlace: true);
            IWeightTensor ffn2Result    = feedForwardLayer2.Process(reluFFNResult, batchSize, g);

            //Skip connection and layer normaliztion
            IWeightTensor addFFNResult = graph.Add(ffn2Result, input, inPlace: true);

예제 #2
        public IWeightTensor Decode(IWeightTensor input, AttentionPreProcessResult attenPreProcessResult, int batchSize, IComputeGraph g)
            IWeightTensor V          = input;
            IWeightTensor lastStatus = m_decoders.LastOrDefault().Cell;
            IWeightTensor context    = m_attentionLayer.Perform(lastStatus, attenPreProcessResult, batchSize, g);

            foreach (LSTMAttentionDecoderCell decoder in m_decoders)
                IWeightTensor e = decoder.Step(context, V, g);
                V = e;

            IWeightTensor eOutput = g.Dropout(V, batchSize, m_dropoutRatio, false);

            eOutput = m_decoderFFLayer.Process(eOutput, batchSize, g);

예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Scaled multi-heads attention component with skip connectioned feed forward layers
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input">The input tensor</param>
        /// <param name="g">The instance of computing graph</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IWeightTensor Perform(IWeightTensor input, IComputeGraph graph)
            IComputeGraph g = graph.CreateSubGraph(m_name);

            var seqLen = input.Rows / m_batchSize;

            //Input projections
            var allQ = g.View(Q.Process(input, g), m_batchSize, seqLen, m_multiHeadNum, m_d);
            var allK = g.View(K.Process(input, g), m_batchSize, seqLen, m_multiHeadNum, m_d);
            var allV = g.View(V.Process(input, g), m_batchSize, seqLen, m_multiHeadNum, m_d);

            //Multi-head attentions
            var Qs = g.View(g.Permute(allQ, 2, 0, 1, 3), m_multiHeadNum * m_batchSize, seqLen, m_d);
            var Ks = g.View(g.Permute(allK, 2, 0, 3, 1), m_multiHeadNum * m_batchSize, m_d, seqLen);
            var Vs = g.View(g.Permute(allV, 2, 0, 1, 3), m_multiHeadNum * m_batchSize, seqLen, m_d);

            // Scaled softmax
            float scale = 1.0f / (float)Math.Sqrt(m_d);
            var   attn  = g.MulBatch(Qs, Ks, m_multiHeadNum * m_batchSize, scale);
            var   attn2 = g.View(attn, m_multiHeadNum * m_batchSize * seqLen, seqLen);

            var softmax  = g.Softmax(attn2);
            var softmax2 = g.View(softmax, m_multiHeadNum * m_batchSize, seqLen, seqLen);
            var o        = g.View(g.MulBatch(softmax2, Vs, m_multiHeadNum * m_batchSize), m_multiHeadNum, m_batchSize, seqLen, m_d);
            var W        = g.View(g.Permute(o, 1, 2, 0, 3), m_batchSize * seqLen, m_multiHeadNum * m_d);

            // Output projection
            var finalAttResults = g.Affine(W, W0, b0);

            //Skip connection and layer normaliztion
            var addedAttResult     = g.Add(finalAttResults, input);
            var normAddedAttResult = layerNorm1.Process(addedAttResult, g);

            //Feed forward
            var ffnResult     = feedForwardLayer1.Process(normAddedAttResult, g);
            var reluFFNResult = g.Relu(ffnResult);
            var ffn2Result    = feedForwardLayer2.Process(reluFFNResult, g);

            //Skip connection and layer normaliztion
            var addFFNResult     = g.Add(ffn2Result, normAddedAttResult);
            var normAddFFNResult = layerNorm2.Process(addFFNResult, g);

        /// <summary>
        /// Scaled multi-heads attention component with skip connectioned feed forward layers
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input">The input tensor</param>
        /// <param name="g">The instance of computing graph</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IWeightTensor Perform(IWeightTensor input, int batchSize, IComputeGraph graph)
            using (IComputeGraph g = graph.CreateSubGraph(m_name))
                int           seqLen = input.Rows / batchSize;
                IWeightTensor nInput = layerNorm1.Norm(input, g);

                //Input projections
                IWeightTensor allQ = g.View(g.Affine(nInput, Q, Qb), batchSize, seqLen, m_multiHeadNum, m_d);
                IWeightTensor allK = g.View(g.Affine(nInput, K, Kb), batchSize, seqLen, m_multiHeadNum, m_d);
                IWeightTensor allV = g.View(g.Affine(nInput, V, Vb), batchSize, seqLen, m_multiHeadNum, m_d);

