public MatchCollection TokenizeQueryString(Session s)
            MatchCollection mc = new MatchCollection();
            int offsetCount = 0;

            string rawQueryString = s.Request.Path;

            string[] tmp = rawQueryString.Split('?');
            if (tmp.Length < 2) throw new ArgumentException();

            //Keep track of the offset. (+1 for the ?)
            offsetCount += tmp[0].Length + 1;

            string[] paramaters = tmp[1].Split('&');

            foreach (string param in paramaters) {
                string[] rawParams = param.Split('=');
                //BUGBUG: Sometimes this returns when  i fail to parse the query string =( i could add better handlings.. maybe another layer of splittings.. i'll think about it.
                if (rawParams.Length == 0 || rawParams.Length > 2) return mc;
                // if the length is equal to two then we have a name value pair.. otherwise we have a "single" param.
                if (rawParams.Length == 2) {
                    //then add the value as a token along with it's offset..
                    offsetCount += rawParams[0].Length + 1;
                    mc.Add(new QueryStringMatch(new Token(rawParams[1]), offsetCount, s.Id));
                    offsetCount += rawParams[1].Length + 1;
                } else {
                    //offset = offsetCount;
                    //add the token..
                    mc.Add(new QueryStringMatch(new Token(rawParams[0]), offsetCount, s.Id));
                    offsetCount += rawParams[0].Length + 1;//the plus one is for the & symbol..
            return mc;
        public static List<Session> ProcessBodyResults(Session s, List<BodyMatch> bodyMatches, Token tt)
            List<Session> ret = new List<Session>();
            foreach (BodyMatch match in bodyMatches) {
                //HACK: This is to support token Id's infront of the canary for tracing back persistent Xss vulns.
                string id = String.Format("{0:x4}", ResultProcessingEngine.TokenId);
                Token t = new Token(id + tt.Identifier);

                Session newSession = s.deepClone();
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(newSession.Request.GetBodyEncodedAs(Encoding.UTF8));

                if (match.Token.TokenLength > 0) {
                    sb.Replace(match.Token.Identifier, t.Identifier, match.Offset, match.Token.TokenLength);
                } else {
                    sb.Insert(match.Offset, t.Identifier);

                newSession.Request.BodyBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(sb.ToString());


            return ret;
        public static List<Session> ProcessHeaderResults(Session s, List<HeaderMatch> matches, Token tt)
            List<Session> ret = new List<Session>();
            foreach (HeaderMatch match in matches) {
                Session newSession = s.deepClone();
                List<string> headersForKey = s.Request.Headers[match.HeaderName];

                foreach (string header in headersForKey) {
                    //HACK: This is to support token Id's infront of the canary for tracing back persistent Xss vulns.
                    string id = String.Format("{0:x4}", ResultProcessingEngine.TokenId);
                    Token t = new Token(id + tt.Identifier);

                    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(header);

                    if (match.Token.TokenLength > 0) {
                        sb.Replace(match.Token.Identifier, t.Identifier, match.Offset, match.Token.TokenLength);
                    } else {
                        sb.Insert(match.Offset, t.Identifier);

            return ret;
예제 #4
 public MatchCollection InspectResponse(Session s, Token t)
     MatchCollection retList = new MatchCollection();
     retList.AddRange(s.Response.FindTokenInHeaders(t, s.Id));
     retList.AddRange(s.Response.FindTokenInBody(t, s.Id));
     return retList;
예제 #5
        public MatchCollection TokenizeBody(Session s)
            MatchCollection mc = new MatchCollection();
            int offsetCount = 0;

            string body = s.Request.GetBodyEncodedAs(Encoding.UTF8);

            string[] paramaters = body.Split('&');

            foreach (string param in paramaters) {
                string[] rawParams = param.Split('=');
                if (rawParams.Length == 0 || rawParams.Length > 2) throw new ArgumentException();
                // if the length is equal to two then we have a name value pair.. otherwise we have a "single" param.
                if (rawParams.Length == 2) {
                    //then add the value as a token along with it's offset..
                    offsetCount += rawParams[0].Length + 1;
                    mc.Add(new BodyMatch(new Token(rawParams[1]), offsetCount, s.Id));
                    offsetCount += rawParams[1].Length + 1;
                } else {
                    //offset = offsetCount;
                    //add the token..
                    mc.Add(new BodyMatch(new Token(rawParams[0]), offsetCount, s.Id));
                    offsetCount += rawParams[0].Length + 1;//the plus one is for the & symbol..
            return mc;
예제 #6
        //below is for dealing with "Request checking" when looking for a token in a request to replace with a test case.
        public MatchCollection LocateTokensInRequest(Session s, Token canary)
            MatchCollection retList = new MatchCollection();
            retList.AddRange(s.Request.FindTokenInHeaders(canary, s.Id));
            retList.AddRange(s.Request.FindTokenInBody(canary, s.Id));

