private void BCall_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (listView1.SelectedItems.Count == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Nie wybrano żadnego znajomego!", "Błąd!"); } else if (listView1.SelectedItems[0].ImageIndex == 0) { Program.client = new SynchronousClient(Program.serverAddress); Communique.CallState(Program.userLogin, listView1.SelectedItems[0].Text, DateTime.Now, TimeSpan.Zero); string[] historyDetails = new string[3]; historyDetails[0] = listView1.SelectedItems[0].Text; historyDetails[1] = DateTime.Now.ToString(); historyDetails[2] = "nieodebrane"; listView2.Items.Insert(0, (new ListViewItem(historyDetails))); listView2.Refresh(); MessageBox.Show("Znajomy nie jest dostępny! Wysłano powiadomienie o próbie nawiązania połączenia.", "Niedostępny znajomy!"); Program.client.Disconnect(); } else { LUserCallOut.Text = "z " + listView1.SelectedItems[0].Text.ToString(); gBCallOut.Visible = true; Program.voice.Call(); timerCallOut.Start(); gBChangePass.Enabled = false; gBDelAcc.Enabled = false; } }
void waitForCommuniques() { string response = String.Empty; int numberOfComm = 0; string[] comms = null; while (!Program.secConv.Visible) { } while (numberOfComm < 2) { try { response = Program.client.Receive(); if (response.Length > 0) { comms = response.Split(new string[] { " <EOF>" }, StringSplitOptions.None); comms = comms.Take(comms.Length - 1).ToArray(); foreach (var comm in comms) { Communique.commFromServer(comm); numberOfComm++; } } } catch (Exception) { numberOfComm += comms.Length; } } Program.client.Disconnect(); }
private void BDeleteAccount_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (TPassword.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Wymagane pole jest nieuzupełnione!", "Błąd!"); } else { try { Program.client = new SynchronousClient(Program.serverAddress); if (Communique.AccDel(Program.userLogin, TPassword.Text) == true) { MessageBox.Show("Usunięcie konta użytkownika " + Program.userLogin + " przebiegło pomyślnie!", "Sukces!"); DialogResult = DialogResult.No; Program.client.Disconnect(); this.Close(); } else { Program.client.Disconnect(); MessageBox.Show("Podane dane logowania są niepoprawne!", "Błąd!"); } } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("Problem z połączeniem z serwerem!", "Błąd!"); } } }
private void BAddFriend_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string promptValue = Prompt.ShowDialog(); if (promptValue != "" && promptValue != Program.userLogin) { try { Program.client = new SynchronousClient(Program.serverAddress); if (Communique.AddFriend(Program.userLogin, promptValue) == true) { MessageBox.Show("Pomyślnie dodano " + promptValue + " do znajomych!", "Sukces!"); string[] friendDetails = { promptValue, "0" }; ListViewItem friend = new ListViewItem(friendDetails, 0); Program.secConv.listView1.Items.Add(friend); listView1.Refresh(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Nie znaleziono użytkownika o podanym loginie lub masz już go w znajomych!", "Błąd!"); } Program.client.Disconnect(); } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("Problem z połączeniem z serwerem!", "Błąd!"); } } }
private void BDeleteFriend_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (listView1.SelectedItems.Count == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Nie wybrano żadnego znajomego!", "Błąd!"); } else { try { Program.client = new SynchronousClient(Program.serverAddress); if (Communique.DelFriend(Program.userLogin, listView1.SelectedItems[0].Text) == true) { MessageBox.Show("Pomyślnie usunięto " + listView1.SelectedItems[0].Text + " ze znajomych!", "Sukces!"); listView1.Items.Remove(listView1.SelectedItems[0]); listView1.Refresh(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Nastąpił błąd podczas usuwania znajomego!", "Błąd!"); } Program.client.Disconnect(); } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("Problem z połączeniem z serwerem!", "Błąd!"); } } }
private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { Program.client = new SynchronousClient(Program.serverAddress); Communique.Iam(Program.userLogin); Program.client.Disconnect(); } catch (Exception) { } }
