async Task ExecuteSyncCommandAsync() { if (IsBusy) { return; } if (!CrossConnectivity.Current.IsConnected) { MessagingUtils.SendOfflineMessage(); return; } Logger.Track(SealegsLoggerKeys.ManualSync); SyncText = "Syncing..."; IsBusy = true; try { #if DEBUG await Task.Delay(1000); #endif Settings.HasSyncedData = true; Settings.LastSync = DateTime.UtcNow; RaisePropertyChanged(); await StoreManager.SyncAllAsync(Settings.Current.IsLoggedIn); if (!Settings.Current.IsLoggedIn) { MessagingService.Current.SendMessage <MessagingServiceAlert>(MessageKeys.Message, new MessagingServiceAlert { Title = "Evolve Data Synced", Message = "You now have the latest conference data, however to sync your favorites and feedback you must sign in with your Sealegs account.", Cancel = "OK" }); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.Data["method"] = "ExecuteSyncCommandAsync"; MessagingUtils.SendAlert("Unable to sync", "Uh oh, something went wrong with the sync, please try again. \n\n Debug:" + ex.Message); Logger.Report(ex); } finally { SyncText = "Sync Now"; IsBusy = false; } }
void ExecuteLoginCommand() { if (!CrossConnectivity.Current.IsConnected) { MessagingUtils.SendOfflineMessage(); return; } if (IsBusy) { return; } if (Settings.IsLoggedIn) { MessagingService.Current.SendMessage <MessagingServiceQuestion>(MessageKeys.Question, new MessagingServiceQuestion { Title = "Logout?", Question = "Are you sure you want to logout? You can only save favorites and leave feed" + "" + "back when logged in.", Positive = "Yes, Logout", Negative = "Cancel", OnCompleted = async(result) => { if (!result) { return; } await Logout(); } }); return; } Logger.TrackPage(AppPage.Login.ToString(), "Settings"); MessagingService.Current.SendMessage(MessageKeys.NavigateLogin); }