                //Multi-head attentions
                IWeightTensor Qs = g.View(g.Permute(allQ, 2, 0, 1, 3), m_multiHeadNum * batchSize, seqLen, m_d);
                IWeightTensor Ks = g.View(g.Permute(allK, 2, 0, 3, 1), m_multiHeadNum * batchSize, m_d, seqLen);
                IWeightTensor Vs = g.View(g.Permute(allV, 2, 0, 1, 3), m_multiHeadNum * batchSize, seqLen, m_d);

                // Scaled softmax
                float         scale = 1.0f / (float)Math.Sqrt(m_d);
                IWeightTensor attn  = g.MulBatch(Qs, Ks, m_multiHeadNum * batchSize, scale);
                IWeightTensor attn2 = g.View(attn, m_multiHeadNum * batchSize * seqLen, seqLen);

                IWeightTensor softmax  = g.Softmax(attn2, inPlace: true);
                IWeightTensor softmax2 = g.View(softmax, m_multiHeadNum * batchSize, seqLen, seqLen);
                IWeightTensor o        = g.View(g.MulBatch(softmax2, Vs, m_multiHeadNum * batchSize), m_multiHeadNum, batchSize, seqLen, m_d);
                IWeightTensor W        = g.View(g.Permute(o, 1, 2, 0, 3), batchSize * seqLen, m_multiHeadNum * m_d);

                // Output projection
                IWeightTensor finalAttResults = g.Dropout(g.Affine(W, W0, b0), batchSize, m_dropoutRatio, inPlace: true);

                //Skip connection and layer normaliztion
                IWeightTensor normAddedAttResult = layerNorm2.AddNorm(finalAttResults, input, g);

                //Feed forward
                IWeightTensor ffnResult     = feedForwardLayer1.Process(normAddedAttResult, batchSize, g);
                IWeightTensor reluFFNResult = g.Relu(ffnResult);
                IWeightTensor ffn2Result    = feedForwardLayer2.Process(reluFFNResult, batchSize, g);

                //Skip connection and layer normaliztion
                IWeightTensor addFFNResult = graph.Add(ffn2Result, normAddedAttResult);

예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Transformer encoder
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rawInputs"></param>
        /// <param name="g"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>

        public IWeightTensor Decode(IWeightTensor tgtInputs, IWeightTensor encOutputBatchFirst, IWeightTensor tgtSelfMask, IWeightTensor srcTgtMask, int batchSize, IComputeGraph g)
            using (IComputeGraph subg = g.CreateSubGraph($"{m_name}_Decoder"))
                for (int k = 0; k < m_selfAttns.Count; k++)
                    tgtInputs = m_selfAttns[k].Perform(tgtInputs, tgtInputs, tgtInputs, tgtSelfMask, batchSize, subg);
                    tgtInputs = m_encAttns[k].Perform(tgtInputs, encOutputBatchFirst, encOutputBatchFirst, srcTgtMask, batchSize, subg);
                    tgtInputs = m_posFFNs[k].Perform(tgtInputs, batchSize, subg);

                tgtInputs = layerNorm.Norm(tgtInputs, subg);


            tgtInputs = m_decoderFFLayer.Process(tgtInputs, batchSize, g);

예제 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Decode output sentences in training
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="outputSentences">In training mode, they are golden target sentences, otherwise, they are target sentences generated by the decoder</param>
        /// <param name="g"></param>
        /// <param name="encodedOutputs"></param>
        /// <param name="decoder"></param>
        /// <param name="decoderFFLayer"></param>
        /// <param name="embedding"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private float Decode(List <List <string> > outputSentences, IComputeGraph g, IWeightTensor encodedOutputs, AttentionDecoder decoder, FeedForwardLayer decoderFFLayer, IWeightTensor embedding,
                             int batchSize, bool isTraining = true)
            float cost = 0.0f;

            int[] ix_inputs = new int[batchSize];
            for (int i = 0; i < ix_inputs.Length; i++)
                ix_inputs[i] = (int)SENTTAGS.START;

            // Initialize variables accoridng to current mode
            var           originalOutputLengths = isTraining ? ParallelCorpus.PadSentences(outputSentences) : null;
            int           seqLen       = isTraining ? outputSentences[0].Count : 64;
            var           dropoutRatio = isTraining ? m_dropoutRatio : 0.0f;
            HashSet <int> setEndSentId = isTraining ? null : new HashSet <int>();

            if (!isTraining)
                if (outputSentences.Count != 0)
                    throw new ArgumentException($"The list for output sentences must be empty if current is not in training mode.");
                for (int i = 0; i < batchSize; i++)
                    outputSentences.Add(new List <string>());

            // Pre-process for attention model
            var attPreProcessResult = decoder.PreProcess(encodedOutputs, batchSize, g);

            for (int i = 0; i < seqLen; i++)
                //Get embedding for all sentence in the batch at position i
                List <IWeightTensor> inputs = new List <IWeightTensor>();
                for (int j = 0; j < batchSize; j++)
                    inputs.Add(g.PeekRow(embedding, ix_inputs[j]));
                var inputsM = g.ConcatRows(inputs);

