//[WebMethod(Description = "GenQuery")] public string GenQuery(string keyword, string AdminLevel3, string AdminLevel2, string AdminLevel1, string PostCode, string AdminLevel4, string category, string tag, string lat, string lon, string radius, string RowsPerPage, string PageNumber, string token) { List <string> array = category.Split('|').ToList(); // Split by comma List <string> array2 = tag.Split('|').ToList(); try { _c_function fn = new _c_function(); // Declare Latlon and URI string latlon = lat + "," + lon; string URI = ""; string Nearby = ""; // For Search Nearby string cutsubnear = ""; string cutsubre = ""; // result DataTable temp = new DataTable(); //Get Synonym int synocheck = 0; temp = fn.synonymSearch(keyword, latlon, RowsPerPage, PageNumber, ref synocheck, array); //Fix & keyword = keyword.Trim().Replace("&", "%26"); //Create Query String fn.createSolrQueryString(ref URI, keyword, latlon, radius, array, array2, AdminLevel4, "6", AdminLevel3, AdminLevel2, AdminLevel1, PostCode); //Fix Bug Page Number if (PageNumber == "1") { PageNumber = "0"; } else { PageNumber = int.Parse(PageNumber) - 1 + ""; } //Finally We Got QUERY STRING URI = URI + "&start=" + int.Parse(RowsPerPage) * (int.Parse(PageNumber)) + "&rows=" + RowsPerPage; return(URI); } catch (Exception e) { return(""); } }
public string Search_Nearby(string lat, string lon, string distance, string numreturn, string token) { try { if (token == "43f9952b429485e270ccf674f") { double dist = (double.Parse(distance) / 1000); _c_function fn = new _c_function(); string latlon = lat + "," + lon; string URI = ""; List <string> li = new List <string>(); fn.createSolrQueryString(ref URI, "*", latlon, dist.ToString(), li, li, "", "5", "", "", "", ""); URI = URI + "&start=0&rows=" + numreturn; DataTable result = fn.CallSolr_DT(URI); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); try { if (result.Rows.Count == 0) { return("NotFound"); } } catch (Exception e) { } for (int i = 0; i < result.Rows.Count; i++) { sb.Append(result.Rows[i]["Name_Local"] + "!" + result.Rows[i]["Name_English"] + "!" + (1000 * double.Parse(result.Rows[i]["dist"].ToString())).ToString("F2")); sb.Append("|"); } return(sb.ToString()); } else { return("you don't have permission"); } } catch (Exception) { return("Error in code Please contact developer."); } }