            return retList;
예제 #7
        public MatchCollection TokenizeBody(Session s)
            MatchCollection mc = new MatchCollection();

            string body = s.Request.GetBodyEncodedAs(Encoding.UTF8);

            parseJsonObject(body, mc, 0, s);

            return mc;
예제 #8
 private MatchCollection parseSession(Session s)
     MatchCollection ret = new MatchCollection();
     //Call the appropriate parser here.. I can add logic to call them based off of criteria or other mechanisms.
     //Lets get the default case.. AutoRequestParser
     foreach (IRequestParser parser in parsers) {
     return ret;
예제 #9
 /// <summary>
 /// Tokenize Query Strings.. 
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="s"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public MatchCollection TokenizeQueryString(Session s)
     MatchCollection mc = new MatchCollection();
     foreach (IQueryStringParser parser in queryStringParsers) {
         if (parser is ParserBase && UAUtilities.isMatch(((ParserBase)parser).ContentTypePatterns, s.Request.ContentType)) {
     return mc;
예제 #10
        private void parseJsonObject(string json, MatchCollection mc, int sIndex, Session s)
            //this should put us at the seperator for the name/value pairs.
            int k = json.IndexOf(":", sIndex);
            if (k == -1)

            //add one to be at the start of the value

            //if the first char in the value is a { then we have another object.. call recursive..
            if (json[k] == '{')
                parseJsonObject(json, mc, k, s);
                int x = k;
                //else we can go ahead and handle the value.
                while (json[x] != '}' && json[x] != ',')

                int len = x - k;

                string token = json.Substring(k, len);
                //if the token starts with a " then we actually have a value "string" value.. add 1 to the "start" and strip the ".
                if (token[0] == '\"')
                    token = token.Substring(1, token.Length -2);
                    mc.Add(new BodyMatch(new Token(token), k, s.Id));
                k = k + len;
                parseJsonObject(json, mc, k, s);

        /// <summary>
        /// This method creates the session list to be injected.. 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="s"></param>
        /// <param name="queryStringMatches"></param>
        /// <param name="t">This token is the replacement value..</param>
        /// <param name="encodeQueryStringParams"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static List<Session> ProcessQueryStringResults(Session s, List<QueryStringMatch> queryStringMatches, Token tt, bool encodeQueryStringParams)
            List<Session> ret = new List<Session>();
            foreach (QueryStringMatch match in queryStringMatches) {
                //HACK: This is to support token Id's infront of the canary for tracing back persistent Xss vulns.
                string id = String.Format("{0:x4}", ResultProcessingEngine.TokenId);
                Token t = new Token(id + tt.Identifier);

                Session newSession = s.deepClone();
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(newSession.Request.Path);

                if (match.Token.TokenLength > 0) {
                    sb.Replace(match.Token.Identifier, t.Identifier, match.Offset, match.Token.TokenLength);
                } else {
                    sb.Insert(match.Offset, t.Identifier);

                newSession.Request.Path = sb.ToString();

            return ret;
예제 #12
 public MatchCollection ProcessSession(Session s)
     return this.parseSession(s);
예제 #13
 public MatchCollection TokenizeRequest(Session oSession)
     return this.TokenizeRequest(oSession, true, true, true);
예제 #14
 /// <summary>
 /// Method responsible for Inspecting a response and processing results. Main entry point into response processing. 
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="s"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public List<ResponseResult> InspectResponse(Session s)
     MatchCollection mc = new MatchCollection();
     mc.AddRange(this.ResponseEngine.FindTokenMatchesInResponse(s, new Token(this.Settings.canary)));
     //CalcResults is where the actual "smart logic" is performed.
     List<ResponseResult> list = this.ResponseEngine.CalcResults(s, mc, this.Settings.UnicodeTestMappings,this.Settings.canary ,this.Settings.intelLookAhead);
     return list;
예제 #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Attempt to determine the character set used by the response document.  If the character
        /// set cannot be determined, return UTF-8 (a reasonable guess).
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>TODO: Extract XML/XHtml character sets?</remarks>
        /// <param name="session">The Fiddler HTTP session to examine.</param>
        /// <returns>The character set specified by the session content or a reasonable guess.</returns>
        public static String GetHtmlCharset(Session session)
            const String DefaultCharacterSet = "utf-8";     // Return UTF-8 if unsure, ASCII is preserved.

