public EmailSender(Profile profile, string emailFrom, string subject, string smtpServer, string port) { InitializeComponent(); this.profile = profile; this.emailFrom = emailFrom; this.subject = subject; this.smtpServer = smtpServer; try { this.port = Int32.Parse(port); } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("Port cannot be parsed", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); this.port = 25; } this.fromTextBox.Text = emailFrom; this.smtpTextBox.Text = smtpServer; this.topicTextBox.Text = subject; this.portTextBox.Text = port; this.body = FormatedMail.htmlOpeningTags(); this.readUsersFromActiveDirectory(); this.body += FormatedMail.htmlClosingTags(); List <string> emailRecepients = profile.EmailRecepients; foreach (string email in emailRecepients) { recepientsBox.Items.Add(email); } }
public Profile Clone() { Profile copy = new Profile(); copy.Name = this.Name; copy.SecurityGroups = new List<String>(this.SecurityGroups); copy.EmailRecepients = new List<String>(this.EmailRecepients); return copy; }
public ProfileEditor(Profile profile, List<Profile> profileNames, List<string> activeDesktopGroups) { InitializeComponent(); this.allProfileNames = profileNames; this.savedProfile = profile; this.editingProfile = profile.Clone(); this.activeDesktopGroups = activeDesktopGroups; this.formApplied = false; foreach (string group in activeDesktopGroups) securityComboBox.Items.Add(group); securityComboBox.SelectedIndex = 0; }
private void profileAddedHandler(Profile profile) { comboProfiles.Items.Add(profile.Name); comboProfiles.SelectedIndex = comboProfiles.FindStringExact(profile.Name); }
private void onProfileEdited(Profile profile) { profileSecurityGroups.Items.Clear(); List<string> curentGroups = profile.SecurityGroups; foreach (string group in curentGroups) profileSecurityGroups.Items.Add(group); comboProfiles.Items[comboProfiles.SelectedIndex] = profile.Name; }
private void onProfileDeleted(Profile profile) { if (profile == null) return; var profiles = this.manager.Profiles; int newIndex = comboProfiles.SelectedIndex; profiles.Remove(profile); comboProfiles.Items.Remove(profile.Name); // Setting the next folowing profile after the removed profile or previous one if the last profile in the list was removed. if (comboProfiles.Items.Count != newIndex) comboProfiles.SelectedIndex = newIndex; else { comboProfiles.SelectedIndex = newIndex - 1; if (newIndex - 1 == -1 ) { profileSecurityGroups.Items.Clear(); } } }
private void btnNewProfile_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Profile createdProfile = new Profile(); ProfileEditor frm = new ProfileEditor(createdProfile, this.manager.Profiles, this.manager.ActiveDesktopGroups); frm.ShowDialog(); if (frm.FormApplied) { manager.addProfile(createdProfile); xmlManager.writeProfileToXml(createdProfile); } }
public void setCurrentProfile(Profile current) { if (current != null) this.openedProfile = current; }
public void addProfile(Profile profile) { profiles.Add(profile); if (onProfileAdded != null) onProfileAdded(profile); }
public SecurityGroupManager(List<string> groups) { activeDesktopGroups = new List<string>(groups); profiles = new List<Profile>(); openedProfile = new Profile(); }
public ExcelReportForm(Profile profile) { InitializeComponent(); this.profile = profile; }
public void Copy(Profile profile) { this.Name = profile.Name; this.SecurityGroups = profile.SecurityGroups; this.EmailRecepients = profile.EmailRecepients; }