private void btnSignIn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { //need database to pull instance of Manager info?? RDL //check password //Connection has been made to the users table. Only has 2 columns: userId and userPassword for testing //Test is partially successful. Can get to the user Interface form by entering the correct login information //no need for user info - log in by employee or manager to user area -RDL //ERRORS: Can still access the User Interface Form by putting in random / Incorrect login info //Maybe move the IF Statement made by RDL to help test for valid information? - Andres. string userTest = ";user=group3;database=group3;port=3306;password=password3"; MySqlConnection Conn = new MySqlConnection(userTest); string selectStatement = "SELECT * FROM group3.employees WHERE EmployeeID = '" + txtID.Text.Trim() + "'or Password = '******'"; MySqlCommand selectComm = new MySqlCommand(selectStatement, Conn); MySqlDataAdapter userDA = new MySqlDataAdapter(selectStatement, Conn); DataTable userTable = new DataTable(); userDA.Fill(userTable); string manTest = ";user=group3;database=group3;port=3306;password=password3"; MySqlConnection manConn = new MySqlConnection(manTest); string manSelect = "SELECT * FROM group3.managertable WHERE ManagerID = '" + txtID.Text.Trim() + "'or ManagerPass = '******'"; MySqlCommand manComm = new MySqlCommand(manSelect, Conn); MySqlDataAdapter manDA = new MySqlDataAdapter(manSelect, Conn); DataTable managerTable = new DataTable(); manDA.Fill(managerTable); //THIS CODE HERE IS POPULATING THE TABLE AND OPENING UP THE INTERFACE IT DOES NOT ALLOW FOR THE PASSWORD ID CHECK if (userTable.Rows.Count != 1 && managerTable.Rows.Count != 1) { MessageBox.Show("Login Successful!"); UserInterface InterfaceScreen = new UserInterface(); InterfaceScreen.Show(); this.Hide(); } //THIS CODE HERE IS POPULATING THE TABLE AND OPENING UP THE INTERFACE IT DOES NOT ALLOW FOR THE PASSWORD ID CHECK //if (userTable.Rows.Count != 1) //{ // MessageBox.Show("Login Successful!"); //UserInterface InterfaceScreen = new UserInterface(); //InterfaceScreen.Show(); //this.Hide(); //} //if ((txtID.Text != frmMain.nManager.sMIDNum && txtPassword.Text != frmMain.nManager.sMPass) || (txtID.Text != frmMain.nEmployee.sEIDNum && txtPassword.Text != frmMain.nEmployee.sEPass)) //{ //error message and clear text boxes to try again //MessageBox.Show("Error, Incorrect Entry"); //txtID.Text = ""; //txtPassword.Text = ""; //} else { //error message and clear text boxes to try again MessageBox.Show("Error, Incorrect Entry"); txtID.Text = ""; txtPassword.Text = ""; ////open user input screen - RDL //UserInterface InterfaceScreen = new UserInterface(); //InterfaceScreen.Show(); //this.Hide(); } } catch (Exception c) { MessageBox.Show(c.Message); } }