            // Favor the character set from the HTTP Content-Type header if it exists.
            String CharacterSet = session.Response.Headers.GetTokenValue("Content-Type", "charset");
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(CharacterSet))
                // Found the character set in the header: normalize and return.
                return CharacterSet.Trim().ToLower();

            // If there is no content, return the default character set.
            if (session.Response.BodyBytes == null || session.Request.BodyBytes.Length == 0)
                return DefaultCharacterSet;

            // Otherwise, parse the document returned for character set hints.
            String ResponseBody = String.Empty;

                // TODO: Pretty hokey here, defaulting to 7-bit ASCII Encoding
                ResponseBody = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(session.Response.BodyBytes);

            catch (DecoderFallbackException e)
                // Thrown if a character cannot be decoded
                Trace.TraceError("Error: DecoderFallbackException: {0}", e.Message);
                Trace.TraceWarning("Warning: Assuming default character set due to previous error.");
                return DefaultCharacterSet;

            String Temp;

            // Find Meta tags specifying the content type, e.g.
            // <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>.
            foreach (Match m in Utility.GetHtmlTags(ResponseBody, "meta"))
                Temp = Utility.GetHtmlTagAttribute(m.ToString(), "http-equiv");
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Temp))
                    if (Temp.Trim().ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) == "content-type")
                        CharacterSet = Utility.GetHtmlTagAttribute(m.ToString(), "content");

            // ... and return the last content type attribute if found
            // TODO: Extract the character set from the content type
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(CharacterSet))
                // Found the character set in the response body: normalize and return.
                return CharacterSet.Trim().ToLower();

            // Return the default character set if unsure
            return DefaultCharacterSet;
예제 #16
        /// <summary>
        /// This method returns the decompressed, dechunked, and normalized HTTP response body.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="session">The Fiddler HTTP session to examine.</param>
        /// <returns>Normalized HTTP response body.</returns>
        public static String GetResponseText(Session session)
            // Ensure the response body is available
            if (session.Response.BodyBytes == null || session.Response.BodyBytes.Length == 0)
                Trace.TraceWarning("Warning: Response body is empty.");
                return String.Empty;

            // Remove chunking and compression from the HTTP response
            // Logging the return value may result in excessive verbosity: avoid it.

            // Attempt to determine the character set used by the response document
            String CharacterSet = Utility.GetHtmlCharset(session);
            String ResponseBody = String.Empty;

                // Get the decoded session response.
                ResponseBody = Encoding.GetEncoding(CharacterSet).GetString(session.Response.BodyBytes);

            catch (DecoderFallbackException e)
                // Thrown if a character cannot be decoded
                Trace.TraceError("Error: DecoderFallbackException: {0}", e.Message);

            catch (ArgumentException e)
                // Thrown if the GetEncoding argument is invalid
                Trace.TraceError("Error: ArgumentException: {0}", e.Message);

                // Fallback to UTF-8 if we failed from a booty CharacterSet name.
                if (ResponseBody == String.Empty)
                    Trace.TraceInformation("Falling back to UTF-8 encoding.");
                    ResponseBody = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(session.Response.BodyBytes);

            catch (DecoderFallbackException e)
                // Thrown if a character cannot be decoded
                Trace.TraceError("Error: DecoderFallbackException: {0}", e.Message);

            return ResponseBody;
예제 #17
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="s">Original Session</param>
        /// <param name="mc">Collection which contains the tokens to be replaced</param>
        /// <param name="t">The token to replace with</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private List<Session> GetSessionsForToken(Session s, MatchCollection mc, Token t)
            List<Session> sessions = new List<Session>();