private void BRegister_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (TLogin.Text == "" || TPassword1.Text == "" || TPassword2.Text == "" || TServerIP.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Przynajmniej jedno z wymaganych pól jest nieuzupełnione!", "Błąd!"); } else if (TPassword1.Text != TPassword2.Text) { MessageBox.Show("Podane hasła nie są identyczne!", "Błąd!"); } else { Regex regex = new Regex(@"^(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*\d)[a-zA-Z\d]{8,}$"); Match match = regex.Match(TPassword1.Text); if (match.Success) { try { Program.client = new SynchronousClient(TServerIP.Text); var serverKey = Communique.KeyExchange(); if (serverKey != null) { var sessKey =; if (Communique.Register(TLogin.Text, TPassword1.Text, sessKey) == true) { MessageBox.Show("Rejestracja użytkownika " + TLogin.Text + " przebiegła pomyślnie!", "Sukces!"); this.DialogResult = DialogResult.No; this.Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Podany login jest już zajęty!", "Błąd!"); Program.client.Disconnect(); } } else { Program.client.Disconnect(); MessageBox.Show("Problem z połączeniem z serwerem!", "Błąd!"); } } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("Problem z połączeniem z serwerem lub adres jest niepoprawny!", "Błąd!"); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Hasło nie spełnia kryteriów!", "Błąd!"); } } }
private void BCancel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { timerCallOut.Stop(); Program.voice.CancelCall(); Program.client = new SynchronousClient(Program.serverAddress); Communique.CallState(Program.userLogin, listView1.SelectedItems[0].Text, DateTime.Now, TimeSpan.Zero); string[] historyDetails = new string[3]; historyDetails[0] = listView1.SelectedItems[0].Text; historyDetails[1] = DateTime.Now.ToString(); historyDetails[2] = "nieodebrane"; listView2.Items.Insert(0, (new ListViewItem(historyDetails))); listView2.Refresh(); Program.client.Disconnect(); gBChangePass.Enabled = true; gBDelAcc.Enabled = true; }
private void SecConv_FormClosed(object sender, FormClosedEventArgs e) { timerIAM.Stop(); if (commThread.IsAlive) { Program.client.Disconnect(); commThread.Abort(); } try { if (gBCallIn.Visible == true) { BDecline_Click(null, null); } else if (gBCallOut.Visible == true) { BCancel_Click(null, null); } else if (gbConv.Visible == true) { BDisconnect_Click(null, null); } Program.client = new SynchronousClient(Program.serverAddress); Communique.LogOut(Program.userLogin); Program.client.Disconnect(); } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("Problem z połączeniem z serwerem!", "Błąd!"); } Program.userLogin = ""; Program.serverAddress = ""; Program.sessionKeyWithServer = null; if (Program.voice.player != null) { Program.voice.player.Stop(); } if (Program.voice.clientSocket != null) { Program.voice.clientSocket.Shutdown(SocketShutdown.Both); Program.voice.clientSocket.Close(); } Program.voice = null; }
private void BDisconnect_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { end = DateTime.Now; timerConv.Stop(); Program.voice.DropCall(); //wyslij do serwera Program.client = new SynchronousClient(Program.serverAddress); if (isReceiver == true) { Communique.CallState(LUserConv.Text.Remove(0, 2), Program.userLogin, begin, (end - begin)); } else { Communique.CallState(Program.userLogin, LUserConv.Text.Remove(0, 2), begin, (end - begin)); } Program.client.Disconnect(); isReceiver = false; }
private void BChangePassword_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (TPasswordOld.Text == "" || TPassword1.Text == "" || TPassword2.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Przynajmniej jedno z wymaganych pól jest nieuzupełnione!", "Błąd!"); } else if (TPassword1.Text != TPassword2.Text) { MessageBox.Show("Podane hasła nie są identyczne!", "Błąd!"); } else { Regex regex = new Regex(@"^(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*\d)[a-zA-Z\d]{8,}$"); Match match = regex.Match(TPassword1.Text); if (match.Success) { try { Program.client = new SynchronousClient(Program.serverAddress); if (Communique.PassChng(Program.userLogin, TPasswordOld.Text, TPassword1.Text) == true) { MessageBox.Show("Zmiana hasła przebiegła pomyślnie!\nZaloguj się ponownie!", "Sukces!"); DialogResult = DialogResult.No; Program.client.Disconnect(); this.Close(); } else { Program.client.Disconnect(); MessageBox.Show("Stare hasło jest niepoprawne!", "Błąd!"); } } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("Problem z połączeniem z serwerem!", "Błąd!"); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Hasło nie spełnia kryteriów!", "Błąd!"); } } }
private void BLogIn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (TLogin.Text == "" || TPassword.Text == "" || TServerIP.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Przynajmniej jedno z wymaganych pól jest nieuzupełnione!", "Błąd!"); } else { try { Program.client = new SynchronousClient(TServerIP.Text); var serverKey = Communique.KeyExchange(); if (serverKey != null) { var sessKey =; if (Communique.LogIn(TLogin.Text, TPassword.Text, sessKey) == true) { Program.userLogin = TLogin.Text; Program.serverAddress = TServerIP.Text; this.DialogResult = DialogResult.Yes; Program.sessionKeyWithServer = sessKey; this.Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Podane dane logowania są niepoprawne lub użytkownik jest już zalogowany!", "Błąd!"); } } else { Program.client.Disconnect(); MessageBox.Show("Problem z połączeniem z serwerem!", "Błąd!"); } } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("Problem z połączeniem z serwerem lub adres jest niepoprawny!", "Błąd!"); } } }