                //Decode output sentence at position i
                var eOutput = decoder.Decode(inputsM, attPreProcessResult, batchSize, g);
                eOutput = g.Dropout(eOutput, batchSize, dropoutRatio, true);
                eOutput = decoderFFLayer.Process(eOutput, batchSize, g);

                //Softmax for output
                using (var probs = g.Softmax(eOutput, runGradients: false, inPlace: true))
                    if (isTraining)
                        //Calculate loss for each word in the batch
                        for (int k = 0; k < batchSize; k++)
                            using (var probs_k = g.PeekRow(probs, k, runGradients: false))
                                var ix_targets_k = m_modelMetaData.Vocab.GetTargetWordIndex(outputSentences[k][i]);
                                var score_k      = probs_k.GetWeightAt(ix_targets_k);
                                if (i < originalOutputLengths[k])
                                    cost += (float)-Math.Log(score_k);

                                probs_k.SetWeightAt(score_k - 1, ix_targets_k);
                                ix_inputs[k] = ix_targets_k;
                        // Output "i"th target word
                        var targetIdx   = g.Argmax(probs, 1);
                        var targetWords = m_modelMetaData.Vocab.ConvertTargetIdsToString(targetIdx.ToList());
                        for (int j = 0; j < targetWords.Count; j++)
                            if (setEndSentId.Contains(j) == false)

                                if (targetWords[j] == ParallelCorpus.EOS)

                        ix_inputs = targetIdx;

                if (isTraining)
                    ////Hacky: Run backward for last feed forward layer and dropout layer in order to save memory usage, since it's not time sequence dependency
                    if (m_dropoutRatio > 0.0f)
                    if (setEndSentId.Count == batchSize)
                        // All target sentences in current batch are finished, so we exit.

예제 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Decode output sentences in training
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="outputSentences"></param>
        /// <param name="g"></param>
        /// <param name="encodedOutputs"></param>
        /// <param name="decoder"></param>
        /// <param name="Whd"></param>
        /// <param name="bd"></param>
        /// <param name="Embedding"></param>
        /// <param name="predictSentence"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private float Decode(List <List <string> > outputSentences, IComputeGraph g, IWeightMatrix encodedOutputs, AttentionDecoder decoder, FeedForwardLayer decoderFFLayer, IWeightMatrix Embedding, out List <List <string> > predictSentence)
            predictSentence = null;
            float cost = 0.0f;
            var   attPreProcessResult = decoder.PreProcess(encodedOutputs, g);

            var originalOutputLengths = PadSentences(outputSentences);
            int seqLen = outputSentences[0].Count;

            int[] ix_inputs  = new int[m_batchSize];
            int[] ix_targets = new int[m_batchSize];
            for (int i = 0; i < ix_inputs.Length; i++)
                ix_inputs[i] = (int)SENTTAGS.START;

            for (int i = 0; i < seqLen + 1; i++)
                //Get embedding for all sentence in the batch at position i
                List <IWeightMatrix> inputs = new List <IWeightMatrix>();
                for (int j = 0; j < m_batchSize; j++)
                    List <string> OutputSentence = outputSentences[j];

                    ix_targets[j] = (int)SENTTAGS.UNK;
                    if (i >= seqLen)
                        ix_targets[j] = (int)SENTTAGS.END;
                        if (m_tgtWordToIndex.ContainsKey(OutputSentence[i]))
                            ix_targets[j] = m_tgtWordToIndex[OutputSentence[i]];

                    var x = g.PeekRow(Embedding, ix_inputs[j]);


                var inputsM = g.ConcatRows(inputs);

                //Decode output sentence at position i
                var eOutput = decoder.Decode(inputsM, attPreProcessResult, g);
                if (m_dropoutRatio > 0.0f)
                    eOutput = g.Dropout(eOutput, m_dropoutRatio);

                var o = decoderFFLayer.Process(eOutput, g);

                //Softmax for output
//                var o = g.MulAdd(eOutput, Whd, bds);
                var probs = g.Softmax(o, false);


                //Calculate loss for each word in the batch
                List <IWeightMatrix> probs_g = g.UnFolderRow(probs, m_batchSize, false);
                for (int k = 0; k < m_batchSize; k++)
                    var probs_k = probs_g[k];
                    var score_k = probs_k.GetWeightAt(ix_targets[k]);

                    if (i < originalOutputLengths[k] + 1)
                        cost += (float)-Math.Log(score_k);

                    probs_k.SetWeightAt(score_k - 1, ix_targets[k]);

                    ix_inputs[k] = ix_targets[k];


                //Hacky: Run backward for last feed forward layer and dropout layer in order to save memory usage, since it's not time sequence dependency
                if (m_dropoutRatio > 0.0f)