            if (Settings.checkRequestForCanary || Settings.injectIntoPost)
                if (Settings.urlEncodeBodyMatches)
                    t = new Token(HttpUtility.UrlEncode(t.Identifier));
                sessions.AddRange(ResultProcessingEngine.ProcessBodyResults(s, mc.GetMatchesInBody(), t));
            if (Settings.checkRequestForCanary || Settings.injectIntoHeaders)
                if (Settings.urlEncodeHeaderMatches)
                    t = new Token(HttpUtility.UrlEncode(t.Identifier));
                sessions.AddRange(ResultProcessingEngine.ProcessHeaderResults(s, mc.GetMatchesInHeaders(), t));
            if (Settings.injectIntoQueryString)
                if (Settings.urlEncodeQueryStringMatches)
                {  //This code encodes the query string param if the value is set to true in the settings.
                    t = new Token(HttpUtility.UrlEncode(t.Identifier));
                sessions.AddRange(ResultProcessingEngine.ProcessQueryStringResults(s, mc.GetMatchesInQueryString(), t, this.Settings.urlEncodeQueryStringMatches));
            return sessions;
예제 #18
 /// <summary>
 /// TODO: Fix up to support other variations of text/xml
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="session"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static bool IsResponseXml(Session session)
     return (IsResponseContentType(session, "text/xml") || IsResponseContentType(session, "application/xml"));
예제 #19
        /// <summary>
        /// This method is where result "confidence" is calculated. A list of all the occurences of the "canary" should be passed in. 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="s">Session object with request/response</param>
        /// <param name="matches">These are the canary matches..</param>
        /// <param name="lookAheadFromMatchLoc"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List<ResponseResult> CalcResults(Session s, MatchCollection matches,  UnicodeTestCases mappings, string canary,int lookAheadFromMatchLoc)
            List<ResponseResult> ret = new List<ResponseResult>();

            //BUGBUG: Chris says he's getting an exception because the unicode char is not being associated with the session..

            if (s.Chr == null)
                return ret;

            foreach (ResponseHeaderMatch hMatch in matches.GetMatchesInHeaders()) {
                ResponseResult rr = new ResponseResult(hMatch);
                //Get the match context in each header. Multipule headers could have the same key.. so
                //a list is returned that contains each "string value" to a given key. Each element representing a different
                //value for the same key.

                foreach(string headerValue in s.Response.Headers[hMatch.HeaderName]){

                    int forwardDif = 0;

                    int offset = hMatch.Offset + hMatch.Token.TokenLength + lookAheadFromMatchLoc;
                    if (offset  > headerValue.Length) {
                        forwardDif = offset - headerValue.Length;
                    string context = headerValue.Substring(hMatch.Offset - 4, hMatch.Token.TokenLength + lookAheadFromMatchLoc - forwardDif);

                    UnicodeTestCase mapping = mappings.GetMappingFromSourceCodePoint(s.Chr.CodePoint);
                    // At this point i have the context of the "canary" + 5 chars ahead.. this is where logic can be introduced
                    // to determine "the type of match"
                    rr.Chr = mapping.SourcePoint;
                    rr.Transformation = this.DeduceTransformation(context, mapping, canary);
                    rr.Context = context;
                    rr.TestCase = mapping;
                    //Add to result list

            //This will change.. the response should be responsible for returning bytes based off detected encoding..
            //That logic will be moved into the Response class at a later point.
            string body = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(s.Response.BodyBytes);

            //Now we find matches in the body..
            foreach (BodyMatch bMatch in matches.GetMatchesInBody()) {
                ResponseResult rr = new ResponseResult(bMatch);
                //Get the match context.
                int dif = 0;
                int offset = bMatch.Offset + lookAheadFromMatchLoc + bMatch.Token.TokenLength;

                if (offset > body.Length) {
                    dif = offset - body.Length;

                string context = body.Substring(bMatch.Offset - 4, bMatch.Token.TokenLength + lookAheadFromMatchLoc - dif);

                UnicodeTestCase mapping = mappings.GetMappingFromSourceCodePoint(s.Chr.CodePoint);

                rr.Context = context;
                rr.Chr = mapping.SourcePoint;
                rr.Transformation = this.DeduceTransformation(context, mapping, canary);
                rr.TestCase = mapping;


