public void InsertDrive(char name, bool wipeFreeSpace, bool wipeClusterTips, bool wipeMft) { if(_logger != null && _testMode) { _logger.LogMethodCall(name, wipeFreeSpace, wipeClusterTips, wipeMft); } if(_session == null || _afterWipe) { return; } DriveWipeObject drive = new DriveWipeObject(); drive.AddDrive(name); drive.WipeMethodId = WipeOptions.DefaultWipeMethod; drive.WipeFreeSpace = wipeFreeSpace; drive.WipeClusterTips = wipeClusterTips; drive.WipeMFT = wipeMft; // add to the list _session.BridgeItems.Add(drive); // report to session if(reportActions) { ActionErrorReporter.ReportError(_session, _afterWipe, ErrorSeverity.Low, DriveInsertOperation, name); } }
private void InsertButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if(_insertMode == true && insertCount > 0) { DriveWipeObject temp = new DriveWipeObject(); temp.WipeMethodId = _drive.WipeMethodId; _drive = temp; } // get the settings SaveToDriveObject(); _drive.WipeFreeSpace = FreeSpaceCheckbox.Checked; _drive.WipeClusterTips = ClusterTipsCheckbox.Checked; _drive.WipeMFT = MFTCheckbox.Checked; if(_insertMode == true) { wipeModule.Session.Items.Add(_drive); wipeModule.InsertObject(_drive); _drive = new DriveWipeObject(); insertCount++; } else { wipeModule.UpdateObject(_objectIndex, _drive); wipeModule.ObjectList.Select(); wipeModule.ObjectList.SelectedIndices.Clear(); wipeModule.ObjectList.SelectedIndices.Add(_objectIndex); } }