internal void Execute(string secureTextFile, bool decrypt)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(secureTextFile))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("secureTextFile");

            if (!File.Exists(secureTextFile))
                throw new FileNotFoundException(secureTextFile);

            string file = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(secureTextFile), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(secureTextFile));

            if (!File.Exists(file))
                throw new FileNotFoundException(file);

            JObject jsonSecureText = null;

                jsonSecureText = JObject.Parse(File.ReadAllText(secureTextFile));
            catch (Exception ex)

            EncryptLib lib       = new EncryptLib();
            JObject    json      = JObject.Parse(File.ReadAllText(file));
            var        jsonpaths = jsonSecureText["secureText"];
            bool       save      = false;

            foreach (var jsonpath in jsonpaths)
                string    expression  = jsonpath.Value <string>();
                JToken    token       = json.SelectToken(expression);
                JProperty property    = (JProperty)token.Parent;
                bool      isEncrypted = lib.IsEncrypted(property.Value.Value <string>());
                if (decrypt && isEncrypted)
                    property.Replace(new JProperty(property.Name, lib.Decrypt(property.Value.Value <string>())));
                    save = true;
                else if (!decrypt && !isEncrypted)
                    property.Replace(new JProperty(property.Name, lib.Encrypt(property.Value.Value <string>())));
                    save = true;

            if (save)
                Console.WriteLine("Saving changes to {0}", file);
                File.WriteAllText(file, json.ToString());
        internal void Execute(string secureTextFile, bool decrypt)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(secureTextFile))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("secureTextFile");

            if (!File.Exists(secureTextFile))
                throw new FileNotFoundException(secureTextFile);

            string file = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(secureTextFile), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(secureTextFile));

            if (!File.Exists(file))
                throw new FileNotFoundException(file);

            XDocument xmlSecureText = null;

                xmlSecureText = XDocument.Load(secureTextFile);

            EncryptLib lib      = new EncryptLib();
            var        xml      = XDocument.Load(file);
            var        resolver = new XmlNamespaceManager(new NameTable());
            var        nspaces  = xml.Root.CreateNavigator().GetNamespacesInScope(XmlNamespaceScope.All);

            foreach (var nspace in nspaces)
                resolver.AddNamespace(nspace.Key, nspace.Value);

            var  xpaths = xmlSecureText.XPathSelectElements("/secureText/xpath");
            bool save   = false;

            foreach (var xpath in xpaths)
                string      expression = xpath.Value;
                object      obj        = xml.XPathEvaluate(expression, resolver);
                IEnumerable list       = (IEnumerable)obj;
                foreach (var item in list)
                    if (item is XElement)
                        var  element     = (XElement)item;
                        bool isEncrypted = lib.IsEncrypted(element.Value);
                        if (decrypt && isEncrypted)
                            element.Value = lib.Decrypt(element.Value);
                            save          = true;
                        else if (!decrypt && !isEncrypted)
                            element.Value = lib.Encrypt(element.Value);
                            save          = true;
                    else if (item is XAttribute)
                        var  attribute   = (XAttribute)item;
                        bool isEncrypted = lib.IsEncrypted(attribute.Value);
                        if (decrypt && isEncrypted)
                            attribute.Value = lib.Decrypt(attribute.Value);
                            save            = true;
                        else if (!decrypt && !isEncrypted)
                            attribute.Value = lib.Encrypt(attribute.Value);
                            save            = true;

            if (save)
                Console.WriteLine("Saving changes to {0}", file);
                using (var stream = new FileStream(file, FileMode.Create))