public bool UndoCheckOut(string pageUrl) { if (DwsHelper.CheckVisitor()) { return(false); } var path = DwsHelper.GetPathFromUrl(pageUrl); var node = Node.LoadNode(path); if (node != null) { if (node.Lock.Locked && node.LockedById == ContentRepository.User.Current.Id) { try { var gc = node as GenericContent; gc.UndoCheckOut(); return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.WriteException(ex); } } } return(false); }
public bool CheckOutFile(string pageUrl, string checkoutToLocal, string lastmodified) { //<pageUrl>http://snbppc070/Root/Sites/Default_Site/workspaces/Document/losangelesdocumentworkspace/Document_Library/Duis%20et%20lorem.doc</pageUrl> //<checkoutToLocal>true</checkoutToLocal> //<lastmodified>3/25/2011 3:25:14 PM</lastmodified></CheckOutFile> if (DwsHelper.CheckVisitor()) { return(false); } var path = DwsHelper.GetPathFromUrl(pageUrl); var node = Node.LoadNode(path); if (node != null) { if (!node.Lock.Locked) { try { var gc = node as GenericContent; gc.CheckOut(); return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.WriteException(ex); } } } return(false); }
private void HandleUrlToWebUrl(HttpContext context) { var path = context.Request.Form["url"]; var weburl = path; var fileurl = string.Empty; // ie.: /Sites or /Sites/Default_Site/workspace/Document/myws/Document_Library/mydoc.docx if (path != "/") { path = DwsHelper.GetFullPath(path); weburl = path; var node = Node.LoadNode(path); if (node == null) { node = Node.LoadNode(RepositoryPath.GetParentPath(path)); } // searching starts from parentpath if (node != null) { using (new SystemAccount()) { var doclib = DwsHelper.GetDocumentLibraryForNode(node); if (doclib != null) { // weburl should be doclibs parent (most of the time currentworkspace) // fileurl should be doclib name and doclib relative path // this will work for /Sites/MySite/Doclib/document.docx, for /Sites/Mysite/myworkspace/Doclib/document.docx and for /Root/Doclib/document.docx weburl = doclib.ParentPath; fileurl = (path.Length > doclib.ParentPath.Length) ? path.Substring(doclib.ParentPath.Length + 1) : string.Empty; } else { // weburl should be parent's parentpath // fileurl should be parentname + name -> parent will act as a mocked document library // this will work for /Root/YourDocuments/document.docx if (node.Parent != null) { weburl = node.Parent.ParentPath; fileurl = RepositoryPath.Combine(node.Parent.Name, node.Name); } } } } } var responseStr = GetFormattedString(string.Format(URLTOWEBURLSTR, weburl, fileurl)); context.Response.Charset = ""; context.Response.ContentType = "application/x-vermeer-rpc"; context.Response.AddHeader("Content-Length", responseStr.Length.ToString()); context.Response.Write(responseStr); context.Response.Flush(); context.Response.End(); }
public string WebUrlFromPageUrl(string pageUrl) { // ie: pageurl: http://localhost/Root/Sites/Default_Site/workspaces/Document/mydocumentws/Document_Library/my.doc // result: http://localhost/Root/Sites/Default_Site/workspaces/Document/mydocumentws // get root-relative url var hostIdx = pageUrl.IndexOf(HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Host); var prefixLength = hostIdx + HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Host.Length; var path = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(pageUrl.Substring(prefixLength)); var rootIdx = pageUrl.ToLower().IndexOf("/root"); if (rootIdx == -1) { // host selected in open dialog of office and navigated to doclibrary folder -> /Root is missing // ie: path: /Sites/Default_Site/workspaces/Document/mydocumentws/Document_Library/my.doc if (path.ToLower().StartsWith("/sites")) { path = RepositoryPath.Combine("/Root", path); } else { path = RepositoryPath.Combine(PortalContext.Current.Site.Path, path); } } // searching starts from parentpath path = RepositoryPath.GetParentPath(path); var node = Node.LoadNode(path); var url = string.Empty; if (node != null) { var ws = Workspace.GetWorkspaceForNode(node); if (ws != null) { url = string.Concat(pageUrl.Substring(0, prefixLength), ws.Path); } else { // workspace not found, it should be parent doclibrary's parent var doclib = DwsHelper.GetDocumentLibraryForNode(node); if (doclib != null) { url = string.Concat(pageUrl.Substring(0, prefixLength), doclib.ParentPath); } else { // standalone document, return parentpath url = string.Concat(pageUrl.Substring(0, prefixLength), node.ParentPath); } } } return(String.Concat(url)); }
public VersionOperationResult GetVersions(string fileName) { if (DwsHelper.CheckVisitor()) { return(null); } var url = this.RequestUrl + "/" + fileName; var path = RepositoryPath.Combine(this.RequestPath, fileName); var file = Node.Load <GenericContent>(path); if (file == null) { return(null); } var list = file.ContentListId; VersionOperationResult vr = new VersionOperationResult(); vr.results = new VersionResults(); vr.results.list = new VersionResultsList(); = list == 0 ? string.Empty : list.ToString(); vr.results.settings = new VersionResultsSettings(); vr.results.settings.url = url; vr.results.versioning = new VersionResultsVersioning(); vr.results.versioning.enabled = file.VersioningMode > VersioningType.None ? (byte)1 : (byte)0; List <VersionData> versionData = new List <VersionData>(); foreach (var version in file.Versions) { var createdBy = version.CreatedBy as User; var fileVersion = version as File; VersionData vd = new VersionData(); vd.version = String.Format("{0}{1}.{2}", file.Version == version.Version ? "@" : String.Empty, version.Version.Major, version.Version.Minor); vd.url = url + "?version=" + version.Version; vd.created = version.CreationDate.ToString(); vd.createdRaw = version.CreationDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ssZ"); vd.createdBy = createdBy == null ? string.Empty : createdBy.Username; vd.createdByName = createdBy == null ? string.Empty : createdBy.DisplayName; vd.size = fileVersion == null ? (ulong)0 : (ulong)fileVersion.Size; vd.comments = version.GetProperty <string>("CheckInComments") ?? string.Empty; versionData.Add(vd); } vr.results.result = versionData.ToArray(); return(vr); }
private static string GetDocInfo(Node doc) { var doclib = DwsHelper.GetDocumentLibraryForNode(doc); var name = doc.Name; // name should be documentLibrary/x.docx if (doclib != null) { name = doc.Path.Substring(doclib.ParentPath.Length + 1); } var metainfo = GetDocMetaInfo(doc); var dinfo = string.Format(GETDOCSMETAINFODOCUMENTSTR, name, metainfo); return(dinfo); }
public bool CheckInFile(string pageUrl, string comment, string CheckinType) { //<pageUrl>http://snbppc070/Root/Sites/Default_Site/workspaces/Document/romedocumentworkspace/Document_Library/Aenean%20semper.doc</pageUrl> //<comment>fff</comment> //<CheckinType>0</CheckinType> if (DwsHelper.CheckVisitor()) { return(false); } var path = DwsHelper.GetPathFromUrl(pageUrl); var node = Node.LoadNode(path); if (node != null) { if (node.Lock.Locked && node.LockedById == ContentRepository.User.Current.Id) { try { var gc = node as GenericContent; gc["CheckInComments"] = comment; if (CheckinType == "0") { gc.CheckIn(); // from 1.5 -> 1.6 } if (CheckinType == "1") { gc.Publish(); // from 1.5 -> 2.0 } if (CheckinType == "2") { return(false); // from 1.5 -> 1.5, not implemented } return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.WriteException(ex); } } } return(false); }
public object RestoreVersion(string fileName, string fileVersion) { string[] vrsSpl = fileVersion.Split('.'); int major = Convert.ToInt32(vrsSpl[0]); int minor = Convert.ToInt32(vrsSpl[1]); var path = RepositoryPath.Combine(this.RequestPath, fileName); var docNodeHead = NodeHead.Get(path); if (docNodeHead == null) { // maybe it is a full path or url (Office 2013) instead of a name path = DwsHelper.GetPathFromUrl(fileName); docNodeHead = NodeHead.Get(path); } if (docNodeHead != null) { var content = Content.Load(docNodeHead.Id, new VersionNumber(major, minor)); if (content != null) { try { content.Save(); if (content.Approvable) { content.Approve(); } return(GetVersions(fileName)); } catch (SenseNetSecurityException) { MakeError(VersionErrorCodes.SERVER_ERROR, "You do not have enough permissions to restore previous versions of the current document."); } catch (InvalidContentActionException icaex) { MakeError(VersionErrorCodes.SERVER_ERROR, icaex.Message); } } } MakeError(VersionErrorCodes.SERVER_ERROR, "The system cannot find the file specified. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070002)"); return(null); }
private void HandleAuthorGetDocsMetaInfo(HttpContext context) { // method=getDocsMetaInfo:[http://snbppc070/Root/Sites/Default_Site/workspaces/Document/losangelesdocumentworkspace/Document_Library/Doc4.docx;http://snbppc070/Root/Sites/Default_Site/workspaces/Document/losangelesdocumentworkspace/Document_Library]&listHiddenDocs=false&listLinkInfo=false var urllist = context.Request.Form["url_list"]; IEnumerable <Node> docList = null; IEnumerable <Node> dirList = null; if (urllist.Contains(';')) { var pathList = urllist.Substring(1, urllist.Length - 2).Split(';').ToList(); var nodeList = pathList.Select(path => Node.LoadNode(DwsHelper.GetPathFromUrl(path))); docList = nodeList.Where(node => !(node is IFolder)); dirList = nodeList.Where(node => node is IFolder); } else { var path = urllist.Substring(1, urllist.Length - 2); var node = Node.LoadNode(DwsHelper.GetPathFromUrl(path)); if (node is IFolder) { docList = Enumerable.Empty <Node>(); dirList = new[] { node }; } else { docList = new[] { node }; using (new SystemAccount()) { var doclib = Node.GetAncestorOfNodeType(node, "DocumentLibrary") ?? node.Parent; dirList = new[] { doclib }; } } } var docinfo = string.Empty; // create docinfo foreach (var doc in docList) { if (doc == null) { continue; } var dinfo = GetDocInfo(doc); docinfo = string.Concat(docinfo, dinfo); } var dirinfo = String.Empty; // create dirinfo foreach (var dir in dirList) { if (dir == null) { continue; } var name = dir.Name; // documentLibrary var timecreated = dir.CreationDate.ToString(DATEFORMAT); // 23 Mar 2011 11:31:58 +0000 var timelastmodified = dir.ModificationDate.ToString(DATEFORMAT); var timelastwritten = timelastmodified; var hassubdirs = (dir as IFolder).ChildCount > 0 ? "true" : "false"; // true / false var gc = dir as GenericContent; var enableversioning = gc.InheritableVersioningMode != ContentRepository.Versioning.InheritableVersioningType.None ? "true" : "false"; var enableminorversions = gc.InheritableVersioningMode == ContentRepository.Versioning.InheritableVersioningType.MajorAndMinor ? "true" : "false"; var enablemoderation = "false"; // word does not seem to handle this - var enablemoderation = gc.HasApproving ? "true" : "false"; var dinfo = string.Format(GETDOCSMETAINFOURLDIRSSTR, name, timecreated, timelastmodified, timelastwritten, hassubdirs, enableversioning, enableminorversions, enablemoderation); dirinfo = string.Concat(dirinfo, dinfo); } var responseStr = GetFormattedString(string.Format(GETDOCSMETAINFOSTR, docinfo, dirinfo)); context.Response.Charset = ""; context.Response.ContentType = "application/x-vermeer-rpc"; context.Response.AddHeader("Content-Length", responseStr.Length.ToString()); context.Response.Write(responseStr); context.Response.Flush(); context.Response.End(); }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { context.Response.TrySkipIisCustomErrors = true; context.Response.Headers.Add("MicrosoftSharePointTeamServices", ""); if (DwsHelper.CheckVisitor()) { return; } var requestPath = PortalContext.Current.RequestedUri.AbsolutePath.ToLower(); // mock workflow.asmx -> we don't implement, simply return HTTP 200 if (requestPath.EndsWith("_vti_bin/workflow.asmx")) { HandleWorkflow(context); return; } // initial request to _vti_inf.html if (requestPath.EndsWith("_vti_inf.html")) { HandleVtiInf(context); return; } var method = context.Request.Form["method"]; if (method == null) { // check inputstream's first line using (var reader = new System.IO.StreamReader(context.Request.InputStream)) { var firstLine = reader.ReadLine(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(firstLine)) { var decodedFirstLine = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(firstLine); if (decodedFirstLine.StartsWith("method=put document")) { // seek to end of first line (also skip end-of-line char) using (var resultStream = new OffsetStream(reader.BaseStream, firstLine.Length + 1)) { resultStream.Position = 0; HandleAuthorPutDocument(context, decodedFirstLine, resultStream); } return; } } } HandleError(context); return; } if (requestPath.EndsWith("_vti_rpc")) { if (method.StartsWith("server version")) { HandleServerVersion(context); return; } if (method.StartsWith("url to web url")) { HandleUrlToWebUrl(context); return; } } if (requestPath.EndsWith("_vti_aut/author.dll")) { // method=open+service%3a12%2e0%2e0%2e6415&service%5fname=%2f if (method.StartsWith("open service")) { HandleAuthorOpenService(context); return; } if (method.StartsWith("getDocsMetaInfo")) { HandleAuthorGetDocsMetaInfo(context); return; } if (method.StartsWith("get document")) { HandleError(context); return; } if (method.StartsWith("put document")) { // this is handled with inputstream's first line above HandleError(context); return; } if (method.StartsWith("checkout document")) { HandleAuthorCheckoutDocument(context); return; } } context.Response.Flush(); context.Response.End(); }
public VersionOperationResult GetVersions(string fileName) { if (DwsHelper.CheckVisitor() || string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName)) { return(null); } var url = this.RequestUrl + "/" + fileName; var path = RepositoryPath.Combine(this.RequestPath, fileName); var file = Node.Load <GenericContent>(path); if (file == null) { // maybe it is a full path or url (Office 2013) instead of a name path = DwsHelper.GetPathFromUrl(fileName); file = Node.Load <GenericContent>(path); // re-set the url if (file != null) { var bUrl = file.BrowseUrl; var domain = new Uri(this.RequestUrl).GetComponents(UriComponents.SchemeAndServer, UriFormat.SafeUnescaped); // remove query string parameters url = new Uri(domain + bUrl).GetComponents(UriComponents.SchemeAndServer | UriComponents.Path, UriFormat.SafeUnescaped); } } if (file == null) { return(null); } var list = file.ContentListId; var vr = new VersionOperationResult(); vr.results = new VersionResults(); vr.results.list = new VersionResultsList(); = list == 0 ? string.Empty : list.ToString(); vr.results.settings = new VersionResultsSettings(); vr.results.settings.url = url; vr.results.versioning = new VersionResultsVersioning(); vr.results.versioning.enabled = file.VersioningMode > VersioningType.None ? (byte)1 : (byte)0; var versionData = new List <VersionData>(); foreach (var version in file.Versions) { var createdBy = version.VersionModifiedBy as User; var fileVersion = version as File; var vd = new VersionData(); vd.version = String.Format("{0}{1}.{2}", file.Version == version.Version ? "@" : String.Empty, version.Version.Major, version.Version.Minor); vd.url = url + "?version=" + version.Version; vd.created = version.VersionCreationDate.ToString(); vd.createdRaw = version.VersionCreationDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ssZ"); vd.createdBy = createdBy == null ? string.Empty : createdBy.Username; vd.createdByName = createdBy == null ? string.Empty : createdBy.DisplayName; vd.size = fileVersion == null ? (ulong)0 : (ulong)fileVersion.Size; vd.comments = version.GetProperty <string>("CheckInComments") ?? string.Empty; versionData.Add(vd); } vr.results.result = versionData.ToArray(); return(vr); }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { #region Trace //string traceMessage = string.Concat("===== FPP ===== Path: '", context.Request.Path, "'", Environment.NewLine); //traceMessage = string.Concat(traceMessage, " Authenticated: ", HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated.ToString(), ", ", "UserName: "******" HEADERS: ", Environment.NewLine); //foreach (var x in context.Request.Headers.AllKeys) //{ // traceMessage = string.Concat(traceMessage, string.Format(" {0}={1}", x, context.Request.Headers[x])); // traceMessage = string.Concat(traceMessage, Environment.NewLine); //} //System.Diagnostics.Trace.Write(traceMessage); #endregion context.Response.TrySkipIisCustomErrors = true; context.Response.Headers.Add("MicrosoftSharePointTeamServices", ""); if (DwsHelper.CheckVisitor()) { return; } var requestPath = PortalContext.Current.RequestedUri.AbsolutePath.ToLower(); //System.Diagnostics.Trace.Write(" REQUESTPATH: " + requestPath); // mock workflow.asmx -> we don't implement, simply return HTTP 200 if (requestPath.EndsWith("_vti_bin/workflow.asmx")) { HandleWorkflow(context); return; } // initial request to _vti_inf.html if (requestPath.EndsWith("_vti_inf.html")) { HandleVtiInf(context); return; } var method = context.Request.Form["method"]; //System.Diagnostics.Trace.Write(" FPP METHOD: " + method); if (method == null) { // check inputstream's first line using (var reader = new System.IO.StreamReader(context.Request.InputStream)) { var firstLine = reader.ReadLine(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(firstLine)) { var decodedFirstLine = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(firstLine); //System.Diagnostics.Trace.Write(" FPP CONTENT 1st line: " + decodedFirstLine); if (decodedFirstLine.StartsWith("method=put document")) { // seek to end of first line (also skip end-of-line char) reader.BaseStream.Position = firstLine.Length + 1; var resultStream = new System.IO.MemoryStream(); reader.BaseStream.CopyTo(resultStream); resultStream.Position = 0; HandleAuthorPutDocument(context, decodedFirstLine, resultStream); return; } } } HandleError(context); return; } if (requestPath.EndsWith("_vti_rpc")) { if (method.StartsWith("server version")) { HandleServerVersion(context); return; } if (method.StartsWith("url to web url")) { HandleUrlToWebUrl(context); return; } } if (requestPath.EndsWith("_vti_aut/author.dll")) { //method=open+service%3a12%2e0%2e0%2e6415&service%5fname=%2f if (method.StartsWith("open service")) { HandleAuthorOpenService(context); return; } if (method.StartsWith("getDocsMetaInfo")) { HandleAuthorGetDocsMetaInfo(context); return; } if (method.StartsWith("get document")) { HandleError(context); return; } if (method.StartsWith("put document")) { // this is handled with inputstream's first line above HandleError(context); return; } if (method.StartsWith("checkout document")) { HandleAuthorCheckoutDocument(context); return; } } context.Response.Flush(); context.Response.End(); }