예제 #1
        protected virtual object CreateEntity(object sourceEntity, Type type, List<object> includes=null)
            IComponent component = sourceEntity as IComponent;
            Dictionary<string, string> entityData;
            if (component == null && sourceEntity is IComponentPresentation)
                var cp = (IComponentPresentation)sourceEntity;
                component = cp.Component;
                entityData = GetEntityData(cp);
                entityData = GetEntityData(component);
            if (component != null)
                // get schema item id from tcmuri -> tcm:1-2-8
                string[] uriParts = component.Schema.Id.Split('-');
                long schemaId = Convert.ToInt64(uriParts[1]);
                MappingData mapData = new MappingData {SemanticSchema = SemanticMapping.GetSchema(schemaId.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))};
                // get schema entity names (indexed by vocabulary)
                mapData.EntityNames = mapData.SemanticSchema!=null ? mapData.SemanticSchema.GetEntityNames() : null;

                //TODO may need to merge with vocabs from embedded types
                mapData.TargetEntitiesByPrefix = GetEntityDataFromType(type);
                mapData.Content = component.Fields;
                mapData.Meta = component.MetadataFields;
                mapData.TargetType = type;
                mapData.SourceEntity = component;
                var model = CreateModelFromMapData(mapData);
                if (model is IEntity)
                    ((IEntity)model).EntityData = entityData;
                    ((IEntity)model).Id = component.Id.Split('-')[1];
                if (model is MediaItem && component.Multimedia != null && component.Multimedia.Url != null)
                    ((MediaItem)model).Url = component.Multimedia.Url;
                    ((MediaItem)model).FileName= component.Multimedia.FileName;
                    ((MediaItem)model).FileSize = component.Multimedia.Size;
                    ((MediaItem)model).MimeType = component.Multimedia.MimeType;
                return model;

            return null;
예제 #2
 private object GetMultiEmbedded(IField field, Type propertyType, bool multival, MappingData mapData)
     MappingData embedMapData = new MappingData
             TargetType = propertyType,
             Meta = null,
             EntityNames = mapData.EntityNames,
             ParentDefaultPrefix = mapData.ParentDefaultPrefix,
             TargetEntitiesByPrefix = mapData.TargetEntitiesByPrefix,
             SemanticSchema = mapData.SemanticSchema,
             EmbedLevel = mapData.EmbedLevel + 1
     //This is a bit weird, but necessary as we cannot return List<object>, we need to get the right type
     var result = (IList)typeof(List<>).MakeGenericType(propertyType).GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes).Invoke(null);
     foreach (IFieldSet fields in field.EmbeddedValues)
         embedMapData.Content = fields;
         var model = CreateModelFromMapData(embedMapData);
         if (model != null)
     return result.Count == 0 ? null : (multival ? result : result[0]);
예제 #3
 private object GetFieldValues(IField field, Type propertyType, bool multival, MappingData mapData)
     switch (field.FieldType)
         case (FieldType.Date):
             return GetDates(field, propertyType, multival);
         case (FieldType.Number):
             return GetNumbers(field, propertyType, multival);
         case (FieldType.MultiMediaLink):
             return GetMultiMediaLinks(field, propertyType, multival);
         case (FieldType.ComponentLink):
             return GetMultiComponentLinks(field, propertyType, multival);
         case (FieldType.Embedded):
             return GetMultiEmbedded(field, propertyType, multival, mapData);
         case (FieldType.Keyword):
             return GetMultiKeywords(field, propertyType, multival);
         case (FieldType.Xhtml):
             return GetMultiLineStrings(field, propertyType, multival);
             return GetStrings(field, propertyType, multival);
예제 #4
 private static IField GetFieldFromSemantics(MappingData mapData, SemanticProperty info)
     var entityData = GetEntityData(info.Prefix, mapData.TargetEntitiesByPrefix, mapData.ParentDefaultPrefix);
     if (entityData != null)
         // determine field semantics
