private async Task <AuthenticationTicket> DeserializeAccessTokenAsync(string token, OpenIdConnectRequest request)
            var notification = new DeserializeAccessTokenContext(Context, Scheme, Options, request, token)
                DataFormat           = Options.AccessTokenFormat,
                SecurityTokenHandler = Options.AccessTokenHandler

            // Note: ValidateAudience and ValidateLifetime are always set to false:
            // if necessary, the audience and the expiration can be validated
            // in InvokeIntrospectionEndpointAsync or InvokeTokenEndpointAsync.
            notification.TokenValidationParameters = new TokenValidationParameters
                IssuerSigningKeys   = Options.SigningCredentials.Select(credentials => credentials.Key),
                NameClaimType       = OpenIdConnectConstants.Claims.Name,
                RoleClaimType       = OpenIdConnectConstants.Claims.Role,
                TokenDecryptionKeys = Options.EncryptingCredentials.Select(credentials => credentials.Key)
                                      .Where(key => key is SymmetricSecurityKey),
                ValidIssuer      = Context.GetIssuer(Options),
                ValidateAudience = false,
                ValidateLifetime = false

            await Provider.DeserializeAccessToken(notification);

            if (notification.IsHandled || notification.Ticket != null)


            var handler = notification.SecurityTokenHandler as ISecurityTokenValidator;

            if (handler == null)
                if (notification.DataFormat == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("A security token handler or data formatter must be provided.");

                var value = notification.DataFormat.Unprotect(token);
                if (value == null)
                    Logger.LogTrace("The received token was invalid or malformed: {Token}.", token);


                // Note: since the data formatter relies on a data protector using different "purposes" strings
                // per token type, the ticket returned by Unprotect() is guaranteed to be an access token.

                Logger.LogTrace("The access token '{Token}' was successfully validated using " +
                                "the specified token data format: {Claims} ; {Properties}.",
                                token, value.Principal.Claims, value.Properties.Items);


            SecurityToken   securityToken;
            ClaimsPrincipal principal;

                if (!handler.CanReadToken(token))
                    Logger.LogTrace("The access token '{Token}' was rejected by the security token handler.", token);


                principal = handler.ValidateToken(token, notification.TokenValidationParameters, out securityToken);

            catch (Exception exception)
                Logger.LogDebug("An exception occured while deserializing an identity token: {Exception}.", exception);


            // Parameters stored in AuthenticationProperties are lost
            // when the identity token is serialized using a security token handler.
            // To mitigate that, they are inferred from the claims or the security token.
            var properties = new AuthenticationProperties
                ExpiresUtc = securityToken.ValidTo,
                IssuedUtc  = securityToken.ValidFrom

            var ticket = new AuthenticationTicket(principal, properties, Scheme.Name)
                         .SetAudiences(principal.FindAll(OpenIdConnectConstants.Claims.Audience).Select(claim => claim.Value))
                         .SetPresenters(principal.FindAll(OpenIdConnectConstants.Claims.AuthorizedParty).Select(claim => claim.Value))
                         .SetScopes(principal.FindAll(OpenIdConnectConstants.Claims.Scope).Select(claim => claim.Value))

            // Ensure that the received ticket is an access token.
            if (!ticket.IsAccessToken())
                Logger.LogTrace("The received token was not an access token: {Token}.", token);


            Logger.LogTrace("The access token '{Token}' was successfully validated using " +
                            "the specified security token handler: {Claims} ; {Properties}.",
                            token, ticket.Principal.Claims, ticket.Properties.Items);

 /// <summary>
 /// Represents an event called when deserializing an access token.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="context">The context instance associated with this event.</param>
 /// <returns>A <see cref="Task"/> that can be used to monitor the asynchronous operation.</returns>
 public virtual Task DeserializeAccessToken(DeserializeAccessTokenContext context)
 => OnDeserializeAccessToken(context);