예제 #1
        void SpellCast(Spellbook sender, SpellbookCastSpellEventArgs args)
            if (!EvolvedE || !getCheckBoxItem(djump, "save"))

            if (args.Slot.Equals(SpellSlot.Q) && args.Target is AIHeroClient && getCheckBoxItem(djump, "djumpenabled"))
                var target = args.Target as AIHeroClient;
                var qdmg   = GetQDamage(target);
                var dmg    = (Khazix.GetAutoAttackDamage(target) * 2) + qdmg;
                if (target.Health < dmg && target.Health > qdmg)
                { //save some unnecessary q's if target is killable with 2 autos + Q instead of Q as Q is important for double jumping
                    args.Process = false;