         var vocab = entityData.Value.Key;
         string prefix = SemanticMapping.GetPrefix(vocab);
         if (prefix != null && mapData.EntityNames!=null)
             string property = info.PropertyName;
             string entity = mapData.EntityNames[vocab].FirstOrDefault();
             if (entity != null && mapData.SemanticSchema!=null)
                 FieldSemantics fieldSemantics = new FieldSemantics(prefix, entity, property);
                 // locate semantic schema field
                 SemanticSchemaField matchingField = mapData.SemanticSchema.FindFieldBySemantics(fieldSemantics);
                 if (matchingField != null)
                     return ExtractMatchedField(matchingField, (matchingField.IsMetadata && mapData.Meta!=null) ? mapData.Meta : mapData.Content, mapData.EmbedLevel);
     return null;
예제 #5
 protected virtual Dictionary<string, List<SemanticProperty>> FilterPropertySematicsByEntity(Dictionary<string, List<SemanticProperty>> semantics, MappingData mapData)
     Dictionary<string, List<SemanticProperty>> filtered = new Dictionary<string, List<SemanticProperty>>();
     foreach (var item in semantics)
         filtered.Add(item.Key, new List<SemanticProperty>());
         List<SemanticProperty> defaultProperties = new List<SemanticProperty>();
         foreach (var prop in item.Value)
             //Default prefix is always OK, but should be added last
             if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(prop.Prefix))
                 //Filter out any properties belonging to other entities than the source entity
                 var entityData = GetEntityData(prop.Prefix, mapData.TargetEntitiesByPrefix, mapData.ParentDefaultPrefix);
                 if (entityData != null && mapData.EntityNames!=null)
                     if (mapData.EntityNames.Contains(entityData.Value.Key))
                         if (mapData.EntityNames[entityData.Value.Key].First() == entityData.Value.Value)
     return filtered;
예제 #6
 protected virtual object CreateModelFromMapData(MappingData mapData)
     var model = Activator.CreateInstance(mapData.TargetType);
     Dictionary<string, string> propertyData = new Dictionary<string, string>();
     var propertySemantics = FilterPropertySematicsByEntity(LoadPropertySemantics(mapData.TargetType),mapData);
     foreach (var pi in mapData.TargetType.GetProperties())
         bool multival = pi.PropertyType.IsGenericType && (pi.PropertyType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(List<>));
         Type propertyType = multival ? pi.PropertyType.GetGenericArguments()[0] : pi.PropertyType;
         if (propertySemantics.ContainsKey(pi.Name))
             foreach (var info in propertySemantics[pi.Name])
                 IField field = GetFieldFromSemantics(mapData, info);
                 if (field != null && (field.Values.Count > 0 || field.EmbeddedValues.Count > 0))
                     pi.SetValue(model, GetFieldValues(field, propertyType, multival, mapData));
                     propertyData.Add(pi.Name, GetFieldXPath(field));
                 //Special cases
                 if (mapData.SourceEntity!=null)
                     bool processed = false;
                     //Map the whole entity to an image property, or a resolved link to the entity to a Url field
                     if (info.PropertyName == "_self")
                         if (propertyType == typeof(MediaItem) && mapData.SourceEntity.Multimedia != null)
                              pi.SetValue(model, GetMultiMediaLinks(new List<IComponent> { mapData.SourceEntity }, propertyType, multival));
                              processed = true;
                         else if (propertyType == typeof(Link) || propertyType == typeof(String))
                             pi.SetValue(model, GetMultiComponentLinks(new List<IComponent> { mapData.SourceEntity }, propertyType, multival));
                             processed = true;
                     //Map all fields into a single (Dictionary) property
                     else if (info.PropertyName == "_all" && pi.PropertyType == typeof(Dictionary<string,string>))
                         pi.SetValue(model, GetAllFieldsAsDictionary(mapData.SourceEntity));
                         processed = true;
                     if (processed)
     if (model is IEntity)
         ((IEntity)model).PropertyData = propertyData;
     return model;