/* * Commands are received asynchronously. OnReceive is the handler for them. */ private void OnReceive(IAsyncResult ar) { try { EndPoint receivedFromEP = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0); //Get the IP from where we got a message. clientSocket.EndReceiveFrom(ar, ref receivedFromEP); //Convert the bytes received into an object of type Data. string message = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(byteData); //Data msgReceived = new Data(byteData); //Act according to the received message. switch (message[0]) { //We have an incoming call. case (char)10: { if (Program.secConv.gBCallOut.Visible == true) { Program.secConv.Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { Program.secConv.timerCallOut.Stop(); Program.secConv.gBCallOut.Visible = false; player.Stop(); }); } player = new System.Media.SoundPlayer(); player.Stream = Properties.Resources.Call1; player.PlayLooping(); string msgTmp = string.Empty; if (bIsCallActive == false) { //split message //message = comm + " " + Program.userLogin + " " + vocoder + " <EOF>"; string [] msgTable = message.Split(' '); //We have no active call. //Ask the user to accept the call or not. //if (MessageBox.Show("Call coming from " + msgReceived.strName + ".\r\n\r\nAccept it?", // "VoiceChat", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.Yes) Program.secConv.Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { Program.secConv.gBCallIn.Visible = true; Program.secConv.LUserCallIn.Text = msgTable[1]; Program.secConv.gBChangePass.Enabled = false; Program.secConv.gBDelAcc.Enabled = false; }); Program.secConv.callerEndPoint = receivedFromEP; Program.secConv.isReceiver = true; //Program.secConv.Refresh(); } else { DeclineCall(receivedFromEP); } break; } //OK is received in response to an Invite. case (char)5: { //callOut.Close(); //Start a call. Program.secConv.Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { Program.secConv.timerCallOut.Stop(); }); InitializeCall(); break; } //Remote party is busy. case (char)6: //FAIL { player.Stop(); //send msg to DB with history string[] historyDetails = new string[3]; if (Program.secConv.isReceiver == false) //somebody call - you decline { Program.client = new SynchronousClient(Program.serverAddress); Program.secConv.Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { Program.secConv.timerCallOut.Stop(); Communique.CallState(Program.userLogin, Program.secConv.listView1.SelectedItems[0].Text, DateTime.Now, TimeSpan.Zero); historyDetails[0] = Program.secConv.listView1.SelectedItems[0].Text; }); Program.client.Disconnect(); //Communique.CallState(Program.userLogin, Program.secConv.LUserCallIn.Text, DateTime.Now, TimeSpan.Zero); } else //somebody call - somebody decline { historyDetails[0] = Program.secConv.LUserCallIn.Text; } //{ Program.secConv.isReceiver = false; //} //refresh user panel with histories historyDetails[1] = DateTime.Now.ToString(); historyDetails[2] = "nieodebrane"; Program.secConv.listView2.Items.Insert(0, (new ListViewItem(historyDetails))); Program.secConv.listView2.Refresh(); //disconect with server //close ring panel Program.secConv.Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { Program.secConv.gBCallIn.Visible = false; Program.secConv.gBChangePass.Enabled = true; Program.secConv.gBDelAcc.Enabled = true; }); if (Program.secConv.gBCallOut.Visible == true) { Program.secConv.Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { Program.secConv.gBCallOut.Visible = false; }); //CancelCall(); MessageBox.Show("Połączenie odrzucone.", "SecConv", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); } break; } case (char)12: //BYE { //Check if the Bye command has indeed come from the user/IP with which we have //a call established. This is used to prevent other users from sending a Bye, which //would otherwise end the call. if (receivedFromEP.Equals(otherPartyEP) == true) { //tu zatrzymaj timer Program.secConv.timerConv.Stop(); //if (conv != null && !conv.IsDisposed) //{ // conv.Close(); //} //End the call. UninitializeCall(); } break; } } byteData = new byte[1024]; //Get ready to receive more commands. clientSocket.BeginReceiveFrom(byteData, 0, byteData.Length, SocketFlags.None, ref receivedFromEP, new AsyncCallback(OnReceive), null); } catch (Exception) { //MessageBox.Show("Wystąpił problem podczas odbierania pakietów!", "OnReceive", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }