public IDbDataAdapter ExecuteQuery(string sqlQuery, Hashtable htParameters, DataSet objDS, string tablename) { IDbDataAdapter dbAdapter = null; IDbCommand dbCommand = null; //create command dbCommand = CreateCommand(sqlQuery); //create adapter dbAdapter = CreateAdapter(dbCommand, CommandType.SelectCommand); //setup parameters // GenerateParameters(dbCommand, htParameters); try { //run query ((OleDbDataAdapter)dbAdapter).Fill(objDS, tablename); return(dbAdapter); } catch (Exception genEx) { Shared_Functions.Logged_ErrorMessage(genEx.Message); throw genEx; } finally { dbCommand.Connection.Close(); } }
public string ExecuteQuery(string sqlQuery) { string value = string.Empty; IDbCommand dbCommand = null; //create command try { dbCommand = CreateCommand(sqlQuery); OleDbDataReader odr = (OleDbDataReader)dbCommand.ExecuteReader(); while (odr.Read()) { value = odr[0].ToString(); } return(value); } catch (Exception ex) { Shared_Functions.Logged_ErrorMessage(ex.Message); //dbCommand.Connection.Close(); //dbCommand.Connection.Dispose(); } finally { //close con dbCommand.Connection.Close(); dbCommand.Connection.Dispose(); } return(string.Empty); }
public object ExecuteNonQuery(string sqlQuery, Hashtable htParameters) { IDbCommand dbCommand = default(IDbCommand); object result = null; //create command dbCommand = CreateCommand(sqlQuery); //create parameters for the query // GenerateParameters(dbCommand, htParameters); try { //run result = dbCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); return(result); } catch (Exception genEx) { Shared_Functions.Logged_ErrorMessage(genEx.Message); // throw (genEx); } finally { //close con //close con dbCommand.Connection.Close(); dbCommand.Connection.Dispose(); } return(result); }
private void tmrDateTime_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { this.lblDateTime.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString("g"); } catch (Exception ex) { Shared_Functions.Logged_ErrorMessage(ex.Message); } }
private void btnPrint_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { f_title = new System.Drawing.Font("Arial", 15, FontStyle.Bold); //GraphicsUnit.Point); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); //dt = CommonFunctions.GetDataSet("Select * from Printermaster where id='1'").Tables[0]; StringBuilder header = new StringBuilder(); //header.Append(dt.Rows[0][1].ToString() + "\n" + dt.Rows[0][2].ToString() + "\n" + dt.Rows[0][3].ToString()); header.Append(Environment.NewLine); header.Append("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); header.Append(Environment.NewLine); header.Append("Rake No\t : " + txtRakeNo.Text); header.Append(Environment.NewLine); header.Append("Direction\t: " + "" + "\n"); //In header.Append(Environment.NewLine); var cdt = DateTime.Now; header.Append("Weighment Date : " + txtDate.Text + " " + txtTime.Text); header.Append(Environment.NewLine); header.Append("Print Date : " + cdt.ToString("g")); header.Append(Environment.NewLine); header.Append("------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); header.Append(Environment.NewLine); header.Append(Environment.NewLine); StringBuilder footer = new StringBuilder(); footer.Append(Environment.NewLine); footer.Append(Environment.NewLine); footer.Append("NS=>Normal Speed,MS=>Marginal Speed,OS=>Over Speed"); footer.Append(Environment.NewLine); footer.Append("Come Again"); footer.Append(Environment.NewLine); footer.Append("All The Best"); footer.Append(Environment.NewLine); footer.Append(Environment.NewLine); //if (op.ToLower() != "admin") // footer.Append("Operator : " + op); //else footer.Append("Operator:" + "Operator"); footer.Append(Environment.NewLine); footer.Append("Signature:"); footer.Append(Environment.NewLine); if (SetupThePrinting(header.ToString(), footer.ToString())) { PrintPreviewDialog MyPrintPreviewDialog = new PrintPreviewDialog(); MyPrintPreviewDialog.Document = printDocument1; MyPrintPreviewDialog.ShowDialog(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Shared_Functions.Logged_ErrorMessage(ex.Message); MessageBox.Show(ex.Message.ToString(), ex.Message.GetType().ToString()); } }
// The method that calls all other functions public bool DrawDataGridView(Graphics g) { try { Calculate(g); //if (headerf != 1) //{ DrawHeader(g); //} bool bContinue = DrawRows(g); return(bContinue); } catch (Exception ex) { Shared_Functions.Logged_ErrorMessage(ex.Message); MessageBox.Show("Operation failed: " + ex.Message.ToString(), Application.ProductName + " - Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return(false); } }
