private void FixupActivation(AssociationUserGroupMemberActivation previousValue)
         // This is the principal end in an association that performs cascade deletes.
         // Update the event listener to refer to the new dependent.
         if (previousValue != null)
             ChangeTracker.ObjectStateChanging -= previousValue.HandleCascadeDelete;
         if (Activation != null)
             ChangeTracker.ObjectStateChanging += Activation.HandleCascadeDelete;
         if (IsDeserializing)
         if (Activation != null)
             Activation.MemberId = Id;
         if (ChangeTracker.ChangeTrackingEnabled)
             if (ChangeTracker.OriginalValues.ContainsKey("Activation")
                 && (ChangeTracker.OriginalValues["Activation"] == Activation))
                 ChangeTracker.RecordOriginalValue("Activation", previousValue);
                 // This is the principal end of an identifying association, so the dependent must be deleted when the relationship is removed.
                 // If the current state of the dependent is Added, the relationship can be changed without causing the dependent to be deleted.
                 if (previousValue != null && previousValue.ChangeTracker.State != ObjectState.Added)
             if (Activation != null && !Activation.ChangeTracker.ChangeTrackingEnabled)
     public bool Equals(AssociationUserGroupMemberActivation other)
         if (ReferenceEquals(null, other)) return false;
         if (ReferenceEquals(this, other)) return true;
 		if (other.MemberId == 0 && MemberId == 0)
 			return false;
 			return other.MemberId == MemberId;
예제 #3
        public AssociationUserGroup SaveUserGroup(AssociationUserGroup userGroup, bool isTravelAgent, int agencyId)
            using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope())
            using (var db = new LomsContext())
                AssociationUser manager = null;
                var userCache = new Dictionary<int, AssociationUser>();

                bool newEntity = false;
                if (userGroup.Id == 0)
                    newEntity = true;


                var existedMembers = (from m in db.AssociationUserGroupMembers
                                      where m.GroupId == userGroup.Id
                                      select m)

                bool hasErrors = false;
                foreach (var member in userGroup.Members)
                    AssociationUser user = null;

                    var existed = existedMembers.FirstOrDefault(m => m.UserId == member.UserId);
                    if (existed != null)
                        if (!userCache.TryGetValue(member.UserId, out user))
                            user = (from u in db.AssociationUsers
                                    where u.Id == member.UserId
                                    select u)

                            if (user != null)
                                userCache[user.Id] = user;

                        if (user != null && user.Email == member.Email)
                            if (member.IsManager)
                                manager = user;


                    user = (from u in db.AssociationUsers
                            where u.AssociationId == CurrentAssociationId && u.Email == member.Email
                            select u)

                    if (user != null)
                        userCache[user.Id] = user;

                    if (user == null || !user.HasOnlineAccess)
                        member.Errors.AddError("Email", "User is not registered!");
                    else if (user.IsTravelAgency && !isTravelAgent)
                        member.Errors.AddError("Email", "User is a travel agent!");
                    else if (!user.IsTravelAgency && isTravelAgent)
                        member.Errors.AddError("Email", "User is not a travel agent!");

                    //check if user belong to another travel agency
                    AssociationUserTravelAgencyRole role = null;
                    if (isTravelAgent && user != null)
                        role = (from r in db.AssociationUserTravelAgencyRoles
                                where r.UserId == user.Id
                                select r).SingleOrDefault();

                        if (role != null && role.AgencyId != agencyId)
                            member.Errors.AddError("Email", "User is already associated with another travel agency!");

                    if (member.Errors.Count() > 0 || hasErrors)
                        hasErrors = true;

                    if (member.IsManager)
                        manager = user;

                    member.GroupId = userGroup.Id;
                    member.UserId = user.Id;
                    member.Status = member.IsManager ? AssociationUserGroupStatus.Accepted : AssociationUserGroupStatus.Pending;
                    member.Email = user.Email;
                    member.FirstName = user.FirstName;
                    member.LastName = user.LastName;

                    if (member.Status == AssociationUserGroupStatus.Pending)
                        //start activation process
                        AssociationUserGroupMemberActivation activation = new AssociationUserGroupMemberActivation();
                        activation.MemberId = member.Id;
                        activation.Guid = Guid.NewGuid();
                        activation.ExpiryTime = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(7.0);

                        if (user.IsTravelAgency)
                            if (role == null)
                                role = new AssociationUserTravelAgencyRole();
                                role.UserId = user.Id;
                                role.AgencyId = agencyId;
                                role.Status = TravelAgencyStatus.Pending;
                                role.Role = TravelAgencyRole.Consultant;


                        //send email
                        var emailProvider = (from e in db.AssociationEmails
                                             where e.AssociationId == CurrentAssociationId
                                             select e)

                        if (emailProvider != null)
                            var association = (from a in db.Associations
                                               where a.Id == CurrentAssociationId
                                               select a)

                            var request = HttpContext.Current.Request;
                            var uri = request.Url;
                            string baseUrl = String.Format("{0}://{1}:{2}", uri.Scheme, uri.Host ?? "80", uri.Port);
                            string activtionLink = Path.Combine(baseUrl + string.Format("/#GroupMemberActivation/{0}", activation.Guid.ToString("D")));
                            string contactUsLink = Path.Combine(baseUrl + "/#Contact");
                            string termAndConditionsLink = Path.Combine(baseUrl + "/terms");

                            string txtContent, htmlContent;
                            if (!isTravelAgent)
                                txtContent = MailTemplateHelper.GetByGeneralUserToGroupActivationTxtContent(association.Name.ToUpper(), user.FullName.ToUpper(), activtionLink, contactUsLink, userGroup.Name, manager.FullName, manager.Email, termAndConditionsLink);
                                htmlContent = MailTemplateHelper.GetByGeneralUserToGroupActivationHtmlContent(association.Name.ToUpper(), user.FullName.ToUpper(), activtionLink, contactUsLink, userGroup.Name, manager.FullName, manager.Email, termAndConditionsLink);
                                txtContent = MailTemplateHelper.GetByTravelAgentToGroupActivationTxtContent(association.Name.ToUpper(), user.FullName.ToUpper(), activtionLink, contactUsLink, "TRAVEL AGENCY", userGroup.Name, manager.FullName, manager.Email, termAndConditionsLink);
                                htmlContent = MailTemplateHelper.GetByTravelAgentToGroupActivationHtmlContent(association.Name.ToUpper(), user.FullName.ToUpper(), activtionLink, contactUsLink, "TRAVEL AGENCY", userGroup.Name, manager.FullName, manager.Email, termAndConditionsLink);

                            var avBody = AlternateView.CreateAlternateViewFromString(htmlContent, null, MediaTypeNames.Text.Html);
                            emailProvider.SendMail(user.Email, association.Name.ToUpper() + " Invitation To Group", txtContent, null, avBody, true);

                if (hasErrors)
                    userGroup.AddError("Members", "Invalid email addresses");

                    if (newEntity)
                        userGroup.Id = 0;

                    return userGroup;
                    foreach (var existed in existedMembers)



                return userGroup;