              //Add to result list.
            return ret;
예제 #20
 /// <summary>
 /// TODO: Fix up to support other variations of javascript
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="session"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static bool IsResponseJavascript(Session session)
     return (IsResponseContentType(session, "application/javascript") || IsResponseContentType(session, "application/x-javascript"));
예제 #21
 public static bool IsResponsePlain(Session session)
     return (IsResponseContentType(session, "text/plain"));
예제 #22
 public MatchCollection FindTokenMatchesInResponse(Session s, Token t)
     MatchCollection mc = null;
     foreach (IResponseParser parser in parsers) {
         mc = parser.InspectResponse(s, t);
     return mc;
예제 #23
 /// <summary>
 /// TODO: Fix up to support other variations of text/css
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="session"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static bool IsResponseCss(Session session)
     return (IsResponseContentType(session, "text/css"));
예제 #24
 public static bool IsResponseContentType(Session session, String contentType)
     string tmp = GetResponseContentType(session);
     return ((tmp != null && tmp.IndexOf(contentType) == 0) ? true : false);
예제 #25
        public MatchCollection TokenizeRequest(Session oSession, bool bTokenizeQS, bool bTokenizeHeaders, bool bTokenizeBody)
            MatchCollection mc = new MatchCollection();

            //Is there a query string on this session? check for the presences of ?
            //Essentually sanity checks.
                if (oSession.Request.Path.Contains("?") && bTokenizeQS)

                if (oSession.Request.Headers.Count > 0 && bTokenizeHeaders)

                if (oSession.Request.BodyBytes.Length > 0 && bTokenizeBody)

                //Swallowing parsing exceptions.. Maybe display a error message at some point.
            return mc;
예제 #26
        /// <summary>
        /// Ok this method is the main entry into request parsing and handling.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="s"></param>
        public void ProcessRequest(Session s)
            //First we tell the engne to process the request.. returning us a match collection parsed based on the parsers.
            //This list contains all the offsets in the request where we will be replacing.
            MatchCollection mc = new MatchCollection();
            if (settings.injectIntoPost || settings.injectIntoQueryString)
             * This is where logic is introduced to do checking for canaries in the request.
            //If we want to check for token presence in the request. (We can borrow the response parser to do this

            if (this.Settings.checkRequestForCanary) {
                if (s.Flags.ContainsKey(UASettings.casabaFlag) == false)
                  mc.AddRange(this.RequestEngine.LocateTokensInRequest(s,  new Token(this.Settings.canary)));

            //Here we create the session objects to inject based on the matches returned from the processing.
            List<Session> sessions = GetRequestsToInject(s, mc);

            //Inject the sessions into the fiddler session.. this also transforms our session objects to fiddlers.
            if (sessions.Count > 0)
예제 #27
파일: Session.cs 프로젝트: timshao1120/wtgw
        public Session deepClone()
            Session s = new Session();
            s.Host = new String(this.Host.ToCharArray());
            s.Id = this.Id;
            s.Request = (Request)this.Request.Clone();
            s.Response = this.response;
            s.UriScheme = this.UriScheme;

            foreach (string key in this.flags.Keys) {
                string value = "";
                try {
                    this.flags.TryGetValue(key, out value);
                } catch { }
                s.flags.Add(new string(key.ToCharArray()), new string(value.ToCharArray()));
            return s;
예제 #28
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a list of session objects.. These session objects contain the *Replaced* matches.. This is where overlong logic occurs.. (if(tc==overlong)create new token as overlong)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mc"></param>
        private List<Session> GetRequestsToInject(Session s, MatchCollection mc)
            List<Session> sessions = new List<Session>();

            foreach(UnicodeTestCase tc in this.Settings.UnicodeTestMappings){
                if (tc.Enabled)
                    Token replaceValue;

                    if (tc.Type == UnicodeTestCaseTypes.Overlong)
                        byte[] bytes = XNMD.UTF8Encoder.GetOverlongForCodePoint(tc.SourcePoint.CodePoint, 2);

                        string enc = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(bytes);
                        replaceValue = new Token(this.Settings.canary + enc);
                        replaceValue = new Token(this.Settings.canary + tc.SourcePoint.ToString());

                    List<Session> tmp = this.GetSessionsForToken(s, mc, replaceValue);

                    foreach (Session sess in tmp)
                        sess.ContainsCodePoint = true;
                        sess.Chr = tc.SourcePoint;
            return sessions;
예제 #29
 /// <summary>
 /// TODO: Fix up to support other variations of text/html.  
 /// FIX: This will match Atom and RSS feeds now, which set text/html but use <?xml> in content
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="session"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static bool IsResponseHtml(Session session)
     return (IsResponseContentType(session, "text/html") || IsResponseXhtml(session));
예제 #30
        public static String GetResponseContentType(Session session)
            if (session.Response.Headers.ContainsKey("content-type"))
                return (session.Response.Headers["content-type"][0].ToLower());

            return (null);