public void ExecuteNonQuery(string sqlQuery) { IDbCommand dbCommand = default(IDbCommand); dbCommand = CreateCommand(sqlQuery); try { dbCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (Exception genEx) { Shared_Functions.Logged_ErrorMessage(genEx.Message); throw (genEx); } finally { //close con dbCommand.Connection.Close(); dbCommand.Connection.Dispose(); } }
public IDbConnection CreateConnection() { // SqlConnection dbConn = new SqlConnection(); var dbConn = new OleDbConnection(); dbConn.ConnectionString = ConnectionString; try { dbConn.Open(); return(dbConn); } catch (Exception ex) { Shared_Functions.Logged_ErrorMessage(ex.Message); dbConn.Close(); dbConn.Dispose(); throw ex; } }
private void GenerateParameters(IDbCommand dbCommand, Hashtable htParameters) { SqlParameter parameter = default(SqlParameter); Regex re = default(Regex); Match regMatch = default(Match); string sqlText = null; string expText = null; string attribute = null; string ioType = null; bool isUpdateStmt = false; int indexOfWhere = 0; dbCommand.CommandTimeout = 3600; // //check parameters // Validator.AssertNotNull(Me, dbCommand) try { //regular exressions are used to parse the sql string and get the tokens in each parameter //following regular expression will extract all values between { and } into attrib // expText = "{(?<attrib>[^{]*)}"; sqlText = dbCommand.CommandText; //if the sql command is UPDATE, DELETE , all parameters after the WHERE clause should // have sourceversion property as original. In the case of an INSERT statement // all parameters will have sourceversion property as original. if (sqlText.IndexOf("UPDATE") > -1 | sqlText.IndexOf("DELETE") > -1) { isUpdateStmt = true; indexOfWhere = sqlText.IndexOf("WHERE"); } else if (sqlText.IndexOf("INSERT") > -1) { isUpdateStmt = true; indexOfWhere = 0; } else { isUpdateStmt = false; } //for each parameter value in the hashtable, create a parameter object for associated //tokens in the sql string // if ((htParameters != null)) { foreach (string item in htParameters.Keys) { //check if parameter is in the format of '@paramname.columnname //set attributes of the sqlparameter object appropriately // parameter = new SqlParameter(); re = new Regex("(?<paramname>\\w+)\\.?(?<columnname>\\w+)?"); regMatch = re.Match(item); if (regMatch.Success) { parameter.ParameterName = regMatch.Result("${paramname}"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(regMatch.Result("${columnname}"))) { parameter.SourceColumn = regMatch.Result("${paramname}"); } else { parameter.SourceColumn = regMatch.Result("${columnname}"); } } //set the value if ((htParameters[item] != null)) { parameter.Value = htParameters[item]; } //find the attribute { } associated witht he parameter token re = new Regex(item + expText, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); regMatch = re.Match(sqlText); if (regMatch.Success) { //if found after WHERE, update sourceversion property if (isUpdateStmt & regMatch.Index > indexOfWhere) { parameter.SourceVersion = DataRowVersion.Original; } //get attribute within { and } attribute = regMatch.Result("${attrib}"); //extract i/o/io/t re = new Regex("(\\bi(o)?\\b)|(\\bo\\b)|(\\br\\b)|(\\bt\\b)"); regMatch = re.Match(attribute); if (regMatch.Success) { ioType = regMatch.Value; if (ioType == "i") { parameter.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; } else if (ioType == "o") { parameter.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output; } else if (ioType == "io") { parameter.Direction = ParameterDirection.InputOutput; } else if (ioType == "r") { parameter.Direction = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue; } else if (ioType == "t") { parameter.Value = null; } } //get size attribute for parameter re = new Regex("\\d+\\b"); regMatch = re.Match(attribute); if (regMatch.Success) { parameter.Size = int.Parse(regMatch.Value); } } dbCommand.Parameters.Add(parameter); } //change the sql string to appropriate format by removing all custom tokens. expText = "{[^{]*}"; re = new Regex(expText, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); sqlText = re.Replace(sqlText, ""); if (dbCommand.CommandType == System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure) { re = new Regex("(?<commandName>[^\\s]*)"); dbCommand.CommandText = re.Match(dbCommand.CommandText).Result("${commandName}"); } else { re = new Regex("(?<paramname>\\w+)\\.\\w+"); dbCommand.CommandText = re.Replace(sqlText, "$1"); } } } catch (Exception genEx) { Shared_Functions.Logged_ErrorMessage(genEx.Message); } }